996 resultados para Absolute configuration


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The absolute configuration of echitamine iodide has been determined by the Bijvoet technique, making use of the intensity differences between hkl and {Mathematical expression} reflections due to the anomalous scattering of CuKa radiation by the iodine atom. The various steps in the procedure are discussed in detail in this paper.


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The first total synthesis of the sesquiterpene (-)-cucumin H, a linear triquinane isolated from Macrocystidia cucumis, has been accomplished starting from (R)-limonene employing two different cyclopentannulation methodologies, which in addition to confirming the structure also established the absolute configuration of the natural product.


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Enantiospecific total synthesis and determination of the absolute stereochemistry of the alpha-pyrone-containing natural product synargentolide B were accomplished. The absolute stereochemistry of the natural product was established by synthesizing the possible diastereomers and comparison of the data with those reported for the natural product. During the process, total synthesis of the putative structure of related natural product 6R-1S,2R,SR,6S-(tetraacetyloxy)-3E-heptenyl]-5,6-dihydro-2H-pyran-2-o ne was also accomplished and confirmed by X-ray crystal structure analysis. Wittig-Horner reaction of a chiral phosphonate derived from (S)-lactic acid and ring-closing metathesis were the key reactions during the course of the total synthesis.


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The study demonstrates the utility of ternary ion-pair complex formed among BINOL (1,1'-Bi-2-naphthol), a carboxylic acid and an organic base, such as, dimethylpyridine (DMAP), 1,4-diazabicyclo2.2.2]octane (DABCO), as a versatile chiral solvating agent (CSA) for the enantiodiscrimination of carboxylic acids, measurement of enantiomeric excess (ee) and the assignment of absolute configuration of hydroxy acids. The proposed mechanism of ternary complex has wider application for testing the enantiopurity owing to the fact that the binary mixture using BINOL alone does not serve as a solvating agent for their discrimination. In addition, the developed protocol has an excellent utility for the assignment of the absolute configurations of hydroxy acids.


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A general procedure to determine the absolute configuration of cyclic secondary amines with Mosher's NMR method is demonstrated, with assignment of absolute configuration of isoanabasine as an example. Each Mosher amide can adopt two stable conformations (named rotamers) caused by hindered rotation around amide C-N bond. Via a three-step structural analysis of four rotamers, the absolute configuration of (-)-isoanabasine is deduced to be (R) on the basis of Newman projections, which makes it easy to understand and clarify the application of Mosher's method to cyclic secondary amines. Furthermore, it was observed that there was an unexpected ratio of rotamers of Mosher amide derived from (R)-isoanabasine and (R)-Mosher acid. This phenomenon implied that it is necessary to distinguish the predominant rotamer from the minor one prior to determining the absolute configuration while using this technique.


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The tandem allylic oxidation/oxa-Michael reaction promoted by the gem-disubstituent effect and the 2-methyl-6-nitrobenzoic anhydride (MNBA)-mediated dimerization were explored for the efficient and facile synthesis of cyanolide A.


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Absolute configurations of a number of cis-dihydrodiols (cis-1,2-dihydroxy-3,5-cyclohexadienes), synthetically useful products of TDO-catalyzed dihydroxylations of 1,2- and 1,3-disubstituted benzene derivatives, have been determined by a comparison of calculated and experimental CD spectra and optical rotations and by methods involving X-ray crystallography, H-1 NMR spectra of diastereoisomeric derivatives, and by stereochemical correlations. The computations disclosed a significant effect of the substituents on conformational equilibria of cis-dihydrodiols and chiroptical properties of individual conformers. The assigned absolute configurations of cis-dihydrodiols have allowed the validity of a simple predictive model for TDO-catalyzed arene dihydroxylations to be extended.


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A series of ten cis-dihydro-diol metabolites has been obtained by bacterial biotransformation of the corresponding 1,4-disubstituted benzene substrates using Pseudomonas putida UV4, a source of toluene dioxygenase (TDO). Their enantiomeric excess (ee) values have been established using chiral stationary phase HPLC and H-1 NMR spectroscopy. Absolute configurations of the majority of cis-dihydrodiols have been established using stereochemical correlation and X-ray crystallography and the remainder have been tentatively assigned using NMR spectroscopic methods but finally confirmed by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy. These configurational assignments support and extend the validity of an empirical model, previously used to predict the preferred stereochemistry of TDO-catalysed cis-dihydroxylation of ten 1,4-disubstituted benzene substrates, to more than twenty-five examples.


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We have determined the absolute configurations of conformationally flexible cis-dihydrodiol metabolites (cis-1,2-dihydroxy-3,5-cyclohexadienes), bearing different substituents (e.g., Br, F, CF3, CN, Me) in 3- and 5-positions, by the method of confrontation of experimental and calculated electronic CD spectra and optical rotations. Convergent results were obtained by both methods in eight out of ten cases. For the difficult cases, where either conformer population and/or chiroptical properties (calculated rotational strengths of the long-wavelength Cotton effect or optical rotations) of contributing conformers remain inconclusive, the absolute configuration could still be correctly assigned based on one of the biased properties (either ECD or optical rotation). This approach appears well-suited for a broad spectrum of conformationally flexible chiral molecules.


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A combination method of ozonolysis and chiral stationary phase (CSP)-GC-MS analysis has been developed to determine the enantiopurity values and absolute configurations of a range of alkaloid and coumarin hemiterpenoids derived from C- and O-prenyl epoxides.


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Enzyme-catalysed kinetic resolution and asymmetric dihydroxylation routes to enantiopure cis-diol metabolites of arenes and benzocycloalkenes of either absolute configuration have been developed using appropriate strains of the bacterium Pseudomonas putida.


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Abstract Image

Stereochemical evidence is presented to demonstrate that (−)-inthomycin C has (3R)- and not (3S)-stereochemistry. Careful reappraisal of the previously published work2−5 now indicates that the Hatakeyama, Hale, Ryu, and Taylor teams all have synthesized (−)-(3R)-inthomycin C. The newly measured [α]D of pure (−)-(3R)-inthomycin C (98% ee) is −7.9 (c 0.33, CHCl3) and not −41.5 (c 0.1, CHCl3) as was previously reported in 2012.


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In a previous communication (2) the isolation of two defensive alkaloid, hippodamine and convergine, from the American ladybug Hippodamia convergens was reported. A preliminary chemical study (2) led to the hypothesis that hippodamine could be represented by (1), with unknown stereochemistry at carbon atom 2. Convergine was supposed to be a 3a or 6a hydroxyhippodamine.