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Present work is aimed at development of an appropriate microbial technology for protection of larvae of macrobrachium rosenbergii from disease and to increase survival rate in hatcheries. Application of immunostimulants to activate the immune system of cultured animals against pathogen is the widely accepted alternative to antibiotics in aquaculture. The most important immunostimulant is glucan. Therefore a research programme entitled as extraction of glucan from Acremonium diospyri and its application in macrobrachium rosenbergii larval rearing system along with bacterians as microspheres. The main objectives of the study are development of aquaculture grade glucan from acremonium diospyri, microencapsulated drug delivery system for the larvae of M. rosenbergii and microencapsulated glucan with bacterian preparation for the enhanced production of M. rosenbergii in larval rearing system. Based on the results of field trials microencapsulated glucan with bacterin preparation, it is concluded that the microencapsulated preparation at a concentration of 25g per million larvae once in seven days will enhance the production and quality seed of M. rosenbergii.


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The fresh water prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, has proven potential for use as an aquaculture species (Hanson & Goodwin, 1997; Kurup, 1984). In India alone, culture of this species of prawn in low saline areas requires about 200 million seed per year (Kurup, 1984). In hatcheries poor survival rate has been associated with vibriosis at di#erent stages of the larval cycle. Members of the family Vibrionaceae associated with the larvae of M. rosenbergii were shown to be pathogenic under laboratory conditions (Bhat et al., 2000, in press). Vibrios have been associated with mortality of penaeid prawns by several workers (Aquacop, 1977; Hameed, 1993; Karunasagar et al., 1994). Two methods have been suggested to protect both the larvae and juveniles from vibriosis; one is the administration of bacterins prepared from pathogenic strains (Itami et al., 1989, 1991; Adams, 1991; Song & Sung, 1990; Sung et al., 1991) and the other is the utilization of yeast 1-3 and 1-6 glucans as immunostimulants for enhancing the non-specific defense system (Sung et al., 1994; Song et al., 1997). In the light of these observations it was hypothesised that bacterins and yeast glucans may also be e#ective in protecting the larvae of M. rosenbergii from vibriosis as has been achieved in the case of penaeids. To examine this hypothesis, the ability of bacterins and an extracellular glucan-producing yeast to increase the overall survival and metamorphosis of larvae in a hatchery, as well as to protect against an experimental challenge under laboratory conditions, was evaluated


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E¡ect of an extraction method on the structure of glucan and its immunostimulatory response in Fenneropenaeus indicus was investigated. Here we extracted alkali insoluble glucan (AIG) and alkali soluble glucan (ASG) from a ¢lamentous fungi Acremonium diospyri following alkali^acid hydrolysis and the sodium hypochlorite oxidation and dimethyl sulphoxide extraction method respectively. Structural analysis showed that 85% of glucan in AIG was a (1 !3)-b-D-glucan and it increased the prophenoloxidase and reactive oxygen intermediate activity when administered to F. indicus. On the other hand, ASG, which contained 93% (1 !3)-a-glucan, did not induce signi¢cant immune response in shrimp. Here we report that the di¡erence in immunostimulatory potential between AIG and ASG is due to the di¡erence in the percentage of (1 !3)-b-D-glucans present in each preparation, which varies with the method of extraction employed. Also our observations suggest that glucan can be used as a potential immunostimulant to shrimp, provided it contains (1 !3)-b-D-glucan as the major fraction.


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Spores of the hyperparasite Acremonium alternatum reduced powdery mildew infection by Leveillula taurica on greenhouse tomato. The effect was slightly increased when spores were applied killed, and therefore not due to direct parasitism. The effect was systemic, protecting untreated leaves above the treated ones. Spores killed by heat had more effect than when killed by UV, so the effect was presumably due to induction of host resistance by substances released when cells were heat killed. The size of the effect depended upon leaf age and level of infection. Effects on primary infection and expansion of successful infections appear to be under independent control.


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The industrial production of antibiotics with filamentous fungi is usually carried out in conventional aerated and agitated tank fermentors. Highly viscous non-Newtonian broths are produced and a compromise must be found between convenient shear stress and adequate oxygen transfer. In this work, cephalosporin C production by bioparticles of immobilized cells of Cephalosporium acremonium ATCC 48272 was studied in a repeated batch tower bioreactor as an alternative to the conventional process. Also, gas-liquid oxygen transfer volumetric coefficients, k(L)a, were determined at various air flow-rates and alumina contents in the bioparticle. The bioparticles were composed of calcium alginate (2.0% w/w), alumina (<44 micra), cells, and water. A model describing the cell growth, cephalosporin C production, oxygen, glucose, and sucrose consumption was proposed. To describe the radial variation of oxygen concentration within the pellet, the reaction-diffusion model forecasting a dead core bioparticle was adopted. The k(L)a measurements with gel beads prepared with 0.0, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0% alumina showed that a higher k(L)a value is attained with 1.5 and 2.0%. An expression relating this coefficient to particle density, liquid density, and air velocity was obtained and further utilized in the simulation of the proposed model. Batch, followed by repeated batch experiments, were accomplished by draining the spent medium, washing with saline solution, and pouring fresh medium into the bioreactor. Results showed that glucose is consumed very quickly, within 24 h, followed by sucrose consumption and cephalosporin C production. Higher productivities were attained during the second batch, as cell concentration was already high, resulting in rapid glucose consumption and an early derepression of cephalosporin C synthesizing enzymes. The model incorporated this improvement predicting higher cephalosporin C productivity. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Bioprocesses using filamentous fungi immobilized in inert supports present many advantages when compared to conventional free cell processes. However, assessment of the real advantages of the unconventional process demands a rigorous study of the limitations to diffusional mass transfer of the reagents, especially concerning oxygen. In this work, a comparative study was carried out on the cephalosporin C production process in defined medium containing glucose and sucrose as main carbon and energy sources, by free and immobilized cells of Cephalosporium acremonium ATCC 48272 in calcium alginate gel beads containing alumina. The effective diffusivity of oxygen through the gel beads and the effectiveness factors related to the respiration rate of the microorganism were determined experimentally. By applying Monod kinetics, the respiration kinetics parameters were experimentally determined in independent experiments in a complete production medium. The effectiveness factor experimental values presented good agreement with the theoretical values of the approximated zero-order effectiveness factor, considering the dead core model. Furthermore, experimental results obtained with immobilized cells in a 1.7-L tower bioreactor were compared with those obtained in 5-L conventional fermenter with free cells. It could be concluded that it is possible to attain rather high production rates working with relatively large diameter gel beads (ca. 2.5 mm) and sucrose consumption-based productivity was remarkably higher with immobilized cells, i.e., 0.33 gCPC/kg sucrose/h against 0.24 gCPC/kg sucrose/h in the aerated stirred tank bioreactor process. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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In this work, the purification and characterization of an extracellular elicitor protein, designated AsES, produced by an avirulent isolate of the strawberry pathogen Acremonium strictum, are reported. The defense eliciting activity present in culture filtrates was recovered and purified by ultrafiltration (cutoff, 30 kDa), anionic exchange (Q-Sepharose, pH 7.5), and hydrophobic interaction (phenyl-Sepharose) chromatographies. Two-dimensional SDS-PAGE of the purified active fraction revealed a single spot of 34 kDa and pI 8.8. HPLC (C2/C18) and MS/MS analysis confirmed purification to homogeneity. Foliar spray with AsES provided a total systemic protection against anthracnose disease in strawberry, accompanied by the expression of defense-related genes (i.e. PR1 and Chi2-1). Accumulation of reactive oxygen species (e.g. H2O2 and O2̇̄) and callose was also observed in Arabidopsis. By using degenerate primers designed from the partial amino acid sequences and rapid amplification reactions of cDNA ends, the complete AsES-coding cDNA of 1167 nucleotides was obtained. The deduced amino acid sequence showed significant identity with fungal serine proteinases of the subtilisin family, indicating that AsES is synthesized as a larger precursor containing a 15-residue secretory signal peptide and a 90-residue peptidase inhibitor I9 domain in addition to the 283-residue mature protein. AsES exhibited proteolytic activity in vitro, and its resistance eliciting activity was eliminated when inhibited with PMSF, suggesting that its proteolytic activity is required to induce the defense response. This is, to our knowledge, the first report of a fungal subtilisin that shows eliciting activity in plants. This finding could contribute to develop disease biocontrol strategies in plants by activating its innate immunity.


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Some endophytic fungal genera in Vitis vinifera, including Acremonium, have been reported as antagonists of Plasmopara viticola. Endophytic Acremonium isolates from an asymptomatic grapevine cultivar Inzolia from Italy were identified by morphological features and multigene phylogenies of ITS, 18S and 28S genes, and their intra-specific genomic diversity was analyzed by RAPD analysis. Culture filtrates (CFs) obtained from Acremonium isolates were tested in vitro for their inhibitory activity against the P. viticola sporangia germination. Among 94 isolates, 68 belonged to the Acremonium persicinum and 26 to the Acremonium sclerotigenum. RAPD analysis grouped the A. persicinum isolates into 15 clusters and defined 31 different strains. The A. sclerotigenum isolates, instead, were clustered into 22 groups and represented 25 strains. All A. persicinum CFs inhibited sporangia germination of P. viticola, while not all those of A. sclerotigenum had inhibitory effect. A different degree of inhibition was observed between strains of the same species, while some strains of different species showed identical inhibitory effect. No correlation was found between RAPD groups and inhibitory activity in both Acremonium species.


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Large-scale gene discovery has been performed for the grass fungal endophytes Neotyphodium coenophialum, Neotyphodium lolii, and Epichloë festucae. The resulting sequences have been annotated by comparison with public DNA and protein sequence databases and using intermediate gene ontology annotation tools. Endophyte sequences have also been analysed for the presence of simple sequence repeat and single nucleotide polymorphism molecular genetic markers. Sequences and annotation are maintained within a MySQL database that may be queried using a custom web interface. Two cDNA-based microarrays have been generated from this genome resource. They permit the interrogation of 3806 Neotyphodium genes (NchipTM microarray), and 4195 Neotyphodium and 920 Epichloë genes (EndoChipTM microarray), respectively. These microarrays provide tools for high-throughput transcriptome analysis, including genome-specific gene expression studies, profiling of novel endophyte genes, and investigation of the host grass–symbiont interaction. Comparative transcriptome analysis in Neotyphodium and Epichloë was performed


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Four fungal species, F71PJ Acremonium sp., F531 Cylindrocarpon sp., F542, Botrytis sp., and F964 Fusarium culmorum [Wm. G. Sm.] Sacc. were recovered from hydrilla [ Hydrilla verticillata (L. f.) Royle] shoots or from soil and water surrounding hydrilla growing in ponds and lakes in Florida and shown to be capable of killing hydrilla in a bioassay. The isolates were tested singly and in combination with the leaf-mining fly, Hydrellia pakistanae (Diptera: Ephydridae), for their capability to kill or severely damage hydrilla in a bioassay.


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This study compares conventional and molecular techniques for the detection of fungi in 77 adult cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. Three different methods were investigated, i.e., (1) conventional microbiological culture (including yeasts and filamentous fungi), (2) mycological culture with CF-derived fungal specific culture media, and (3) Non-culture and direct DNA extraction from patient sputa. Fungi isolated from environmental air samples of the CF unit were compared to fungi in sputa from CF patients. Fungi (n = 107) were detected in 14/77(18%) of patients by method 1, in 60/77 (78%) of patients by method 2 and with method 3, in 77/77(100%) of the patients. The majority of yeasts isolated were Candida albicans and C. dubliniensis. Exophiala (Wangiella) dermatitidis, Scedosporiumapiospermum, Penicillium spp., Aspergillus fumigatus, and Aspergillus versicolor were also identified by sequence analysis of the rDNA short internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) region. Conventional laboratory analysis failed to detect fungi in 63 patients mainly due to overgrowth by Gram-negative organisms. Mycological culture with antibiotics dramatically increased the number of fungi that could be detected. Molecular techniques detected fungi such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Malassezia spp., Fuscoporia ferrea, Fusarium culmorum, Acremonium strictum, Thanatephorus cucumeris and Cladosporium spp. which were not found with other methods. This study demonstrates that several potentially important fungi may not be detected if mycological culture methods alone are used. A polyphasic approach employing both enhanced mycological culture with molecular detection will help determine the presence of fungi in the sputa of patients with CF and their healthcare environment.