996 resultados para Adhesive structural


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Este trabalho tem por finalidade o estudo da resistência à pressão hidrostática do reparo realizado com chapa de aço de baixo carbono, colada com adesivo estrutural à base de epóxi em tubulações de aço com furo. Tubulações de parede fina, sob pressão interna, a tensão na direção longitudinal é a metade da tensão circunferencial do tubo, deste modo, o fator de forma da área do reparo, ou seja, a variação das dimensões da chapa nas direções longitudinal e circunferencial do tubo foi investigado. A influência da força de falha do reparo, quando varia-se a dimensão da chapa nas direções citadas, foram analisadas estatisticamente utilizando-se um planejamento fatorial de experimentos. Altos valores de resistência hidrostática do reparo foram encontrados (em torno de 240 bar) quando comparados com as pressões normais de trabalho (em torno de 70 bar) de uma tubulação similar as utilizadas nos testes. Os resultados da pressão de falha do reparo dos 10 grupos analisados apresentaram desvios padrão pequenos, menor que 12 %, demonstrando a eficiência dos procedimentos adotados na confecção do reparo. Os estudos demonstram a não existência de um fator de forma na resistência do reparo devido a variação nas dimensões da chapa nas direções longitudinal e circunferencial do tubo bem como a alta influência na resistência do reparo quando aumenta a área da chapa. Os resultados apontam para o desenvolvimento de um novo procedimento de reparo de contingência.


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Las uniones estructurales mecánicas y adhesivas requieren la combinación de un número importante de parámetros para la obtención de la continuidad estructural que exigen las condiciones de diseño. Las características de las uniones presentan importantes variaciones, ligadas a las condiciones de ejecución, tanto en uniones mecánicas como especialmente en uniones adhesivas y mixtas (unión mecánica y adhesiva, también conocidas como uniones híbridas). Las propiedades mecánicas de las uniones adhesivas dependen de la naturaleza y propiedades de los adhesivos y también de muchos otros parámetros que influyen directamente en el comportamiento de estas uniones. Algunos de los parámetros más significativos son: el acabado superficial de los materiales, área y espesor de la capa adhesiva, diseño adecuado, secuencia de aplicación, propiedades químicas de la superficie y preparación de los sustratos antes de aplicar el adhesivo. Los mecanismos de adhesión son complejos. En general, cada unión adhesiva solo puede explicarse considerando la actuación conjunta de varios mecanismos de adhesión. No existen adhesivos universales para un determinado material o aplicación, por lo que cada pareja sustrato-adhesivo requiere un particular estudio y el comportamiento obtenido puede variar, significativamente, de uno a otro caso. El fallo de una junta adhesiva depende del mecanismo cohesión-adhesión, ligado a la secuencia y modo de ejecución de los parámetros operacionales utilizados en la unión. En aplicaciones estructurales existen un número muy elevado de sistemas de unión y de posibles sustratos. En este trabajo se han seleccionado cuatro adhesivos diferentes (cianoacrilato, epoxi, poliuretano y silano modificado) y dos procesos de unión mecánica (remachado y clinchado). Estas uniones se han aplicado sobre chapas de acero al carbono en diferentes estados superficiales (chapa blanca, galvanizada y prepintada). Los parámetros operacionales analizados han sido: preparación superficial, espesor del adhesivo, secuencia de aplicación y aplicación de presión durante el curado. Se han analizado tanto las uniones individuales como las uniones híbridas (unión adhesiva y unión mecánica). La combinación de procesos de unión, sustratos y parámetros operacionales ha dado lugar a la preparación y ensayo de más de mil muestras. Pues, debido a la dispersión de resultados característica de las uniones adhesivas, para cada condición analizada se han ensayado seis probetas. Los resultados obtenidos han sido: El espesor de adhesivo utilizado es una variable muy importante en los adhesivos flexibles, donde cuanto menor es el espesor del adhesivo mayor es la resistencia mecánica a cortadura de la unión. Sin embargo en los adhesivos rígidos su influencia es mucho menor. La naturaleza de la superficie es fundamental para una buena adherencia del adhesivo al substrato, que repercute en la resistencia mecánica de la unión. La superficie que mejor adherencia presenta es la prepintada, especialmente cuando existe una alta compatibilidad entre la pintura y el adhesivo. La superficie que peor adherencia tiene es la galvanizada. La secuencia de aplicación ha sido un parámetro significativo en las uniones híbridas, donde los mejores resultados se han obtenido cuando se aplicaba primero el adhesivo y la unión mecánica se realizaba antes del curado del adhesivo. La aplicación de presión durante el curado se ha mostrado un parámetro significativo en los adhesivos con poca capacidad para el relleno de la junta. En los otros casos su influencia ha sido poco relevante. El comportamiento de las uniones estructurales mecánicas y adhesivas en cuanto a la resistencia mecánica de la unión puede variar mucho en función del diseño de dicha unión. La resistencia mecánica puede ser tan grande que falle antes el substrato que la unión. Las mejores resistencias se consiguen diseñando las uniones con adhesivo cianoacrilato, eligiendo adecuadamente las condiciones superficiales y operacionales, por ejemplo chapa blanca aplicando una presión durante el curado de la unión. La utilización de uniones mixtas aumenta muy poco o nada la resistencia mecánica, pero a cambio proporciona una baja dispersión de resultados, siendo destacable para la superficie galvanizada, que es la que presenta peor reproducibilidad cuando se realizan uniones sólo con adhesivo. Las uniones mixtas conducen a un aumento de la deformación antes de la rotura. Los adhesivos dan rotura frágil y las uniones mecánicas rotura dúctil. La unión mixta proporciona ductilidad a la unión. Las uniones mixtas también pueden dar rotura frágil, esto sucede cuando la resistencia del adhesivo es tres veces superior a la resistencia de la unión mecánica. Las uniones híbridas mejoran la rigidez de la junta, sobre todo se aprecia un aumento importante en las uniones mixtas realizadas con adhesivos flexibles, pudiendo decirse que para todos los adhesivos la rigidez de la unión híbrida es superior. ABSTRACT The mechanical and adhesive structural joints require the combination of a large number of parameters to obtain the structural continuity required for the design conditions. The characteristics of the junctions have important variations, linked to performance conditions, in mechanical joints as particular in mixed adhesive joints (mechanical and adhesive joints, also known as hybrid joints). The mechanical properties of the adhesive joints depend of the nature and properties of adhesives and also of many other parameters that directly influence in the behavior of these joints. Some of the most significant parameters are: the surface finished of the material, area and thickness of the adhesive layer, suitable design, and application sequence, chemical properties of the surface and preparation of the substrate before applying the adhesive. Adhesion mechanisms are complex. In general, each adhesive joint can only be explained by considering the combined action of several adhesions mechanisms. There aren’t universal adhesives for a given material or application, so that each pair substrate-adhesive requires a particular study and the behavior obtained can vary significantly from one to another case. The failure of an adhesive joint depends on the cohesion-adhesion mechanism, linked to the sequence and manner of execution of the operational parameters used in the joint. In the structural applications, there are a very high number of joining systems and possible substrates. In this work we have selected four different adhesives (cyanoacrylate, epoxy, polyurethane and silano modified) and two mechanical joining processes (riveting and clinching). These joints were applied on carbon steel with different types of surfaces (white sheet, galvanized and pre-painted). The operational parameters analyzed were: surface preparation, thickness of adhesive, application sequence and application of pressure during curing. We have analyzed individual joints both as hybrid joints (adhesive joint and mechanical joint). The combination of joining processes, substrates and operational parameters has resulted in the preparation and testing of over a thousand specimens. Then, due to the spread of results characteristic of adhesive joints, for each condition analyzed we have tested six samples. The results have been: The thickness of adhesive used is an important variable in the flexible adhesives, where the lower the adhesive thickness greater the shear strength of the joint. However in rigid adhesives is lower influence. The nature of the surface is essential for good adherence of the adhesive to the substrate, which affects the shear strength of the joint. The surface has better adherence is preprinted, especially when there is a high compatibility between the paint and the adhesive. The surface which has poor adherence is the galvanized. The sequence of application has been a significant parameter in the hybrid junctions, where the best results are obtained when applying first the adhesive and the mechanical joint is performed before cured of the adhesive. The application of pressure during curing has shown a significant parameter in the adhesives with little capacity for filler the joint. In other cases their influence has been less relevant. The behavior of structural mechanical and adhesive joints in the shear strength of the joint can vary greatly depending on the design of such a joint. The shear strength may be so large that the substrate fails before the joint. The best shear strengths are achieved by designing the junctions with cyanoacrylate adhesive, by selecting appropriately the surface and operating conditions, for example by white sheet applying a pressure during curing of the joint. The use of hybrid joints no increase shear strength, but instead provides a low dispersion of results, being remarkable for the galvanized surface, which is the having worst reproducibility when performed bonded joints. The hybrid joints leading to increased deformation before rupture. The joints witch adhesives give brittle fracture and the mechanics joints give ductile fracture. Hybrid joint provides ductility at the joint. Hybrid joint can also give brittle fracture, this happens when the shear strength of the adhesive is three times the shear strength of the mechanical joint. The hybrid joints improve stiffness of joint, especially seen a significant increase in hybrid joints bonding with flexible adhesives, can be said that for all the adhesives, the hybrid junction stiffness is higher.


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Component joining is typically performed by welding, fastening, or adhesive-bonding. For bonded aerospace applications, adhesives must withstand high-temperatures (200°C or above, depending on the application), which implies their mechanical characterization under identical conditions. The extended finite element method (XFEM) is an enhancement of the finite element method (FEM) that can be used for the strength prediction of bonded structures. This work proposes and validates damage laws for a thin layer of an epoxy adhesive at room temperature (RT), 100, 150, and 200°C using the XFEM. The fracture toughness (G Ic ) and maximum load ( ); in pure tensile loading were defined by testing double-cantilever beam (DCB) and bulk tensile specimens, respectively, which permitted building the damage laws for each temperature. The bulk test results revealed that decreased gradually with the temperature. On the other hand, the value of G Ic of the adhesive, extracted from the DCB data, was shown to be relatively insensitive to temperature up to the glass transition temperature (T g ), while above T g (at 200°C) a great reduction took place. The output of the DCB numerical simulations for the various temperatures showed a good agreement with the experimental results, which validated the obtained data for strength prediction of bonded joints in tension. By the obtained results, the XFEM proved to be an alternative for the accurate strength prediction of bonded structures.


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Adhesive bonding is nowadays a serious candidate to replace methods such as fastening or riveting, because of attractive mechanical properties. As a result, adhesives are being increasingly used in industries such as the automotive, aerospace and construction. Thus, it is highly important to predict the strength of bonded joints to assess the feasibility of joining during the fabrication process of components (e.g. due to complex geometries) or for repairing purposes. This work studies the tensile behaviour of adhesive joints between aluminium adherends considering different values of adherend thickness (h) and the double-cantilever beam (DCB) test. The experimental work consists of the definition of the tensile fracture toughness (GIC) for the different joint configurations. A conventional fracture characterization method was used, together with a J-integral approach, that take into account the plasticity effects occurring in the adhesive layer. An optical measurement method is used for the evaluation of crack tip opening and adherends rotation at the crack tip during the test, supported by a Matlab® sub-routine for the automated extraction of these quantities. As output of this work, a comparative evaluation between bonded systems with different values of adherend thickness is carried out and complete fracture data is provided in tension for the subsequent strength prediction of joints with identical conditions.


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The geometrical factors defining an adhesive joint are of great importance as its design greatly conditions the performance of the bonding. One of the most relevant geometrical factors is the thickness of the adhesive as it decisively influences the mechanical properties of the bonding and has a clear economic impact on the manufacturing processes or long runs. The traditional mechanical joints (riveting, welding, etc.) are characterised by a predictable performance, and are very reliable in service conditions. Thus, structural adhesive joints will only be selected in industrial applications demanding mechanical requirements and adverse environmental conditions if the suitable reliability (the same or higher than the mechanical joints) is guaranteed. For this purpose, the objective of this paper is to analyse the influence of the adhesive thickness on the mechanical behaviour of the joint and, by means of a statistical analysis based on Weibull distribution, propose the optimum thickness for the adhesive combining the best mechanical performance and high reliability. This procedure, which is applicable without a great deal of difficulty to other joints and adhesives, provides a general use for a more reliable use of adhesive bondings and, therefore, for a better and wider use in the industrial manufacturing processes.


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A nonlinear interface element modelling method is formulated for the prediction of deformation and failure of high adhesive thin layer polymer mortared masonry exhibiting failure of units and mortar. Plastic flow vectors are explicitly integrated within the implicit finite element framework instead of relying on predictor–corrector like approaches. The method is calibrated using experimental data from uniaxial compression, shear triplet and flexural beam tests. The model is validated using a thin layer mortared masonry shear wall, whose experimental datasets are reported in the literature and is used to examine the behaviour of thin layer mortared masonry under biaxial loading.


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Latent transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) binding proteins (LTBPs) -1, -3 and -4 are ECM components whose major function is to augment the secretion and matrix targeting of TGF-beta, a multipotent cytokine. LTBP-2 does not bind small latent TGF-beta but has suggested functions as a structural protein in ECM microfibrils. In the current work we focused on analyzing possible adhesive functions of LTBP-2 as well as on characterizing the kinetics and regulation of LTBP-2 secretion and ECM deposition. We also explored the role of TGF-beta binding LTBPs in endothelial cells activated to mimic angiogenesis as well as in malignant mesothelioma. We found that, unlike most adherent cells, several melanoma cell lines efficiently adhered to purified recombinant LTBP-2. Further characterization revealed that the adhesion was mediated by alpha3beta1 and alpha6beta1 integrins. Heparin also inhibited the melanoma cell adhesion suggesting a role for heparan sulphate proteoglycans. LTBP-2 was also identified as a haptotactic substrate for melanoma cell migration. We used cultured human embryonic lung fibroblasts to analyze the temporal and spatial association of LTBP-2 into ECM. By We found that LTBP-2 was efficiently assembled to the ECM only in confluent cultures following the deposition of fibronectin (FN) and fibrillin-1. In early, subconfluent cultures it remained primarily in soluble form after secretion. LTBP-2 colocalized transiently with FN and fibrillin-1. Silencing of fibrillin-1 expression by lentiviral shRNAs profoundly disrupted the deposition of LTBP-2 indicating that the ECM association of LTBP-2 depends on a pre-formed fibrillin-1 network. Considering the established role of TGF-beta as a regulator of angiogenesis we induced morphological activation of endothelial cells by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) and followed the fate of LTBP-1 in the endothelial ECM. This resulted in profound proteolytic processing of LTBP-1 and release of latent TGF-beta complexes from the ECM. The processing was coupled with increased activation of MT-MMPs and specific upregulation of MT1-MMP. The major role of MT1-MMP in the proteolysis of LTBP-1 was confirmed by suppressing the expression with lentivirally induced short-hairpin RNAs as well as by various metalloproteinases inhibitors. TGF-beta can promote tumorigenesis of malignant mesothelioma (MM), which is an aggressive tumor of the pleura with poor prognosis. TGF-beta activity was analyzed in a panel of MM tumors by immunohistochemical staining of phosphorylated Smad-2 (P-Smad2). The tumor cells were strongly positive for P-Smad2 whereas LTBP-1 immunoreactivity was abundant in the stroma, and there was a negative correlation between LTBP-1 and P-Smad2 staining. In addition, the high P-Smad2 immunoreactivity correlated with shorter survival of patients. mRNA analysis revealed that TGF-beta1 was the most highly expressed isoform in both normal human pleura and MM tissue. LTBP-1 and LTBP-3 were both abundantly expressed. LTBP-1 was the predominant isoform in established MM cell lines whereas the expression of LTBP-3 was high in control cells. Suppression of LTBP-3 expression by siRNAs resulted in increased TGF-beta activity in MM cell lines accompanied by decreased proliferation. Our results suggest that decreased expression of LTBP-3 in MM could alter the targeting of TGF-beta to the ECM and lead to its increased activation. The current work emphasizes the coordinated process of the assembly and appropriate targeting of LTBPs with distinct adhesive or cytokine harboring properties into the ECM. The hierarchical assembly may have implications in the modulation of signaling events during morphogenesis and tissue remodeling.


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In this article, the effect of two solvents, namely dimethyl formamide (DMF) and N-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP), on the dispersion effectiveness and the resulting electrical and mechanical properties of multi-walled carbonanotubes (MNCNT) filled structural adhesive grade epoxy nanocomposites was studied. The solvents were used mainly to reduce the viscosity of the resin system to effectively disperse the nanofiller. The dispersion was carried out under vacuum using high energy sonic waves. SEM was undertaken to study the dispersion effectiveness. Electrical resistivity, tensile properties, and glass transition of the nanocomposites were studied. Between DMF and NMP, the former proved better in terms of dispersion effectiveness and the resulting electrical and mechanical properties of the nanocomposites. Addition of MWCNT into AV138M resulted in an increase in glass transition temperature irrespective of the solvent used and in both cases percolation threshold was found with respect to reduction in electrical resistivity of the nanocomposites. Less agglomeration and hence better interaction between CNT and epoxy was observed in the samples prepared using DMF compared with that using NMP.


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The effect of Radio Frequency (RF) power on the properties of magnetron sputtered Al doped ZnO thin films and the related sensor properties are investigated. A series of 2 wt% Al doped ZnO; Zn0.98Al0.02O (AZO) thin films prepared with magnetron sputtering at different RF powers, are examined. The structural results reveal a good adhesive nature of thin films with quartz substrates as well as increasing thickness of the films with increasing RF power. Besides, the increasing RF power is found to improve the crystallinity and grain growth as confirmed by X-ray diffraction. On the other hand, the optical transmittance is significantly influenced by the RF power, where the transparency values achieved are higher than 82% for all the AZO thin films and the estimated optical band gap energy is found to decrease with RF power due to an increase in the crystallite size as well as the film thickness. In addition, the defect induced luminescence at low temperature (77 K) and room temperature (300 K) was studied through photoluminescence spectroscopy, it is found that the defect density of electronic states of the Al3+ ion increases with an increase of RF power due to the increase in the thickness of the film and the crystallite size. The gas sensing behavior of AZO films was studied for NO2 at 350 degrees C. The AZO film shows a good response towards NO2 gas and also a good relationship between the response and the NO2 concentration, which is modeled using an empirical formula. The sensing mechanism of NO2 is discussed.


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The effect of Radio Frequency (RF) power on the properties of magnetron sputtered Al doped ZnO thin films and the related sensor properties are investigated. A series of 2 wt% Al doped ZnO; Zn0.98Al0.02O (AZO) thin films prepared with magnetron sputtering at different RF powers, are examined. The structural results reveal a good adhesive nature of thin films with quartz substrates as well as increasing thickness of the films with increasing RF power. Besides, the increasing RF power is found to improve the crystallinity and grain growth as confirmed by X-ray diffraction. On the other hand, the optical transmittance is significantly influenced by the RF power, where the transparency values achieved are higher than 82% for all the AZO thin films and the estimated optical band gap energy is found to decrease with RF power due to an increase in the crystallite size as well as the film thickness. In addition, the defect induced luminescence at low temperature (77 K) and room temperature (300 K) was studied through photoluminescence spectroscopy, it is found that the defect density of electronic states of the Al3+ ion increases with an increase of RF power due to the increase in the thickness of the film and the crystallite size. The gas sensing behavior of AZO films was studied for NO2 at 350 degrees C. The AZO film shows a good response towards NO2 gas and also a good relationship between the response and the NO2 concentration, which is modeled using an empirical formula. The sensing mechanism of NO2 is discussed.


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The stencil printing process is an important process in the assembly of Surface Mount Technology (SMT)devices. There is a wide agreement in the industry that the paste printing process accounts for the majority of assembly defects. Experience with this process has shown that typically over 60% of all soldering defects are due to problems associated with the flow properties of solder pastes. Therefore, the rheological measurements can be used as a tool to study the deformation or flow experienced by the pastes during the stencil printing process. This paper presents results on the thixotropic behaviour of three pastes; lead-based solder paste, lead-free solder paste and isotropic conductive adhesive (ICA). These materials are widely used as interconnect medium in the electronics industry. Solder paste are metal alloys suspended in a flux medium while the ICAs consist of silver flakes dispersed in an epoxy resin. The thixotropy behaviour was investigated through two rheological test; (i) hysteresis loop test and (ii) steady shear rate test. In the hysteresis loop test, the shear rate were increased from 0.001 to 100s-1 and then decreased from 100 to 0.001s-1. Meanwhile, in the steady shear rate test, the materials were subjected to a constant shear rate of 0.100, 100 and 0.001s-1 for a period of 240 seconds. All the pastes showed a high degree of shear thinning behaviour with time. This might be due to the agglomeration of particles in the flux or epoxy resin that prohibits pastes flow under low shear rate. The action of high shear rate would break the agglomerates into smaller pieces which facilitates the flow of pastes, thus viscosity is reduced at high shear rate. The solder pastes exhibited a higher degree of structural breakdown compared to the ICAs. The area between the up curve and down curve in the hysteresis curve is an indication of the thixotropic behavior of the pastes. Among the three pastes, lead-free solder paste showed the largest area between the down curve and up curve, which indicating a larger structural breakdown in the pastes, followed by lead-based solder paste and ICA. In a steady shear rate test, viscosity of ICA showed the best recovery with the steeper curve to its original viscosity after the removal of shear, which indicating that the dispersion quality in ICA is good because the high shear has little effect on the microstructure of ICA. In contrast, lead-based paste showed the poorest recovery which means this paste undergo larger structural breakdown and dispersion quality in this paste is poor because the microstructure of the paste is easily disrupted by high shear. The structural breakdown during the application of shear and the recovery after removal of shear is an important characteristic in the paste printing process. If the paste’s viscosity can drop low enough, it may contribute to the aperture filling and quick recovery may prevent slumping.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)