990 resultados para ADI 2.316


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Em instigante artigo, Domingues (2011), que ainda permanece muito relevante e atual, e em que se faz uso da alegoria simbolizada pela espada de Dâmocles, somos alertados para possíveis efeitos da Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade (ADI) 2.316, que foi proposta no já longínquo ano de 2000, pelo antigo Partido Liberal. Tal ADI 2.316, que continua pendente de definição por parte do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), diz respeito ao artigo 5º da Medida Provisória (MP) 2.170–36/2001, que estabelece: “Art. 5º. Nas operações realizadas pelas instituições integrantes do Sistema Financeiro Nacional, é admissível a capitalização de juros com periodicidade inferior a um ano.” Ou seja, em outras palavras, ainda não há decisão final, pois que o STF não concluiu sua apreciação da matéria, sobre se o chamado regime de juros compostos pode ser empregado em prazos que sejam frações do ano.


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Se realizó un experimento para evaluar el efecto de un prebiótico derivado de paredes celulares de levadura (PCL-Glucano) sobre el comportamiento productivo de pollos de engorde. Se utilizaron 245 aves de un día de edad (estirpe Cobb 500), los cuales fueron distribuidos mediante un diseño completamente al azar en cinco tratamientos con siete repeticiones por tratamiento. Y siete aves por repetición. Los tratamientos evaluados fueron: T1: concentrado comercial (CC), T2: CC + antibiótico (Ribofloxacina al 10%), T3:0.1% de prebiótico PCL-Glucano (1000 mgkg -1 de alimento), T4: 0.15% de prebiótico PCL-Glucano (1500 mgkg -1 de alimento) y T5:0.20% de prebiótico PCL-Glucano (2000 mgkg -1 de alimento); las variables evaluadas fueron peso vivo, ganancia de peso, consumo de alimento y conversión alimenticia. Se realizaron mediciones a los 21, 35 y 42 d. Se encontró que los mayores pesos vivos (2347 y 2307 g), ganancias de pesos finales (2,316 y 2,275 g) y mejor conversión alimenticia (1.82 y 1.84) se obtuvieronconT2 y T5, sin diferencias estadísticas entre sí, pero fueron significativamente (P<0.05) superiores a T1, T3 y T4. El análisis financiero demostró que el mejor tratamiento fue T5, superando a T2 en U$ 0.21, en relación al costo utilidad del uso de los tratamientos. En conclusión la utilización de PCL-Glucano a razón de 0.20% en el concentrado de inicio y concentrado final para pollos de engorde, es una alternativa viable biológicamente y financieramente, para reemplazar el uso de antibióticos como aditivos en la alimentación de pollos de engorde.


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2006年6月5—9日,第十四届国际材料强度大会(14th International Conferenceon the Strength of Materials,IC-SMA14)在西安古都新世界大酒店举行,会议正式代表322人(其中境外代表200多人),这是该系列国际材料强度大会第一次在中国举办.大会由中国国家自然科学基金委员会、国家教育部、中国材料研究学会、西安交通大学、中国科学院沈阳金属研究所和西安市科技局等单位共同支持.大会主席为J.L.Martin教授,会议组织委员会主席由西安交通大学的孙军教授与中国科学院金属研究所的李守新研究员共同担任.


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This thesis presents a new class of solvers for the subsonic compressible Navier-Stokes equations in general two- and three-dimensional spatial domains. The proposed methodology incorporates: 1) A novel linear-cost implicit solver based on use of higher-order backward differentiation formulae (BDF) and the alternating direction implicit approach (ADI); 2) A fast explicit solver; 3) Dispersionless spectral spatial discretizations; and 4) A domain decomposition strategy that negotiates the interactions between the implicit and explicit domains. In particular, the implicit methodology is quasi-unconditionally stable (it does not suffer from CFL constraints for adequately resolved flows), and it can deliver orders of time accuracy between two and six in the presence of general boundary conditions. In fact this thesis presents, for the first time in the literature, high-order time-convergence curves for Navier-Stokes solvers based on the ADI strategy---previous ADI solvers for the Navier-Stokes equations have not demonstrated orders of temporal accuracy higher than one. An extended discussion is presented in this thesis which places on a solid theoretical basis the observed quasi-unconditional stability of the methods of orders two through six. The performance of the proposed solvers is favorable. For example, a two-dimensional rough-surface configuration including boundary layer effects at Reynolds number equal to one million and Mach number 0.85 (with a well-resolved boundary layer, run up to a sufficiently long time that single vortices travel the entire spatial extent of the domain, and with spatial mesh sizes near the wall of the order of one hundred-thousandth the length of the domain) was successfully tackled in a relatively short (approximately thirty-hour) single-core run; for such discretizations an explicit solver would require truly prohibitive computing times. As demonstrated via a variety of numerical experiments in two- and three-dimensions, further, the proposed multi-domain parallel implicit-explicit implementations exhibit high-order convergence in space and time, useful stability properties, limited dispersion, and high parallel efficiency.


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采伐迹地上运走大径级的原木所剩下的枝桠物质是生态系统养分能量的来源;是动力,植物和微生物物栖息地。在本世纪五十年代就有人(A. A. Loman)对择伐和皆伐迹地上的枝桠进行了研究,用以比较它们树皮存留率的差异,但详细深入的研究是在八十年代以后,以R. L. Edmonds, C. E. Pertson为代表研究不同层次,不同径级研究枝桠的分解速率,我国在此领域的研究尚属空白。本文以长白山阔叶红松林带的四个树种:红松,白桦,落叶松,色木为对象探讨了它们枝桠的生物量,分解速率,分解过程中的养分动态以及枝桠堆对更新和火灾的影响。采伐后0-14后间,迹地上枝桠干重为31.96-9.60T/ha,通过对7个年代采伐迹地上枝桠堆面积估算后得知,枝桠堆平均占地为11.53%,以1CM直径累计值对应的枝桠堆的高度(Y:CM)为因变量,分解时间(X, yr)为自变量,则枝桠堆高度随时间变化的过程可以描述为:Y = 1.288 - 0.000889 X~2 r = -0.9896。本文以密度(Y: g/CM~3)随分解年令(X: yr)的变化来表示分解速率。四十年代样品用排水法求出来的密度与用园柱法求出的密度有如下相关关系:Y排 = 0.0129 +2.316 Y园,r = 0.94 Y表示密度(g/CM~3)。我们用单项指数模型描述分解速率:落叶松:Y = 0.4701 * exp (-0.01783 X) r = -0.927 色木: Y = 0.6742 * exp (-0.07824 X) r = -0.988 红松:Y = 0.5349 * exp (-0.03421 X) r = -0.927 桦树:Y = 0.5316 * exp (-0.1139 X) r = -0.992 红松树皮的分解模型近似于直线:Y = 0.5258 - 0.01133 X r = -0.984 落叶松,红松,色木,桦树的分解常数分别为:0.01783, 0.0.41, 0.0782, 0.1139。依此预测分解原密度的95%所需要的时间分别为:168年,87.6年,38.3年,26年。可以看出这四个树种分解从难到易的顺序为:落叶松 > 红松 > 色木 > 桦树。对枝桠密度的差民显著性检验可以说明:红松样品层次对分解的影响显著而径级对分解的影响仅在下层显著。随着分解的进行,样品的重量损失,我们也探讨了密度的降低与失重百分率之间的关系。桦树样品下层失重比上层快,说明淋溶作用对桦树样品失重的贡献不大。温湿度是影响分解的最主要的生态因子。枝桠堆上下层的湿度差异特别明显。分解时间越长,径级对含水量的影响越显著。水分含量(Y:%)随年代(X: yr)变化的趋势为:Y = 36.18 - 0.004337 X~2 (4-7cm径级)Y = 33.64 - 0.01097 X~2 (1-4cm径级) 温,湿度影响土壤动物及微生物种群分布及数量,进而影响到枝桠的分解速率,分解过程中元素动态变化是:C基本上恒定,全N含量趋于增高。径级对红松N的累积有影响。下层4-6cm径极累积最快,其次是上层4-6cm。层次的影响仅限于红松,除72年以外上层 > 下层。其它元素如P, Mg++, Ca++总的趋势是随分解过程而增加。土壤中的C元素含量受立地条件的影响,但是枝桠堆下面土壤C值高于对照。枝桠堆对森林更新和火灾均有影响。枝桠是林火的燃料,枝桠堆面积占采伐迹地的11.53%,这样减少更新面积。


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A bulk alloy which consists of the single icosahedral quasicrystalline phase (I-phase) in Ti45Zr35Ni17CU3 alloy has been fabricated by mechanical alloying and subsequent pulse discharge sintering technique. Crystallographic structure analyses show that the bulk alloy is an I-phase. The transport properties of the bulk alloy are examined, and the results show that the room-temperature thermal conductivity is 5.347 W K-(1) m(-1), and the electrical conductivity decreases with increasing the temperature from 300 to 450K. The Seebeck coefficient is negative at the temperature range from 300 to 360K, and changes to positive from 370 to 450K. Hall effect measurements indicate the bulk I-phase alloy has a high carrier concentration. The specific heat capacity increases when the temperature increases from 280 to 324 K.


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The effects of positive and negative gate-bias stress on organic field-effect transistors (OFET) based on tantalum (Ta)/tantalum pentoxide (Ta2O5)/fluorinated copper phthalocyanine (F16CuPc) structure are investigated as a function of stress time and stress temperature. It is shown that gate-bias stress induces a parallel threshold voltage shift (DeltaV(T)) of OFETs without changes of field-effect mobility mu(EF) and sub-threshold slope (DeltaS). The DeltaV(T) is observed to be logarithmically dependent on time at high gate-bias appropriate to OFET operation. More importantly, the shift is directional, namely, be large shift under positive stress and almost do not move under negative stress. The threshold voltage shift is temperature dependent with activation energy of 0.51 eV We concluded that threshold voltage shift of the OFET with F16CuPc as active layer is due to charge trapping in the insulator in which trapped carriers have redistribution.


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依据涡度相关系统连续观测的2005年CO_2通量数据,对青藏高原东北隅的高寒湿地生态系统源/汇功能及其部分环境影响因素进行了分析。结果表明,高寒湿地生态系统为明显的碳源,在植物生长季(5-9月份)吸收230.16 gCO_2•m~(-2),非生长季(1-4月份及10-12月份)释放546.18 gCO_2•m~(-2),其中净排放最高在5月份,为181.49 gCO_2•m~(-2),净吸收最高在8月份,为189.69 g CO_2•m~(-2),年释放量为316.02 gCO_2•m~(-2)。在平均日变化中,最大吸收值出现在7月份12:00,为(0.45±0.0012)mgCO_2•m~(-2)•s~(-1),最大排放速率出现在8月份0:00,为(0.22±0.0090)mgCO_2•m~(-2)•s~(-1)。生长季中6-9月份表现为明显的单峰型日变化,非生长季的变化幅度较小。净生态系统交换量(NEE)和生态系统总初级生产力(GPP)与气温、空气水气饱和亏和地表反射率等环境因素呈现相似的相关性,与地上生物量和群落叶面积指数则为线性负相关,生态系统呼吸(Res)则与上述因子的相关性呈现相反的趋势。


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Acquis le 13 germinal an VII (2 avril 1799), à l'ouverture de deux caisses adressées au conservatoire de la Bibliothèque nationale par le ministre de l'Intérieur, suite à un envoi de la commission des arts en Piémont, avec une note datée de Turin, 17 ventôse an 7 (7 mars 1799), note qui fut remise le 23 floréal an IX (12 mai 1801) au citoyen Capperonnier, administateur de la Bibliothèque nationale, par les conservateurs du département des Manuscrits; cf. B.n.F., département des Manuscrits, Archives Modernes 492, registre des acquisitions du département des Manuscrits an II-an XIV (1793-1805), f. 33 "3. Annales genuenses. Ms. in fol., un vol., écrit. du 13e s."; cf. Laffitte, Bulletin du Bibliophile, 1989/2, 316-318.