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Aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDHs) catabolize toxic aldehydes and process the vitamin A-derived retinaldehyde into retinoic acid (RA), a small diffusible molecule and a pivotal chordate morphogen. In this study, we combine phylogenetic, structural, genomic, and developmental gene expression analyses to examine the evolutionary origins of ALDH substrate preference. Structural modeling reveals that processing of small aldehydes, such as acetaldehyde, by ALDH2, versus large aldehydes, including retinaldehyde, by ALDH1A is associated with small versus large substrate entry channels (SECs), respectively. Moreover, we show that metazoan ALDH1s and ALDH2s are members of a single ALDH1/2 clade and that during evolution, eukaryote ALDH1/2s often switched between large and small SECs after gene duplication, transforming constricted channels into wide opened ones and vice versa. Ancestral sequence reconstructions suggest that during the evolutionary emergence of RA signaling, the ancestral, narrow-channeled metazoan ALDH1/2 gave rise to large ALDH1 channels capable of accommodating bulky aldehydes, such as retinaldehyde, supporting the view that retinoid-dependent signaling arose from ancestral cellular detoxification mechanisms. Our analyses also indicate that, on a more restricted evolutionary scale, ALDH1 duplicates from invertebrate chordates (amphioxus and ascidian tunicates) underwent switches to smaller and narrower SECs. When combined with alterations in gene expression, these switches led to neofunctionalization from ALDH1-like roles in embryonic patterning to systemic, ALDH2-like roles, suggesting functional shifts from signaling to detoxification.


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A family of detoxifying enzymes called aldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDHs) has been a subject of recent interest, as its role in detoxifying aldehydes that accumulate through metabolism and to which we are exposed from the environment has been elucidated. Although the human genome has 19 ALDH genes, one ALDH emerges as a particularly important enzyme in a variety of human pathologies. This ALDH, ALDH2, is located in the mitochondrial matrix with much known about its role in ethanol metabolism. Less known is a new body of research to be discussed in this review, suggesting that ALDH2 dysfunction may contribute to a variety of human diseases including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, stroke, and cancer. Recent studies suggest that ALDH2 dysfunction is also associated with Fanconi anemia, pain, osteoporosis, and the process of aging. Furthermore, an ALDH2 inactivating mutation (termed ALDH2*2) is the most common single point mutation in humans, and epidemiological studies suggest a correlation between this inactivating mutation and increased propensity for common human pathologies. These data together with studies in animal models and the use of new pharmacological tools that activate ALDH2 depict a new picture related to ALDH2 as a critical health-promoting enzyme.


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Aims: The incidence of head and neck cancer (HNC) in Brazil has increased substantially in recent years. This increase is likely to be strongly associated with alcohol and tobacco consumption, but genetic susceptibility also should be investigated in this population. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of polymorphisms in genes of alcohol metabolism enzymes and the risk of HNC. Methods: A hospital-based case-control study was conducted in Sao Paulo, Brazil. We here investigated ADH1C Ile(350)Val, ADH1B Arg(48)His, ADH1B Arg(370)Cys and CYP2E1*5A PstI polymorphisms by PCR-RFLP Polymerase Chain Reaction - Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism in 207 histopathologically confirmed HNC cases (184 males and 23 females) and 244 cancer-free controls (225 males and 19 females) admitted as in-patients in the same hospital. Results: Chronic alcohol intake increased approximately four times the risk of HNC. The mutant genotype ADH1B Arg(48)His was more frequent in controls (12.7%) than HNC patients (5.8%) conferring protection for the disease (odds ratio (OR) = 0.42; 95% confidence interval (CI ), 0.21-0.85). Similar results were observed for individuals with ADH1B*2 (OR = 0.41; 95% CI , 0.20-0.82) or ADH1B*2/ADH1C*1 (OR = 0.32; 95% CI , 0.13-0.79) mutated haplotypes. Multiple regression analyses showed that individuals with the mutant genotype ADH1B Arg(48)His who consume alcohol > 30 g/L/day have more than four times the risk for HNC (OR = 4.42; 95% CI, 1.21-16.11). Conclusions: The fast alcohol metabolizing genotypes may prevent HNC when the amount of alcohol intake is < 30.655 g/L/day.


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Resistance to semi-dry environments has been considered a crucial trait for superior growth and survival of strains used for bioaugmentation in contaminated soils. In order to compare water stress programmes, we analyse differential gene expression among three phylogenetically different strains capable of aromatic compound degradation: Arthrobacter chlorophenolicus A6, Sphingomonas wittichii RW1 and Pseudomonas veronii 1YdBTEX2. Standardized laboratory-induced water stress was imposed by shock exposure of liquid cultures to water potential decrease, induced either by addition of solutes (NaCl, solute stress) or by addition of polyethylene glycol (matric stress), both at absolute similar stress magnitudes and at those causing approximately similar decrease of growth rates. Genome-wide differential gene expression was recorded by micro-array hybridizations. Growth of P. veronii 1YdBTEX2 was the most sensitive to water potential decrease, followed by S. wittichii RW1 and A. chlorophenolicus A6. The number of genes differentially expressed under decreasing water potential was lowest for A. chlorophenolicus A6, increasing with increasing magnitude of the stress, followed by S. wittichii RW1 and P. veronii 1YdBTEX2. Gene inspection and gene ontology analysis under stress conditions causing similar growth rate reduction indicated that common reactions among the three strains included diminished expression of flagellar motility and increased expression of compatible solutes (which were strain-specific). Furthermore, a set of common genes with ill-defined function was found between all strains, including ABC transporters and aldehyde dehydrogenases, which may constitute a core conserved response to water stress. The data further suggest that stronger reduction of growth rate of P. veronii 1YdBTEX2 under water stress may be an indirect result of the response demanding heavy NADPH investment, rather than the presence or absence of a suitable stress defence mechanism per se.


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Please consult the paper edition of this thesis to read. It is available on the 5th Floor of the Library at Call Number: Z 9999.5 B63 P54 2007


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Les Rétinal déshydrogénases (RALDHs) catalysent irréversiblement la déshydrogénation du Rétinal en Acide Rétinoïque (AR) qui est impliqué dans l’embryogenèse et la différenciation tissulaire. Pour comprendre le rôle dans la biosynthèse de l’AR des RALDHs type 3 et 4 de souris, nous avons déterminé leurs propriétés cinétiques ainsi que leur comportement en présence de différents inhibiteurs. Les tests enzymatiques sont effectués avec une préparation d’enzyme recombinante, tagguée avec 6 histidines, purifiée sur colonne Ni-NTA (Qiagen). L’activité enzymatique est évaluée en quantifiant la production d’AR par chromatographie liquide à haute performance (HPLC) en phase inversée. Les constantes cinétiques ont été déterminées pour les isomères du rétinal tout-trans, 9-cis et 13-cis. La RALDH4 catalyse les isomères 9-cis et 13-cis de rétinal, elle présente un faible KM (3μM) pour les deux isomères et a une efficacité catalytique élevée pour le 9-cis rétinal 3.4 fois supérieure au 13-cis rétinal. La RALDH3 est spécifique au tout-trans rétinal avec un KM de 4 μM et une efficacité élevée. β-Ionone, inhibiteur possible pour la RALDH4, inhibe l’activité avec le rétinal 9-cis et 13-cis, mais n’influence pas l’activité de la RALDH3. Le para-hydroxymercuribenzoïque (p-HMB) inhibe l’activité de deux isoenzymes. Le cation MgCl2 augmente par 3 fois l’oxydation du rétinal 13-cis par la RALDH4, diminue l’oxydation du 9-cis rétinal et influence faiblement la RALDH3. Ces données enrichissent les connaissances sur les caractéristiques cinétiques des RALDHs recombinantes de souris de types 3 et 4 et fournissent des éclaircissements sur la biogenèse de l’acide rétinoïque in vivo.


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This paper describes the use of the electrostatic layer-by-layer (LbL) technique for the preparation of bioanodes with potential application in ethanol/O(2) biofuel cells. More specifically, the LbL technique was employed for immobilization of dehydrogenase enzymes and polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers onto carbon paper support. Both mono (anchoring only the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, ADH) and bienzymatic (anchoring both ADH and aldehyde dehydrogenase, AldDH) systems were tested. The amount of ADH deposited onto the Toray (R) paper was 95 ng cm(-2) per bilayer. Kinetic studies revealed that the LbL technique enables better control of enzyme disposition on the bioanode, as compared with the results obtained with the bioanodes prepared by the passive adsorption technique. The power density values achieved for the mono-enzymatic system as a function of the enzyme load ranged from 0.02 to 0.063 mW cm(-2) for the bioanode containing 36 ADH bilayers. The bioanodes containing a gas diffusion layer (GDL) displayed enhanced performance, but their mechanical stability must be improved. The bienzymatic system generated a power density of 0.12 mW cm(-2). In conclusion, the LbL technique is a very attractive approach for enzyme immobilization onto carbon platform, since it enables strict control of enzyme disposition on the bioanode surface with very low enzyme consumption. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Microbial lipase preparations from Thermomyces lanuginosus (TLL) and Pseudomonas fluorescens (PFL) were immobilized by multipoint covalent attachment on Toyopearl AF-amino-650M resin and the most active and thermal stable derivatives used to catalyze the transesterificanon reaction of babassu and palm oils with ethanol in solvent-free media For this different activating agents mainly glutaraldehyde glycidol and epichlorohydrin were used and immobilization parameters were estimated based on the hydrolysis of olive oil emulsion and butyl butyrate synthesis ILL immobilized on glyoxyl-resin allowed obtaining derivatives with the highest hydrolytic activity (HA(der)) and thermal stability between 27 and 31 times more stable than the soluble lipase Although PFL derivatives were found to be less active and thermally stables similar formation of butyl butyrate concentrations were found for both ILL and PFL derivatives The highest conversion into biodiesel was found in the transesterification of palm oil catalyzed by both ILL and PFL glyoxyl-derivatives (c) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved


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Background: Although excessive ethanol consumption is known to lead to a variety of adverse effects in the heart, the molecular mechanisms of such effects have remained poorly defined. We hypothesized that posttranslational covalent binding of reactive molecular species to proteins occurs in the heart in response to acute ethanol exposure. Methods: The generation of protein adducts with several aldehydic species was examined by using monospecific antibodies against adducts with malondialdehyde (MDA), acetaldehyde (AA), MDA-AA hybrids, and hydroxyethyl radicals. Specimens of heart tissue were obtained from rats after intraperitoneal injections with alcohol (75 mmol/kg body weight) with or without pretreatment with cyanamide (0.05 mmol/kg body weight), an aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor. Results: The amounts of MDA and unreduced AA adducts were found to be significantly increased in the heart of the rats treated with ethanol, cyanamide, or both, whereas no other adducts were detected in statistically significant quantities. Immunohistochemical studies for characterization of adduct distribution revealed sarcolemmal adducts of both MDA and AA in the rats treated with ethanol and cyanamide in addition to intracellular adducts, which were also present in the group treated with ethanol alone. Conclusions: These findings support the role of enhanced lipid peroxidation and the generation of protein-aldehyde condensates in vivo as a result of excessive ethanol intake. These findings may have implications in the molecular mechanisms of cardiac dysfunction in alcoholics.


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Eur. J. Biochem. 271, 1329–1338 (2004)


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Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 308 (2003) 73–78


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The thesis is divided into two parts corresponding to structural studies on two different proteins. The first part concerns the study of two UDP-glucose dehydrogenases (UGDs) from Sphingomonas elodea ATCC 31461 and Burkholderia cepacia IST 408, both involved in exopolysaccharide production. Their relevance arises because some of these bacterial exopolysaccharides are valuable as established biotechnological products, the former case, whilst others are highly problematic, when used by pathogens in biofilm formation over biological surfaces, as the latter case, namely in the human lungs. The goal of these studies is to increase our knowledge regarding UGDs structural properties, which can potentiate either the design of activity enhancers to respond to the increased demand of useful biofilms, or the design of inhibitors of biofilm production, in order to fight invading pathogens present in several infections. The thesis reports the production and crystallisation of both proteins, the determination of initial phases by single-wavelength anomalous dispersion (SAD) in S. elodea crystals using a seleno-methionine isoform, and phasing of B. cepacia crystals by molecular replacement (MR) using the S. elodea model, as well as the refinement, structural analysis and comparison between the several UGDs structures available during this work.(...)


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Dissertação apresentada para a obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Bioquímica, especialidade Bioquímica-Física pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia


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The anti-HIV drug abacavir is associated with idiosyncratic hypersensitivity reactions and cardiotoxicity. Although the mechanism underlying abacavir-toxicity is not fully understood, drug bioactivation to reactive metabolites may be involved. This work was aimed at identifying abacavir-protein adducts in the hemoglobin of HIV patients as biomarkers of abacavir bioactivation and protein modification. The protocol received prior approval from the Hospital Ethics Committee, patients gave their written informed consent and adherence was controlled through a questionnaire. Abacavir-derived Edman adducts with the N-terminal valine of hemoglobin were analyzed by an established liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry method. Abacavir-valine adducts were detected in three out of ten patients. This work represents the first evidence of abacavir-protein adduct formation in humans. The data confirm the ability of abacavir to modify self-proteins and suggest that the molecular mechanism(s) of some abacavir-induced adverse reactions may require bioactivation.