1000 resultados para Aeroelasticity, Harmonic Balance


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This paper presents an approach to compute transonic Limit Cycle O
scillations using a coupled Harmonic Balance formulation based on the Euler equations for fluid dynamics and finite element models. The paper will investigate the role of aerodynamic (shocks) and structural nonlinearities in driving the limit cycle behaviour. Part icular attention will be given to nonlinear interactions for subcritical LCOs. The Aero elastic Harmonic Balance formulation, allows for solutions of the coupled structural dynamics and CFD system at a reduced cost.


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The Harmonic Balance method is an attractive solution for computing periodic responses and can be an alternative to time domain methods, at a reduced computational cost. The current paper investigates using a Harmonic Balance method for simulating limit cycle oscillations under uncertainty. The Harmonic Balance method is used in conjunction with a non-intrusive polynomial-chaos approach to propagate variability and is validated against Monte Carlo analysis. Results show the potential of the approach for a range of nonlinear dynamical systems, including a full wing configuration exhibiting supercritical and subcritical bifurcations, at a fraction of the cost of performing time domain simulations.


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This work proposes a novel approach to compute transonic limit-cycle oscillations using high-fidelity analysis. Computational-Fluid-Dynamics based harmonic balance methods have proven to be efficient tools to predict periodic phenomena. This paper’s contribution is to present a new methodology to determine the unknown frequency of oscillations, enabling harmonic balance methods to accurately capture limit-cycle oscillations; this is achieved by defining a frequency-updating procedure based on a coupled computational-fluid-dynamics/computational-structural-dynamics harmonic balance formulation to find the limit-cycle oscillation condition. A pitch/plunge airfoil and delta wing aerodynamic and respective linear structural models are used to validate the new method against conventional time-domain simulations. Results show consistent agreement between the proposed and time-marching methods for both limit-cycle oscillation amplitude and frequency while producing at least a one-order-of-magnitude reduction in computational time.


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This work proposes a novel approach to compute transonic Lim
it Cycle Oscillations using high fidelity analysis. CFD based Harmonic Balance methods have proven to be efficient tools to predict periodic phenomena. This paper’s contribution is to present a new methodology to determine the unknown frequency of oscillations, enabling HB methods to accurately capture Limit Cycle Oscillations (LCOs); this is achieved by defining a frequency updating procedure based on a coupled CFD/CSD Harmonic Balance formulation to find the LCO condition. A pitch/plunge aerofoil and delta wing aerodynamic and respective linear structural models are used to validate the new method against conventional time-domain simulations. Results show consistent agreement between the proposed and time-marching methods for both LCO amplitude and frequency, while producing at least one order of magnitude reduction in computational time.


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This work proposes a extends a novel approach to compute tran sonic Limit Cycle Oscillations using high fidelity analysis. CFD based Harmonic Balance methods have proven to be efficient tools to predict periodic phenomena. This paper’s contribution is to present a methodology to determine the unknown frequency of oscillations using an implicit for- mulation of the HB method to accurately capture Limit Cycle Oscillations (LCOs); this is achieved by defining a frequency updating procedure based on a coupled CFD/CSD Harmonic Balance formulation to find the LCO condition. A pitch/plunge aerofoil and respective linear structural models is used to exercise the new method. Results show consistent agreement between the proposed and time-marching methods for both LCO amplitude and frequency.


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This work investigates limit cycle oscillations in the transonic regime. A novel approach to predict Limit Cycle Oscillations using high fidelity analysis is exploited to accelerate calculations. The method used is an Aeroeasltic Harmonic Balance approach, which has been proven to be efficient and able to predict periodic phenomena. The behaviour of limit cycle oscillations is analysed using uncertainty quantification tools based on polynomial chaos expansions. To improve the efficiency of the sampling process for the polynomial-chaos expansions an adaptive sampling procedure is used. These methods are exercised using two problems: a pitch/plunge aerofoil and a delta-wing. Results indicate that Mach n. variability is determinant to the amplitude of the LCO for the 2D test case, whereas for the wing case analysed here, variability in the Mach n. has an almost negligible influence in amplitude variation and the LCO frequency variability has an almost linear relation with Mach number. Further test cases are required to understand the generality of these results.


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For the computation of limit cycle oscillations (LCO) at transonic speeds, CFD is required to capture the nonlinear flow features present. The Harmonic Balance method provides an effective means for the computation of LCOs and this paper exploits its efficiency to investigate the impact of variability (both structural a nd aerodynamic) on the aeroelastic behaviour of a 2 dof aerofoil. A Harmonic Balance inviscid CFD solver is coupled with the structural equations and is validated against time marching analyses. Polynomial chaos expansions are employed for the stochastic investiga tion as a faster alternative to Monte Carlo analysis. Adaptive sampling is employed when discontinuities are present. Uncertainties in aerodynamic parameters are looked at first followed by the inclusion of structural variability. Results show the nonlinear effect of Mach number and it’s interaction with the structural parameters on supercritical LCOs. The bifurcation boundaries are well captured by the polynomial chaos.


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In this brief, we propose a new Class-E frequency multiplier based on the recently introduced Series-L/Parallel-Tuned Class-E amplifier. The proposed circuit produces even-order output harmonics. Unlike previously reported solutions the proposed circuit can operate under 50% duty ratio which minimizes the conduction losses. The circuit also offers the possibility for increased maximum operating frequency, reduced peak switch voltage, higher load resistance and inherent bond wire absorption; all potentially useful in monolithic microwave integrated circuit implementations. In addition, the circuit topology suggested large transistors with high output capacitances can be deployed. Theoretical design equations are given and the predictions made using these are shown to agree with harmonic balance circuit simulation results.


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Modal analysis is a popular approach used in structural dynamic and aeroelastic problems due to its efficiency. The response of a structure is compo
sed of the sum of orthogonal eigenvectors or modeshapes and corresponding modal frequencies. This paper investigates the importance of modeshapes on the aeroelastic response of the Goland wing subject to structural uncertainties. The wing undergoes limit cycle oscillations (LCO) as a result of the inclusion of polynomial stiffness nonlinearities. The LCO computations are performed using a Harmonic Balance approach for speed, the modal properties of the system are extracted from MSC NASTRAN. Variability in both the wing’s structure and the store centre of gravity location is investigated in two cases:- supercritical and subcritical type LCOs. Results show that the LCO behaviour is only sensitive to change in modeshapes when the nature of the modes are changing significantly.


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The assimilation of discrete higher fidelity data points with model predictions can be used to achieve a reduction in the uncertainty of the model input parameters which generate accurate predictions. The problem investigated here involves the prediction of limit-cycle oscillations using a High-Dimensional Harmonic Balance method (HDHB). The efficiency of the HDHB method is exploited to enable calibration of structural input parameters using a Bayesian inference technique. Markov-chain Monte Carlo is employed to sample the posterior distributions. Parameter estimation is carried out on both a pitch/plunge aerofoil and Goland wing configuration. In both cases significant refinement was achieved in the distribution of possible structural parameters allowing better predictions of their
true deterministic values.


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This paper presents an analysis of solar radiation pressure induced coupled librations of gravity stabilized cylindrical spacecraft with a special reference to geostationary communication satellites. The Lagrangian approach is used to obtain the corresponding equations of motion. The solar induced torques are assumed to be free of librational angles and are represented by their Fourier expansion. The response and periodic solutions are obtained through linear and nonlinear analyses, using the method of harmonic balance in the latter case. The stability conditions are obtained using Routh-Hurwitz criteria. To establish the ranges of validity the analytic response is compared with the numerical solution. Finally, values of the system parameters are suggested to make the satellite behave as desired. Among these is a possible approach to subdue the solar induced roll resonance. It is felt that the approximate analysis presented here should significantly reduce the computational efforts involved in the design and stability analysis of the systems.


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This paper explores the potential of the piecewise linear vibration absorber in a system subject to narrow band harmonic loading. Such a spring is chosen because the design of linear springs is common knowledge among engineers. The two-degrees-of-freedom system is solved by using the Incremental Harmonic Balance method, and response aspects such as stiffness crossing frequency and jump behaviour are discussed. The effects of mass, stiffness, natural frequency ratios, and stiffness crossing positions on the suppression zone are probed. It is shown that a hardening absorber can deliver a wider bandwidth than a linear one over a range of frequencies. The absorber parameters needed to produce good designs have been determined and the quality of the realized suppression zone is discussed. Design guidelines are formulated to aid the parameter selection process.


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本文将增量谐波平衡法(Incremental Harmonic Balance Method, I. H. B Method)结合组抗方法用于分析具有摩擦结点之结构稳态动力响应。这方法之主要优点是能将线性结构与摩擦结点分开来考虑。当摩擦结点之自由度远小于线性结构之自由度时,计算是很经济的。发展了一个分析这种系统之计算程序可与一般有限元结构分析程序如SAPV或ADINA相连,作为后处理程序。