957 resultados para Accounting performance
Abstract Purpose: Several well-known managerial accounting performance measurement models rely on causal assumptions. Whilst users of the models express satisfaction and link them with improved organizational performance, academic research, of the realworld applications, shows few reliable statistical associations. This paper provides a discussion on the"problematic" of causality in a performance measurement setting. Design/methodology/approach: This is a conceptual study based on an analysis and synthesis of the literature from managerial accounting, organizational theory, strategic management and social scientific causal modelling. Findings: The analysis indicates that dynamic, complex and uncertain environments may challenge any reliance upon valid causal models. Due to cognitive limitations and judgmental biases, managers may fail to trace correct cause-and-effect understanding of the value creation in their organizations. However, even lacking this validity, causal models can support strategic learning and perform as organizational guides if they are able to mobilize managerial action. Research limitations/implications: Future research should highlight the characteristics necessary for elaboration of convincing and appealing causal models and the social process of their construction. Practical implications: Managers of organizations using causal models should be clear on the purposes of their particular models and their limitations. In particular, difficulties are observed in specifying detailed cause and effect relations and their potential for communicating and directing attention. They should therefore construct their models to suit the particular purpose envisaged. Originality/value: This paper provides an interdisciplinary and holistic view on the issue of causality in managerial accounting models.
The business environment has rapidly become more global and more competitive. It sets new requirements for the company management. It is not enough to look at the financial information of the company, but one need to analyse also the internal processes as well. Sourcing exists in every company. It is no longer just a supporting function in a company chain of operations. By sourcing company can affect the profitability of the company in both direct and indirect ways The thesis overviewed the role of strategic accounting, sourcing and performance measurements in particularly, in company strategic steering. The study is qualitative, where the meaning was to describe true life. In the same time it is an explanatory case study. The aim of the study was to build up a set of sourcing performance indicators for the case company.
Franchising is an important form of organizational control. Possible benefits of franchising include its ability to reduce agency costs that increase with costly monitoring, and provide incentives for the use of local information by onsite managers. However, these benefits may come at a cost, as franchisees may reduce quality by choosing to free ride. While many studies have investigated the reasons for franchising, few studies have documented the impacts of franchising on unit level operating performance. Using time-series data from a number of lodging properties that were converted to franchisee control from company control, this study documents the performance impacts of franchising. The analysis reveals that conversion results in a modest decline in financial performance and an immediate sharp decline in quality.
Performance improvements subsequent to the implementation of a pay-for-performance plan can result because more productive employees self-select into the firm (selection effect) and/or because employees allocate effort to become more effective (effort effect). We analyze individual performance data for 3,776 sales employees of a retail firm to evaluate these alternative sources of continuing performance improvement. The incentive plan helps the firm attract and retain more productive sales employees, and motivates these employees to further improve their productivity. In contrast, the less productive sales employees’ performance declines before they leave the firm.
Much management accounting research focuses on design of incentive compensation contracts. A basic assumption in these contracts is that performance-based incentives improve employee performance. This paper reports on a field test of the multi-period incentive effects of a performance-based compensation plan on the sales of a retail establishment. Analysis of panel data for 15 retail outlets over 66 months indicates a sales increase when the plan is implemented, an effect that persists and increases over time. Sales gains are significantly lower in the peak selling season when more temporary workers are employed.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to examine whether the ownership of public firms is related to accounting and market performance, comparing family and non-family listed firms. Design/methodology/approach: We use regression analysis, considering a sample of Portuguese family and non-family firms for the period between 1999 and 2010. Findings: Overall, the results show that family firms are older, are more indebted and have higher debt costs than non-family firms. However, they present lower levels of risk. The evidence suggests that family firms outperform non-family firms when we consider a market performance measure. The market performance of family-controlled firms is more sensitive to the crisis periods and age, compared to their counterparts. The empirical findings suggest that under economic adversity, the performance is especially compromised by the firms’ age. Research limitations/implications: A limitation of this study is the small size of the sample, which derives from the small size of the Portuguese stock market, the Euronext Lisbon. Originality/value: This paper offers some insights on the ownership of public firms and firm performance by investigating a small European economy. The study also contributes to the stream of firm performance, considering new independent variables as determinants of firm performance, such as operational risk. Finally, the study examines the interaction between ownership and performance under both steady and adverse economic conditions, giving the opportunity to analyze whether firm performance differs according to market conditions.
The structure of middle management remuneration packages: An application to Australian mine managers
This paper investigates the composition of remuneration packages for middle managers and relates the structure of remuneration contracts to firm-specific attributes. A statutorily defined position in a single industry is studied as an example of middle management. This allows us to control for differences in task complexity across managers and industry-induced factors that could determine differences in remuneration contracts. Higher-risk firms are expected to pay their mine managers a greater proportion of variable salaries and market and/or accounting-based compensation than low-risk firms. Results indicate that high-risk firms pay a higher proportion of variable salaries and more compensation based on market and/or accounting performance.
Mestrado em Contabilidade e Gestão das Instituições Financeiras
Tutkimus on tehty keskisuomalaiselle pk-yritykselle vuosien 2003-2005 aikana. Tutkimusjaksolla kohdeyrityksessä on toteutettu lukuisia mittavia muutoksia ja merkittävä investointiohjelma. Tutkimuksen kannalta oleellisin muutos on ollut yrityksen tietojärjestelmien kokonaisvaltainen uudistaminen. Vanha tuotannonohjausjärjestelmä on korvattu uudella toiminnanohjausjärjestelmällä ja myös taloudenohjausjärjestelmät on uudistettu. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ollut laatia kokonaisvaltainen suunnitelma johdon laskentajärjestelmien kehittämiseksi ja selvittää erityisesti toimintolaskentajärjestelmän sekä suorituskyvyn mittaus- ja analysointijärjestelmän implementoinnin edellytyksiä tutkimuksen kohdeyrityksessä ja laatia konkreettinen esitys järjestelmien rakentamiseksi. Johdon laskentajärjestelmän kokonaissuunnitelmassa tarkoituksena on laatia laskentajärjestelmän loogisten elementtien kuvauksen lisäksi esitys tarvittavista sovelluksista sekä tutkia sovellusten välisiä fyysisiä rajapintoja ja suunnitella järjestelmäintegraatio siten, että johdon laskentajärjestelmän koko naissuunnitelma on mahdollista taloudellisesti toteuttaa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on lisäksi ollut selvittääyrityksen toimintojen kustannukset ja tuoteryhmien kannattavuudet sekä rakentaasuorituskyvyn mittaus- ja analysointijärjestelmä SAKE prosessi-malliinperustuen. Lisäksi tutkimuksen puitteissa on rakennettu erilaisia liiketoimintaa tukevia raportteja erilaisilla kehitysvälineillä. Tutkimukselle asetetut sisällölliset tavoitteet saavutettiin pääpiirteissään. Jatkuvatoimisten ja integroitujen toimintolaskentajärjestelmän sekä suorituskyvyn mittaus- ja analysointijärjestelmän rakentaminen osoittautui tutkimuksen aikana haastavaksi, joskaan ei mahdottomaksi tehtäväksi. Järjestelmien rakennustyö jatkuu tutkimuksessa esitettyihin ajatuksiin perustuen yhteistyössä ohjelmistotoimittajan kanssa edelleen ja järjestelmät valmistunevat vuosien 2005-2006 aikana.
Tutkimuksessa käydään läpi ja arvioidaan johdon laskentatoimen menetelmiä toimittajavalinnassa sekä hankintatoimessa kustannusnäkökulmasta. Vaikka käsitellyt menetelmät ovat yleisiä, niitä sovelletaan vähän alan kirjallisuudessa ja tutkimuksissa hankintatoimen näkökulmasta. Työ on kirjallisuustutkimus, joka koostuu alan keskeisistä julkaisuista kirjoista ja artikkeleista. Tutkielmassa käytiin läpi kuusi johdon laskentatoimen menetelmää: kustannustietojen jakaminen, kokonaiskustannuslaskenta, toimintolaskenta, suorituskyvyn mittaaminen, tasapainotettu mittaristo ja benchmarking. Teoreettisten viitekehysten lisäksi työssä käydään läpi case-tapauksia siitä miten menetelmiä sovelletaan yrityksissä. Toimittajavalinnassa huomattiin pehmeillä valintakriteereillä olevan suurempi merkitys yrityksen suoriutumiseen kuin määrällisillä kriteereillä. Käsitellyissä menetelmissä on paljon samoja piirteitä tai ne ovat toisiaan tukevia, joten useamman menetelmän käyttö hankintatoimessa on siksi suotavaa. Menetelmien käyttö toimittajavalinnassa ja hankintatoimessa vaikuttaa olevan vielä vähän sovellettu asia, mikä todennäköisesti muuttuu tulevaisuudessa.
Työn tavoitteena on tehdä tiivis katsaus yritysverkostojen kustannusjohtamiseen ja muodostaa ko-konaiskuva moderneissa yritysverkostoissa käytettävistä kustannusjohtamisen menetelmistä, mal-leista sekä niiden ominaispiirteistä verkostojen johtamisen tukena. Näiden menetelmien ja mallien vahvuuksia ja heikkouksia arvioidaan lisäksi empiiristen tutkimustulosten pohjalta. Pohjateorian lähteenä on käytetty niin kustannusjohtamista kuin verkostoympäristöjäkin käsittele-vää alan vakiintunutta kirjallisuutta, joita on täydennetty yhdistelmällä eri artikkelijulkaisuiden tuo-reempia malleja, viitekehyksiä sekä erilaisia tutkimustuloksia. Artikkelikirjallisuutta tarkastelevassa katsauksessa kartoitettiin alan keskeistä artikkelikirjallisuutta rajattuna aikavälille 2000–2012. Yritysverkostojen kustannusjohtaminen verkostoympäristössä jaettiin viiteen osa-alueeseen; kus-tannusjohtaminen verkostoissa (16 artikkelia), avoimet kirjat -periaate (17 artikkelia), tavoitekus-tannus- ja toimintolaskenta (13 artikkelia), verkostokumppaneiden välinen luottamus, voimasuhteet ja verkostojen johtaminen (39 artikkelia) sekä suorituskyvyn mittaaminen ja johtaminen verkosto-ympäristössä (40 artikkelia). Avoimet kirjat -periaate ja suorituskyvyn mittaaminen osoittautuivat katsauksen perusteella yritysverkostojen kustannusjohtamisen piiristä keskeisiksi teemoiksi, mistä syystä ne valittiin muita aihepiirejä tarkempaan käsittelyyn.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar as relações entre variáveis que influenciam o processo de estabelecimento dos sistemas de controle gerencial e orçamento, assim como os mecanismos de mensuração e avaliação de desempenho nas organizações, tendo como referencial básico a Teoria da Agência. As variáveis analisadas foram: folga orçamentária, incerteza e estratégia. O problema de pesquisa apresentado visa encontrar evidências acerca dos relacionamentos entre estas variáveis, tendo como pressuposto a função chave desempenhada pelo orçamento nos processos em questão. Entre os principais autores que compõem o referencial da pesquisa, destacamos diversos estudos que buscaram explicar relações entre as variáveis em foco e outras, visando compreender os antecedentes que definem os desenhos dos sistemas de controle e avaliação de desempenho. Assim, a partir da compreensão dos conceitos básicos envolvidos neste estudo – Teoria da Agência, sistemas de controle gerenciais, indicadores de desempenho e orçamento, os quais compõem o referencial teórico da pesquisa, foram propostas hipóteses para se tentar responder ao problema de pesquisa. Estas relacionam-se com a existência de folga orçamentária no orçamento de resultado da empresa em estudo, e com a influência do ambiente de incerteza e da estratégia associada ao negócio, no processo de criação de folga orçamentária. Desta forma, estas hipóteses foram testadas em um estudo de caso em uma corporação familiar, que é composta por três empresas de capital fechado, que atuam na importação, industrialização e comercialização de insumos, partes e peças e produtos. Para realizar os testes estatísticos, foi feito um corte longitudinal nos dados do orçamento de indicadores de desempenho do tipo Accounting Performance Measure (APM), formando uma série histórica de 36 meses. Dentre as principais conclusões do estudo, que permitiram uma análise ampla dos aspectos relacionados aos antecedentes ambientais internos e externos que levam a comportamentos disfuncionais entre os agentes, foi evidenciada a existência da folga orçamentária e a influencia da incerteza em sua criação, porém não se pode afirmar que a estratégia tenha influência neste processo, no caso em questão.
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a relação entre a remuneração dos executivos e o desempenho financeiro nas empresas brasileiras. O sistema de remuneração é uma das principais formas de alinhar os interesses entre o principal (acionista) e o agente (executivo). Para isso, analisaremos a evolução histórica e teórica dos principais assuntos relacionados ao tema. Contudo, o nosso foco será em estudar como a remuneração dos executivos se comporta em relação a eventos esperados, mas ainda não realizados. Usaremos, para isso, a metodologia proposta por Leone et al. (2004), juntamente a base de dados disponibilizada pelo Instituto Brasileiro de Governança Corporativa (IBGC) com dados sobre a remuneração dos executivos de 316 empresas. Esses dados de remuneração abrangem informações do exercício de 2011 a 2013. Usaremos também uma segunda base de dados, formada pelo setor financeiro e de materiais básico, montada através dos formulários de referência, para analisarmos o efeito separadamente na remuneração paga em dinheiro e em ações. Como variável independente usaremos indicadores financeiros e contábeis das empresas. Os resultados fornecem evidencias empíricas de assimetria na remuneração total dos executivos em relação ao desempenho contábil. Enquanto que em anos de bom desempenho em bolsa há uma relação positiva entre desempenho contábil e remuneração de executivos, nos anos em que o desempenho em bolsa é ruim observa-se que uma boa performance contábil não –é acompanhada de uma variação positiva na remuneração dos executivos.