El presente estudio de caso busca responder preguntas relativas a las prácticas de gestión ambiental y a las percepciones que sobre el tema, manifiestan las comunidades locales de áreas protegidas urbanas como lo son los humedales de Córdoba en la localidad de Suba y Techo en la localidad de Kennedy en Bogotá, particularmente en el periodo 1990 2007. Principalmente se indagan los diferentes problemas y percepciones que las comunidades asocian con la existencia de estas áreas, así como los usos que les son dados a estos.
Este documento se elaboro teniendo en cuenta la necesidad de establecer una propuesta de gestion para el humedal Juan Amarillo de la Ciudad de Bogota, con el fin de no desperdiciar los esfuerzos que ya se han hecho por parte de la administracion para recuperarlo.
The fundamental diseconomy in the large metropolitan areas is the significant and sustained increase in travel time incurred by its inhabitants daily. Since a portion of the energy consumed in the daily mobility does not necessarily translate into individual and collective wealth, entropic systems have a feature which, as discussed for the case of Bogotá, does not have metropolitan institutions with the ability to redirect.
Pyogenic liver abscess caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae represents an ever increasing entity which has mainly been described as occurring in Asia, even though, on a smaller scale, cases are being more frequently described from the USA and Europe, 13% overall mortality being reached worldwide. Affected patients are severely sick, suffering from fever, sweating, having increased acute phase reactants and risk factors such as Diabetes Mellitus, alcoholism and the inherent characteristics of the bacteria causing the disease. Objective: in this work we used a Multilocus Sequencing Typing (MLST), a nucleotide sequence-based method in order to characterize the genetic relationships among bacterial isolates. Materials and methods: the report is focused on three cases involving patients suffering from pyogenic liver abscess caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae in two hospitals in Bogota, Colombia, where phenotyping and hypermucoviscosity studies were carried out, as well as the genotyping of cultured Klebsiella isolates. Reults: it was found that the isolated microorganism in cases I and II corresponded to the same K. pneumoniae strain, having 100% sequence identity for the 5 genes being studied while the strain in Case III was genotypically different. Conclusion: it is important to carry out multidisciplinary studies allowing all pyogenic liver abscess cases reported in Colombia to be complied to ascertain the frequency of microorganisms causing this pathology in our country, as well as a genotyping study of different K. pneumoniae strains to compare them and confirm clonal and pathogenicity relationships through housekeeping gene analysis.
Las actividades laborales informales presentan situaciones adversas frente a la exposición a riesgos de diferente origen, una de estas actividades que se ha convertido en alternativa de transporte en la ciudad de Bogotá es el bicitaxismo, el cual aporta soluciones a la movilidad de los habitantes. Con el fin de determinar las condiciones de trabajo y las posibles enfermedades que puedan adquirir como consecuencia de su actividad laboral, se realizó un estudio de corte transversal, con una población de 150 bicitaxistas pertenecientes al barrio Toberín de la localidad de Usaquén, de la ciudad de Bogotá. Para la recolección de datos se aplicó el Cuestionario Sobre Condiciones De Trabajo Y Salud. Se estimó la proporción de trabajadores con afectación de su estado de salud y se exploraron las posibles asociaciones mediante la prueba Chi cuadrado de Pearson o prueba exacta de Fisher. Se encontró una relación entre la edad y los dolores de espalda (p = 0,007), al igual que entre la edad y los dolores en miembros superiores (p= 0,001), así mismo, se observó una relación entre el estado de las vías (aberturas y huecos) por las que transitan los bicitaxistas, con el dolor de miembros superiores (p= 0,007). El bicitaxismo en una alternativa de trabajo y de transporte para la comunidad, que debido a las condiciones en las que laboran, se están generando dolencias en diferentes segmentos corporales.
Contiene la organizacion de los trabajos, resumen de los debates y conclusiones de la reunion que tuvo por objetivo analizar, por una parte, la instrumentacion de la Estrategia Internacional del Desarrollo (EID) y las perspectivas de America Latina y el Caribe para el fin del decenio de 1980, teniendo presente la evolucion de la crisis y, por la otra, la deuda externa de America Latina y el Caribe.
Los documentos del Seminario fueron publicados por UNESCO en 1961 con el título: La urbanización en América Latina/Urbanization in Latin America
The growth and integration of ICTs in the global economy have created conditions that profoundly affect our society, dividing communities between those who effectively appropriate these resources and those who do not, what is called the digital divide. This exploratory study seeks to propose and validate ways of assessing this phenomenon in higher education, from the construction of a model and a comprehensive methodology that value contextual conditions, in addition to measuring access factors and motivation for use, that have been employed in previous research. To obtain indications about the behavior of this phenomenon, we developed research with students from three universities in Bogota, administering 566 surveys in four phases that would test the variables proposed in the model. The results show that the variables of the model link causally, with the strongest relations between education, attitude towards ICTs and ICT application. Although students have good access to ICTs and high levels of education, no strong relationship was found in regards to perceived impact on production. This may be explained by a superficial appropriation of ICT, due to a context that is alien to its conditions of origin (industrialism, innovation), poor quality of education and economies not centered around R&D.
Environmental Education (EE) is a key component in any marine protected area management. However, its visibility and action plans are still poorly developed and structured as a clear element in management procedures. The objective of this study is to contribute with a methodological route that integrates EE to the existing model of management planning and strategies, taking the Colombian National Natural Parks System as a case study. The creation of the route is proposed as a participatory research with different stakeholders in order to respond to the specific conservation needs and goals for the National Parks System. The EE national diagnosis has shown that its integration within the parks management structure is a first priority need, being a converging result on the two case studies on National Parks from the Pacific Coast of Colombia. The diagnosis also demonstrates that communication, participation, training and evaluation have to be reinforced, linking the community and stakeholders involved in the park management to the whole EE process. The proposed methodology route has been agreed upon by the National Parks staff and incorporates advice and recommendations from different stakeholders, in order to better include the park users. This step will help us to advance toward sustainable management in marine and coastal protected areas elsewhere, taking into account not only the biological but also the social-cultural prism. The main challenges in the management and conservation of coastal and marine ecosystems today are discussed.