17 resultados para ASEP


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Most models designed to study the bidirectional movement of cargos as they are driven by molecular motors rely on the idea that motors of different polarities can be coordinated by external agents if arranged into a motor-cargo complex to perform the necessary work Gross, Hither and yon: a review of bidirectional microtubule-based transport (Gross in Phys. Biol. 1:R1-R11, 2004). Although these models have provided us with important insights into these phenomena, there are still many unanswered questions regarding the mechanisms through which the movement of the complex takes place on crowded microtubules. For example (i) how does cargo-binding affect motor motility? and in connection with that-(ii) how does the presence of other motors (and also other cargos) on the microtubule affect the motility of the motor-cargo complex? We discuss these questions from a different perspective. The movement of a cargo is conceived here as a hopping process resulting from the transference of cargo between neighboring motors. In the light of this, we examine the conditions under which cargo might display bidirectional movement even if directed by motors of a single polarity. The global properties of the model in the long-time regime are obtained by mapping the dynamics of the collection of interacting motors and cargos into an asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) which can be resolved using the matrix ansatz introduced by Derrida (Derrida and Evans in Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics in One Dimension, pp. 277-304, 1997; Derrida et al. in J. Phys. A 26: 1493-1517, 1993).


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We consider the dynamics of cargo driven by a collection of interacting molecular motors in the context of ail asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP). The model is formulated to account for (i) excluded-volume interactions, (ii) the observed asymmetry of the stochastic movement of individual motors and (iii) interactions between motors and cargo. Items (i) and (ii) form the basis of ASEP models and have already been considered to study the behavior of motor density profile [A. Parmeggiani. T. Franosch, E. Frey, Phase Coexistence in driven one-dimensional transport, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90 (2003) 086601-1-086601-4]. Item (iii) is new. It is introduced here as an attempt to describe explicitly the dependence of cargo movement on the dynamics of motors in this context. The steady-state Solutions Of the model indicate that the system undergoes a phase transition of condensation type as the motor density varies. We study the consequences of this transition to the behavior of the average cargo velocity. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study examined the accuracy of current recommended guidelines for prescribing exercise intensity using the methods of percentage of heart rate reserve (%HRR), percentage of VO2 peak (%VO2peak) and percentage of VO2 reserve (%VO2R) in a clinical population of chronic heart failure (CHF) patients. The precision of prescription of exercise intensity for 45 patients with stable CHF (39:6 M:F, 65±9 yrs (mean±SD)) was investigated. VO2peak testing is relatively common among patients with cardiac disease, but the assessment of VO2rest is not common practice and the accepted standard value of 3.5 mL/kg/min is assumed in the application of %VO2R (%VO2R3.5). In this study, VO2rest was recorded for 3 min prior to the start of a symptom-limited exercise test on a cycle ergometer. Target exercise intensities were calculated using the VO2 corresponding to 50 or 80 %HRR, VO2peak and VO2R. The VO2 values were then converted into prescribed speeds on a treadmill in km/hr at 1 %grade using ACSM’s metabolic equation for walking. Target intensities and prescribed treadmill speeds were also calculated with the %VO2R method using the mean VO2rest value of participants (3.9 mL/kg/min) (%VO2R3.9). This was then compared to the exercise intensities and prescribed treadmill speeds using patient’s measured VO2rest. Error in prescription correlates the difference between %VO2R3.5 and %VO2R3.9 compared to %VO2R with measured VO2rest. Prescription of exercise intensity through the %HRR method is imprecise for patients on medications that blunt the HR response to exercise. %VO2R method offers a significant improvement in exercise prescription compared to %VO2peak. However, a disparity of 10 % still exists in the %VO2R method using the standard 3.5 mL/kg/min for VO2rest in the %VO2R equation. The mean measured VO2rest in the 45 CHF patients was 11 % higher (3.9±0.8 mL/kg/min) than the standard value provided by ACSM. Applying the mean measured VO2rest value of 3.9 mL/kg/min rather than the standard assumed value of 3.5 mL/kg/min proved to be closer to the prescribed intensity determined by the actual measured resting VO2. These results suggest that the %HRR method should not be used to prescribe exercise intensity for CHF patients. Instead, VO2 should be used to prescribe exercise intensity and be expressed as %VO2R with measured variables (VO2rest and VO2peak).


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This study examined forearm blood flow (FBF) in individuals with chronic heart failure (CHF) at rest, moderate exercise, and following limb occlusion. FBF was measured by venous occlusion plethysmography in CHF patients (n = 43) and healthy age-matched volunteers (n = 8) at rest and during exercise consisting of intermittent isometric hand squeezing at 15, 30, and 45% of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC). Peak vasodilatory capacity was also determined following the release of an occluding arm cuff. FBF was lower in CHF patients during exercise and during peak reactive hyperemia (PRH) compared to healthy volunteers, but there was no significant difference between groups at rest. Peak vasodilatory capacity was significantly higher in healthy volunteers than the CHF group ((30.6 ± 8.6 ml±100 mL-1±min-1 and 18.3 ± 6.9 ml±100 mL-1±min-1, respectively). Local blood flow stimulation in response to exercise or limb occlusion is reduced in individuals with CHF, however, there was no difference in resting flows between the two groups, suggesting vasodilatory medication may restore resting blood flow to healthy values.


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The higher concentration during exercise at which lactate entry in blood equals its removal is known as maximal lactate steady state (MLSS) and is considered an important indicator of endurance exercise capacity. The aim of the present study was to determine MLSS in running rats. Adult male Wistar sedentary rats, which were selected and adapted to treadmill running for three weeks, were used. After becoming familiarized with treadmill running, the rats were submitted to five exercise tests at 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35 m/min velocities. The velocity sequence was distributed at random. Each test consisted of continuous running for 25 min at one velocity or until the exhaustion. Blood lactate was determined at rest and each 5 min of exercise to find the MLSS. The running rats presented MLSS at the 20 m/min velocity, with blood lactate of 3.9±1.1 mmol/L. At the 15 m/min velocity, the blood lactate also stabilized, but at a lower concentration (3.2±1.1 mmol/L). There was a progressive increase in blood lactate concentration at higher velocities, and some animals reached exhaustion between the 10 th and 25 th minute of exercise. These results indicate that the protocol of MLSS can be used for determination of the maximal aerobic intensity in running rats.


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The aim of this study was to validate a non-invasive protocol to determine aerobic and anaerobic capacity of treadmill running rats. Thirteen male Wistar rats (90 days old) were submitted to 4 exercise tests, consisting of running at 25, 30, 35 and 40 m min-1, continuously until exhaustion. For the critical velocity (CV) and anaerobic running capacity (ARC) estimations, the hyperbolic curve (velocity versus time to exhaustion (tlim)) was linearized to V= CV+ARC/tlim, where the CV and ARC were linear and slope coefficients, respectively. In order to verify if the CV was the maximal aerobic intensity, the rats were submitted to the maximal lactate steady state test (MLSS) composed of three 25-minute tests of continuous running trials at 15, 20 and 25 m min-1, with blood collection every 5 minutes. The CV was obtained at 22.8±0.7 m min-1 and the ARC, at 26.80±2.77 m. The MLSS was observed at 20m min-1, with blood lactate 3.84 ± 0.31 mmol L-1. There was a progressive increase in lactate concentration at 25 m min-1. The CV and MLSS were different, but presented a high and significant correlation (r=0.81). These results indicate that the non-invasive protocol can be used for physical evaluation of aerobic running rats, but the ARC should still be further investigated.


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The present study was designed to analyze the effects of the association between cinnamon extract and aerobic exercise on the glycemic control and serum lipid profile of diabetic rats. Fifty Wistar male rats divided into five groups: control (C), sedentary nondiabetic rats; diabetic (D), sedentary diabetic rats; diabetic cinnamon (DC), sedentary diabetic rats that received cinnamon extract; diabetic exercise (DE), sedentary diabetic rats subjected to physical training; and diabetic cinnamon exercise (DCE), diabetic rats that received cinnamon extract and were subjected to physical training. For the induction of diabetes, the rats received alloxan. The cinnamon was administered to once a day for four weeks. The groups performed swimming exercises for one hour each day with lead overloads (3% - 5% of b.w) for five days a week for four weeks. Body weight loss was lower in the DE group compared to the other diabetic groups. The basal serum glucose of all the diabetic groups was higher compared to the control group. Group D had higher serum cholesterol concentrations compared to the DE and DCE groups. The resting blood lactate in group D was higher than the resting blood lactate in the DC and DE groups. Aerobic exercise partially counteracted the diabetic effects on body weight, serum cholesterol and blood lactate concentrations. No additional beneficial effects of cinnamon extract and aerobic exercise were observed on the parameters studied.


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The aim of this study was to develop an experimental protocol for endurance swimming periodization training in rats similar to high performance training in humans, and compare it to continuous training. Three groups of male Wistar rats (90 days old) were allocated to Sedentary Control (SC); Continuous Training (CT); and Periodized Experimental Training (PET) groups. PET and CT trained 5 days/week, over five weeks, CT: continuous training supporting a 5% body mass (bm) load for 40 min/day; PET: training subdivided into basic, specific, and taper periods, with overload changed daily (volume-intensity, continuous, and interval training). Total training overload was quantified (% bm X exercise time in training session) and equalized for the two trained groups. Glucose ([ 3H]2-deoxyglucose) uptake, incorporation to glycogen (synthesis), glucose oxidation (CO 2 production), and lactate production from [U- 14C]glucose by soleus muscle strips incubated in presence of insulin (100μU/mL) were evaluated 48h after the last training session. The load equivalent at 5.5mM blood lactate concentration ([La-5.5]) was determined in the incremental test. Lactate production was similar in all groups. PET presented higher glucose uptake (59%) than SC, and higher glycogen synthesis (51 and 22%) and glucose oxidation (147 and 178%) than SC and CT, respectively. CT presented higher glycogen synthesis rates (23%) than SC. Load [La-5.5] was similar between trained groups and higher than SC. PET presented higher values for glucose metabolism than CT and SC. These results open up new perspectives for studying training methods used in high performance sport through swimming exercise in rats.


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A swimming periodized experimental training model in rats in which different training protocols (TP) were classified in aerobic (A) and anaerobic (AN) intensity levels. The purpose of the present study was to verify if the classification of the TP used in the periodized training experimental model presented the blood lactate concentration [La] response adequate to the aerobic and anaerobic intensities levels. Twenty three male Wistar rats were divided into three groups. Two groups of swimming training (continuous, CT, n = 7, and periodized training, PET, n = 7) rats were evaluated during 5 weeks in eight different TP (TP-1 to TP-8) through the analysis of the [La] response. The third group was the sedentary control (SC, n = 9). The TP were classified in five intensity levels, three aerobic (A-1, A-2, A-3) and two anaerobic (AN-1, AN-2). Analysis of variance (ANOVA one-way, P<0.05) indicated significant differences in the [La] among the TP and among the five intensity levels. All TP of the A-2 and A-3 intensity levels differed from the A-1 and AN-1. The A-1 and AN-1 also differed among them. These findings demonstrate that the TP were classified properly at different levels of aerobic and anaerobic intensities, as based on the [La] response in a way similar to that of high performance swimming with humans. The results offer new perspectives for the study of exercise training in swimming rats at different levels intensity for performance or for health.


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Physical activity is considered an extremely effective therapy in cases of type 1 diabetes (DM-1), as it promotes glucose uptake independent of insulin action. However, there are few studies on the effect of a single session of exercise on glucose uptake in DM-1 (i.e., in the absence of insulin). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess the effect of a single exercise session on glucose homeostasis in DM-1 rats. For this purpose, 30 male rats were divided into three groups: sedentary control (SC), sedentary diabetic (SD), and exercise diabetic (ED). DM was induced by administration of alloxan and identified by the value of fasting glucose. The physical activity consisted of a single swimming session at the anaerobic threshold intensity for diabetic rats (3.5% body weight overload) for 30 min. The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was performed immediately after the physical activity. The animals were sacrificed 48 hr after the OGTT, and samples were taken from the blood, liver, gastrocnemius, and mesenteric and subcutaneous adipose tissue. We observed that DM caused significant reduction in body weight. A single session of physical activity did not modify the response to the OGTT or glucose. However, it resulted in increased HDL cholesterol and hepatic glycogen content. These results suggest that, despite not having an effect on glucose homeostasis, acute physical activity performed at anaerobic threshold intensity leads to beneficial changes in the context of type 1 diabetes.


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The purpose of this study was to quantify energy expenditure (EE) during multiple sets of leg press (LP) and bench press (BP) exercises in 10 males with at least 1 yr of resistance training (RT). The subjects underwent two sessions to determine 1 repetition maximum (1RM) on the BP and LP and one protocol consisting of a warm up and 4 sets for 10 repetitions at 70% 1RM with a 3-min rest period between sets for each exercise. Energy expenditure was calculated as the sum of oxygen uptake (aerobic component), EPOC, and lactate production (anaerobic component). There were no significant differences in EE between exercises for sets 1 to 4 and the total energy expended. However, statistical analysis revealed a significant difference (P<0.05) between exercises in RT economy (BP, 0.0206 ± 0.0044 kcal·kg-1 vs. LP, 0.0051 ± 0.0015 kcal·kg-1). Within exercise comparison showed set 4 was significantly different from sets 1 and 3 for BP, and for LP a significant difference was found between set 4 and sets 1, 2 and 3. Our results point to an increase in EE during multiple sets at 70% 1RM and show that in spite of the difference in muscle mass involved and total work done during each type of exercise, EE was not different due to greater economy during the LP.


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The purpose of this study was to validate the lactate minimum test as a specific aerobic evaluation protocol for table tennis players. Using the frequency of 72 balls·min-1 for 90 sec, an exercise-induced metabolic acidosis was determined in 8 male table tennis players. The evaluation protocol began with a frequency of 40 balls·min-1 followed by an increase of 8 balls·min-1 every 3 min until exhaustion. The mean values that corresponded to the subjects' lactate minimum (Lacmin) were equal to 53.1 ± 1.5 balls·min-1 [adjusted for the time test (Lacmin_time)] and 51.6 ± 1.6 balls·min-1 [adjusted for the frequency of balls (Lacmin_Freq)], which resulted in a high correlation between the two forms of adjustment (r = 0.96 and (P = 0.01). The mean maximum lactate steady state (MLSS) was 52.6 ± 1.6 balls·min-1. Pearson's correlations between Lacmin_time vs. MLSS and Lacmin_freq vs. MLSS were statistically significant (P = 0.03 and r = 0.86, P = 0.03 and r = 0.85, respectively). These findings indicate that the Lacmin test predicts MLSS. Therefore, it is an excellent method to obtain the athletes' anaerobic threshold. Also, there is the advantage that it can be performed in 1 day in the game area. However, the Lacmin value does not depend on the Lacpeak value.