990 resultados para African Culture


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One of the most important challenges facing the career counseling profession is developing effective strategies to counsel racially diverse individuals. Understanding the role of racial factors in career counseling requires an understanding of the impact of race on the development and identification of career concerns (Leong & Hartung, 1997 ). This chapter invites an understanding of career counseling with a focus on people of African ancestry. There is scant literature on the career development and career counseling of people of African ancestry including African Americans. This paucity of literature is explained, in part, by the fact that people of African ancestry have unique histories of being excluded from a broad range of human services, including career counseling. This chapter considers career counseling with people of African ancestry. First, the chapter explores how the African cultural belief of Ubuntu may influence individuals and then considers its possible influence on career counseling. Second,the chapter considers how cultural contexts may impact on the career counseling of individuals of African ancestry, specifically African Americans and African immigrants. Finally, social justice and narrative approaches to career counseling are examined as a means to address the needs of people of African ancestry in a range of cultural settings.


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Considered in this paper is the concept of "change"for practising teachers who are teaching and learning African music in Melbourne, Australia. African music and culture is seen as an effective way for these teachers to experience a cross-cultural odyssey through both social and situated learning. This chapter reports on a music project where teachers perceived African music to be an effective way to leam link and participate with a new music and culture. The chapter summarises pertinent findings relating to why and how teachers are engaging with African music.


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This paper reports on research that examined the effectiveness of introducing rhythmic concepts through an unfamiliar musical genre to Australian generalist prim my teacher education students. The genre selected was African music, in particular action songs, dance and instrumental improvisation. The methodologies of Orff, Kodaly and Dalcroze were taught through the repertoire of African music in order to foster a closer relationship between pedagogical theory and practice and to teach rhythm through cross-cultural engagement. Through analyses of questionnaire and interview data, it was demonstrated that African music had a positive effect on students' conjidence as non-specialists music teachers and enhanced their skills in staff, sol-fa, hand notation and performance. Also students were not only highly motivated to engage with this new musical genre, but also gained an increased understanding of African culture. It is argued that African music was perceived by students not so much as a "novelty", but as a source of genuine motivation, interest and enjoyment. Its potential for extending student understanding of rhythm as well as taking a significant step towards internationalizing the curriculum for a cohort of predominantly Anglo-Celtic, pre-service teachers is also explored.


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The Tonic Sol-fa method of teaching choral singing was propagated throughout Britain during the nineteenth century with the dual objectives of enhancing Christian worship and achieving social reform. It was then imported to South Africa where it was introduced to indigenous people principally through Christian missionary activity and government schools. Although entirely of foreign origin, Tonic Sol-fa was so fully assimilated into African culture that it became effectively 'indigenised'. Due to its widespread use, it became the mainstay of community choral singing and may now be said to represent a significant exogenous aspect of present-day South African musical identity. However, there is little documentation regarding the type and extent of its use in contemporary choral music practice.

This paper will report on the use of Tonic Sol-fa in representative present-day choral music settings. Interview data collected from choir directors, trainers and teachers in Cape Town indicate that there is far from unanimous agreement on several aspects - in particular, the future of Tonic Sol-fa as a pedagogy and notational system. Improving educational opportunities for indigenous South Africans to undertake professional training in music are now threatening the traditional dominance of Tonic Sol-fa in indigenous culture. Nevertheless this research represents a useful case study of the continuing relevance of Tonic Sol-fa to an indigenous population who have 'made it their own' and developed a vibrant choral tradition which continues to both enrich and sustain their lives.


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Esta dissertação de mestrado realizou um estudo sobre a identificação de memórias e representações sociais das práticas religiosas de matriz africana na população negra do bairro Dom Bosco situado no município de Juiz de Fora - MG. Foram entrevistados 60 sujeitos, de ambos os sexos, que se auto identificavam como negros, pardos, mulatos e outras denominações que caracterizam a ascendência negra. Através dos dados levantados na pesquisa concluímos que as representações sociais que esta população possui, são de que as práticas de matriz africana são demoníacas, feitiçarias para o mal e ações que causam prejuízo para as pessoas. As lembranças se mesclam com esquecimento, e as representações e memórias dos sujeitos da pesquisa estão associados com as práticas de sincretismo religioso existentes no Brasil. Os entrevistados não possuem lembrança dos líderes religiosos negros e nem dos locais de memória do bairro. Os participantes da pesquisa não se associam com estas práticas religiosas e têm em relação a elas uma visão de distanciamento e desinteresse. Constatamos que isto ocorre devido à dificuldade de aceitação pela sociedade em geral que as desvaloriza e discrimina, sempre atribuindo negatividade a elas e aos praticantes. Estas práticas são estereotipadas, folclorizadas e menosprezadas socialmente. O que faz com que a população afrodescendente não queira ser identificada com as tradições históricas, culturais e religiosos dos seus ancestrais


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RESUMO: Objetivo - apresentar o contributo da Escola Mãe Hilda para a afirmação da identidade afro-brasileira na população estudantil da Cidade do Salvador. Especificamente: a) conhecer os fundamentos pedagógicos-curricular da Escola Mãe Hilda; b) analisar os materiais didáticos utilizados pela Escola Mãe Hilda; c) apresentar as metodologias de trabalho da Escola Mãe Hilda. Metodologia - quanto ao percurso metodológico, em razão da questão básica desta dissertação, optou-se por realizar pesquisa qualitativa de natureza etnográfica, envolvendo uma abordagem empírica voltada para a abordagem de distúrbios identitários, em suas diversas dimensões na auto-estima de afro-descendentes. Foram estudados aspectos que envolvem o currículo, a sala de aula e atividades a que estão expostas as crianças da Escola Mãe Hilda. Resultados - examinando- se os conteúdos dos Cadernos de Educação do Ilê Aiyê como proposta pedagógica da Escola Mãe Hilda, observou- se que seus fudamentos dão ressignificação aos alunos, em termos de superação de distúrbios identitários, isto é , proporcionar o desenvolvimento e construção da identidade negra naqueles afro-descendentes, devido à valorização estética do universo cultural africano e afro-brasileiro, reconhecendo a África como uma das matrizes legítimas da cultura humana, em geral, e da brasileira, em particular. Conclusão- a pedagogia da (re) construção da identidade negra na Escola Mãe Hilda pode contribuir para a desconstrução dos distúrbios identitários; sendo assim, recomendada para escolas em Salvador-Bahia e em outras regiões do Brasil. ABSTRACT: Objective- study Escola Mãe Hilda (EMH - Mother Hilda School) contribution to the affirmation of an African-Brazilian identity in Bahia’s black student population. In particular: a) understand EMH’s pedagogical and curricula core; b) analyze teaching materials used at EMH; c) show EMH’s work methodology. Methodology- due to the very nature of this dissertation’s basic inquiry, ethnography in nature qualitative research targeted at identity disturbances in its various dimensions regarding African descendents self-esteem was performed. Aspects regarding EMH curriculum and classroom activities were studied. The choice of ethnography as an observation tool followed empirical analysis of whether Ilê Aiyê’s Educational Booklets as adopted by EMH aids students with identity disturbances and how it promotes the development of a black identity in those black descendants. Results- it has been observed that EMH utilizes methodological and pedagogical resources such as: story-telling, written reports, images, objects, dances, music, letters, myths, gestures, legends, craftsmanship, and clothing as vehicles to re-assign students self esteem, as well as, build their critical and self-aware knowledge of black descendants identity. Conclusion.- EMH pedagogical work, by encompassing various types of cultural and artistic expressions, as detailed in the aforementioned booklets, values African and Brazilian-African references. This aesthetic valuation therefore promotes an identity ressignification and the reintegration of the black descendent since it works within the symbolic and cultural universe of the African and African-Brazilian culture recognizing Africa as a legitimate matrix of human culture, in general, and of Brazilian in particular. Conclusively, EMH black identity (re)construction pedagogy can contribute to deconstruct identity disturbances; and as such, can be recommended to be adopted at other schools in Salvador, Bahia and other regions in Brazil.


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Tonic Sol-fa was introduced to South Africa during the mid nineteenth century initially by Christian missionaries and later by professional educators to schools, teacher training institutions and local communities. Despite Tonic Sol-fa being the principal means of formal pedagogy and the most commonly-accepted notational medium through which South African communities have developed and sustained what is unquestionably a vibrant choral music tradition, there has been some fairly forthright condemnation of the overall effects of European music - particularly tonal-functional harmony - on indigenous culture. Agawu (2003) and Nzewi (1999), for example, have identified what they describe as the adverse effects of European music on African culture.

This paper counters these criticisms in one respect. It argues that, as one of the most prominent manifestations of European musical culture in sub-Saharan Africa, Tonic Sol-fa represents what Ntuli (2001) identifies as endogenous knowledge - knowledge acquired from non-indigenous sources that has been assimilated and integrated with indigenous knowledge to become the collective heritage of a people. This contention is supported by four short case studies of indigenous South African composers - two past and two contemporary musicians - who have utilised Tonic Sol-fa in their choral music writing and teaching, albeit in differing ways. The paper aims to counter the general criticism that European music has been injurious to indigenous African culture; rather it argues that in reality this manifestation of European music represents an exemplar of endogenous knowledge.


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Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar os aportes teóricos que fundamentam a obra de Kabengele Munanga, caracterizar a concepção de identidade negra na obra do autor e suas contribuições para a educação brasileira. Para atingir esses objetivos traçamos como caminho metodológico uma pesquisa bibliográfica para a análise de duas obras selecionadas que tratam especificamente sobre a construção da identidade negra. Pesquisamos também, a produção bibliográfica realizada por pesquisadores brasileiros e estrangeiros que tratam das relações raciais, da construção da identidade negra e suas implicações no contexto educacional brasileiro, na medida em que as mesmas possuem relação com a obra de Kabengele Munanga. Optamos em trabalhar analiticamente os conceitos nas obras pesquisadas, a partir do aporte de Pierre Bourdieu, no cerne de suas discussões sobre o conceito de Poder e Violência Simbólica. Observamos também, os aspectos teórico-metodológicos da Análise do Conteúdo presente na obra de Laurence Bardin e seus direcionamentos quanto à identificação das categorias de análise a serem pesquisadas. A escola é compreendida como uma instituição social geradora de valores e reprodutora cultural, portanto, torna-se de fundamental importância a ação da escola no repúdio a qualquer discriminação, seja ela por raça, etnia, classe social, gênero, religião, ou idade. A pesquisa possibilitou-nos perceber que a trajetória de discriminação, segregação e negação identitária do negro em todas as instituições de socialização, inclusive na escola, o que suscita o debate acerca de iniciativas para a afirmação de seus direitos, no acesso à educação em todos os níveis; visto a centralidade da importância da educação na mudança de um contexto socialmente desfavorável para os negros, como é o brasileiro. A negação da identidade negra se caracteriza como fato histórico desde o Brasil colônia e tem sido recorrente em omissões curriculares que se materializam em silenciamentos a respeito deste objeto de estudo e da cultura africana, todavia, os educadores não têm recebido uma formação específica para lidar com a diversidade étnico-cultural, nem com questões raciais envoltas em seus cotidianos escolares.


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The theme of African-Brazilian culture is still little explored in the school environment, in spite of the 10.639/03 law which prescribes its mandatory teaching as well as that of African-Brazilian history and African culture in all schools, public and private, from the Elementary School level to High School. Moreover, this law emphasizes the importance that these cultures had in the formation of Brazilian society. Considering this issue, this paper aims to analyze the work Três anjos mulatos do Brasil (2011), by Rui de Oliveira, which brings together three sensitive and touching biographies, followed by beautiful and artistic pictures. hese narratives address the genius of three great artists –Aleijadinho, Mestre Valentim and Father José Maurício–, their styles, their creations and struggle for recognition, as well as the sufering they experienced, primarily caused by racial discrimination. Also, we intend to present in this text a suggested pedagogical use of the work by Oliveira, by applying the “Recepcional” method, as it was deined by Bordini and Aguiar (1993).


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The choice Brazilian african study theme in the general education, and particularly in physical education has not advanced as to be themed with the subject matter. Even open to this issue, in 2003 a law was passed introducing an obligation of racial ethnic correlations in Brazil. Law 10.639, changed the LDB (Guidelines and Framework Act, 1996) and establishing the obligation both in elementary school as high school, public and private, the teaching of history and African Culture and African Brazilian. As the main objective of disseminating the importance of valuing the African culture and its legacy, expanding the looks and the knowledge about the culture and history of a people who often are discriminated against and excluded by society. The questions that arise are the following: The physical education teacher know that prerogative? Incorporates the Brazilian african discussion in their classes? Discusses with students these subjects related to corporal practices? Have difficulty in dealing with this issue? What? Thus the aim of this study was to detect whether and how a group of physical education teachers is the Brazilian african theme in their classes, for the fulfillment of the Law 10.639 / 03. The methodology of this study was qualitative descriptive type. Were used for data collection semi-structured interviews and non-participant observation. The data obtained through interviews with teachers were transcribed, reviewed and classified according to the content analysis. It is concluded that the racial ethnic theme is not systematically addressed in physical education classes when they are treated, is superficially when proposed by the curriculum of


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Pós-graduação em História - FCHS


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The fractal geometry of nature is seen in organizations and has set handcrafted artifacts, among them African Kente cloth traditionally produced by Ewe and Ashanti of West Africa. Incorporating parameters also classify products as carriers of fractal geometry, the Kente fabrics exhibit built from geometric shapes classified as seeds or unique architecture. This article aims to analyze examples of Kente cloths and establish the existence of geometric structures formed from a parent cell, exposing how this cell and how its architecture and formed patterns are maintained throughout the finished product.