146 resultados para APLASIA-CUTIS-CONGENITA
The main aim of this study is to evaluate the capacity of human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSC), isolated from deciduous teeth, to reconstruct large-sized cranial bone defects in nonimmunosuppressed (NIS) rats. To our knowledge, these cells were not used before in similar experiments. We performed two symmetric full-thickness cranial defects (5 x 8 mm) on each parietal region of eight NIS rats. In six of them, the left side was supplied with collagen membrane only and the right side (RS) with collagen membrane and hDPSC. In two rats, the RS had collagen membrane only and nothing was added at the left side (controls). Cells were used after in vitro characterization as mesenchymal cells. Animals were euthanized at 7, 20, 30, 60, and 120 days postoperatively and cranial tissue samples were taken from the defects for histologic analysis. Analysis of the presence of human cells in the new bone was confirmed by molecular analysis. The hDPSC lineage was positive for the four mesenchymal cell markers tested and showed osteogenic, adipogenic, and myogenic in vitro differentiation. We observed bone formation 1 month after surgery in both sides, but a more mature bone was present in the RS. Human DNA was polymerase chain reaction-amplified only at the RS, indicating that this new bone had human cells. The us e of hDPSC in NIS rats did not cause any graft. rejection. Our findings suggest that hDPSC is an additional cell resource for correcting large cranial defects in rats and constitutes a promising model for reconstruction of human large cranial defects in craniofacial surgery.
The antithyroid drugs mainly include thioimidazole (carbimazole, methimazole=thiamazole) and propylthiouracil. After absorption, carbimazole is rapidly metabolized to methimazole and thus switching between these two drugs should not be considered in case of side effects. Furthermore, in case of side effects, sometimes even cross reactions between thioimidazoles and propylthiouracil occur. Common and typical adverse reactions of antithyroid drugs include dose dependent hypothyroidism and thus thyroid function should be repeatedly checked while the patient is on antithyroid drugs. Furthermore, pruritus and rash may develop. In this case, one might try to switch from thioimidazoles to propylthiouracil or vice versa. Antithyroid drugs may cause mild dose dependent neutropenia or severe allergy-mediated agranulocytosis, which typically occurs during the first three months of treatment, has an incidence of 3 per 10,000 patients and cross reactivity between thioimidazoles to propylthiouracil may occur. Rarely, antithyroid drugs can cause aplastic anemia. Mainly propylthiouracil, but sometimes also methimazole may lead to an asymptomatic transient increase in liver enzymes or to severe, even lethal liver injury of cholestatic or hepatocellular pattern. Since propylthiouracil associated liver injury was observed increasingly among children and adolescent, it has been suggested to prefer thioimidazoles for these patients. Because of these potential serious adverse effects, physicians should advise patients to immediately seek medical help if they get a fever or sore throat or malaise, abdominal complaints or jaundice, respectively. Furthermore, arthralgias may develop in 1-5% of patients under both antithyroid drugs. Since arthralgias may be the first symptom of more serious immunologic side effects, it is recommended to stop the antithyroid drug in this case. Drug induced polyarthritis mainly develops during the first month of therapy, whereas ANCA-positive vasculitis is generally observed only after long term exposure to propylthiouracil or very rarely with the thioimidazoles. The teratogenic risk of the thioimidazoles is somewhat higher (Aplasia cutis congenita), that is why one generally recommends preferring propylthiouracil during pregnancy. During breast feeding both, thioimidazoles or propylthiouracil, may be administered. Nowadays, perchlorate is only used short term in case of latent hyperthyroidism before administering iodine-containing contrast agents. Therefore, the known side effects, which usually are only observed after long term treatment, are not an issue any more.
A case of dyskeratosis congenita (DC) of an 11-year-old male is reported. He presented with the characteristic clinical triad of reticular pigmentation of the skin, dystrophic nails and oral lesions, and up to the present he had not developed hematological compromise. Oral lesions consisted of extensive tongue erosions and keratosis, and exuberant gingivitis associated. Appropriate periodontal treatment was performed with discrete improvement only. We emphasize that severe gingival inflammation, although infrequent, may represent an alteration specific to DC and therefore should be considered as an additional sign of this syndrome.
When severe caries occurs in mandibular permanent incisor teeth, the clinician should consider the possibility of associated submandibular gland aplasia or salivary hypofunction. Early diagnosis of submandibular gland disease is essential, as operative problems involving restoration of mandibular incisor teeth are considerable. Furthermore, progressive severe dental caries can present a dilemma for the clinician in affected individuals, despite intensive preventive and restorative therapy. A case report describing severe progressive dental caries and enamel demineralization of the permanent mandibular incisor teeth in a young girl is presented. Further investigation revealed absence of functional bilateral submandibular salivary glands contributing to the rapid breakdown of the teeth despite intensive preventive measures.
Se estudió la respuesta clínica y serológica a la infección chagásica de 937 embarazadas y sus 929 recién nacidos (RN) vivos, grupo I; 4 RN de origen diverso, grupo II y 35 RN derivados de otros centros, grupo III. Las embarazadas se estudiaron con 3 reacciones serológicas; se definió infección cuando 2 o más reacciones eran positivas. En los RN el diagnóstico se confirmó por observación directa del T. cruzi en una muestra de sangre. Los RN con Chagas congénita (RN-ChC) fueron tratados y seguidos con estudios clínicos y de laboratorio. Se detectaron 149 embarazadas chagásicas (15.9%), de las cuales se diagnosticaron 6 RN-ChC (4%). En el total de 968 RN estudiados se detectaron 12 RN infectados. El micro-hematócrito fue el método parasitológico de lectura rápida más efectivo para el diagnóstico de infección en nuestra serie. El par de reacciones serológicas específicas constituyó un criterio de mayor seguridad para el control y seguimiento de la infección congénita. Las expresiones clínicas más comunes de infección fueron hepatomegalia, esplenomegalia, ictericia, anemia y prematurez, con distintos grados de asociación. Se concluye que dadas las características clínicas de la enfermedad de Chagas congénita en nuestro medio, se impone como estrategia el diagnóstico serológico para la enfermedad de Chagas en todas las embarazadas y el control y seguimiento de sus RN hasta descartar o confirmar infección congénita.
Two cases of Aspergillosis in immunocompromised children are reported. Both were caused by Aspergillns flavus. Early diagnosis and treatment led to the remission of the process. One patient had acute myeloid leukemia; the fungus was isolated from the blood. The other patient with bone marrow aplasia, presented an invasive aspergillosis of the paranasal sinuses with dissemination of fungal infection; the diagnosis was obtained by histology and culture of biopsied tissue from a palatal ulceration.
Introdução:A cutis laxa é uma doença rara do tecido conjuntivo provocada por alterações da elastina. Caracteriza-se por pele sem elasticidade, flácida, mole e enrugada, dando aos doentes um aspecto envelhecido; o envolvimento sistémico é variável. Existem formas hereditárias e adquiridas. Relato de Caso: Lactente do sexo masculino, de seis meses de idade, no qual na sequência de internamento por bronquiolite é notado fenótipo muito sugestivo de cutis laxa, tendo o exame histopatológico cutâneo confirmado o diagnóstico. Discussão Clínica: O caso parece relevante, pela raridade da doença e por apresentar fenótipo sugestivo de cutis laxa do tipo autossómico recessivo, mas com evolução clínica mais característica da forma dominante, com melhor prognóstico.
Foi solicitada observação por Dermatologia de uma doente de 35 anos de idade, de raça negra, por 2 nódulos subcutâneos localizados na região paraumbilical direita e flanco direito com 2 semanas de evolução. Da história prévia, destaque para doença renal crónica em programa de hemodiálise e infeção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH-1). Ao exame objetivo observaram-se 2 nódulos bem delimitados, subcutâneos, sem alteração da coloração; à palpação, estes eram dolorosos, de consistência pétrea e não aderentes aos planos profundos. Foi realizada biópsia incisional para exame histopatológico, que confirmou a hipótese diagnóstica de calcinose cutis. Uma revisão cuidadosa de toda a medicação realizada permitiu estabelecer a relação entre este achado e a administração subcutânea de nadroparina cálcica nessa localização, umas semanas antes. A dermatose regrediu espontaneamente em 2 meses após a suspensão das injeções subcutâneas de nadroparina cálcica. A calcinose cutis devida à administração de heparinas de baixo peso molecular contendo cálcio é rara, admitindo-se que elevação do produto fósforo-cálcio possa ser determinante na sua fisiopatologia. É geralmente autolimitada, resolvendo espontaneamente.
Um caso de Leishmaniose Cutis Difusa é estudado quanto aos seus aspectos imunológicos. A imunidade celular foi investigada com testes intradérmicos, sensibilização artificia! do DNCB e dosagem de fator de inibição do macrófago (MIF). Embora alguns antígenos injetados tivessem dado reação positiva, a leishmanina foi não reatora evidenciando uma anergia específica. As imunoglobulinas G e M estavam elevadas. 0 encontro de anticorpos circulantes por alguns autores associando ao fato de que o complemento C3 era baixo em nosso paciente, levou-nos a considerar o consumo deste que fixado a complexos Ag-Ac circulantes poderiam explicar os surtos de febre e artralgias. Por fim são considerados os pontos de vista de autores diferentes em relação ao fato de que a LCD seria causada por espécie diferente de leishmânia, ou por defeito imunológico do paciente, destacando-se o trabalho de Convit³ em favor desta útlima hipótese.
Se estudió la infección por T. cruzi en mujeres embarazadas en la localidad de General Güemes, provincia de Salta. La misma fue del 12,3 %. El 8,8% de los recién nacidos estudiados tuvieron diagnóstico de Enfermedad de Chagas utilizando la técnica directa (microhematocrito). Todos fueron tratados con benznidazol a razón de 5mg/kg/día durante 30 dias. Todos presentaron anemia, que fue interpretada como reacción adversa medicamentosa. Se estima que la técnica directa representa la mejor opción para llevar a cabo el diagnóstico de esta enfermedad en el recién nacido. Se ha propuesto un flujograma para el seguimiento de la infección por T. cruzi en el recién nacido.
Se presenta la experiencia de 18 años en la provincia de Salta en el manejo de recién nacidos con enfermedad de Chagas congénita. Desde distintos ámbitos del sistema provincial de salud, el Hospital Materno-infantil de la ciudad de Salta, hospitales del interior y la atención ambulatoria se detectaron y diagnosticaron 102 recién nacidos (RN) y lactantes con infección congénita. Los RN se dividieron en dos grupos mayores, el último subdivido, de acuerdo a la oportunidad diagnóstica. Se describe la metodología diagnóstica, presentación clínica, tratamiento y el seguimiento posterior de los niños tratados. Se analizan las características de la experiencia y se discuten las condiciones específicas del diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento de los niños estudiados. Se describen las recomendaciones empleadas en la provincia en el programa de control de Chagas perinatal así como las conclusiones derivadas de esta experiencia.
Os avanços nas técnicas de cirurgia cardíaca e o diagnóstico precoce têm possibilitado maior sobrevida de indivíduos com cardiopatias congênitas. A investigação da qualidade de vida em crianças e adolescentes com cardiopatias congênitas fornece informações complementares aos dados clínicos que podem auxiliar na tomada de decisão dos profissionais de saúde. Embora muitos estudos tenham sido realizados para investigar a qualidade de vida de crianças e adolescentes com cardiopatias congênitas, os resultados mostram-se contraditórios. Enquanto alguns estudos revelam que as cardiopatias podem impactar a qualidade de vida, outros descrevem melhor percepção da qualidade de vida entre crianças e adolescentes cardiopatas quando comparados com controles saudáveis. O objetivo deste estudo é revisar a literatura sobre a avaliação da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde em crianças e adolescentes com cardiopatias congênitas, de forma a sistematizar o conhecimento existente sobre esse tema na atualidade. Observa-se que as pesquisas procuram investigar aspectos relacionados à personalidade do paciente cardiopata, às estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas por ele e ao suporte social percebido, visando à melhor compreensão da associação de tais variáveis com o nível de qualidade de vida nessa população.
The Al-Awadi-Raas-Rothschild syndrome (AARRS; OMIM 276820) and the Fuhrmann syndrome (FS; OMIM 228930) are distinct limb malformation disorders comprising different degrees of limb aplasia or hypoplasia. In 2006, Woods et al. found different recessive WNT7A mutations in one family segregating the AARRS phenotype and in a second family with FS. To explain the common genetic basis for the two clinically distinct disorders, functional studies were done showing that partial loss of WNT7A function resulted in FS, while complete loss of WNT7A function resulted in the more severe phenotype of AARRS. In spite of the elucidation of the molecular basis of AARRS, there remains to this day considerable diagnostic confusion that has culminated in the lumping of Schinzel phocomelia syndrome with AARRS; however, this phocomelic limb defect is quite different in its clinical aspect and pathogenesis from the limb findings of AARRS. Here, we report on a child with the AARRS phenotype and homozygosity for a non-conservative E72K mutation in WNT7A, underline the homogeneity of the WNT7A-associated AARRS phenotype, and propose differential diagnostic criteria for the AARRS reflecting the roles of WNT7A in limb development.
A 5-year-old boy was referred to our neurology clinic for suspected myopathy. His parents reported normal upper extremity strength and no limitation in daily activities; however, he was unable to raise his arms above his head. On examination, both shoulders were down-slanting and anteriorly displaced, leading to a webbed neck appearance. Muscle MRI demonstrated isolated bilateral aplasia of the trapezius muscles. His father was found to have a unilateral partial trapezius hypoplasia with no functional consequences. Conclusion: Congenital aplasia of the trapezius muscle is a rare condition; bilateral aplasia of the muscle, having been reported in only five cases, is most often associated with aplasia of the pectoralis major. This is the first report to our knowledge to demonstrate bilateral isolated trapezius aplasia by MRI.