10 resultados para APEXIFICATION


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To report the outcome of the endodontic treatment of a reimplanted central maxillary incisor with open apex after 8 years and 7 months of follow-up.This case report presents the treatment of a right central maxillary incisor of an 8-year old white male patient with history of traumatic avulsion and immediate replantation. The endodontic therapy consisted of periodical changes of calcium hydroxide dressing and a definitive root canal filling with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). The treatment was successful without pathologies up to 7 years of follow-up. After the institution of orthodontic treatment a localized and late root resorption was noticed at the last radiographic examination (8 years and 7 months postoperative follow-up). Moreover, the use of MTA promoted a mild crown grey discoloration.


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Dens invaginatus, also known as dens in dente, is a developmental dental anomaly resulting in an invagination of the enamel organ into the dental papilla. These cases present technical difficulties to the root canal treatment. Apexification using an apical plug of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) has been indicated as an alternative to long-term intracanal use of calcium hydroxide in immature permanent teeth. It is considered as a simple and rapid technique. This paper reports a case of Oehlers' Type 1 dens invaginatus in an immature permanent maxillary right lateral incisor, which presented pulp necrosis secondary to dental trauma and was treated by apexification with white MTA apical plugging followed by conventional root canal therapy. The operative procedures are described and the technique is discussed. The physical and biological properties of MTA, associated with appropriate instrumentation and obturation techniques, make this material an excellent option in the endodontic therapy of immature permanent teeth with dens invaginatus.


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Introduction: The endodontic regenerative procedure (ERP), which is an alternative to calcium hydroxide induced apexification, involves the use of a triple antibiotic paste (TAP) as a dressing material. The aim of this study was to evaluate the response of rat subcutaneous tissue to implanted polyethylene tubes that were filled with TAP or calcium hydroxide. Methods: Thirty rats received 2 individual implants of polyethylene tubes filled with TAP or calcium hydroxide paste (CHP) and another empty tube as a control. Thirty additional rats received 2 individual implants consisting of polyethylene tubes filled with dressing material carriers (macrogol and propylene glycol) and a sham procedure. After 7, 15, 30, 60, and 90 days, 12 animals were euthanized, and the tubes and surrounding tissue were removed and processed for histology by using glycol methacrylate and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. The histological score ranged from 0 to 3 depending on the content of inflammatory cells; the fibrous capsule was considered thin or thick, and necrosis and calcification were recorded as present or absent. The results were analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: Both dressing materials induced moderate reactions at 7 and 15 days. These reactions were similar to the control (P>.05) and reduced in intensity (to mild) from day 30 onward (P>.05). The carriers did not interfere with the reaction of the dressing materials. Conclusions: TAP and CHP were biocompatible over the different experimental periods examined. (J Endod 2012;38:91-94)


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Aim the purpose of this article is to report the 10-year follow-up of a right mandibular central incisor with 'dens invaginatus' that was root filled.Summary 'Dens invaginatus ' is a rare malformation of teeth, probably resulting from an infolding of the dental papilla during tooth development. It has alternatively been called 'dens in dente' and 'dilated composite odontome'. Radiographic examination may clearly demonstrate this feature, although no signs may be recognized clinically. If no entrance to the invagination can be detected and there are no signs of pulp pathosis, then no treatment is required other than fissure sealing of the invagination. In deep invaginations, it is likely that root-canal treatment may be required. Occasionally, when the tooth has an immature root, apexification is necessary. Root-canal treatment of a right mandibular central incisor with 'dens invaginatus ' is described along with 10-year follow-up.Key learning pointsBoth clinical and radiographic examinations are necessary to determine morphological features of teeth before root-canal treatment.Sensibility testing to determine the pulp condition is critical prior to treatment.


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Aim To evaluate, using an experimental immature tooth model, the fracture resistance of bovine incisors submitted to different reinforcement treatments with mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA).Methodology An immature tooth model was created by sectioning the coronal and apical portions of 40 bovine incisors 8 mm above and 12 mm below the cementoenamel junction. The root canals were irrigated with 1.0% sodium hypochlorite. They were enlarged both coronally and apically using number 703 carbide burs (ISO: 500-104-168-007-021) and their internal diameter was standardized to 2.1 mm. The specimens were assigned to four groups (n = 10): GI-control (without filling); GII-apical MTA plug + filling with gutta-percha and endodontic sealer; GIII-filling with MTA; GIV-apical MTA plug + filling with MTA + metallic post (Reforpost I). A polyether impression material was used to simulate the periodontal ligament. The specimens were submitted to a compressive load at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm min(-1) in a servo-hydraulic universal testing machine (MTS 810) applied at 45 degrees to the long axis of the tooth until failure. Data were submitted to statistical analysis by the Kruskal-Wallis test at 5% significance level.Results GIV presented the highest fracture resistance (32.7N) and differed significantly from the other groups (P < 0.05). No statistically difference was found between GII (16.6N) and GIII (23.4N) (P > 0.05). GIII had a significantly higher fracture resistance than GI (P < 0.05).Conclusions the use of MTA + metallic post as an intra-radicular reinforcement treatment increased the resistance to fracture of weakened bovine teeth in an experimental immature tooth model.


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In some parts of the world, revascularization may not be the most feasible treatment option for necrotic immature teeth. Therefore, apexification remains the most widely utilized treatment option for these cases. This study aimed to evaluate the fracture resistance of weakened bovine tooth roots treated with various irrigant solutions as well as long-term application of calcium hydroxide intracanal medication (ICM). One hundred seventy bovine teeth were randomly divided into three experimental groups (n = 50) and two control groups (n = 10). Group SS was irrigated with physiologic solution; group CHX was treated with 2% chlorhexidine gel and group NaOCl was irrigated with 1% sodium hypochlorite. After instrumentation, root canals were dressed with calcium hydroxide and evaluated at different periods (15, 60, 90, 180, and 360 days). The specimens were loaded at a 45° angle to measure fracture resistance through the use of an EMIC test machine. A decrease in fracture resistance was observed during the time of ICM dressing. The highest values of fracture resistance were observed in group SS with 15 days of ICM, not differing from the control group. Irrigation with NaOCl associated with ICM for 15 days presented the lowest fracture resistance; however, a statistically significant difference was not observed when compared with SS and CHX in the same time period. In longer periods of exposure to ICM (180 and 360 days), root canals irrigated with NaOCl and CHX showed significantly lower fracture resistance than SS (P < 0.05). Apexification with periodic changes of calcium hydroxide medicament leads to weakness of the teeth independent of the irrigation solution used.


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Duarte MAH, Alves de Aguiar K, Zeferino MA, Vivan RR, Ordinola-Zapata R, Tanomaru-Filho M, Weckwerth PH, Kuga MC. Evaluation of the propylene glycol association on some physical and chemical properties of mineral trioxide aggregate. International Endodontic Journal, 45, 565570, 2012. Abstract Aim To evaluate the influence of propylene glycol (PG) on the flowability, setting time, pH and calcium ion release of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). Methodology Mineral trioxide aggregate was mixed with different proportions of PG, as follows: group 1: MTA + 100% distilled water (DW); group 2: MTA + 80% DW and 20% PG; group 3: MTA + 50% DW and 50% PG; group 4: MTA + 20% DW and 80% PG; group 5: MTA + 100% PG. The ANSI/ADA No. 57 was followed for evaluating the flowability and the setting time was measured by using ASTM C266-08. For pH and calcium release analyses, 50 acrylic teeth with root-end cavities were filled with the materials (n = 10) and individually immersed in flasks containing 10 mL deionized water. After 3 h, 24 h, 72 h and 168 h, teeth were placed in new flasks and the water in which each specimen was immersed had its pH determined by a pH metre and the calcium release measured by an atomic absorption spectrophotometer with a calcium-specific hollow cathode lamp. Data were analysed by using one-way anova test for global comparison and by using Tukeys test for individual comparisons. Results The highest value of flowability was observed with MTA + 20% DW and 80% PG and the lowest values were found with MTA + 100% DW. They were significantly different compared to the other groups (P < 0.05). The presence of PG did not affect the pH and calcium release. The MTA + 100% PG favoured the highest (P < 0.05) pH and calcium release after 3 h. Increasing the PG proportion interfered (P < 0.05) with the setting time; when used at the volume of 100% setting did not occur. Conclusion The addition of PG to MTA-Angelus increased its setting time, improved flowability and increased the pH and calcium ion release during the initial post-mixing periods. The ratio of 80% DW 20% PG is recommended.


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O tratamento de dentes permanentes imaturos com comprometimento pulpar pode ser muitas vezes um desafio. Em dentes com a polpa vital, a manutenção da vitalidade pulpar é essencial, o que permitirá a continuação do desenvolvimento natural da porção radicular do elemento dentário. Já em dentes onde a polpa se encontre necrosada e/ ou infetada, há, inevitavelmente, a interrupção do desenvolvimento radicular, deixando o elemento dentário com paredes dentinárias finas e com o ápice aberto, o que torna o tratamento ainda mais desafiante, uma vez que o tratamento endodôntico convencional, baseado na preparação químico-mecânica e no preenchimento do sistema de canais radiculares com um material bioinerte, torna-se difícil ou até impossível. Atualmente, os tratamentos mais realizados para estes dentes passam pela apexificação com Hidróxido de cálcio (Ca(OH)2), ou a inserção de uma barreira apical de Agregado de Mineral Trióxido (MTA) seguidas pela obturação convencional do canal radicular. Ambas as técnicas têm um bom potencial na resolução das infeções e no encerramento apical; no entanto, não permitem a continuação do desenvolvimento radicular, o que mantém as paredes dentinárias finas e frágeis e o elemento dentário mais susceptível a fraturas. Estudos recentes têm vindo a demonstrar resultados positivos com uma nova abordagem de base biológica denominada revascularização pulpar. A técnica baseia-se na desinfeção do canal radicular e uma subsequente indução da formação de um coágulo sanguíneo no interior no canal, que servirá de base para a proliferação de um novo tecido, e uma possível regeneração do tecido pulpar. Desta forma pode-se alcançar além da resolução das infeções, a continuação do desenvolvimento radicular, o que resulta em raízes mais longas, com paredes mais espessas e no fecho apical normal. Embora a revascularização pulpar tenha vindo a demonstrar bons resultados clínicos e radiográficos, estudos histológicos demonstraram que o tecido formado no espaço pulpar pode não ser exatamente polpa. Mais estudos parecem ser necessários para que a técnica possa vir a ser executada com uma maior previsibilidade. A engenharia tecidular tem vindo a estudar diversas possibilidades para aprimorar a técnica, o que pode torná-la mais previsível no futuro.


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O desenvolvimento completo das raízes demora pelo menos dois a três anos a completar-se após a colocação da peça dentária na cavidade oral, na medida em que manutenção da vitalidade pulpar é de extrema importância, de modo a permitir o completo desenvolvimento dentário e radicular. Perante um diagnóstico de necrose pulpar num dente imaturo o objectivo do Médico Dentista deverá ser sempre permitir a maturação completa das raízes e consequente encerramento apical. Deste modo, podemos considerar que existem essencialmente duas abordagem terapêuticas em dentes imaturos necrosados: a apexificação e a revascularização. A apexificação é considerada como o tratamento standard de dentes imaturos, uma vez que induz a formação de uma barreira apical calcificada. No entanto, este procedimento tem diversas desvantagens, nomeadamente o risco de fractura radicular uma vez que não proporciona um espessamento das paredes da raiz deixando-as assim finas e susceptíveis à fractura. Nos últimos anos um novo tratamento, como alternativa à apexificação, tem vindo a ser estudado. A revascularização consiste no transporte de factores de crescimento para o espaço intracanalar através da estimulação do sangramento dos tecidos periapicais e, deste modo, promover de forma natural um espessamento e completo desenvolvimento das raízes. Assim, comparativamente à apexificação a revascularização apresenta algumas vantagens, podendo, num futuro próximo, tornar-se no tratamento de eleição aquando de um diagnóstico de necrose num dente imaturo.