52 resultados para ABCA1
The ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) has an essential role in the formation of nascent high-density lipoprotein particles and also participates in the cholesterol efflux from macrophages in the artery wall. Several substances, such as statins, or even gene variants are able to modulate ABCA1 expression. There is strong evidence that statin treatment downregulates the ABCA1 expression in nonloaded macrophages. Interestingly, in cholesterol-loaded macrophages, which are more relevant to atherogenesis, this effect is lost. We observed an inhibitory effect of atorvastatin in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of hypercholesterolemic individuals. Moreover, in these individuals, the ABCA1 -14C > T polymorphism was associated with high baseline gene-expression levels. Other studies are needed to evaluate how relevant these findings are to the formation of arterial foam cells in vivo.
Le testicule assure la production des spermatozoïdes et la sécrétion de la testostérone. Chaque fonction est assumée par un compartiment cellulaire distinct: l’épithélium séminifère et le tissu interstitiel. Le cholestérol, présent dans les deux compartiments, est un composé indispensable aux membranes cellulaires et un précurseur essentiel de la testostérone. Dans le compartiment interstitiel, environ 40 % du cholestérol utilisé pour la production hormonale est importé du sang à partir des lipoprotéines HDL et/ou LDL. Dans l’épithélium séminifère, la cellule de Sertoli assure le contrôle et le maintien de la spermatogenèse. Elle a la capacité de synthétiser du cholestérol à partir de l’acétate in vitro, néanmoins, il n’y a pas d’évidence qu’elle le fait in vivo. De plus il existe, au niveau des tubules séminifères, une barrière hémato-testiculaire qui empêche le libre passage de plusieurs composés sanguins, y compris le cholestérol. Nous avons testé l’hypothèse qu’il existe des moyens d’importation du cholestérol sanguin, mais aussi l’exportation du cholestérol intra-tissulaire, qui contourneraient cette barrière et qui contribueraient au maintien du taux intratubulaire du cholestérol compatible avec le bon déroulement de la spermatogenèse. Nous avons comparé les taux de variation de l’expression de l’ARNm et de la protéine des transporteurs sélectifs de cholestérol SR-BI, SR-BII, CD36 et ABCA1 aux taux de variation du cholestérol libre et estérifié au cours de la spermatogenèse chez les souris normales durant le développement postnatal. Afin de mieux apprécier le niveau d’implication de chacun de ces récepteurs, nous avons examiné comment la suppression du gène d’une enzyme comme la lypase hormono-sensible (HSL) ou de celui d’un transporteur de cholestérol comme SR-BI, CD36 ou NPC1 était compensée et comment cette suppression affectait le taux de cholestérol libre et estérifié dans chacun des deux compartiments cellulaires du testicule. Nous avons dans un premier temps mis au point une nouvelle technique d’isolation des testicules en fraction enrichie en tissu interstitiel (ITf) et en tubules séminifères (STf) qui a l’avantage de mieux préserver l’intégrité des formes phosphorylées et glycosylées des protéines comparée aux techniques préexistantes. Les résultats de nos analyses ont montré que l’expression de SR-BI et CD36 étaient maximales dans les ITf au moment où les souris ont complété leur maturité sexuelle et où le niveau de synthèse de la testostérone était maximal. Dans les tubules séminifères, l’expression maximale de SR-BI et le taux le plus élevé de cholestérol estérifié étaient mesurés de façon concomitante à 35 jours après la naissance, au moment où la première vague de l’activité spermatogénétique était complétée. L’expression de l’ABCA1 était maximale au moment où le taux de cholestérol était élevé et minimale au moment où le taux de cholestérol était le plus bas, alors que le niveau d’expression de CD36 était maximal chez l’adulte au moment où le taux de spermiation était le plus élevé. L’expression de SR-BII variait peu dans les deux compartiments cellulaires durant le développement. La suppression génétique de la HSL et de NPC1, qui cause une infertilité chez les souris mâles, était accompagnée d’une accumulation de cholestérol libre et estérifié dans les tubules séminifères. Par contre, la suppression génétique de SR-BI et CD36, qui ne causent pas d’infertilité chez les souris mâles était sans impact significatif sur le taux de cholestérol intratubulaire. Nous avons montré que l’invalidation génétique d’un transporteur sélectif ou d’une enzyme du métabolisme du cholestérol était accompagnée d’un ensemble de mécanismes de compensation visant à maintenir le taux de cholestérol libre aux niveaux semblables à ceux mesurés dans les fractions tissulaires de souris normales. Ensemble, nos résultats ont montré que l’expression des transporteurs sélectifs de cholestérol SR-BI, SR-BII, CD36 et ABCA1 variait en fonction de la spermatogenèse et du taux intratesticulaire du cholestérol suggérant leur contribution au maintien de l’homéostasie du cholestérol intratesticulaire.
Les patients atteints de la maladie de Tangier présentent des niveaux très bas de lipoprotéines de haute densité (HDL), un facteur de risque pour le développement des maladies cardiovasculaires. In vivo, les HDL ont un effet protecteur important contre l’athérosclérose puisqu’elles effectuèrent le transport à rebours du cholestérol des tissus périphériques vers le foie. Or, la maladie de Tangier est causée par des mutations dans le gène du transporteur « ATP-binding cassette A1 » (ABCA1). Le modèle actuel stipule que ce transporteur assure la lipidation de l’apolipoprotéine A-I (apoA-I), la composante protéique majeure des HDL, pour former des particules HDL naissantes discoïdales. Un défaut dans la lipidation de l’apoA-I par l’ABCA1 abolit la biogénèse des HDL. Nous avons voulu étudier les sites d’interaction de l’ABCA1 avec son ligand (l’apoA-I), les voies de biogénèse impliquées, et l’implication des pré-β-HDL dans l’efflux du cholestérol par la voie de l’ABCA1. D’abord, nous avons utilisé un système de culture cellulaire (fibroblastes humaines et BHK-ABCA1-inductible) afin de déterminer les sites de liaison cellulaires de l’apoA-I, leurs localisations et l’implication de l’ABCA1. Nous avons trouvé que la majorité de l’apoA-I n’est pas associée à l’ABCA1 et, deux tiers de cet apoA-I, était à la membrane plasmique. Ensuite, Une étude plus détaillée examinait les voies de lipidation de l’apoA-I, soit au niveau de la membrane plasmique (MP), soit aux compartiments intracellulaires (CICs). Nous avons montré que la lipidation de l’apoA-I a lieu aux deux niveaux (MP et CICs) selon deux voies différentes cinétiquement. Finalement, nous avons montré que les pré-β-HDL effluent aussi (efficacement que l’apoA-I) le cholestérol par la voie de l’ABCA1. Ces observations réunies démontrent que 1) la majorité de l’apoA-I s’est trouvé non-associée à l’ABCA1; 2) deux tiers de l’apoA-I s’associent a la membrane plasmique; 3) la lipidation de l’apoA-I se fait en partie à la membrane plasmique et, par la voie de retro-endocytose du complexe apoA-I/ABCA1.
Background: ABCA1 plays an important role in HDL metabolism. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in ABCA1 gene were associated with variation in plasina HDL-c. Methods: The effect of the ABCA1 SNPs C-14T, R219K and of a novel variant C-105T on serum lipids was investigated in 367 unrelated Brazilian individuals (224 hypercholesterolemic and 143 normolipidemic). The relation between ABCA1 SNPs and the lipid-lowering response to atorvastatin (10 mg/day/4 weeks) was also evaluated in 141 hypercholesterolemic (HC) individuals. The polymorphisms were detected by PCRR_FLP and confirmed by DNA sequencing. Results: Linkage disequilibrium was found between the SNPs C-105T and C-14T in the HC group. HC individuals carrying - 105CT/TT genotypes had higher serum HDL-c and lower triglyceride and VLDL-c concentrations as well as lower TG/HDL-c ratio compared to the -105CC carriers (p<0.05). The R219K SNP was associated with reduced serum triglyceride, VLDL-c and TG/HDL-c ratio in the HC group (p<0.05), and with an increased serum apoAI in NL individuals. The effects of ABCA1 SNPs on basal serum lipids of HC individuals were not modified by atorvastatin treatment. Conclusions: The ABCA1 SNPs R219K and C-105T were associated with a less atherogenic lipid profile but not with the lowering-cholesterol response to atorvastatin in a Brazilian population. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) mediates the transport of cholesterol, phospholipids, and other lipophilic molecules across cellular membranes. Recent data provide evidence that ABCA1 plays an important role in placental function but the exact cellular sites of ABCA1 action in the placenta remain controversial. To clarify this issue, we analyzed the cellular and subcellular localization of ABCA1 with immunocytochemistry, immunofluorescence and subsequent confocal or immunofluorescence microscopy in different types of isolated primary placenta cells: cytotrophoblast cells, amnion epithelial cells, villous macrophages (Hofbauer cells), and mesenchymal cells isolated from chorionic membrane and placental villi. After 12 h of cultivation, primary cytotrophoblast cells showed intensive membrane and cytoplasmic staining for ABCA1. After 24 h, with progressive syncytium formation, ABCA1 staining intensity was markedly reduced and ABCA1 was dispersed in the cytoplasm of the forming syncytial layer. In amnion epithelial cells, placental macrophages and mesenchymal cells, ABCA1 was predominantly localized at the cell membrane and cytoplasmic compartments partially corresponding to the endoplasmic reticulum. In these cell types, the ABCA1 staining intensity was not dependent on the cultivation time. In conclusion, ABCA1 shows marked expression levels in diverse placental cell types. The multitopic localization of ABCA1 in diverse human placental cells not all directly involved in materno-fetal exchange suggests that this protein may not only participate in transplacental lipid transport but could have additional regulatory functions.
The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters ABCA1 and ABCG1 play an important role in cellular cholesterol homeostasis, but their function in mammary gland (MG) tissue remains elusive. A bovine MG model that allows repeated MG sampling in identical animals at different functional stages was used to test whether 1) ABCA1 and ABCG1 protein expression and subcellular localization in mammary epithelial cells (MEC) change during the pregnancy-lactation cycle, and 2) these 2 proteins were present in milk fat globules (MFG). Expression and localization in MEC were investigated in bovine MG tissues at the end of lactation, during the dry period (DP), and early lactation using immunohistochemical and immunofluorescence approaches. The presence of ABCA1 and ABCG1 in MFG isolated from fresh milk was determined by immunofluorescence. The ABCA1 protein expression in MEC, expressed as arbitrary units, was higher during the end of lactation (12.2±0.24) and the DP (12.5±0.22) as compared with during early lactation (10.2±0.65). In contrast, no significant change in ABCG1 expression existed between the stages. Throughout the cycle, ABCA1 and ABCG1 were detected in the apical (41.9±24.8 and 49.0±4.96% of cows, respectively), basal (56.2±28.1 and 54.6±7.78% of cows, respectively), or entire cytoplasm (56.8±13.4 and 61.6±14.4% of cows, respectively) of MEC, or showed combined localization. Unlike ABCG1, ABCA1 was absent at the apical aspect of MEC during early lactation. Immunolabeling experiments revealed the presence of ABCA1 and ABCG1 in MFG membranes. Findings suggest a differential, functional stage-dependent role of ABCA1 and ABCG1 in cholesterol homeostasis of the MG epithelium. The presence of ABCA1 and ABCG1 in MFG membranes suggests that these proteins are involved in cholesterol exchange between MEC and alveolar milk.
INTRODUCTION The ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter A1 (ABCA1) and ABCG1 are highly expressed in the placenta in various compartments, including the villous syncytiotrophoblast (V-STB) and foetal endothelial cells. Among other not yet characterized functions, they play a role in the foeto-maternal transport of cholesterol and other lipophilic molecules. In humans, preliminary data suggest expressional changes of ABCA1 and ABCG1 in pathologic gestation, particularly under hypoxic conditions, but a systematic expression analysis in common human pregnancy diseases has never been performed. OBJECTIVES The aim of the present study was to characterize ABCA1 and ABCG1 expression in a large series of pathologic placentas, in particular from preeclampsia (PE) and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) which are associated with placental hypoxia. METHODS Placentas from 152 pathological pregnancies, including PE and/or HELLP (n=24) and IUGR (n=21), and 20 normal control placentas were assessed for their ABCA1 and ABCG1 mRNA and protein expression with quantitative RT-PCR and semi-quantitative immunohistochemical analysis, respectively. RESULTS ABCA1 protein expression in the V-STB was significantly less extensive in PE compared with normal controls (<10% of V-STB stained for ABCA1 in 58% PE placentas vs. 25% controls; p=0.035). Conversely, it was significantly more wide-spread in IUGR (>75% of V-STB stained in 57% IUGR placentas vs. 15% controls; p=0.009). Moreover, there was an insignificant trend for increased ABCA1 expression in fetal endothelial cells of stem villi in PE (p=0.0588). ABCA1 staining levels in V-STB were significantly associated with placental histopathological features related with hypoxia: they were decreased in placentas exhibiting syncytial knotting (p=0.033) and decidual vasculopathy (p=0.0437) and increased in low weight placentas (p=0.015). The significant and specific alterations in ABCA1 protein expression found at a specific cellular level were not paralleled by changes in ABCA1 mRNA abundance of total placental tissue. ABCG1 staining was universally extensive in the V-STB of normal placentas, always affecting more than 90% of V-STB surface. In comparison, ABCG1 staining of the V-STB was generally often reduced in pregnancy diseases. In particular, less than 90% of V-STB exhibited ABCG1 staining in 26% of PE placentas (p=0.022) and 35% of IUGR placentas (p=0.003). Similarly to ABCA1, ABCG1 mRNA expression in total placental tissue was not significantly different between controls and PE or IUGR. CONCLUSION ABCA1 and ABCG1 proteins are differentially expressed, with either down- or up-regulation, in the V-STB of placentas exhibiting features of chronic hypoxia, such as in PE and IUGR. This suggests that other factors in addition to hypoxia regulate the expression of placental lipid transporters. The specific changes on a cellular level were masked when only total tissue mRNA was analysed underlining the importance of cell specific expression analysis. The potential effects of decreased placental ABCA1 and ABCG1 expression on foetal nutrition and development remain to be elucidated.
Functional polymorphism in ABCA1 influences age of symptom onset in coronary artery disease patients
ATP-binding-cassette-transporter-A1 (ABCA1) plays a pivotal role in intracellular cholesterol removal, exerting a protective effect against atherosclerosis. ABCA1 gene severe mutations underlie Tangier disease, a rare Mendelian disorder that can lead to premature coronary artery disease (CAD), with age of CAD onset being two decades earlier in mutant homozygotes and one decade earlier in heterozygotes than in mutation non-carriers. It is unknown whether common polymorphisms in ABCA1 could influence age of symptom onset of CAD in the general population. We examined common promoter and non-synonymous coding polymorphisms in relation to age of symptom onset in a group of CAD patients (n = 1164), and also carried out in vitro assays to test effects of the promoter variations on ABCA1 promoter transcriptional activity and effects of the coding variations on ABCA1 function in mediating cellular cholesterol efflux. Age of symptom onset was found to be associated with the promoter - 407G > C polymorphism, being 2.82 years higher in C allele homozygotes than in G allele homozygotes and intermediate in heterozygotes (61.54, 59.79 and 58.72 years, respectively; P = 0.002). In agreement, patients carrying ABCA1 haplotypes containing the -407C allele had higher age of symptom onset. Patients of the G/G or G/C genotype of the -407G > C polymorphism had significant coronary artery stenosis (>75%) at a younger age than those of the C/C genotype (P = 0.003). Reporter gene assays showed that ABCA1 haplotypes bearing the -407C allele had higher promoter activity than haplotypes with the -407G allele. Functional analyses of the coding polymorphisms showed an effect of the V825I substitution on ABCA1 function, with the 825I variant having higher activity in mediating cholesterol efflux than the wild-type (825V). A trend towards higher symptom onset age in 825I allele carriers was observed. The data indicate an influence of common ABCA1 functional polymorphisms on age of symptom onset in CAD patients.
The ATP binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) mediates cellular cholesterol and phospholipid efflux, and is implicated in phosphatidylserine translocation and apoptosis. Loss of functional ABCA1 in null mice results in severe placental malformation. This study aimed to establish the placental localisation of ABCA1 and to investigate whether ABCA1 expression is altered in placentas from pregnancies complicated by pre-eclampsia and antiphospholipid syndrome. ABCA1 mRNA and protein localisation studies were carried out using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry. Comparisons of gene expression were performed using real-time PCR and immunoblotting. ABCA1 mRNA and protein was localised to the apical syncytium of placental villi and endothelia of fetal blood vessels within the villi. ABCA1 mRNA expression was reduced in placentas from women with APS when compared to controls (p<0.001), and this was paralleled by reductions in ABCA1 protein expression. There were no differences in ABCA1 expression between placentas from pre-eclamptic pregnancies and controls. The localisation of ABCA1 in human placenta is consistent with a role in cholesterol and phospholipid transport. The decrease in ABCA1 protein in APS may reflect reduced cholesterol transport to the fetus affecting the formation of cell membranes and decreasing the level of substrate available for steroidogenesis.
ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (ABCA1) mediates the transport of cholesterol and phospholipids from cells to lipid-poor HDL and maintains cellular lipid homeostasis. Impaired ABCA1 function plays a role in lipid disorders, cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, and metabolic disorders. Despite the clinical importance of ABCA1, no method is available for quantifying ABCA1 protein. We developed a sensitive indirect competitive ELISA for measuring ABCA1 protein in human tissues using a commercial ABCA1 peptide and a polyclonal anti-ABCA1 antibody. The ELISA has a detection limit of 8 ng/well (0.08 mg/l) with a working range of 9-1000 ng/well (0.09-10 mg/l). Intra- and interassay coefficient of variations (CVs) were 6.4% and 9.6%, respectively. Good linearity (r = 0.97-0.99) was recorded in serial dilutions of human arterial and placental crude membrane preparations, and fibroblast lysates. The ELISA measurements for ABCA1 quantification in reference arterial tissues corresponded well with immunoblot analysis. The assay performance and clinical utility was evaluated with arterial tissues obtained from 15 controls and 44 patients with atherosclerotic plaques. ABCA1 protein concentrations in tissue lysates were significantly lower in patients (n = 24) as compared with controls (n = 5; 9.37 +/- 0.82 vs. 17.03 +/- 4.25 microg/g tissue; P < 0.01). The novel ELISA enables the quantification of ABCA1 protein in human tissues and confirms previous semiquantitative immunoblot results.
INTRODUCTION Transplacental feto-maternal lipid exchange through the ATP-binding cassette transporters ABCA1 and ABCG1 is important for normal fetal development. However, only scarce and conflicting data exist on the involvement of these transporters in gestational disease. METHODS Placenta samples (n = 72) derived from common gestational diseases, including pre-eclampsia (PE), HELLP, intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy and gestational diabetes, were assessed for their ABCA1 and ABCG1 expression levels and compared to age-matched control placentas with qRT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. ABCA1 expression was additionally investigated with immunoblot in placental membrane vesicles. Furthermore, placental cholesterol and phospholipid contents were assessed. RESULTS ABCA1 mRNA levels differed significantly between preterm and term control placentas (p = 0.0013). They were down-regulated in isolated PE and PE with IUGR (p = 0.0006 and p = 0.0012, respectively), but unchanged in isolated IUGR, isolated HELLP and other gestational diseases compared to gestational age-matched controls. Correspondingly, in PE, ABCA1 protein expression was significantly reduced in the apical membrane of the villous syncytiotrophoblast (p = 0.011) and in villous fetal endothelial cells (p = 0.036). Furthermore, in PE there was a significant increase in the placental content of total and individual classes of phospholipids which were partially correlated with diminished ABCA1 expression. Conversely, ABCG1 mRNA and protein levels were stable in the investigated conditions. CONCLUSIONS In gestational disease, there is a specific down-regulation of placental ABCA1 expression at sites of feto-maternal lipid exchange in PE. At a functional level, the increase in placental lipid concentrations provides indirect evidence of an impaired transport capacity of ABCA1 in this disease.
Purpose: Regulation of liver X receptors (LXRs) is essential for cholesterol homeostasis and inflammation. The present study was conducted to determine whether oleic acid (OA) could regulate mRNA expression of LXRα and LXRα-regulated genes and to assess the potential promotion of oxidative stress by OA in neutrophils. Methods: Human neutrophils were treated with OA at different doses and LXR target gene expression, oxidative stress production, lipid efflux and inflammation state were analyzed. Results: We describe that mRNA synthesis of both LXRα and ABCA1 (a reverse cholesterol transporter) was induced by OA in human neutrophils. This fatty acid enhanced the effects of LXR ligands on ABCA1 and LXR expression, but it decreased the mRNA levels of sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c (a transcription factor that regulates the synthesis of triglycerides). Although OA elicited a slight oxidative stress in the short term (15–30 min) in neutrophils, it is unlikely that this is relevant for the modulation of transcription in our experimental conditions, which involve longer incubation time (i.e., 6 h). Of physiological importance is our finding that OA depresses intracellular lipid levels and that markers of inflammation, such as ERK1/2 and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation, were decreased by OA treatment. In addition, 200 μM OA reduced the migration of human neutrophils, another marker of the inflammatory state. However, OA did not affect lipid peroxidation induced by pro-oxidant agents. Conclusions: This work presents for the first time evidence that human neutrophils are highly sensitive to OA and provides novel data in support of a protective role of this monounsaturated acid against the activation of neutrophils during inflammation.