985 resultados para Aerosol, CCN, cloud, climate, hygrocopicity


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This study aims at a comprehensive understanding of the effects of aerosol-cloud interactions and their effects on cloud properties and climate using the chemistry-climate model EMAC. In this study, CCN activation is regarded as the dominant driver in aerosol-cloud feedback loops in warm clouds. The CCN activation is calculated prognostically using two different cloud droplet nucleation parameterizations, the STN and HYB CDN schemes. Both CDN schemes account for size and chemistry effects on the droplet formation based on the same aerosol properties. The calculation of the solute effect (hygroscopicity) is the main difference between the CDN schemes. The kappa-method is for the first time incorporated into Abdul-Razzak and Ghan activation scheme (ARG) to calculate hygroscopicity and critical supersaturation of aerosols (HYB), and the performance of the modied scheme is compared with the osmotic coefficient model (STN), which is the standard in the ARG scheme. Reference simulations (REF) with the prescribed cloud droplet number concentration have also been carried out in order to understand the effects of aerosol-cloud feedbacks. In addition, since the calculated cloud coverage is an important determinant of cloud radiative effects and is influencing the nucleation process two cloud cover parameterizations (i.e., a relative humidity threshold; RH-CLC and a statistical cloud cover scheme; ST-CLC) have been examined together with the CDN schemes, and their effects on the simulated cloud properties and relevant climate parameters have been investigated. The distinct cloud droplet spectra show strong sensitivity to aerosol composition effects on cloud droplet formation in all particle sizes, especially for the Aitken mode. As Aitken particles are the major component of the total aerosol number concentration and CCN, and are most sensitive to aerosol chemical composition effect (solute effect) on droplet formation, the activation of Aitken particles strongly contribute to total cloud droplet formation and thereby providing different cloud droplet spectra. These different spectra influence cloud structure, cloud properties, and climate, and show regionally varying sensitivity to meteorological and geographical condition as well as the spatiotemporal aerosol properties (i.e., particle size, number, and composition). The changes responding to different CDN schemes are more pronounced at lower altitudes than higher altitudes. Among regions, the subarctic regions show the strongest changes, as the lower surface temperature amplifies the effects of the activated aerosols; in contrast, the Sahara desert, where is an extremely dry area, is less influenced by changes in CCN number concentration. The aerosol-cloud coupling effects have been examined by comparing the prognostic CDN simulations (STN, HYB) with the reference simulation (REF). Most pronounced effects are found in the cloud droplet number concentration, cloud water distribution, and cloud radiative effect. The aerosol-cloud coupling generally increases cloud droplet number concentration; this decreases the efficiency of the formation of weak stratiform precipitation, and increases the cloud water loading. These large-scale changes lead to larger cloud cover and longer cloud lifetime, and contribute to high optical thickness and strong cloud cooling effects. This cools the Earth's surface, increases atmospheric stability, and reduces convective activity. These changes corresponding to aerosol-cloud feedbacks are also differently simulated depending on the cloud cover scheme. The ST-CLC scheme is more sensitive to aerosol-cloud coupling, since this scheme uses a tighter linkage of local dynamics and cloud water distributions in cloud formation process than the RH-CLC scheme. For the calculated total cloud cover, the RH-CLC scheme simulates relatively similar pattern to observations than the ST-CLC scheme does, but the overall properties (e.g., total cloud cover, cloud water content) in the RH simulations are overestimated, particularly over ocean. This is mainly originated from the difference in simulated skewness in each scheme: the RH simulations calculate negatively skewed distributions of cloud cover and relevant cloud water, which is similar to that of the observations, while the ST simulations yield positively skewed distributions resulting in lower mean values than the RH-CLC scheme does. The underestimation of total cloud cover over ocean, particularly over the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) relates to systematic defficiency of the prognostic calculation of skewness in the current set-ups of the ST-CLC scheme.rnOverall, the current EMAC model set-ups perform better over continents for all combinations of the cloud droplet nucleation and cloud cover schemes. To consider aerosol-cloud feedbacks, the HYB scheme is a better method for predicting cloud and climate parameters for both cloud cover schemes than the STN scheme. The RH-CLC scheme offers a better simulation of total cloud cover and the relevant parameters with the HYB scheme and single-moment microphysics (REF) than the ST-CLC does, but is not very sensitive to aerosol-cloud interactions.


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Massive economic and population growth, and urbanization are expected to lead to a tripling of anthropogenic emissions in southern West Africa (SWA) between 2000 and 2030. However, the impacts of this on human health, ecosystems, food security, and the regional climate are largely unknown. An integrated assessment is challenging due to (a) a superposition of regional effects with global climate change, (b) a strong dependence on the variable West African monsoon, (c) incomplete scientific understanding of interactions between emissions, clouds, radiation, precipitation, and regional circulations, and (d) a lack of observations. This article provides an overview of the DACCIWA (Dynamics-Aerosol-Chemistry-Cloud Interactions in West Africa) project. DACCIWA will conduct extensive fieldwork in SWA to collect high-quality observations, spanning the entire process chain from surface-based natural and anthropogenic emissions to impacts on health, ecosystems, and climate. Combining the resulting benchmark dataset with a wide range of modeling activities will allow (a) assessment of relevant physical, chemical, and biological processes, (b) improvement of the monitoring of climate and atmospheric composition from space, and (c) development of the next generation of weather and climate models capable of representing coupled cloud-aerosol interactions. The latter will ultimately contribute to reduce uncertainties in climate predictions. DACCIWA collaborates closely with operational centers, international programs, policy-makers, and users to actively guide sustainable future planning for West Africa. It is hoped that some of DACCIWA’s scientific findings and technical developments will be applicable to other monsoon regions.


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We propose a new satellite mission to deliver high quality measurements of upper air water vapour. The concept centres around a LiDAR in limb sounding by occultation geometry, designed to operate as a very long path system for differential absorption measurements. We present a preliminary performance analysis with a system sized to send 75 mJ pulses at 25 Hz at four wavelengths close to 935 nm, to up to 5 microsatellites in a counter-rotating orbit, carrying retroreflectors characterized by a reflected beam divergence of roughly twice the emitted laser beam divergence of 15 µrad. This provides water vapour profiles with a vertical sampling of 110 m; preliminary calculations suggest that the system could detect concentrations of less than 5 ppm. A secondary payload of a fairly conventional medium resolution multispectral radiometer allows wide-swath cloud and aerosol imaging. The total weight and power of the system are estimated at 3 tons and 2,700 W respectively. This novel concept presents significant challenges, including the performance of the lasers in space, the tracking between the main spacecraft and the retroreflectors, the refractive effects of turbulence, and the design of the telescopes to achieve a high signal-to-noise ratio for the high precision measurements. The mission concept was conceived at the Alpbach Summer School 2010.


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Aerosol-cloud interactions have the potential to modify many different cloud properties. There is significant uncertainty in the strength of these aerosol-cloud interactions in analyses of observational data, partly due to the difficulty in separating aerosol effects on clouds from correlations generated by local meteorology. The relationship between aerosol and cloud fraction (CF) is particularly important to determine, due to the strong correlation of CF to other cloud properties and its large impact on radiation. It has also been one of the hardest to quantify from satellites due to the strong meteorological covariations involved. This work presents a new method to analyze the relationship between aerosol optical depth (AOD) and CF. By including information about the cloud droplet number concentration (CDNC), the impact of the meteorological covariations is significantly reduced. This method shows that much of the AOD-CF correlation is explained by relationships other than that mediated by CDNC. By accounting for these, the strength of the global mean AOD-CF relationship is reduced by around 80%. This suggests that the majority of the AOD-CF relationship is due to meteorological covariations, especially in the shallow cumulus regime. Requiring CDNC to mediate the AOD-CF relationship implies an effective anthropogenic radiative forcing from an aerosol influence on liquid CF of −0.48 W m−2 (−0.1 to −0.64 W m−2), although some uncertainty remains due to possible biases in the CDNC retrievals in broken cloud scenes.


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Aerosolpartikel beeinflussen das Klima durch Streuung und Absorption von Strahlung sowie als Nukleations-Kerne für Wolkentröpfchen und Eiskristalle. Darüber hinaus haben Aerosole einen starken Einfluss auf die Luftverschmutzung und die öffentliche Gesundheit. Gas-Partikel-Wechselwirkunge sind wichtige Prozesse, weil sie die physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften von Aerosolen wie Toxizität, Reaktivität, Hygroskopizität und optische Eigenschaften beeinflussen. Durch einen Mangel an experimentellen Daten und universellen Modellformalismen sind jedoch die Mechanismen und die Kinetik der Gasaufnahme und der chemischen Transformation organischer Aerosolpartikel unzureichend erfasst. Sowohl die chemische Transformation als auch die negativen gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen von toxischen und allergenen Aerosolpartikeln, wie Ruß, polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe (PAK) und Proteine, sind bislang nicht gut verstanden.rn Kinetische Fluss-Modelle für Aerosoloberflächen- und Partikelbulk-Chemie wurden auf Basis des Pöschl-Rudich-Ammann-Formalismus für Gas-Partikel-Wechselwirkungen entwickelt. Zunächst wurde das kinetische Doppelschicht-Oberflächenmodell K2-SURF entwickelt, welches den Abbau von PAK auf Aerosolpartikeln in Gegenwart von Ozon, Stickstoffdioxid, Wasserdampf, Hydroxyl- und Nitrat-Radikalen beschreibt. Kompetitive Adsorption und chemische Transformation der Oberfläche führen zu einer stark nicht-linearen Abhängigkeit der Ozon-Aufnahme bezüglich Gaszusammensetzung. Unter atmosphärischen Bedingungen reicht die chemische Lebensdauer von PAK von wenigen Minuten auf Ruß, über mehrere Stunden auf organischen und anorganischen Feststoffen bis hin zu Tagen auf flüssigen Partikeln. rn Anschließend wurde das kinetische Mehrschichtenmodell KM-SUB entwickelt um die chemische Transformation organischer Aerosolpartikel zu beschreiben. KM-SUB ist in der Lage, Transportprozesse und chemische Reaktionen an der Oberfläche und im Bulk von Aerosol-partikeln explizit aufzulösen. Es erforder im Gegensatz zu früheren Modellen keine vereinfachenden Annahmen über stationäre Zustände und radiale Durchmischung. In Kombination mit Literaturdaten und neuen experimentellen Ergebnissen wurde KM-SUB eingesetzt, um die Effekte von Grenzflächen- und Bulk-Transportprozessen auf die Ozonolyse und Nitrierung von Protein-Makromolekülen, Ölsäure, und verwandten organischen Ver¬bin-dungen aufzuklären. Die in dieser Studie entwickelten kinetischen Modelle sollen als Basis für die Entwicklung eines detaillierten Mechanismus für Aerosolchemie dienen sowie für das Herleiten von vereinfachten, jedoch realistischen Parametrisierungen für großskalige globale Atmosphären- und Klima-Modelle. rn Die in dieser Studie durchgeführten Experimente und Modellrechnungen liefern Beweise für die Bildung langlebiger reaktiver Sauerstoff-Intermediate (ROI) in der heterogenen Reaktion von Ozon mit Aerosolpartikeln. Die chemische Lebensdauer dieser Zwischenformen beträgt mehr als 100 s, deutlich länger als die Oberflächen-Verweilzeit von molekularem O3 (~10-9 s). Die ROIs erklären scheinbare Diskrepanzen zwischen früheren quantenmechanischen Berechnungen und kinetischen Experimenten. Sie spielen eine Schlüsselrolle in der chemischen Transformation sowie in den negativen Gesundheitseffekten von toxischen und allergenen Feinstaubkomponenten, wie Ruß, PAK und Proteine. ROIs sind vermutlich auch an der Zersetzung von Ozon auf mineralischem Staub und an der Bildung sowie am Wachstum von sekundären organischen Aerosolen beteiligt. Darüber hinaus bilden ROIs eine Verbindung zwischen atmosphärischen und biosphärischen Mehrphasenprozessen (chemische und biologische Alterung).rn Organische Verbindungen können als amorpher Feststoff oder in einem halbfesten Zustand vorliegen, der die Geschwindigkeit von heterogenen Reaktionenen und Mehrphasenprozessen in Aerosolen beeinflusst. Strömungsrohr-Experimente zeigen, dass die Ozonaufnahme und die oxidative Alterung von amorphen Proteinen durch Bulk-Diffusion kinetisch limitiert sind. Die reaktive Gasaufnahme zeigt eine deutliche Zunahme mit zunehmender Luftfeuchte, was durch eine Verringerung der Viskosität zu erklären ist, bedingt durch einen Phasenübergang der amorphen organischen Matrix von einem glasartigen zu einem halbfesten Zustand (feuchtigkeitsinduzierter Phasenübergang). Die chemische Lebensdauer reaktiver Verbindungen in organischen Partikeln kann von Sekunden bis zu Tagen ansteigen, da die Diffusionsrate in der halbfesten Phase bei niedriger Temperatur oder geringer Luftfeuchte um Größenordnungen absinken kann. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studie zeigen wie halbfeste Phasen die Auswirkung organischeer Aerosole auf Luftqualität, Gesundheit und Klima beeinflussen können. rn


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Atmosphärische Partikel beeinflussen das Klima durch Prozesse wie Streuung, Reflexion und Absorption. Zusätzlich fungiert ein Teil der Aerosolpartikel als Wolkenkondensationskeime (CCN), die sich auf die optischen Eigenschaften sowie die Rückstreukraft der Wolken und folglich den Strahlungshaushalt auswirken. Ob ein Aerosolpartikel Eigenschaften eines Wolkenkondensationskeims aufweist, ist vor allem von der Partikelgröße sowie der chemischen Zusammensetzung abhängig. Daher wurde die Methode der Einzelpartikel-Laserablations-Massenspektrometrie angewandt, die eine größenaufgelöste chemische Analyse von Einzelpartikeln erlaubt und zum Verständnis der ablaufenden multiphasenchemischen Prozesse innerhalb der Wolke beitragen soll.rnIm Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde zur Charakterisierung von atmosphärischem Aerosol sowie von Wolkenresidualpartikel das Einzelpartikel-Massenspektrometer ALABAMA (Aircraft-based Laser Ablation Aerosol Mass Spectrometer) verwendet. Zusätzlich wurde zur Analyse der Partikelgröße sowie der Anzahlkonzentration ein optischer Partikelzähler betrieben. rnZur Bestimmung einer geeigneten Auswertemethode, die die Einzelpartikelmassenspektren automatisch in Gruppen ähnlich aussehender Spektren sortieren soll, wurden die beiden Algorithmen k-means und fuzzy c-means auf ihrer Richtigkeit überprüft. Es stellte sich heraus, dass beide Algorithmen keine fehlerfreien Ergebnisse lieferten, was u.a. von den Startbedingungen abhängig ist. Der fuzzy c-means lieferte jedoch zuverlässigere Ergebnisse. Darüber hinaus wurden die Massenspektren anhand auftretender charakteristischer chemischer Merkmale (Nitrat, Sulfat, Metalle) analysiert.rnIm Herbst 2010 fand die Feldkampagne HCCT (Hill Cap Cloud Thuringia) im Thüringer Wald statt, bei der die Veränderung von Aerosolpartikeln beim Passieren einer orographischen Wolke sowie ablaufende Prozesse innerhalb der Wolke untersucht wurden. Ein Vergleich der chemischen Zusammensetzung von Hintergrundaerosol und Wolkenresidualpartikeln zeigte, dass die relativen Anteile von Massenspektren der Partikeltypen Ruß und Amine für Wolkenresidualpartikel erhöht waren. Dies lässt sich durch eine gute CCN-Aktivität der intern gemischten Rußpartikel mit Nitrat und Sulfat bzw. auf einen begünstigten Übergang der Aminverbindungen aus der Gas- in die Partikelphase bei hohen relativen Luftfeuchten und tiefen Temperaturen erklären. Darüber hinaus stellte sich heraus, dass bereits mehr als 99% der Partikel des Hintergrundaerosols intern mit Nitrat und/oder Sulfat gemischt waren. Eine detaillierte Analyse des Mischungszustands der Aerosolpartikel zeigte, dass sich sowohl der Nitratgehalt als auch der Sulfatgehalt der Partikel beim Passieren der Wolke erhöhte. rn


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The formation of aerosols is a key component in understanding cloud formation in the context of radiative forcings and global climate modeling. Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are a significant source of aerosols, yet there is still much to be learned about their structures, sources, and interactions. The aims of this project were to identify the BVOCs found in the defense chemicals of the brown marmorated stink bug Halymorpha halys and quantify them using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and test whether oxidation of these compounds by ozone-promoted aerosol and cloud seed formation. The bugs were tested under two conditions: agitation by asphyxiation and direct glandular exposure. Tridecane, 2(5H)-furanone 5-ethyl, and (E)-2-decenal were identified as the three most abundant compounds. H. halys were also tested in the agitated condition in a smog chamber. It was found that in the presence of 100-180 ppm ozone, secondary aerosols do form. A scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) and a cloud condensation nuclei counter (CCNC) were used to characterize the secondary aerosols that formed. This reaction resulted in 0.23 microg/ bug of particulate mass. It was also found that these secondary organic aerosol particles could act as cloud condensation nuclei. At a supersaturation of 1%, we found a kappa value of 0.09. Once regional populations of these stink bugs stabilize and the populations estimates can be made, the additional impacts of their contribution to regional air quality can be calculated.


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The formation of aerosols is a key component in understanding cloud formation in the context of radiative forcings and global climate modeling. Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are a significant source of aerosols, yet there is still much to be learned about their structures, sources, and interactions. The aims of this project were to identify the BVOCs found in the defense chemicals of the brown marmorated stink bug Halymorpha halys and quantify them using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and test whether oxidation of these compounds by ozone-promoted aerosol and cloud seed formation. The bugs were tested under two conditions: agitation by asphyxiation and direct glandular exposure. Tridecane, 2(5H)-furanone 5-ethyl, and (E)-2-decenal were identified as the three most abundant compounds. H. halys were also tested in the agitated condition in a smog chamber. It was found that in the presence of 100-180 ppm ozone, secondary aerosols do form. A scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) and a cloud condensation nuclei counter (CCNC) were used to characterize the secondary aerosols that formed. This reaction resulted in 0.23 mu g/bug of particulate mass. It was also found that these secondary organic aerosol particles could act as cloud condensation nuclei. At a supersaturation of 1%, we found a kappa value of 0.09. Once regional populations of these stink bugs stablilize and the populations estimates can be made, the additional impacts of their contribution to regional air quality can be calculated. Implications: Halymorpha halys (brown marmorated stink bugs) are a relatively new invasive species introduced in the United States near Allentown, Pennsylvania. The authors chemically speciated the bugs' defense pheromones and found that tridecane, 5-ethyl-2(5H)-furanone, and (E)-2-decenal dominated their emissions. Their defense emissions were reacted with atmospherically relevant concentrations of ozone and resulted in 0.23 g of particulate matter per emission per bug. Due to the large population of these bugs in some regions, these emissions could contribute appreciably to a region's PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter 2.5 m) levels.


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It has been known for decades that particles can cause adverse health effects as they are deposited within the respiratory system. Atmospheric aerosol particles influence climate by scattering solar radiation but aerosol particles act also as the nuclei around which cloud droplets form. The principal objectives of this thesis were to investigate the chemical composition and the sources of fine particles in different environments (traffic, urban background, remote) as well as during some specific air pollution situations. Quantifying the climate and health effects of atmospheric aerosols is not possible without detailed information of the aerosol chemical composition. Aerosol measurements were carried out at nine sites in six countries (Finland, Germany, Czech, Netherlands, Greece and Italy). Several different instruments were used in order to measure both the particulate matter (PM) mass and its chemical composition. In the off-line measurements the samples were collected first on a substrate or filter and gravimetric and chemical analysis were conducted in the laboratory. In the on-line measurements the sampling and analysis were either a combined procedure or performed successively within the same instrument. Results from the impactor samples were analyzed by the statistical methods. This thesis comprises also a work where a method for the determination carbonaceous matter size distribution by using a multistage impactor was developed. It was found that the chemistry of PM has usually strong spatial, temporal and size-dependent variability. In the Finnish sites most of the fine PM consisted of organic matter. However, in Greece sulfate dominated the fine PM and in Italy nitrate made the largest contribution to the fine PM. Regarding the size-dependent chemical composition, organic components were likely to be enriched in smaller particles than inorganic ions. Data analysis showed that organic carbon (OC) had four major sources in Helsinki. Secondary production was the major source in Helsinki during spring, summer and fall, whereas in winter biomass combustion dominated OC. The significant impact of biomass combustion on OC concentrations was also observed in the measurements performed in Central Europe. In this thesis aerosol samples were collected mainly by the conventional filter and impactor methods which suffered from the long integration time. However, by filter and impactor measurements chemical mass closure was achieved accurately, and a simple filter sampling was found to be useful in order to explain the sources of PM on the seasonal basis. The online instruments gave additional information related to the temporal variations of the sources and the atmospheric mixing conditions.


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Pulsed lidars are commonly used to retrieve vertical distributions of cloud and aerosol layers. It is widely believed that lidar cloud retrievals (other than cloud base altitude) are limited to optically thin clouds. Here, we demonstrate that lidars can retrieve optical depths of thick clouds using solar background light as a signal, rather than (as now) merely a noise to be subtracted. Validations against other instruments show that retrieved cloud optical depths agree within 10%–15% for overcast stratus and broken clouds. In fact, for broken cloud situations, one can retrieve not only the aerosol properties in clear-sky periods using lidar signals, but also the optical depth of thick clouds in cloudy periods using solar background signals. This indicates that, in general, it may be possible to retrieve both aerosol and cloud properties using a single lidar. Thus, lidar observations have great untapped potential to study interactions between clouds and aerosols.


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We test the response of the Oxford-RAL Aerosol and Cloud (ORAC) retrieval algorithm for MSG SEVIRI to changes in the aerosol properties used in the dust aerosol model, using data from the Dust Outflow and Deposition to the Ocean (DODO) flight campaign in August 2006. We find that using the observed DODO free tropospheric aerosol size distribution and refractive index increases simulated top of the atmosphere radiance at 0.55 µm assuming a fixed erosol optical depth of 0.5 by 10–15 %, reaching a maximum difference at low solar zenith angles. We test the sensitivity of the retrieval to the vertical distribution f the aerosol and find that this is unimportant in determining simulated radiance at 0.55 µm. We also test the ability of the ORAC retrieval when used to produce the GlobAerosol dataset to correctly identify continental aerosol outflow from the African continent and we find that it poorly constrains aerosol speciation. We develop spatially and temporally resolved prior distributions of aerosols to inform the retrieval which incorporates five aerosol models: desert dust, maritime, biomass burning, urban and continental. We use a Saharan Dust Index and the GEOS-Chem chemistry transport model to describe dust and biomass burning aerosol outflow, and compare AOD using our speciation against the GlobAerosol retrieval during January and July 2006. We find AOD discrepancies of 0.2–1 over regions of intense biomass burning outflow, where AOD from our aerosol speciation and GlobAerosol speciation can differ by as much as 50 - 70 %.


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The aerosol component of the Oxford-Rutherford Aerosol and Cloud (ORAC) combined cloud and aerosol retrieval scheme is described and the theoretical performance of the algorithm is analysed. ORAC is an optimal estimation retrieval scheme for deriving cloud and aerosol properties from measurements made by imaging satellite radiometers and, when applied to cloud free radiances, provides estimates of aerosol optical depth at a wavelength of 550 nm, aerosol effective radius and surface reflectance at 550 nm. The aerosol retrieval component of ORAC has several incarnations – this paper addresses the version which operates in conjunction with the cloud retrieval component of ORAC (described by Watts et al., 1998), as applied in producing the Global Retrieval of ATSR Cloud Parameters and Evaluation (GRAPE) data-set.


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The role of ions in the production of atmospheric particles has gained wide interest due to their profound impact on climate. Away from anthropogenic sources, molecules are ionized by alpha radiation from radon exhaled from the ground and cosmic gamma radiation from space. These molecular ions quickly form into ‘cluster ions’, typically smaller than about 1.5 nm. Using our measurements and the published literature, we present evidence to show that cluster ion concentrations in forest areas are consistently higher than outside. Since alpha radiation cannot penetrate more than a few centimetres of soil, radon present deep in the ground cannot directly contribute to the measured cluster ion concentrations. We propose an additional mechanism whereby radon, which is water soluble, is brought up by trees and plants through the uptake of groundwater and released into the atmosphere by transpiration. We estimate that, in a forest comprising eucalyptus trees spaced 4m apart, approximately 28% of the radon in the air may be released by transpiration. Considering that 24% of the earth’s land area is still covered in forests; these findings have potentially important implications for atmospheric aerosol formation and climate.