1000 resultados para ALB-31


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A compilation of chemical analyses of Pacific Ocean nodules using an x-ray fluorescence technique. The equipment used was a General Electric XRD-5 with a tungsten tube. Lithium fluoride was used as the diffraction element in assaying for all elements above calcium in the atomic table and EDDT was used in conjunction with a helium path for all elements with an atomic number less than calcium. Flow counters were used in conjunction with a pulse height analyzer to eliminate x-ray lines of different but integral orders in gathering count data. The stability of the equipment was found to be excellent by the author. The equipment was calibrated by the use of standard ores made from pure oxide forms of the elements in the nodules and carefully mixed in proportion to the amounts of these elements generally found in the manganese nodules. Chemically analyzed standards of the nodules themselves were also used. As a final check, a known amount of the element in question was added to selected samples of the nodules and careful counts were taken on these samples before and after the addition of the extra amount of the element. The method involved the determination and subsequent use of absorption and activation factors for the lines of the various elements. All the absorption and activation factors were carefully determined using the standard ores. The chemically analyzed samples of the nodules by these methods yielded an accuracy to at least three significant figures.


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So gut sich im nördlichen Harzvorland die Sandstein- Fazies des Hilssandsteins als morphologisch herausragende Schichtrippe kartieren ließ, so problematisch ist bis heute ihre genaue stratigraphische Position geblieben. Die von STROMBECK (1856, Tab.S.493) aufgestellten Schichtgruppen Hilssandstein und Minimuston verwendete noch STOLLEY (1937, S.1,54) in stratigraphischem Sinn, obgleich es sich um Fazieseinheiten handelt, deren Grenzen durchaus schräg zu den biostratigraphischen Zonen verlaufen können. Beispiele für die Richtigkeit dieses Prinzips lieferten die Beobachtungen am Flammenmergel des Hils und der Sackmulde (JORDAN & SCHMIDT 1968): Die Bildungszeit der Flammenmergel-Fazies beginnt nach neuer Zonengliederung (COLLIGNON 1965) nicht zugleich mit dem Ober-Alb, sindern erst im unteren Ober-Alb und reicht bis zum Cenoman, kann aber auch schon im Ober-Alb beendet sein. Ein ähnliches Verhalten wurde daher auch von der Quarzsandstein-Fazies des Hilssandsteins im Raum Salzgitter-Goslar vermutet. Seltene Vorkommen von Acanthohoplites milletianus D'ORB. in den Steinbrüchen von Ostlutter und in der Sandgrube bei Goslar waren für BODE & SCHROEDER (1912 - 1926) bei ihrer geologischen Kartenaufnahme der Beweis für Unter-Gault (= Unter-Alb) -Alter des Sandsteins. Bei der Auswertung der Bohrungen im Gebiet von Hornburg grenzte SEITZ (1943, S.355,398) die Quarzsandstein Fazies mit dem Gaultkonglomerat nach unten gegen tonige Apt-Serien ab und stellte die obere Faziesgrenze des Hilssandsteins gegen Minimuston nach einem Leymeriellen Fund etwa in die Mitte des oberen Unter-Albs. Weiter östlich durchgeführte mikropaläontologische Beobach- tungsn in der Unterkreide am Kleinen Fallstein (BACH 1965) bestätigten, daß hier die Quarzsandschüttung bereits im Unter-Alb beendet war. Im Westen des Untersuchungsgebietes soll die Quarzsandschüttung im Hils nach BRINKMANN (1937, S.15) im Ober-Apt, örtlich sogar im Ober-Hauterive (FRATSCHNER 1950, S.31) begonnen und nach einem Hoplites-Fund (BRINKMANN 1937, S.15) bis ins oberste Mittel-Alb angedauert haben. Den Hilssandstein der Sackmulde stell- tein JORDAN & SCHMIDT (1968, S.428) ins Unter-Alb, vermuteten aber dessen Sedimentationsbeginn im Ober-Apt. Im Untersuchungsgebiet dieser Arbeit wurde das Unter- Alb-Alter des Hilssandsteins von DEWIEL (1951, S.39) unter anderem in der Finkeikuhle (bei Salzgitter-Bad) angezweifeit: Seines Erachtens ist dort die gesamte, ungefähr 50 m mächtige, tonig-sandige Folge mit Sandsteinbänken in ihrem oberen Teil dem Ober-Apt zuzuordnen. Er unterstrich damit WEIGELTs (1923, S.44/45) Auffassung von einer zumindest partiellen Zugehörigkeit des Sandsteins zum hohen Neokom. Abgesehen von der guten Übereinstimmung in der Datierung der Hilssandstein-Region des Kleinen Fallsteins nach Makro- wie Mikrofauna, gaben die zum Teil widersprüchlichen Altersangaben für dieselbe Schichtregion in den anderen Gebieten Südniedersachsens Anlaß zur Skepsis. Das hiesige Institut machte es sich daher zur Aufgabe, die stratigraphische Stellung des Hilssandsteins zunächst im Hils (SEILER 1973) und im Raum Salzgitter-Goslar erneut zu untersuchen. Die hier bearbeiteten Aufschlüsse (Abb.l) (Bl. Ringelheim, Salzgitter, Lutter a.B., Goslar) liegen im wesentlichen im Ausstrich der Unterkreide an den Flanken der Innerste-Mulde (gelegentlich auch Ringelheimer Mulde genannt). Bekanntlich entstand diese asymmetrische, mit Kreide-Sedimenten gefüllte Mulde durch halokinetisch modifizierte junge (?subherzynische) tektonische Bewegungen (s. KÖLBEL 1944). An ihrer Westflanke und in der Harzrandzone westlich Goslar bildet der Hilssandstein eine Schichtrippe und überlagert transgressiv Trias- und Jura-Schichten. - An seiner Basis treten örtlich (z.B. SO Ortshausen, SW Neuwallmoden) geringmächtige Brauneisenstein-Phosphorit- Lagen auf, deren Zugehörigkeit zum Neokom- oder Gaultkonglomerat bisher nicht sicher war. An der östlichen Muldenflanke ist der Hilssandstein in Tagesaufschlüssen aus zwei Gebieten bekannt: a) im Kreuzungsbereich der rheinisch streichenden Ringel- heimer Störungszone (KÖLBEL 1944, S.82) mit dem eggisch bis steil-herzynisch streichenden Salzgitterer Sattel in der Umgebung von Gitter und Grube "Finkeikuhle", b) am Südende des Salzgitterer Sattels. - Hier, wie auch am Südteil der östlichen Sattelflanke bei Groß-Döhren und Weddingen (Aufschluß 5: "Morgenstern"), liegt der Hilssandstein samt Gaultkonglomerat transgressiv auf den erzführenden Serien der tieferen Unterkreide.


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This report presents an analysis of quantitative data collected from the Australian Human Rights Commission, the Anti-Discrimination Commission of Queensland, the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission, the Anti-Discrimination Board of New South Wales, the Equal Opportunity Commission of South Australia, the Australian Capital Territory Human Rights Commission, the Equal Opportunity Commission Western Australia, the Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Commission, and the Office of the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner (Tasmania) (hereafter referred to as the Commissions). The data comprise formal complaints lodged under the various federal, state and territory anti-discrimination laws in the period 1 July 2009 to 31 December 2009 where a complainant had alleged sexual harassment in the area of employment.


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Birth outcomes during a three year period were compared for women with a history of infertility who did or did not use fertility treatment with hormones and/or in vitro fertilisation. Participants in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health born in 1973-78 were randomly selected from the universal public health insurance database and completed up to five mailed surveys (1996-2009). Participants reported on their infertility and use of treatment at age 28-33 years (survey 4 (S4) in 2006) and 31-36 years (survey 5 (S5) in 2009). The odds of resolved infertility at S5 were estimated using logistic regression with adjustment for age, area of residence, private health insurance and male infertility. Among 7280 women who responded to both S4 and S5, 18.6% (n=1378) reported infertility. More than half (n=804, 56.8%) of these women did not use treatment and 43.9% (n=347) gave birth between S4 and S5. Compared to infertile women who did not use treatment, women who used treatment were more likely at S5 to have recently given birth (odds ratio (OR) = 1.59, 95% CI 1.26-2.00) or be pregnant (OR = 1.77, 1.27-2.46). Further, women who used treatment were more likely to have twins (3.37, 1.18-9.62), premature births (1.52, 0.95-2.43), or low birthweight babies (1.83, 0.70-2.53) compared to women who gave birth without using treatment. Many women aged up to 36 years with a history of infertility can conceive naturally over a three year period without the use of treatment.Women who have never had a prior birth may need to use treatment to resolve their infertility but they are at higher risk of poorer perinatal outcomes, such as premature or low birthweight babies.


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This article documents the public availability of (i) transcriptome sequence data, assembled and annotated contigs and unigenes, and BLAST hits from the Queensland fruit fly, Bactrocera tryoni; (ii) 75 single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) from 454 sequencing of reduced representation libraries for Phalangiidae harvestmen, Megabunus armatus, Megabunus vignai, Megabunus lesserti, and Rilaena triangularis; and (iii) expressed sequence tags from 454 sequencing of the lepidopterans Lymantria dispar and Lymantria monacha.


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Polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs) are widely used as flame retardants in polymer materials, textiles, electronic boards and various other materials. Technical PBDE preparations are produced as mixtures of mainly penta-, octa- or decabrombiphenyl ethers1,2. PBDEs are structurally similar to other environmental pollutants like dioxins and PCBs, they are lipophilic and persistent compounds and are widespread in the environment. To date, no information is available on the levels of PBDEs in human serum in Australia. In 2003, more than 9000 blood samples were collected in Australia as part of the National Dioxins Program. The aim of this study was to evaluate PBDE concentrations in these samples, focusing on one age group.


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BPM 2015 was the 13th International Conference on Business Process Management. It provided a global forum for researchers to meet and exchange views over research topics and outcomes in business process management. BPM 2015 was hosted by the University of Innsbruck and took place August 31 to September 3.


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The memoirs contain photocopies of documents and photos as well as extracts from letters and were written in October 1989 in the United States. Description of life in Baden, a famous health resort near Vienna. The family lived in Vienna in the second district (Leopoldstadt). Recollections of schoolteachers and childhood friends. Occasional Friday night services in the Leopoldstadt temple. Theater and opera visits and cultural life in Vienna. Private piano and music lessons. Description of the family apartment and Jewish life in the Leopoldstadt. The family celebrated Christmas and observed the high Jewish holidays. Recollections of the author's bar mitzvah celebration. His mother Charlotte, nee Schwadron, was an artistic woman, who studied painting at the Frauenakademie with Tina Blau. Walter's father Leo Schaffir was born in Byalistock, Russia and studied in Berlin. He was a travelling businessmen. His family lived in Lemberg, Galicia. Leo and Charlotte Schaffir got married in 1919 in Vienna by rabbi Dr. Grunwald. Recollections of a family trip to Poland and to the World Fair in Posen in 1930. Suicide of the author's father due to business failure in 1930. Schaffir and Schwadron family history. Both families originated in Galicia, Poland. Family and social life. Summer vacation at the Semmering. Austrian politics in the 1930's and rising National Socialism. Life in Vienna after the "Anschluss" in 1938. Walter had to leave school and took lessons in graphic arts with the artist Heinrich Koerner. Preparations to emigrate. Walter was picked up in the streets in the days after Kristallnacht and released due to his mother's intervention. He was sent with his brother Kurt on a "Kindertransport" to Holland. They were sent to a quarantine camp at Heyplaat. Reunition with their mother in the United States in December 1939. Reflections on life as an emigre.