999 resultados para AK-3569


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The number of cysts of marine planktic infusoria was determined in oligotrophic waters of the central Indian Ocean and productive waters of the Southeast Pacific. Cyst biomass at stations studied varied from 1.2 to 23.4 ?g/l, which was 9.9-115.8% of free infusoria biomass in the 0-15 m layer in the Indian Ocean and 0.3-19.3% in the Southeast Pacific.


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Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP-7) are key regulators of angiogenesis and osteogenesis during bone regeneration. The aim of this study was to investigate the possibility of realizing sequential release of the two growth factors using a novel composite scaffold. Poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA)-Akermanite (AK) microspheres were used to make the composite scaffold, which was then loaded with BMP-7, followed by embedding in a gelatin hydrogel matrix loaded with VEGF. The release profiles of the growth factors were studied and selected osteogenic related markers of bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) were analysed. It was shown that the composite scaffolds exhibited a fast initial burst release of VEGF within the first 3 days and a sustained slow release of BMP-7 over the full period of 20 days. The in vitro proliferation and differentiation of the BMSCs cultured in the osteogenic medium were enhanced by 1 to 2 times, resulting from the additionally and sequentially release of growth factors from the PLGA-AK/gelatin composite scaffolds.


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[eus] IKTekiko (Informazio eta Komunikazio Teknologiak) menpekotasuna, oso gai eztabaidatua da gaur egun, batik bat, guraso eta hezitzaileak kezkatzen dituena. Mugikorra aipaturiko teknologia horien barne dagoenez, horretaz egiten den erabilera ezagutzeaz gain, ikerketa honen helburu nagusia mugikorraren erabileraren eta errendimendu akademikoaren arteko korrelazio posible bat aurkitzea da. Horretarako, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoari dagozkion Lehen Hezkuntzako 5. eta 6. mailetako 39 ikasleko lagina erabili da. Emaitzek, aipaturiko korrelazioa erakusten dute. Beraz, prebentzioaren garrantzia azpimarratzeko asmoz, menpekotasun jokaeraren garapena ekiditeko zenbait gako ematen dira.


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Tuneable optical sensors have been developed to sense chemical stimuli for a range of applications from bioprocess and environmental monitoring to medical diagnostics. Here, we present a porphyrin-functionalised optical sensor based on a holographic grating. The holographic sensor fulfils two key sensing functions simultaneously: it responds to external stimuli and serves as an optical transducer in the visible region of the spectrum. The sensor was fabricated via a 6 nanosecond-pulsed laser (350 mJ, λ = 532 nm) photochemical patterning process that enabled a facile fabrication. A novel porphyrin derivative was synthesised to function as the crosslinker of a polymer matrix, the light-absorbing material, the component of a diffraction grating, as well as the cation chelating agent in the sensor. The use of this multifunctional porphyrin permitted two-step fabrication of a narrow-band light diffracting photonic sensing structure. The resulting structure can be tuned finely to diffract narrow-band light based on the changes in the fringe spacing within the polymer and the system's overall index of refraction. We show the utility of the sensor by demonstrating its reversible colorimetric tuneability in response to variation in concentrations of organic solvents and metal cations (Cu 2+ and Fe2+) in the visible region of the spectrum (λmax ≈ 520-680 nm) with a response time within 50 s. Porphyrin-functionalised optical sensors offer great promise in fields varying from environmental monitoring to biochemical sensing to printable optical devices. This journal is © the Partner Organisations 2014.


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A experiência ficcional de Gérard Aké Loba — Kocoumbo, l’étudiant noir(1960), Les fils de Kouretcha (1970), Les dépossédés (1973) e Le sas des parvenus(1990), ancorada na dinâmica de culturas, no respeito e na honorabilidade do Eu e do Outro, centra-se na problemática da utopia e da construção da identidade pós-colonial. Considerando que a Literatura, enquanto sistema semiótico de produção e recepção de textos, se encontra vinculada a uma visão do mundo, iremos ver como nela se manifestam as relações entre o Ocidente (Europeu) e as regiões da África francófona (Costa do Marfim) no percurso das metamorfoses que conduzem ao Pós-Colonialismo. Procuraremos, de igual modo, problematizar a utopia, e também a distopia, comungando da proposta de Éric Aunoble2, para quem estas questões deverão ser compreendidas na sua relação com o tempo e com a historicidade presente por tentarem responder “aux attentes de leurs temps”.


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Vorbesitzer: Mardokai Šemūʾēl Ghirondi ; Abraham Merzbacher


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Digitalisat der Ausg. Warša, 1913


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fun Y. Gordin [[Elektronische Ressource]]