990 resultados para Abordagem dialógica
The belief of using experimental activities in the teaching of Physics as a strategy to produce a more efficient teaching-learning process is great among teachers and the school community. However, there are many difficulties for their implementation and when it happens they do not contribute for an improvement in class efficiency due to the method used. In this work, we developed a proposal for using these activities in Physics classes in high school, from a critical-reflexive approach in which the constant dialogue between the participants in the teaching-learning process is fundamental. The work was developed in two ways. The first, where the author/writer created an educational material and applied it in classroom and a second one, where he presented the idea to other teachers and undergraduate students from the Physics course at UFRN and IFRN (former CEFET-RN) through an extended workshop entitled "The role of experimental activities in the Physics teaching". This workshop had the duration of 60 hours and was implemented in 4 steps: i) sensitization and formation, ii) material development, iii) material implementation and iv) evaluation by teachers and students from the classes where the material was applied. The goal of this workshop was to present the approach, evaluate how the participants received the idea and how they would apply it in real situations. The results of the application in classroom allowed us to reach some conclusions. This approach was well received by the students as well as by the workshop participants. Despite some difficulties in relation to the handling of the implementation results by the workshop participants, they indicated changes in these professionals teaching practice and the introduction of experimental activities has been an important subsidy to assist them in Physics class in high school
According to data published on the World Drug Report 2012 by Unodc - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime -, the world consumes nowadays the same amount of illicit drugs that it has always consumed. Contrary to this stable consumption, discussions surrounding the issue of drugs have intensified. The greatest controversies and the largest repercussion in the Brazilian media relate to marijuana use. This paper was developed in the context of polemic issues and its general goal is to analyze the conflict of ideologies present in the discourses about drugs on printed articles released by the Brazilian media, represented here by the magazines Veja, Carta Capital and Galileu. This study is carried out based on a dialogic approach, supported by the Bakhtinian researches on discourse
In this study, we intend to focus on the printed advertisement genre which reveals its discursive genre condition circulating in printed media sphere, specifically in four magazines: Playboy, Score, GQ and Men's Health. The overall objective of this study is to analyze the identity in advertisement gender directed at male audience in printing, by considering how commercials work in the consumer society by seeking to satisfy a particular group, the reader/male consumer with modern customs and behaviors. For this, advertisements from four magazines of January, April, July and October were gathered, totaling sixteen magazines and twenty-seven types of genre pieces over a period of one year: from January to December 2012. We have selected about 27 pieces that advertisers tried to expose the body on the space of advertisements, resulting in a heightened appreciation of physical appearance. So we divide our corpus in a category, adiáforo body, and three sub-categories: the body building; the tattooed body and the consumption body. This work is part of a qualitative-interpretative approach, in order to investigate the social reality, paradigm advocated by applied linguists. Thus, our study is turned to a related activity with language issues present in the printed media sphere. Advertisement is understood as real unity of discursive and inter-subjective communication, maintaining relationships with others statements already said and prefigured and calling others to settle. Based on these assumptions, we have presented an analysis of the printed advertisement gender in men's magazines basing ourselves in contemporary research on Discourse Dialogic Analysis in Circle studies by Mikhail Bakhtin, revisiting his theoretical and methodological aspects and the identity concepts and culture as well as authors of the advertising sphere. This research has been presented relevant as it has contributed to an analysis of the verbal-visual dimension of advertising directed at male audience, considered as a discursive genre that circulates in the printed media and advertising, steeped in dialogical relations and have also contributed to the construction and development of theoretical and methodological frameworks, and applied to teachers and professionals interested in the theme. Results have shown data demonstrating that the search for a completeness never come, the man have built himself the search of the perfect body, the pursuit of exquisite stereotype, the search for products that contribute to this his self-assertion always transient and in construction. It is concluded that the body is a recurring theme in the four magazines. The body tailored is always presented as the ideal to which every man must achieve.
O presente trabalho toma como objeto de estudo o discurso sobre a literatura marginal em blogs. A literatura marginal é um movimento literário que tem como tema central o relato da própria experiência de sobreviver nos espaços marginais e marginalizados da sociedade brasileira contemporânea. A vida na periferia, lugar este pouco representado pela literatura canônica, passa a ser extensão do que se escreve, deste modo, o autor assume de forma concreta seus distintivos traços artísticos, culturais e sociais. Tendo em vista a internet como instrumento de “democratização” da prática e do uso da palavra escrita, por conta da heterogeneidade dos discursos veiculados, a literatura marginal contemporânea encontra, neste espaço, a possibilidade para expor e divulgar seus discursos carregados de traços distintivos de hibridismo, contraditoriedade, além de propagar, por meio da linguagem coloquial, sua temática que possui um caráter coletivo e representa uma específica realidade brasileira. Nos blogs, mais especificamente, os escritores de literatura marginal encontram um espaço de divulgação de textos inéditos e de suas obras. Para a realização do estudo proposto, foram feitas considerações gerais sobre os blogs pesquisados, segundo uma abordagem dialógica do material de pesquisa. O corpus compõe-se de blogs de sujeitos que têm alguma relação com a literatura marginal contemporânea: o blog da editora literatura marginal (editoraliteraturamarginal.blogspot.com.br) e os blogs pessoais dos escritores Ferréz (ferrez.blogspot.com.br) e Sérgio Vaz (colecionadordepedras1.blogspot.com.br). Para a descrição/análise dos dados, foi feito um estudo bibliográfico de escritos bakhtinianos, que embasam teoricamente a pesquisa. Também foi desenvolvido um estudo bibliográfico de literatura marginal no Brasil... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
This research analyzes the 53 best university entrance exams essays of 2010 of FUVEST - University Foundation for University Entrance Exams, which were published on the institution website, indicating that they were considered the best in the exam. The objective of the analysis was to identify similarities and differences between the essays, based on dialogic approach. We analyzed aspects such as: the way students addressed the subject, the language and organization of writing; the different ways of argumentation; the most used quotes; dissertation structure and the way the students considered the discourse genre writing. The study also compared the essays based on the way in which the genre is addressed in schools and pre-university preparatory courses, which gave us parameters to evaluate the extent to which this teaching can help students or otherwise confuse them. Through the analysis, we can deduce what the institution values, which helps to demystify some of the so-called known “recipes” for good writing
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Analisou-se na tese o deslizamento discursivo em direção ao uso do vocábulo gestão e as mudanças recentemente operadas no trabalho gerencial. Com a suposição de que se apreciado enquanto atividade humana este trabalho não é simples e exclusivamente heterodeterminado pelo modelo de gerenciamento segundo os interesses do capital, a proposta foi colocar ênfase nos debates de normas e nas possíveis reservas de alternativas nas atividades de profissionais que gerenciam, assim como nas possibilidades de seu desenvolvimento em direção a um gerenciamento ergológico. Visando a contribuir para a discussão sobre se no interior da própria produção material poderiam coexistir formas de construção de uma sociabilidade efetivamente humana, analisa-se em que medida os profissionais que gerenciam fazem cotidianamente uma gestão (não apenas do outro, também de si próprio) na qual são convocados valores outros que os exclusivamente mercantis e econômicos. Adotando-se um olhar para o objeto de pesquisa informado por uma Psicologia Social do Trabalho que privilegia o ponto de vista da atividade, se pretendeu a uma sucessiva aproximação das atividades de supervisão do trabalho. Trabalho este que, em tendência, tem se ampliado no sentido de incluir o gerenciamento da produção, de aproximação com os serviços de apoio à produção e de incentivo à participação dos operadores. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada em uma unidade industrial de uma empresa multinacional privada que fabrica e comercializa produtos pneumáticos. No delineamento metodológico privilegiou-se um enquadramento clínico por meio de método indireto de investigação, com base no princípio de (auto)confrontação, e de uma abordagem dialógica de análise, fazendo-se uso do dispositivo de Encontros sobre o Trabalho e da técnica de Instrução ao Sósia. Os resultados indicam que o trabalho de supervisão envolve uma integração de múltiplas determinações, exigências e valores. Ressalta-se a existência de dimensões sociais no trabalho gerencial efetuado pelos supervisores. No processo de análise de suas atividades de trabalho, realizada por eles próprios, apontam-se indícios de que, mobilizando-se intelectual, cognitiva, afetiva e corporalmente nos debates de normas em suas atividades, buscam por meio de renormatizações também fazer valer suas próprias normas de vida, onde valores relativos ao viver em conjunto e à saúde estão presentes. Colocando-se em questão as condições para o pôr o trabalho em debate na perspectiva da atividade, discute-se a relação entre o potencial de produção de novas normas nas atividades de supervisão e o suposto de um modo ergológico de gerenciar, reforçando-se a posição de que as propostas de gestão participativa não se apresentam por si só como uma abertura para um modo de gerenciamento que dê visibilidade à gestão cotidiana do trabalho, que é sempre, em algum nível, formulada e operada coletivamente
Dissertação de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Especialização em Educação Intercultural), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014
This investigation aims at describing, analyzing and interpreting the Commitment in Initial Petitions, which is a genre circumscribed in the judicial domain. For this purpose, we have chosen sections, facts as found and relevant law , sections of the petition, with the understanding that, in this way, respectively, the narration of events, which gives margin to the propositioning to the judicial action, and the exposition of the law that upholds the author s intention. We base our discussion on the field of Linguistics, more precisely, Textual Discourse Analysis (TDA), whose theoretical basis is derived from Textual Linguistics (TL) and Enunciative Linguistics. We foreground, particularly, the way in which the author of texts, objects of analysis, use discursive strategies that evidence ER. The relevance of this study, then, is in the formation of a critique of the judicial text, as it conceives of a dialogical approach to the point of view, raising not only questions about the way in which a linguistic instance conceives an object of discourse, but also considering questions of language inherent to technical writing and, in this aspect, contributing to the work of those operating in Law about the many ways ER is formed in the body of a petition. We selected two categories to analyze that, according to Adam (2011), characterize the degree of ER in the textual material of the propositional enunciations: the different types of representation of speech and the indications of profile of mediators. In this sense, with this task as an objective, we base our study regarding point of view on Rabatel (2003, 2009a, 2010) with relation to the enunciative approach, including the study of PDV in polyphonic and dialogical theoretical framework to study the ER from different types of speech representations that conceive forms of transmission of discourse and the role of the enunciating subject, mainly the responsibility and the prerogative by the propositional contents. In the same way, intending to study the indications of the mediator profiles, we observed the postulations of Guentchéva (1994, 1996), which develop the notion of mediative grammatical categories, of which permit the linguistic marking of distance and engagement of the enunciator with regard to the information expressed. The methodology we adopted was based on qualitative research, of an interpretive and introspective nature, in light of the fact that his study focuses on processes and strategies underlying language use. The corpus of the research is comprised of Initial Petitions, which gave rise to actions originating in the Civil Court of Currais Novos County RN. The data analysis shows that an object of discourse is always perspective oriented and presents the point of view of one or more enunciators. Consequently, the producer of a text, using the PDV of other enunciators, influences and establishes the argumentative orientation of the text. In the same way, it evidences the relevance of the use of mediated constructions in the judicial text, as they function as strategies attenuated to the responsibility of the producer of the text with what is said, and at the same time points to a discourse of authority through the entrance of the sources of law. Moreover, it reveals the documental and international importance of this practice, at the same time that it exposes the compositional and normative difficulties with regard to legal and linguistic aspects
This work aims to read the phenomenon of the Sublime as the main aesthetical concern in the work of the Brazilian poet Mario Quintana. The research was based on the dialogical approach used by Mario Quintana to see life & poetry. This search noticed that such aesthetical concern is an answer to the modern age that surrounds the post-war man. Immerse in his aesthetical concerns, Mario Quintana designs, through his poetry, a way to give humanity back to men. In this attempt of rupture, Mario Quintana returns to tradition through astonishment besides laughter
In this work, we intend to discuss results from a research about retextualization in gender journalistic interview, considering speech dialogical approach. Retextualization activity, which implies the production of a new text through one or more basic texts, shows the presence of reported speech as an integral unit of discursive construction. Our corpus had been extracted from a section called Nossos Valores [Our Values], present at the syndical newspaper Adurn Notícias [Adurn News], from Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), which weekly publishes journalistic interviews with active professors from this institution. We describe retextualised text structure by correlating it to the one from the oral text, in order to identify and describe quoted speech, as well as features of the gender in which it is inserted. It was verified that, when it comes to reported speech present in the published interviews, which are representative of the research corpus, diverse incorporation procedures of alien property‟s speech take place, especially those regarding about reported speech use. The waterish presence of the other present in dialoged texts speech transformed in monologue texts demonstrates that there is not a clear demarcation among voices in certain parts of the written text. This is confirmed during analyses of the two interview versions, in which it is not always possible to distinguish the authorship of certain propositions, which in some way can point to Bakhtin‟s concept of intentional hybridity. Beyond Bakhtin‟s contributions (1990; 2000), the theoretical principles of this work are based upon Marcuschi (1986; 1999; 2001), Matencio (2003), Authier-Revuz (1982), and Favero et al. (1997; 1998; 1999; 2000)
Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
A construção de conceitos científicos no âmbito escolar ainda precisa ser melhor compreendida. No caso de conceitos relacionados à astronomia, as pesquisas ainda são escassas no Brasil, principalmente quando se trata da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA). O presente estudo objetivou compreender, à luz da Teoria Histórico-Cultural, as formas através das quais estudantes da EJA constroem conceitos relacionados com os movimentos do sistema Terra-Lua-Sol, em suas interações com o professor e os colegas em sala de aula. A pesquisa foi realizada em uma turma do ensino médio da EJA da Escola de Aplicação da Universidade Federal do Pará. A turma era formada por 19 estudantes, com idades variando entre 16 e 37 anos. A coleta de informações foi feita durante um semestre letivo, inicialmente através de questionários. Eles continham perguntas abertas sobre a temática, a fim de investigar as concepções prévias dos estudantes. Posteriormente, as aulas em que o assunto foi ensinado foram gravadas em áudio e vídeo. Nestas aulas os alunos elaboraram individualmente e coletivamente explicações para a sucessão dia-noite na terra. Os grupos foram formados espontaneamente pelos alunos e, em seguida, foram recombinados pelo professor. Os registros foram transcritos e analisados microgeneticamente. As respostas dos estudantes ao questionamento inicial que tratava sobre a sucessão do dia e da noite na Terra foram categorizadas em quatro níveis A, B, C e D desde o mais afastado até o mais próximo do conceito escolar cientificamente aceito. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que 13 estudantes melhoram o perfil conceitual, pois migraram dos níveis A, B ou C para o nível D da categoria de respostas, ou seja, estes estudantes entendiam que a sucessão dianoite era decorrente do movimento de rotação da terra. Os outros seis estudantes, que já se encontravam no nível D, permaneceram nesse nível, porém melhoraram suas explicações em relação as suas respostas iniciais. Foram selecionados três estudantes para a análise microgenética dos percursos da construção de seus conhecimentos. Eles tinham suas respostas escritas iniciais classificadas nos níveis A ou B e durante suas interações com o professor e com os colegas incorporaram elementos do discurso científico, conseguindo elaborar explicações teóricas para o fenômeno observado. Os resultados ilustram diferentes mecanismos de ajuste da ajuda educacional oferecida pelo professor e pelos colegas, que salientam a importância de uma abordagem dialógica e do trabalho com diferentes formatos de grupos em sala de aula.
The objective of this work is to describe the particularities of the official letter genre, according to theoretical perspective of the Russian philosopher of language Bakhtin. The discourse genres, in this perspective, presented in relative stability, being affected by alterations occurred in the activity sphere where they circulate, for the ideological values that produce the speeches of this sphere and for the dialogic relations with other genres and spheres. It is intended to show as the official letter, in the public departments, although the stability acquired for its formal style, objective, reveals in an instability permeated for the thematic aspect, compositional and until stylistic. For realization of this analysis, were select sixty official letters of the public town administration sphere of the city of Araraquara, produced in the months of February, March and April of 2011. The official letters were separate in two groups for subject: repayment; diverse subjects. The methodology uses the dialogic boarding of the discourse used for the circle of Bakhtin