53 resultados para 8299
Estudos demonstram que o sobrepeso e a obesidade podem afetar a fertilidade masculina. Além disso, a função tireóidea também esta associada à alteração da função testicular, entretanto, o papel fisiológico dos hormônios tireoideanos na regulação do sistema reprodutor masculino ainda não esta claro. Aos 21 dias de idade, ratos machos receberam uma dieta manipulada contendo diferentes concentrações de óleo de soja até a idade de 30 e 60 dias, os grupos controle (C30, n=6 e C60, n=6), receberam dieta contendo 7% e os grupos hiperlipídicos (HL30, n=6 e HL60, n=6), receberam dieta contendo 19% deste óleo. Ao final de cada período, os animais foram avaliados por DXA (Absorciometria de Raios-x em Duas Energias) e sacrificados por exsanguinação. Para avaliar alterações na estrutura dos tecidos testicular e tireóideo, foram realizados a morfologia e a estereologia. No plasma, para determinar os perfis bioquímico e hormonal, foram avaliados, triglicerídeos, colesterol total, HDL-colesterol, VLDL, glicose e albumina, por métodos colorimétricos e leptina, insulina, T4, T3, TSH e testosterona por radioimunoensaio (RIE). Para evidenciar a expressão de receptor androgênico (AR) em testículos, foi realizado imunomarcação, com anti-AR. Durante todo o período experimental, foram analisados a massa corporal, a ingestão alimentar e o comprimento corporal, os quais permaneceram inalterados. No grupo HL, a massa magra foi menor aos 30 dias, já a gordura corporal total foi maior no mesmo grupo, aos 60 dias nenhuma diferença foi notada entre os grupos. No grupo HL30 não houve diferença quanto à massa dos tecidos, já no grupo HL60, o peso do epidídimo, fígado e gordura visceral mantiveram-se aumentados. No grupo HL30 não houve diferença em relação ao perfil bioquímico, já no grupo HL60, os níveis de glicose, mantiveram-se altos. Quanto às dosagens hormonais no grupo HL30, TSH e leptina estiveram aumentados e T3 reduzido, e no grupo HL60, T3 e leptina estiveram aumentados. Os dados morfométricos e estereológicos de testículo no grupo HL30 mostram aumento no número de túbulos seminíferos e da densidade de comprimento (Lv), já no grupo HL60, há redução no número de túbulos seminíferos e no diâmetro do mesmo. Quanto à expressão de receptor androgênico nas células testiculares, não parece haver diferença entre os grupos independente da idade de consumo da dieta. A dieta hiperlipídica promoveu alterações metabólicas aos 30 dias e modificações na morfologia do tecido tireoidiano e testicular em ambas as idades, o que indica reflexos na função reprodutora.
Antivírus no servidor de mail. Configuração de antivírus na máquina servidora de mail. Funcionamento do programa responsável pela entrega e recebimento de mail - Sendmail. Procmail. Amavis.
Jackson, Peter, 'France and the Problems of Security and Disarmament after the First World War', Journal of Strategic Studies (2006) 29(2) pp.247-280 Special Issue: Enforcing arms limits: Germany post 1919; Iraq post 1991 RAE2008
OBJECTIVE: Bacterial colonization of the fetal membranes and its role in pathogenesis of membrane rupture is poorly understood. Prior retrospective work revealed chorion layer thinning in preterm premature rupture of membranes (PPROM) subjects. Our objective was to prospectively examine fetal membrane chorion thinning and to correlate to bacterial presence in PPROM, preterm, and term subjects. STUDY DESIGN: Paired membrane samples (membrane rupture and membrane distant) were prospectively collected from: PPROM = 14, preterm labor (PTL = 8), preterm no labor (PTNL = 8), term labor (TL = 10), and term no labor (TNL = 8), subjects. Sections were probed with cytokeratin to identify fetal trophoblast layer of the chorion using immunohistochemistry. Fluorescence in situ hybridization was performed using broad range 16 s ribosomal RNA probe. Images were evaluated, chorion and choriodecidua were measured, and bacterial fluorescence scored. Chorion thinning and bacterial presence were compared among and between groups using Student's t-test, linear mixed effect model, and Poisson regression model (SAS Cary, NC). RESULTS: In all groups, the fetal chorion cellular layer was thinner at rupture compared to distant site (147.2 vs. 253.7 µm, p<0.0001). Further, chorion thinning was greatest among PPROM subjects compared to all other groups combined, regardless of site sampled [PPROM(114.9) vs. PTL(246.0) vs. PTNL(200.8) vs. TL(217.9) vs. TNL(246.5)]. Bacteria counts were highest among PPROM subjects compared to all other groups regardless of site sampled or histologic infection [PPROM(31) vs. PTL(9) vs. PTNL(7) vs. TL(7) vs. TNL(6)]. Among all subjects at both sites, bacterial counts were inversely correlated with chorion thinning, even excluding histologic chorioamnionitis (p<0.0001 and p = 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: Fetal chorion was uniformly thinner at rupture site compared to distant sites. In PPROM fetal chorion, we demonstrated pronounced global thinning. Although cause or consequence is uncertain, bacterial presence is greatest and inversely correlated with chorion thinning among PPROM subjects.
Androgen withdrawal induces hypoxia in androgen-sensitive tissue; this is important as in the tumour microenvironment hypoxia is known to drive malignant progression. This study examined the time-dependent effect of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) on tumour oxygenation and investigated the role of ADT-induced hypoxia on malignant progression in prostate tumours. LNCaP xenografted tumours were treated with anti-androgens and tumour oxygenation measured. Dorsal skin fold chambers (DSF) were used to image tumour vasculature in vivo. Quantitative PCR (QPCR) identified differential gene expression following treatment with bicalutamide. Bicalutamide and vehicle-only treated tumours were re-established in vitro and invasion and sensitivity to docetaxel were measured. Tumour growth delay was calculated following treatment with bicalutamide combined with the bioreductive drug AQ4N. Tumour oxygenation measurements showed a precipitate decrease following initiation of ADT. A clinically relevant dose of bicalutamide (2mg/kg/day) decreased tumour oxygenation by 45% within 24h, reaching a nadir of 0.09% oxygen (0.67±0.06 mmHg) by day 7; this persisted until day 14 when it increased up to day 28. Using DSF chambers, LNCaP tumours treated with bicalutamide showed loss of small vessels at days 7 and 14 with revascularization occurring by day 21. QPCR showed changes in gene expression consistent with the vascular changes and malignant progression. Cells from bicalutamide-treated tumours were more malignant than vehicle-treated controls. Combining bicalutamide with AQ4N (50mg/kg; single dose) caused greater tumour growth delay than bicalutamide alone. This study shows that bicalutamide-induced hypoxia selects for cells that show malignant progression; targeting hypoxic cells may provide greater clinical benefit.