981 resultados para Abordagem institucional


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Este trabalho pretende analisar os principais centros de pós-graduação e de pesquisa em economia localizados em São Paulo e no Rio de Janeiro, a partir do levantamento de documentos, programas, regulamentos e publicações de seus principais expoentes. Também pretendemos utilizar depoimentos desses expoentes para entender como os processos decisórios foram analisados de "dentro" da instituição. A história da vida do entrevistado permite que entremos no mundo das emoções, nos limites da racionalidade do ator histórico. Ao quebrarmos o esquematismo simplista, podemos desvendar as relações entre o indivíduo e a rede histórica. A memória, com suas falhas, distorções e inversões, torna-se um elemento de análise para explicar o presente, a partir da compreensão do passado sob a ótica de quem vivenciou os fatos.


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This study analyzes the institucional environment and its changes around the carcinicultora activity in Rio Grande do Norte from the understanding of its trajectory and the macroinstitucional elements micron and that characterizes the activity in the period of 1999 the 2009. In the analysis of the occured institucional changes in the carcinicultura the Guaraíra Estuary is overcome as space reference, located in the eastern coast of the Rio Grande of the North. The analysis proposal has for base the adoption of the conceptual support of the innovative institucionalistas and neoshumpterianas theories, for understanding that these bring complementary and enriching elements that will allow an analysis, not static, but, dynamics of the carcinicultora activity. It was verified that the crisis brought up for the antidumping action, for the problems of the illnesses that had abated the shrimp, for the depreciation of the Real, among others it led to an overturn in the productive conjuncture of market and forced the alteration of the effective institutions. This institucional alteration, goes in the direction to search to take care of the new demands of the carcinicultura that was possible for the solidity of the institucional foundations constructed throughout the thirty previous years and the consequent consolidation of the composed institucional apparatus for rich a mix of organizations, not only for agencies of government, as well as for organizations with social representation


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Este artigo apresenta uma discussão em torno das formas de acesso e uso dos recursos naturais em assentamentos rurais “sustentáveis” no Amazonas, relacionando-as aos postulados da política de reforma agrária. O estudo foi realizado por meio de análise comparativa a partir do método Institutional Analysis and Development (IAD) Framework. Os resultados apontam que as dificuldades apresentadas em torno da organização social e as relações institucionais enfraquecidas culminam na vulnerabilidade da permanência das práticas agroecológicas nos assentamentos. Entretanto, em meio a esta instabilidade, os moradores atuam a partir de escolhas que lhes proporcionam a continuidade de inovações tecnológicas de base agroecológica, criadas mediante as necessidades das famílias e sua experimentação empírica.


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Este artigo discute o modelo Nórdico ou o modelo de Estado-Providência e a educação. Mostra como os processos de reestruturação estão acontecendo a nível político e a nível institucional e, ainda, como é que as estruturas básicas do modelo e exemplo nórdico, especialmente os princípios subjacentes às comprehensive schools e às escolas locais, estão a ser abandonados. Pela abordagem institucional, está a emergir um novo pacto geracional ou um modelo institucional, mas a sua legitimação e estabelecimento levarão muito tempo. As mudanças na política e na organização ocorrem de forma muito mais rápida do que nos contextos sócio-culturais. Exemplos de histórias de sucesso, como a reforma dinamarquesa do mercado laboral e o crescimento do cluster finlandês do conhecimento intensivo em TIC, abriram o caminho para esta transformação. Há ainda a possibilidade de uma estratégia de Estado-Providência e de uma estratégia de Estado Competitivo poderem coexistir.


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The scope of this theses is to understand the dynamics of the institutionalization of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) within the Field of Banking Organizations in Brazil. Using the social analysis model put forward by Boltanski and Chiapello (1999) and reverting to the conceptual basis of the institutional approach and using Bourdieu¿s notion of interest (1996), we arrive at an analytical model that enabled us to assess CSR as part of a movement of displacement of capitalism. The theory we propose here is that with the institutionalization of CSR, actions are justified in terms of the common good, being legitimized by structural confirmations and arrangements and, at the same time, heeding the inherent interests of the Field. The means used for comprehension of the dynamics of the institutionalization of CSR were: (1) the analysis of the construction of the phenomenon of CSR, which enabled us to identify critical factors and events, leaders in Brazil and associated ratification of the institutionalization of this social practice; (2) the description of the Field of Banking Organizations and the identification of the elements of its CSR in History, which are essential steps for understanding the justifications for insertion of the Field in the movement towards CSR; (3) the identification of key players in the institutionalization of the social practice within the Field, as well as the categorization of practical actions considered socially responsible to be found in the organizations researched, analyzing them in terms of justifications and interests; (4) the analysis of the dissemination and sedimentation of structural arrangements linked to CSR in the organizations of the Field, such as specific areas created to deal with CSR, social reports and organizational websites. The field research assessed some 30 organizations and included documentary analysis and interviews. We noted that, from being a marginal and isolated action, over the course of the past decade CSR has become a structured action in banking organizations, while at the same time becoming transformed into a social value, capable of contributing to the legitimacy of the Field. In this respect, research showed that retail banks are those that are inserted in the movement towards CSR, which ratifies the thesis of the phenomenon as displacement of capitalism.


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The aim of the present study is to analyze the evolution of the historical and institutional elements that generate the current design of the private health market in Brazil. Its main theoretical basis is the Theory of the Symbolic Power, by Pierre Bourdieu, complemented, in the non-conflictive aspects of these two visions, by the Anthony Giddens¿ institutional vision on the field genesis motivational factors. The research¿ data were collected through documents and semi structured interviews during 2002 e 2003 period, involving the qualitative analyze due to understand the field¿s phenomena under an actors¿ perspective. The research identifies the several players that integrate the market, their evident strategic goals, and those that are not so, besides of the powers¿ resources used to reach them, by DiMaggio and Powell¿ vision. Thus, it tries to show, through a historic linear description, and emphasis in the determinant facts, the evolution of the market¿s constitution. The study demonstrates that the field had formed from several Estate¿ actions, basically after the past seventy¿ decade, as result of a alternative Government¿ strategy towards a Brazilian population¿s dissemination plan of health¿ services that enforced the institutionalization of isomorphic structures, with a strong internal interaction and a hierarchy between kinds of values, that had emphasized the health¿ symbol as a citizenship¿s value. In the end, the study estimates that the crescent longevity¿ Brazilian¿s population and the consequent work¿s dismiss may cause a private health¿ elitism conforming a future problem in this sensible segment of the social politics of the Brazilian government.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma análise institucional da disseminação do Modelo do PNQ por diferentes regiões, setores e tipos de organizações, investigando o papel dos principais atores e agentes envolvidos no processo. A partir da compreensão dos conceitos de campo organizacional, modismo gerencial e isomorfismo, consagrados na abordagem do novo institucionalismo, é explorado como o modelo vem agregando e disseminando práticas gerenciais consideradas inovadoras, que são, em nome da excelência, avidamente absorvidas pelas organizações em busca de sua legitimação. Discutimos ainda o modelo do PNQ como mapa cognitivo, que atua mais no sentido de construir retrospectivamente significado para as decisões e ações da organização do que para direcioná-las.


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O conhecimento da organização, Sistema Nacional de Centrais de Abastecimento - SINAC, e de sua ambiência, constituem- se nos elementos fu1crais do presente trabalho. Empreende-se uma análise fundamentada na abordagem institucional e orientada pela assertiva que a modernização social pode ser alcançada através de organizações promotoras do desenvolvimento. Objetiva-se evidenciar os fluxos das diferentes es pécies de transações da organização, as variáveis e elos institucionais preponderantes e as disfunções existentes no âmbito organizacional. Constata-se que, a despeito de um apoio formalmente alocado à organização, é apenas sofrível seu envolvimento institucional, tendo em vista a ambiguidade de algumas variáveis e a incoerência entre elas.Conclui-se que a inexistência de elementos p1inadores, catalizadores e integradores, das variáveis cionais e ambientais, consubstanciados numa política para o setor de hortigranjeiros vêm de apresentar mazelas 12 disciinstiturealista administrativo- operacionais e obstaculizar o processo de instituciona 1ização do SINAC. Sugere-se a reformu1ação organizacional, no sentido de se redefinir objetivos, proposições e condições de implementação, com base no concreto e real apoio dos elos capacitadores. Ao mesmo tempo recomenda-se investir em recursos humanos e pesquisas na área de comercialização agrícola, adotando-se, porém, um enfoque mais pragmático e menos academicista.


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Neste trabalho, procuramos analisar fatores que contribuem para o sucesso ou insucesso de determinadas práticas terapêuticas em instituições psiquiátricas. Como prática social, que se realiza através de instituições, a psiquiatria e as relações sociais e humanas dela decorrentes, são, um campo privilegiado de aplicação de descobertas das ciências sociais e do comportamento e seu estudo dificilmente se fará a partir de uma só perspectiva, que nos possibilita referendar este trabalho sob uma abordagem institucional, considerando o hospital estudado como fazendo parte de um contexto mais amplo da sociedade. A análise foi realizada através da comparação de dados referentes aos pacientes e à equipe de atendimento do hospital psiquiátrico que ilustra este trabalho. Estes se referem a dois períodos diferentes de atendimento psiquiátrico. Consideramos o primeiro período como de terapêutica clássica e o segundo como o da implantação e expansão da experiência de comunidade terapêutica. Colocamos este segundo momento como o mais relevante na história das práticas terapêuticas daquele hospital, posto que marca o início de um período bastante diferente do anterior , tanto no que concerne às ideias e à abordagem dos problemas psiquiátricos em geral, quanto à atenção dispensada aos pacientes especificamente, deixando cada vez menor a margem para um tratamento unilateral da doença mental, não somente em termos teóricos, mas também, em termos práticos em virtude da tentativa de fortalecimento da vinculação paciente/família/comunidade. Entretanto a comparação realizada nos permite concluir que de acordo com os dados apresentados pelo hospital os dois períodos não diferem significativamente no que se referem aos pacientes e a equipe de atendimento. Considerando ainda que a prática terapêutica em hospitais públicos está organizada em função de objetivos da política de saúde vigente.


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The inclusion of local suppliers in production chains has considerable impact on its performance, but most notably in its main actors. The results of this process may be of different kinds and can be analyzed from economic or institutional approaches. This study aimed to verify the existence of different performances of Petrobras due to the inclusion of local suppliers in the oil and gas production chain in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, from the viewpoints of transaction costs and the Institutional Theory. In order to this, were made the characterization of the PROMINP, the description of its actions and results, the mapping of its institutional context of reference, and identification of results obtained by Petrobras in terms of transaction costs and legitimacy. The theoretical framework is based on authors dealing with industrial concentration, as like Marshall, Krugman, Porter and Schmitz, from the sociological perspective of neoinstitucional theory, as like DiMaggio and Powell and Scott and Meyer, and transaction costs, as like Williamson. This is a qualitative research, with data collection done by consulting secondary fonts and semi-structured interviews with nineteen actors of three groups, namely: actors involved in actions of the program, representatives of enterprises and representative of Petrobras. To analyze the content was used the Suchman s model (1995) for categories associated with strategies of legitimation and fourteen variables associated with the three variables assets specificity, bounded rationality and opportunism (Williamson, 1995, 1989) in the case of transaction costs. The results indicate that PROMINP has achieved its objectives by encouraging the increased participation of local companies in the oil and gas production chain, reflecting in the economic development of the state. The Redepetro/RN, fostered and built upon the interaction of the participants, is presented as a solution of continuity to the participation of enterprises in the chain, after the closure of the actions of the program. PROMINP demands responses to coercive, legislative and regulatory pressures of the organizational field, whose institutional context of reference is wide. From the point of view of legitimacy, through strategies to gain cognitive legitimacy and maintaining pragmatic legitimacy, Petrobras can manipulate the environment, ensuring the compliance of the constituents to their technical and institutional demands. Enterprises, in turn, respond to the demands through compliance with technical demands, mainly through the certification of processes, and cultural changes. There aren t clear gains related to the transaction costs, however, gains in legitimacy can be seen as a cumulative capital that can serve as a competitive differential that generates economic gains. In terms of theoretical findings, it was found that, due to its explanatory power for actions that are difficult to explain only in economic terms, Institutional Theory may be used as theoretical support concurrent with other theories. TCE model has limitations in explaining the program actions. In the case, it s emphasized that Petrobras doesn t seek only economic efficiency, but has in its mission the commitment to social development.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This study presents different modalities of ethics - guardianship, interlocution, social action, care and finally the ethics of listening to the subject's unconscious desire - as analyzers of the care practices conducted by psychologists in the field of Social Assistance. In an institutional approach, cases found in the literature are presented, in a questioning way, which can be considered examples of the practices performed by psychologists and other workers who operate in a wide variety of healthcare establishments. It was concluded that psychologists may encounter, in the field of Freudian/Lacanian psychoanalysis, consistent theoretical-technical and ethical-political instrumentals to guide institutional performance in an effective and informed way so as to include the individual as a citizen and also as the subject of the unconscious.


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This study emerged and founded itself with the aim to analyze the position taken by the family – and the implications in this subjective area – in attending children and adolescents in a Childhood Psychosocial Care Center (CAPSi). A secondary goal has come up as the comprehension surrounding the institutional representation made about the family and the service offered to children, adolescents and relatives. For such, the historical perspective on the relation between the State (laws and institutions) and the family was resumed, and the understanding of how it was reconciled by the medical knowledge and attended the ideological and political means. The social and ideological transformations of the 20th century culminated in the need of change required by the Psychiatric Reform and the achievement of patients on the right to return home and to their families. This new situation, permeated by the attempt of building an assistance model in Mental Health, presented a peculiarity–the close relationship between family and Mental Health services. The observations and conversations at CAPSi that were the investigation objects in this research, intended to learn on the quotidian of families and the possible treatment alternatives that would take into account the family circumstances. Conceiving the status of the families in Mental Health services is a germinal matter yet to be adjusted among the active knowledge in the post-Reform devices. The discussion about the family bonds, anchored in the theoretical perspective of Binding Psychoanalysis brought up elementary concepts such as psychic heritage, denial pact, unconscious alliances, the familiar psychic set, among other. The concept of family organizer helped to think of the family trajectories and stablishes a sort of identity for the family, as well as interferes in the establishment of its boundaries. The family path within the institution, as well as the status they establish facing the institutional approach, reflect the ghosts and the organizers shared by the group-family. It follows that the family is an important protagonist to be considered in the current therapeutic and political processes and, thus, is key to welcome the family bonds for the alliances act over the affective destinations, as well as try to remain sealed from the proposed changes.