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Objective: To examine the sources of coding discrepancy for injury morbidity data and explore the implications of these sources for injury surveillance.-------- Method: An on-site medical record review and recoding study was conducted for 4373 injury-related hospital admissions across Australia. Codes from the original dataset were compared to the recoded data to explore the reliability of coded data aand sources of discrepancy.---------- Results: The most common reason for differences in coding overall was assigning the case to a different external cause category with 8.5% assigned to a different category. Differences in the specificity of codes assigned within a category accounted for 7.8% of coder difference. Differences in intent assignment accounted for 3.7% of the differences in code assignment.---------- Conclusions: In the situation where 8 percent of cases are misclassified by major category, the setting of injury targets on the basis of extent of burden is a somewhat blunt instrument Monitoring the effect of prevention programs aimed at reducing risk factors is not possible in datasets with this level of misclassification error in injury cause subcategories. Future research is needed to build the evidence base around the quality and utility of the ICD classification system and application of use of this for injury surveillance in the hospital environment.


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In the nursery industry, generic research conducted by government institutions is often not specific enough to be highly valued and adopted by the individual operator. Operators need practical solutions to their particular problems. Such problems almost invariably involve sets of conditions common to few other enterprises. This uniqueness reflects the almost infinite variation of options available in terms of species grown, media used, fertiliser, amendments and chemicals applied and the way water is supplied. The DOOR (Do Our Own Research) method advocates a relatively unexplored way of generating new, statistically sound research information in the nursery industry. The manual aims to enhance nursery operators' understanding and skills development in the following areas: critially evaluating opportunities and problems in the nursery environment, gathering relevant information, deriving and prioritising potential solutions to problems and opportunities, becoming familiar with the scientific method employed in testing potential solutions, carrying out statistically sound aand rigorous research, and developing recommendations that flow from the research information generated. The DOOR approach has application in a number of other industries and may provide important support at a time of declining research, development and extension investment by the public sector.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivos conhecer as demandas judiciais relacionadas à obtenção de medicamentos no município de Niterói no ano de 2010 e as estratégias desenvolvidas pela gestão municipal para lidar com este problema. Foi realizado estudo exploratório-descritivo, de abordagem quali-quantitativa, que seguiu dois caminhos metodológicos complementares: (1) levantamento e análise das demandas judiciais para obtenção de medicamentos registrados junto à Superintendência de Assessoria Jurídica da FMS, no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2010; e (2) entrevistas com 11 profissionais, gerentes e gestores envolvidos com os fluxos de atendimento das demandas judiciais no município em questão. Das 123 ações judiciais contra a FMS para obtenção de produtos e procedimentos em saúde em 2010, 98 (80,3%) visavam à obtenção de medicamentos, correspondendo a 342 medicamentos solicitados e 182 fármacos diferentes. destacaram-se, pela frequência nas ações, os seguintes medicamentos: losartana potássica, sinvastatina, ácido acetilsalicílico, furosemida e cloridrato de metformina, utilizados para problemas de saúde de elevada prevalência na população e frequentemente atendidos na atenção básica. Cabe ser assinalado que 48,6% dos medicamentos solicitados faziam parte de algum tipo de lista oficial, indicando possíveis problemas com a gestão da assistência farmacêutica no município. Os relatos dos entrevistados apontaram, entre outros: (a) dificuldades importantes presentes na gestão da Assistência Farmacêutica local, onde convivem o desabastecimento da rede e restrições orçamentárias e financeiras, como elementos que ajudam a agravar a situação estudada; (b) problemas no atendimento dos usuários pela via dos processos administrativos que, criados para facilitar o acesso do usuário aos medicamentos não disponíveis na rede, acabam sendo fontes de ações judiciais; (c) necessidade de maior empenho dos gestores na busca de soluções através de articulações interinstitucionais. O acesso a medicamentos pela via judicial tem contribuído para o desvio de recursos da atenção básica, assim como de outras contas municipais, através das multas e bloqueios determinados pelo Poder Judiciário, em decorrência do não-cumprimento dos mandados judiciais em tempo oportuno. O fenômeno da judicialização de medicamentos é um problema que dificilmente será resolvido em curto espaço de tempo e eventuais abusos que envolvem esse fenômeno devem ser identificados e combatidos de forma rigorosa. Entretanto, o Poder Público, por meio das diversas esferas governamentais, deve proporcionar à população meios eficazes para acesso aos medicamentos necessários e adequados aos pacientes. Apenas dessa maneira será possível reduzir a demanda judicial, sem comprometer o direito constitucional à saúde.


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Re-inventa propone aportar a la solución de la problemática ambiental actual desde el ámbito de las artes, generando investigación plástica que indague sobre materiales con cualidades de reutilización.


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La tesis devela la connotación sistemática y multicausal de lo que a través de la investigación se denomina como "Procesos de Territorialización de la Inseguridad Ciudadana". Mediante un estudio de caso, se pone en evidencia la apropiación y captura sostenida en el tiempo de fenómenos como la inseguridad y la criminalidad, sobre determinadas zonas o barrios urbanos que por sus características socioeconómicas, políticas, geográficas, culturales, laborales y de mercado de quienes los habitan o frecuentan, se consideran como sectores "críticos y/o vulnerables".


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The types of products manufactured calcium silicate blocks are very diversified in its characteristics. They include accessory bricks, blocks, products in dense material, with or without reinforcements of hardware, great units in cellular material, and thermal insulating products. The elements calcium silicate are of great use in the prefabricated construction, being formed for dense masses and hardened by autoclaving. This work has for objective develop formulations that make possible the obtaining of calcium silicate blocks with characteristics that correspond the specifications technical, in the State of the Rio Grande of the North, in finality of obtaining technical viability for use in the civil construction. The work studied the availability raw materials from convenient for the production of calcium silicate blocks, and the effect of variations of the productive process on the developed products. The studied raw materials were: the quartz sand from the city of São Gonçalo do Amarante/RN, and two lime, a hydrated lime and a pure lime from the city of Governador Dix-Sept Rosado/RN. The raw materials collected were submitted a testes to particle size distribution, fluorescence of X rays, diffraction of X rays. Then were produced 8 formulations and made body-of-test by uniaxial pressing at 36 MPa, and cured for 7 hours at about 18 kgf/cm2 pressing and temperature of approximately 180 °C. The cure technological properties evaluated were: lineal shrinkage, apparent density, apparent porosity, water absorption, modulus of rupture flexural (3 points), resistance compression, phase analysis (XRD) and micromorphological analysis (SEM). From the results presented the technological properties, was possible say that utilization of hydrated lime becomes more viable its utilization in mass limestone silica, for manufacture of calcium silicate blocks


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The influence of tilapia cages on limnological characteristics of the Chavantes Reservoir, Paranapanema River, Brazil, was investigated in March and June 2007. Principal components analysis was used to compare the transparency; dissolved oxygen; temperature; total organic nitrogen, phosphorus, and dissolved solids; chlorophyll aand electrical conductivity of fish farm 1 (239.3m.t.), 2 (461.5m.t.) and areas without cages, in the lacustrine and river-reservoir transition regions. The variables differentiated the regions and areas with and without cages. In March, in the lacustrine region, there was a thermal and chemical stratification, and in the transition region, there was a temperature and oxygen reduction gradient between the surface and bottom that was also observed in June in fish farm 1. The higher transparency confirmed the increased light penetration in the lacustrine region. In the transition region, there were higher turbidity, total dissolved solid, and conductivity values that are likely related to allochthonous material flow and transport. In fish farms, lower oxygen and pH values indicate intense decomposition and respiration. The generally higher total dissolved solid and nutrient values, turbidity, and conductivity and the lower transparency in one or both fish farms indicate their contribution to eutrophication, demonstrating the need for careful monitoring.


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To obtain insight in the relationship between the spatial distribution of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts) and local environmental conditions, fifty-eight surface sediment samples from the coastal shelf off SW Africa were investigated on their dinocyst content with special focus on the two main river systems and the active upwelling that characterise this region. To avoid possible overprint by species-selective preservation, samples have been selected mainly from shelf sites where high sedimentation rates and/or low bottom water oxygen concentrations prevail. Multivariate ordination analyses have been carried out to investigate the relationship between the distribution patterns of individual species to environmental parameters of the upper water column and sediment transport processes. The main oceanographical variables at the surface (temperature, salinity, nutrients chlorophyll-a) in the region show onshore-offshore gradients. This pattern is reflected in the dinocyst associations with high relative abundances of heterotrophic dinocyst species in neritic regions characterised by high chlorophyll-aand low salinity conditions in surface waters. Phototrophic dinocyst species, notably Operculodinium centrocarpum, dominate in the more oceanic area. Differences in the distribution of phototrophic dinocyst species can be related to sea surface salinity and sea surface temperature gradients and to a lesser extent to chlorophyll-a concentrations. Apart from longitudinal gradients the dinocyst distribution clearly reflects regional environmental features. Six groups of species can be distinguished, characteristic for (1) coastal regions (cysts of Polykrikos kofoidii and Selenopemphix quanta), (2) the vicinity of active upwelling (Brigantedinium spp., Echinidinium aculeatum, Echinidinium spp. and Echinidinium transparantum), (3) river mouths (Lejeunecysta oliva, cysts of Protoperidinium americanum, Selenopemphix nephroides and Votadinium calvum), (4) slope and open ocean sediments (Dalella chathamense, Impagidinium patulum and Operculodinium centrocarpum, (5) the southern Benguela region (south of 24°S) (Spiniferites ramosus) and (6) the northern Benguela region (north of 24°S) (Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus and Pyxidinopsis reticulata). No indication of overprint of the palaeo-ecological signal by lateral transport of allochthonous species could be observed.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Nieuwe Platte Grond Vande Stad Rotterdam geleege aand Rivierea de Maase en de Rotte = Plan nouveau de la ville de Rotterdam située sur les Rivieres de la Meuse et de la Rotte, Henry de Leth, a l'enseigne du Pêcheur. It was published by J. Covens & Zoon in 1768. Scale [ca.1:3,923]. Covers Rotterdam, Netherlands. Map in Dutch and French. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the 'RD_New (Rijksdriehoekstelsel), GCS Amersfoort' coordinate system. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as roads, drainage, built-up areas and selected buildings, fortification, ground cover, docks, wharves, canals, windmills, and more. Includes index. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.


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Blurring a pattern reversal stimulus increases the latency and decreases the amplitude of the visual evoked potential (VEP) P100 peak. Recording the visual evoked magnetic response (VEMR) is some subjects may therefore be difficult because their spectacles create excessive magnetic noise. Hence, the effect of varying degrees of blur (-5 to +5 D) on the VEMR was investigated in three subjects with 6/6 vision to determine whether refraction with non-magnetic frames and lenses was necessary before magnetic recording. Small (32') and larger (70') checks were studied since there is evidence that blurring small checks has a more significant effect on the VEP compared with large checks. The VEMR was recorded using a single channel dc-SQUID, second order gradiometer in an unshielded laboratory. The latency (ms) and amplitude (fT) of the most prominant positive peak within the first 130 ms (P100M) were measured. Blurring the 32' checks significantly increased latency aand reduced the amplitude of the P100M peak. The resulting response curves were parabolic with minimum latency and maximum amplitude recorded at 0 D. Blurring the 70' check had no significant effect on latency or amplitude. Hence, the magnetic P100M responds similarly to the electrical P100 in response to blur. It would be essential when recording the VEMR that vision is corrected with non-magnetic spectacles especially when small checks are used.


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Aquaculture generates a large load of effluents richin organic matter and nutrients that may be intro-duced into the environment. This study aimed toassess in a microcosm experiment, the effect ofshrimp pond water mixed with Patos Lagoon estuarywater on phytoplankton chlorophyll a and primaryproduction, simulating two salinities. Chlorophyll a,dissolved inorganic nutrients and primary produc-tion were measured in two experiments. In Harvest I,salinity of shrimp pond and environment water wassimilar, and chlorophyll a showed different trendsover time, according to the amount of nitrogen avail-able. In Harvest II, with different salinities and highnutrient concentrations in environment water, chlo-rophyll a levels showed a similar increasing trendover time in all mixtures. Net primary productionshowed differences among treatments in the firstsampling in Harvest I, but not in the second, whereasno differences were observed among treatments inHarvest II. We conclude that shrimp pond effluentcan lead to short-term variations in chlorophyll aand primary production levels, with similar salinities.Salinity differences result in lower chlorophyll a andprimary production values than expected accordingto the nutrient input. Differences in salinity can bean important management strategy to choose thebest harvest period.