949 resultados para Adición Michael
En la presente memoria se describe la síntesis y aplicación de diversos organocatalizadores quirates derivados de 2-aminobencimidazol en reacciones de adición Michael de compuestos 1,3-discarbonílicos a maleimidas. En este trabajo se ha preparado un organocatalizador quiral y reciclable con simetría C₂ derivado de bencimidazol y (1R,2R)-ciclohexano-1,2-diamina y se ha utilizado con éxito en la adición conjugada de β-dicetonas, β-cetoésteres y malonatos de dialquilo a maleimida y maleimidas N-sustituidas. La adición, que se lleva cabo en tolueno y a temperatura ambiente, conduce a las correspondientes succinimidas quirales con buenos rendimientos, moderadas diastereoselectividades y excelentes excesos enantioméricos. También se han realizado estudios mecanísticos mediante cálculos computacionales DFT y estudios de difusión por resonancia magnética nuclear para determinar el modo de actuación del catalizador y el estado de transición de la reacción de adición conjugada de compuestos 1,3-dicarbonílicos a maleimidas que han confirmado el estado de transición y mecanismo propuestos.
This paper is a foreword to a series of papers commissioned on 'the impact of science on the beef industry', where the Beef CRC-related collaborative scientific work of Professor Bernard Michael Bindon will be reviewed. These papers will be presented in March 2006, as part of a 'festschrift' to recognise his wider contributions to the Australian livestock industries for over 40 years. Bindon's career involved basic and applied research in many areas of reproductive physiology, genetics, immunology, nutrition, meat science and more recently genomics, in both sheep and cattle. Together with his collaborators, he made large contributions to animal science by improving the knowledge of mechanisms regulating reproductive functions and in elucidating the physiology and genetics of high fecundity livestock. His collaborative studies with many colleagues of the reproductive biology and genetics of the Booroola Merino were amongst the most extensive ever conducted on domestic livestock. He was instrumental in the development of immunological techniques to control ovulation rate and in examining the application of these and other techniques to increase beef cattle reproductive output. This paper tracks his investigations and achievements both within Australia and internationally. In the later stages of his career he was the major influence in attracting a large investment in Cooperative Research Centres for the Australian cattle industry, in which he directed a multi-disciplinary approach to investigate, develop and disseminate science and technology to improve commercial cattle productivity.
No presente trabalho, o autor procura analisar, ou mais exatamente desconstruir, a essência do pensamento dito de “estratégia” e de governança das organizações, atualmente dominante na cena acadêmica da administração. Servindo-se de uma leitura tanto histórica, heurística, como epistemológica e metodológica da obra e do sistema dominantes no assunto, denominado por ele “porterismo”, o autor faz um balanço crítico do conjunto de teorias da “estratégia” gerencial em geral e daquela do autor mais considerado no assunto: Michael Porter.
Homogeneizados de biopsias de lesiones cutáneas de 50 casos de leishmaniasis tegumentaria de Trujillo, Venezuela, han sido inoculados en hámsteres machos. Se ha comparado la infectvidad de Leishamania braziliensis, de homogeneizados simples, con la de los mezclados con lisado de glándula salival de Lutzomyia youngi, registrandose un 58,5% de infecciones para una media de 12 semanas de prepatencia con los homogeneizados simples, contra 92% de infecciones con una media de 3 semanas de prepatencia, cuando cada uno de los inóculos de homogeneizado se mezcló con lisado equivalente al de una glándula salival de flebótomo.
Dissertação de mestrado em Filosofia Política
Adding Omega fatty acids (ω) 3 to the diet of stud bucks, the quality of sperm and their resistance to cryopreservation could increase. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of supplementation with ω3 on the metabolic state, sperm quality and resistance to freezing, in bucks kept in confinement under natural photoperiod. The experiment will be conducted in the facilities of the Faculty of Agronomy and Veterinary, UNRC (National University of Río Cuarto). Ten Anglo Nubian adult bucks, trained for semen collection with artificial vagina will be used. Males will be randomly allocated into 2 groups (5 animals each): control (C) and treatment (T). During the breeding season, group C will be fed with a ration of alfalfa and ground corn, according to the requirements for each category and sex (NRC, 2007). Group T will receive the same diet with the addition of linseeds. Both will have free access to water. Every week, semen of each buck, will be collected, evaluated and frozen. Sperm quality “in vitro” after thawing will be studied with a digital image analyzer. To assess oxidative stress in fresh and cryopreserved semen, levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and quantification of the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) will be determined. To establish the metabolic state, blood samples will be collected every two weeks. The statistical analysis will include an exploratory data analysis, multivariate analysis of multiple correspondences on a completely randomized design, analysis of variance and Fisher post-test. The level of significance will be set at P <0.05 and all results will be expressed as means ± SEM.