999 resultados para Aesthetical Experience
In order for this study to be developed, the central goal on our investigation was defined as analyzing and interpreting the aesthetical experiences meanings lived by singers-educators in the human formation. The interest for the aesthetical experience theme was built from my own experience for the last twelve years as a member of the School of Music Madrigal, the oldest group in the State Federal University, created for research and cultural extension with structural perspective which brings closer teachers, students and the outer community that comes from different social realities to face the challenge of combining the ability of singing, the corporeity involvement and the aesthetical experiences meanings. This paper points out the understanding of art as perceptive expression of human emotions, such as the creation of existential demand, the restructuring of oneself and the constructions which shape beauty. We seek a dense contribution of new challenges to the peculiar demand of human potential in terms of sensibility repertoire, of involvement, of expectation in magnifying the possibilities and the human and social competences. In the formation human process, we find a living field blooming with natural artistical possibilities, experimenting emotions and feelings shared in collective life, and bringing out impulses to unexpected ludic creation, establishing a powerful aesthetical ambience which highlights the symbolic and imaginary with the deepening of rich ludopoiese properties in several meanings. From the guiding principles of etnophenomenology we find structural and indispensable perspectives which contemplate values, desires, archtype images and ideas that impress originality and fertility to the study. On this path we understand the abundance of living moments of intense commitment, acquaintance, challenges, reunions and connections that stand out from fundamental aspects to freedom, autonomy, creativity and new discontinuities. This acknowledgement brings us closer to the enlighted fullness which makes us humans
Pós-graduação em Música - IA
L’objectif de cette thèse est de réfléchir aux enjeux d’une histoire du jeu de stratégie en temps réel (STR). Il s’agit de mieux comprendre les contextes dans lesquels le genre prend sens pour historiciser son émergence et sa période classique. Cette thèse cherche à documenter, d’une part, la cristallisation du STR en tant qu’objet ayant une forme relativement stable et en tant que corpus précis et identifié et, d’autre part, l’émergence des formes de jouabilité classiques des STR. La première partie est consacrée à décrire l’objet de cette recherche, pour mieux comprendre la complexité du terme « stratégie » et de la catégorisation « jeu de stratégie ». La seconde partie met en place la réflexion épistémologique en montrant comment on peut tenir compte de la jouabilité dans un travail historien. Elle définit le concept de paradigme de jouabilité en tant que formation discursive pour regrouper différents énoncés actionnels en une unité logique qui n’est pas nécessairement l’équivalent du genre. La troisième partie cartographie l’émergence du genre entre les wargames des années 1970 et les jeux en multijoueur de la décennie suivante. Deux paradigmes de jouabilité se distinguent pour former le STR classique : le paradigme de décryptage et le paradigme de prévision. La quatrième partie explique et contextualise le STR classique en montrant qu’il comporte ces deux paradigmes de jouabilité dans deux modes de jeu qui offrent des expériences fondamentalement différentes l’une de l’autre.
L’objectif de cette thèse est de réfléchir aux enjeux d’une histoire du jeu de stratégie en temps réel (STR). Il s’agit de mieux comprendre les contextes dans lesquels le genre prend sens pour historiciser son émergence et sa période classique. Cette thèse cherche à documenter, d’une part, la cristallisation du STR en tant qu’objet ayant une forme relativement stable et en tant que corpus précis et identifié et, d’autre part, l’émergence des formes de jouabilité classiques des STR. La première partie est consacrée à décrire l’objet de cette recherche, pour mieux comprendre la complexité du terme « stratégie » et de la catégorisation « jeu de stratégie ». La seconde partie met en place la réflexion épistémologique en montrant comment on peut tenir compte de la jouabilité dans un travail historien. Elle définit le concept de paradigme de jouabilité en tant que formation discursive pour regrouper différents énoncés actionnels en une unité logique qui n’est pas nécessairement l’équivalent du genre. La troisième partie cartographie l’émergence du genre entre les wargames des années 1970 et les jeux en multijoueur de la décennie suivante. Deux paradigmes de jouabilité se distinguent pour former le STR classique : le paradigme de décryptage et le paradigme de prévision. La quatrième partie explique et contextualise le STR classique en montrant qu’il comporte ces deux paradigmes de jouabilité dans deux modes de jeu qui offrent des expériences fondamentalement différentes l’une de l’autre.
A tese teórico-prática de doutoramento apresentada contempla a investigação, a criação, a produção e a conceptualização da instalação artística interativa intitulada Por baixo da pele outra pele. A Obra é constituída por três objetos tridimensionais concebidos à escala humana. Recorre a materiais flexíveis, como têxteis, convidando o público (interator), à envolvência física, numa relação corporal sensorial e sensual com a obra. Os objetos contêm dispositivos técnicos interativos e sensores tácteis, que, ao serem utilizados, desencadeiam estímulos multissensoriais no espectador. A instalação interativa focaliza a experiência háptica e íntima do interator considerando os seus mecanismos sensoriais e cognitivos como um potencial aparato na construção de experiências fenomenológicas, singulares e individuais. A autora considera a interatividade enquanto elemento potenciador da experiência estética visual háptica. Na argumentação conceitual da obra, reflete-se sobre o tema da visualidade háptica interativa a partirdos conceitos de ecrã, corpo e interface, assim como de endossensorialidade. Instrumentam-se metodologias de investigação em ação, experimentais e observacionais. Apresentam-se os processos investigativos, criativos e técnicos necessários ao desenvolvimento e à materialização da instalação artística. A investigação revela-se de grande interesse para o avanço da pesquisa de novas linguagens experimentais apresentando estratégias de criação artística que, ao privilegiarem o corpo físico e fenomenológico do interator, transpõe a experiência háptica interativa para um grau interno de imersão motoro-sensorial; Underneath the skin another skin: art installation. Body, screen and interface towards an interactive haptic visuality. Abstract: The theoretical-practical doctorate dissertation presents the research and conceptual framework behind, and the processes leading to, the creation and production of the interactive installation art piece Underneath the skin, another skin. The piece is presented in the shape of three human-scale tridimentional objects. It is made from flexible materials, such as textiles, inviting the (interacting) audience, to physically engage in a bodily sensorial, and sensuous, relationship with the artwork. The objects enclose interactive devices and tactile sensors that, when used, trigger in the interactor multiple sensorial stimuli. The interactive installation focuses on the interactor's intimate haptic experience taking in consideration his or hers sensorial and cognitive mechanisms as a potential apparatus in the construction of unique individual phenomenological experiences. The author understands interactivity as a triggering element into an haptic visual aesthetical experience. The supporting conceptual reasoning deals with thought and criticism on interactive haptic visuality applied to the concepts of screen, body and interface, as well as with that of endo-sensoriality. The dissertation describes the use of experimental and observation research methodologies. It also elaborates on the research, creative and technical processes at play in the installation's development and realization. The research at hand has shown great potential for the further development of new experimental languages, as it presents art-creation strategies privileging the interactor's physical and phenomenological body, and thus able to take the interactive haptic experience onto an greater inner level of motor-sensorial immersion.
Integrating Enterprise Systems solutions in the curriculum of not only universities but all types of institutes of higher learning has been a major challenge for nearly ten years. Enterprise Systems education is surprisingly well documented in a number of papers on Information Systems education. However, most publications in this area report on the individual experiences of an institution or an academic. This paper focuses on the most popular Enterprise System - SAP - and summarizes the outcomes of a global survey on the status quo of SAP-related education. Based on feedback of 305 lecturers and more than 700 students, it reports on the main factors of Enterprise Systems education including, critical success factors, alternative hosting models, and students’ perceptions. The results show among others an overall increasing interest in advanced SAP solutions and international collaboration, and a high satisfaction with the concept of using Application Hosting Centers.
Waterfalls attract tourists because they are aesthetically appealing landscape features that are not part of everyday experience. It is generally understood that falls are usually seen at their best when there is a copious flow of water, especially after heavy rain. Guidebooks often contain this observation when referring to waterfalls, sometimes warning readers that the flow may be severely reduced during dry periods. Indeed, many visitors are disappointed when they see falls at such times. Some are saddened when the discharge of a waterfall has been depleted by the abstraction of water upstream for power generation or other purposes. While, for those in search of the Sublime or merely the superlative, size is often important, small waterfalls can give great pleasure to lovers of landscape beauty. According to guidebooks, however, even these falls are usually best seen after rain. Drawing on tourist and travel literature and personal journals from the eighteenth century to the present, and with reference to examples from different parts of the world, this paper discusses the importance of discharge in the tourist experience of waterfalls.