488 resultados para AVR microcontroller


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These notes follow on from the material that you studied in CSSE1000 Introduction to Computer Systems. There you studied details of logic gates, binary numbers and instruction set architectures using the Atmel AVR microcontroller family as an example. In your present course (METR2800 Team Project I), you need to get on to designing and building an application which will include such a microcontroller. These notes focus on programming an AVR microcontroller in C and provide a number of example programs to illustrate the use of some of the AVR peripheral devices.


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Para dar resposta aos grandes avanços tecnológicos e, consequentemente, à postura mais exigente dos clientes, a empresa Francisco Parracho – Electrónica Industrial, Lda., que tem actividade no ramo dos elevadores, decidiu introduzir no mercado um controlador dedicado de ecrãs Liquid Crystal Display / Thin Film Transistor (LCD / TFT). O objectivo é substituir um sistema suportado por um computador, caracterizado pelas suas elevadas dimensões e custos, mas incontornável até à data, nomeadamente para resoluções de ecrã elevadas. E assim nasceu este trabalho. Com uma selecção criteriosa de todos os componentes e, principalmente, sem funcionalidades inúteis, obteve-se um sistema embebido com dimensões e custos bem mais reduzidos face ao seu opositor. O ecrã apontado para este projecto é um Thin Film Transistor – Liquid Crystal Display (TFT-LCD) da Sharp de 10.4” de qualidade industrial, com uma resolução de 800 x 600 píxeis a 18 bits por píxel. Para tal, foi escolhido um micro-controlador da ATMEL, um AVR de 32 bits que, entre outras características, possui um controlador LCD que suporta resoluções até 2048 x 2048 píxeis, de 1 a 24 bits por píxel. Atendendo ao facto deste produto ser inserido na área dos elevadores, as funcionalidades, quer a nível do hardware quer a nível do software, foram projectadas para este âmbito. Contudo, o conceito aqui exposto é adjacente a quaisquer outras áreas onde este produto se possa aplicar, até porque o software está feito para se tornar bem flexível. Com a ajuda de um kit de desenvolvimento, foram validados os drivers dos controladores e periféricos base deste projecto. De seguida, aplicou-se esse software numa placa de circuito impresso, elaborada no âmbito deste trabalho, para que fossem cumpridos todos os requisitos requeridos pela empresa patrocinadora: - Apresentação de imagens no ecrã consoante o piso; - Possibilidade de ter um texto horizontalmente deslizante;Indicação animada do sentido do elevador; - Representação do piso com deslizamento vertical; - Descrição sumária do directório de pisos também com deslizamento vertical; - Relógio digital; - Leitura dos conteúdos pretendidos através de um cartão SD/MMC; - Possibilidade de actualização dos conteúdos via USB flash drive.


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This paper proposes and describes an architecture that allows the both engineer and programmer for defining and quantifying which peripheral of a microcontroller will be important to the particular project. For each application, it is necessary to use different types of peripherals. In this study, we have verified the possibility for emulating the behavior of peripheral in specifically CPUs. These CPUs hold a RAM memory, where code spaces specifically written for them could represent the behavior of some target peripheral, which are loaded and executed on it. We believed that the proposed architecture will provide larger flexibility in the use of the microcontrolles since this ""dedicated hardware components"" don`t execute to a special function, but it is a hardware capable to self adapt to the needs of each project. This research had as fundament a comparative study of four current microcontrollers. Preliminary tests using VHDL and FPGAs were done.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica


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Aquest projecte presenta el disseny, construcció i programació d’un robot autònom, com a base per una proposta educativa. Per aconseguir aquest objectiu s’ha dotat el robot d’una unitat de procés, un sistema de locomoció i un seguit de sensors que proporcionaran a la unitat informació respecte l’entorn. Per gestionar totes aquestes funcionalitats, s’ha fet servir un sistema operatiu en temps real capaç de gestionar amb efectivitat les tasques que puguin ser executades pel robot. Finalment, s’ha exposat una detallada descripció dels costos per una producció de volum mig i de caire merament educatiu.


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ABSTRACT The interorganizational cooperation, through joint efforts with various actors, allows the high-tech companies to complement resources, especially in R&D projects. Collaborative projects have been identified in many studies as an important strategy to produce complex products and services in uncertain and competitive environments. Thus, this research aims at deepening the understanding of how the development dynamics of a collaborative R&D project in an industry of high technology occur. In order to achieve the proposed objective, the R&D project of the first microcontroller in the Brazilian semiconductor industry was defined as the object of analysis. The empirical choice is justified by the uniqueness of the case, besides bringing a diversity of actors and a level of complementarity of resources that were significant to the success of the project. Given the motivation to know who the actors were and what the main forms of interorganizational coordination were used in this project, interviews were carried out and a questionnaire was also made, besides other documents related to the project. The results presented show a network of nine actors and their roles in the interorganizational collaboration process, as well as the forms of social and temporal overlapping, used in the coordination of collective efforts. Focusing on the mechanisms of temporal and social integration highlighted throughout the study, the inclusion of R&D projects in the typology for interorganizational projects is proposed in this paper, which was also proposed by Jones and Lichtenstein (2008).


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We present a programmable microcontroller-driven injection system for the exchange of imaging medium during atomic force microscopy. Using this low-noise system, high-resolution imaging can be performed during this process of injection without disturbance. This latter circumstance was exemplified by the online imaging of conformational changes in DNA molecules during the injection of anticancer drug into the fluid chamber.


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This work proposes a fully-digital interface circuit for the measurement of inductive sensors using a low-cost microcontroller (µC) and without any intermediate active circuit. Apart from the µC and the sensor, the circuit just requires an external resistor and a reference inductance so that two RL circuits with a high-pass filter (HPF) topology are formed. The µC appropriately excites such RL circuits in order to measure the discharging time of the voltage across each inductance (i.e. sensing and reference) and then it uses such discharging times to estimate the sensor inductance. Experimental tests using a commercial µC show a non-linearity error (NLE) lower than 0.5%FSS (Full-Scale Span) when measuring inductances from 1 mH to 10 mH, and from 10 mH to 100 mH.


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Työn tarkoituksena on suunnitella ja toteuttaa kannettava kaasuilmaisin, joka soveltuu erityisesti tavallisen kuluttajan tarpeisiin. Kaasuilmaisin on herkkä haihtuville palaville kaasuille, sekä orgaanisille kaasuille. Työssä käytetään Atmelin ATMega164P- mikrokontrolleria, piirin ohjelmointiin käytetään AVR-ISP-II, ja kehitystyökaluina AVRStudio 4:ää. Piirilevy on suunniteltu Cadsoftin Eagle- piirieditorilla. Työssä käydään läpi kokonaisvaltainen sulautetun järjestelmän suunnitteluprosessi, tuotteen spesifikaatioiden määrityksistä aina valmiin fyysisen tuotteen valmistuttamiseen asti. Tuote suunnitellaan Environics Oy:lle.


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Kandidaatintyön aineena oli rakentaa autonomisesti pyörillä liikkuva, esteitä väistelevä mobiilirobotti käyttäen Arduino-kehitysympäristöä prototyypin valmistamiseen. Rakensin robotin alusta alkaen itse eli työhön sisältyi robotin mekaniikan kokoaminen, elektroniikan suunnittelu ja rakentaminen sekä toimintaälyn ohjelmointi mikroprosessorille eteenpäin kulkemiseen ja esteiden väistämiseen. Arduinon ytimenä on Atmelin AVR-sarjaan kuuluva ATMega328-mikroprosessori. Robotin ympäristön havainnointi tapahtuu käyttämällä ultraäänisensoria. Robotti oli mielenkiintoinen projekti toteuttaa ja toimi kokonaisuutena katsottuna odotetulla tavalla.


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We developed a forced non-electric-shock running wheel (FNESRW) system that provides rats with high-intensity exercise training using automatic exercise training patterns that are controlled by a microcontroller. The proposed system successfully makes a breakthrough in the traditional motorized running wheel to allow rats to perform high-intensity training and to enable comparisons with the treadmill at the same exercise intensity without any electric shock. A polyvinyl chloride runway with a rough rubber surface was coated on the periphery of the wheel so as to permit automatic acceleration training, and which allowed the rats to run consistently at high speeds (30 m/min for 1 h). An animal ischemic stroke model was used to validate the proposed system. FNESRW, treadmill, control, and sham groups were studied. The FNESRW and treadmill groups underwent 3 weeks of endurance running training. After 3 weeks, the experiments of middle cerebral artery occlusion, the modified neurological severity score (mNSS), an inclined plane test, and triphenyltetrazolium chloride were performed to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed platform. The proposed platform showed that enhancement of motor function, mNSS, and infarct volumes was significantly stronger in the FNESRW group than the control group (P<0.05) and similar to the treadmill group. The experimental data demonstrated that the proposed platform can be applied to test the benefit of exercise-preconditioning-induced neuroprotection using the animal stroke model. Additional advantages of the FNESRW system include stand-alone capability, independence of subjective human adjustment, and ease of use.


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Microcontroller-based peak current mode control of a buck converter is investigated. The new solution uses a discrete time controller with digital slope compensation. This is implemented using only a single-chip microcontroller to achieve desirable cycle-by-cycle peak current limiting. The digital controller is implemented as a two-pole, two-zero linear difference equation designed using a continuous time model of the buck converter and a discrete time transform. Subharmonic oscillations are removed with digital slope compensation using a discrete staircase ramp. A 16 W hardware implementation directly compares analog and digital control. Frequency response measurements are taken and it is shown that the crossover frequency and expected phase margin of the digital control system match that of its analog counterpart.


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In this paper was proposed the development of an heterogeneous system using the microcontroller (AT90CANI28) where the protocol model CAN and the standard IEEE 802.15.4 are connected. This module is able to manage and monitor sensors and actuators using CAN and, through the wireless standard 802.15.4, communicate with the other network modules. © 2011 IEEE.


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This work focuses on applying fuzzy control embedded in microcontrollers in an experimental apparatus using magnetorheological fluid damper. The non-linear behavior of the magnetorheological dampers associated with the parametric variations on vehicle suspension models corroborate the use of the fuzzy controllers. The fundamental formulation of this controller is discussed and its performance is shown through numeric simulations. An experimental apparatus representing a two degree of freedom system containing a magnetorheological damper is used to identify the main parameters and to evaluate the performance of the closed-loop system with the embedded low-cost microcontroller-based fuzzy controller. © 2013 Brazilian Society for Automatics - SBA.