276 resultados para Aerodynamics.
This work describes an optical device for the simultaneous recording of shadowgrams and schlieren images, and some results are presented concerning its applications to the study of plasma assisted flow control in airfoil models. This approach offers many advantages in comparison to other methods, specially because the use of tracer particles (like smoke in wind tunnels) is not required for the experiments, thus avoiding contaminations in the electric discharges or air flows. Besides, while schlieren images reveal the refractive index gradients in the area of study, shadowgrams detect the second order spatial derivatives of the refractive indexes. Therefore, the simultaneous recording of these different images may give interesting information about the phenomena under study. In this paper, these images were used to confirm the existence of vortex structures in the flow induced by corona discharges on airfoil models. These structures are a possible explanation for the effects of drag reduction and lift force increasing, which have been reported in experiments of plasma assisted Aerodynamics.
This work describes an optical device for the simultaneous recording of shadowgrams and schlieren images, and some results are presented concerning its application to the study of plasma assisted flow control in airfoil models. This approach offers many advantages in comparison to other methods, specially because the use of tracer particles (like smoke in wind tunnels) is not required for the experiments, thus avoiding contaminations in the electric discharges or air flows. Besides, while schlieren images reveal the refractive index gradients in the area of study, shadowgrams detect the second order spatial derivatives of the refractive indexes. Therefore, the simultaneous recording of these different images may give interesting information about the phenomena under study.
In this work, a Finite Element Method treatment is outlined for the equations of Magnetoaerodynamics. In order to provide a good basis for numerical treatment of Magneto-aerodynamics, a full version of the complete equations is presented and FEM contribution matrices are deduced, as well as further terms of stabilization for the compressible flow case.
The conventional, grinding methods in some cases are not very efficient because the arising of thermal damages in the pieces is very common. Optimization methods of cutting fluid application in the grinding zone are essential to prevent thermal problems from interaction of the wheel grains with the workpiece. surface. The optimization can happen through the correct selection of the cut parameters and development of devices that eliminate air layer effects generated around the grinding wheel. This article will collaborate with the development of an experimentation methodology which allows evaluating, comparatively, the performance of the deflectors in the cutting region to minimize the air layer effect of the high speed of the grinding wheel. The air layers make the cutting fluid jet to dissipate in the machine. An optimized nozzle was used in order to compare the results with the conventional method (without baffles or deflectors) of cutting fluid application. The results showed the high eficciency of the deflectors or baffles in the finish results. Copyright © 2006 by ABCM.
The research work that here is summarized, it is classed on the area of dynamics and measures of railway safety, specifically in the study of the influence of the cross wind on the high-speed trains as well as the study of new mitigation measures like wind breaking structures or wind fences, with optimized shapes. The work has been developed in the Research Center in Rail Technology (CITEF), and supported by the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain.
The development of a global instability analysis code coupling a time-stepping approach, as applied to the solution of BiGlobal and TriGlobal instability analysis 1, 2 and finite-volume-based spatial discretization, as used in standard aerodynamics codes is presented. The key advantage of the time-stepping method over matrix-formulation approaches is that the former provides a solution to the computer-storage issues associated with the latter methodology. To-date both approaches are successfully in use to analyze instability in complex geometries, although their relative advantages have never been quantified. The ultimate goal of the present work is to address this issue in the context of spatial discretization schemes typically used in industry. The time-stepping approach of Chiba 3 has been implemented in conjunction with two direct numerical simulation algorithms, one based on the typically-used in this context high-order method and another based on low-order methods representative of those in common use in industry. The two codes have been validated with solutions of the BiGlobal EVP and it has been showed that small errors in the base flow do not have affect significantly the results. As a result, a three-dimensional compressible unsteady second-order code for global linear stability has been successfully developed based on finite-volume spatial discretization and time-stepping method with the ability to study complex geometries by means of unstructured and hybrid meshes
The purpose of this investigation was the determination of the aerodynamic performance of sails and gain knowledge of the phenomena involved in order to improve the aerody¬namic characteristics. In this research, the airflow around different sails in four scenarios was studied. The method to analyze these scenarios was the combination of numerical simulations and experimental tests by taking advantage of the best of each tool. Two different Com¬putational Fluid Dynamic codes were utilized: the ANSYS-CFX and the CD-Adapco’s STAR-CCM+. The experimental tests were conducted in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel at the Universidad de Granada (Spain), the Twisted Flow Wind Tunnel at the University of Auckland (New Zealand) and the A9 Wind Tunnel at the Universidad Polit´ecnica de Madrid (Spain). Through this research, it was found the three-dimensional effect of the mast on the aerodynamic performance of an IMS Class boat. The pressure distribution on a Transpac 52 Class mainsail was also determined. Moreover, the aerodynamic perfor¬mance of the 43ft and 60ft Dhow Classes was obtained. Finally, a feasibility study was conducted to use a structural wing in combination with conventional propulsions systems. The main conclusion was that this research clarified gaps on the knowledge of the aerodynamic performance of sails. Moreover, since commercial codes were not specifically designed to study sails, a procedure was developed. On the other hand, innovative experimental techniques were used and applied to model-scale sails. The achievements of this thesis are promising and some of the results are already in use by the industry on a daily basis. El propósito de este estudio era determinar el comportamiento aerodinámico de unas velas y mejorar el conocimiento de los fenómenos que suceden para optimizar las características aerodinámicas de dichas velas. En esta investigación se estudió el flujo de aire alrededor de diferentes velas en cuatro escenarios. El método para analizar estos escenarios fue la combinación de simulaciones numéricas y ensayos experimentales mediante el aprovechamiento de las ventajas de cada herramienta. Se utilizaron dos códigos de dinámica de fluidos computacional: el ANSYS-CFX y el STAR-CCM+ de la empresa CD-Adapco. Los ensayos experimentales se desarrollaron en el túnel de viento de capa límite de la Universidad de Granada (España), el túnel de viento de la Universidad de Auckland (Nueva Zelanda) y en el túnel A9 de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (España). Mediante esta investigación, se determinó el efecto tridimensional del mástil en un velero de la clase IMS. También se describió la distribución de presiones sobre una mayor de un Transpac 52. Además, se obtuvo el comportamiento aerodinámico de las clases 43ft y 60ft de los veleros Dhows. Finalmente, se llevó a cabo un estudio de viabilidad de la utilización de un ala estructural en combinación con sistemas de propulsión convencionales. La conclusión principal de esta investigación fue la capacidad de explicar ciertas lagunas en el conocimiento del comportamiento aerodinámico de las velas en diferentes escenarios. Además, dado que los códigos comerciales no están específicamente diseñados para el estudio de velas, se desarrolló un procedimiento a tal efecto. Por otro lado, se han utilizado innovadoras técnicas experimentales y se han aplicado a modelos de velas a escala. Los logros de esta investigación son prometedores y algunos de los resultados obtenidos ya están siendo utilizados por la industria en su día a día.
The influence of anemometer rotor shape parameters, such as the cups’ front area or their center rotation radius on the anemometer’s performance was analyzed. This analysis was based on calibrations performed on two different anemometers (one based on magnet system output signal, and the other one based on an opto-electronic system output signal), tested with 21 different rotors. The results were compared to the ones resulting from classical analytical models. The results clearly showed a linear dependency of both calibration constants, the slope and the offset, on the cups’ center rotation radius, the influence of the front area of the cups also being observed. The analytical model of Kondo et al. was proved to be accurate if it is based on precise data related to the aerodynamic behavior of a rotor’s cup.
A pressure wave is generated when a high speed train enters a tunnel. This wave travels along the tunnel back and forth, and is reflected at the irregularities of the tunnel duct (section changes, chimneys and tunnel ends). The pressure changes are associated to these waves can have an effect on passengers if the trains are not suitably sealed or pressurized. The intensity of the waves depends mainly on the train speed, and on the blockage ratio (train-section-to- tunnel-section area ratio). As the intensity of the waves is limited by regulations, and also by the effects on passengers and infrastructures, the sizing of the tunnel section area is largely influenced by the maximum train speed allowed in the tunnel. The aim of this study is to analyse the increase in cost in a tunnel due to the existence of this difference in ground level, and evaluate the increase of construction costs that this elevation might involve.
In the present study the geometry of cups is experimentally studied through anemometer performance. This performance is analyzed in two different ways. On the one hand the anemometer transfer function between cases is compared. On the other hand the stationary rotation speed is decomposed into constant and harmonic terms, the comparison being established between the last ones. Results indicate that some cup shapes can improve the uniformity of anemometer rotation, this fact being important to reduce degradation due to ageing.
Bibliography: p. 385-387.
Includes bibliography.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.