14 resultados para 40697


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil


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This study presents a first attempt to extend the “Multi-scale integrated analysis of societal and ecosystem metabolism (MuSIASEM)” approach to a spatial dimension using GIS techniques in the Metropolitan area of Barcelona. We use a combination of census and commercial databases along with a detailed land cover map to create a layer of Common Geographic Units that we populate with the local values of human time spent in different activities according to MuSIASEM hierarchical typology. In this way, we mapped the hours of available human time, in regards to the working hours spent in different locations, putting in evidence the gradients in spatial density between the residential location of workers (generating the work supply) and the places where the working hours are actually taking place. We found a strong three-modal pattern of clumps of areas with different combinations of values of time spent on household activities and on paid work. We also measured and mapped spatial segregation between these two activities and put forward the conjecture that this segregation increases with higher energy throughput, as the size of the functional units must be able to cope with the flow of exosomatic energy. Finally, we discuss the effectiveness of the approach by comparing our geographic representation of exosomatic throughput to the one issued from conventional methods.


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A través de este proyecto multidisciplinar se trata de concienciar a los alumnos de la importancia de las matemáticas, útiles en la vida cotidiana y con aplicaciones en numerosos campos. Los objetivos fundamentales son llevar a cabo una enseñanza activa que motive a los alumnos; estimular las capacidades de observación y análisis; dar a conocer la presencia de las matemáticas en distintas áreas; fomentar la creatividad; mejorar la expresión oral y escrita; reflexionar sobre la contribución de las matemáticas a la explicación del Universo; utilizar las nuevas tecnologías; conocer la intervención de las matemáticas en actividades lúdicas y recreativas; y analizar la influencia de las matemáticas en la cultura, la ciencia, la tecnología y el arte. Se trata de establecer una relación entre las matemáticas y las áreas de lengua y literatura, economía, tecnología, música, religión, educación plástica, francés, filosofía, cultura clásica, ciencias de la naturaleza, física y química, geografía e historia, y educación física. Entre las actividades, se encuentran el análisis de las formas geométricas que existen en la realidad; la construcción de aparatos de medición; la realización de ejercicios matemáticos; la asistencia a conferencias; la elaboración de gráficos; la creación de murales, mapas y esquemas; el desarrollo de experimentos y prácticas; la realización de mediciones y estadísticas; la composición de textos literarios donde se relacionan los números y las letras; el análisis de estilos musicales que utilizan el cálculo como método compositivo; el estudio de un método de notación musical para guitarra basado en números; la localización de canciones con referencias en su letra a las matemáticas; y la participación en un juego donde se reflejan las relaciones entre las matemáticas y el comercio.


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Presents an interview with Elizabeth Nunez, author and professor. Nunez discusses the issues on migration, family, and intimacy which are the topics of her novel "Anna In-Between." She explains the demands of the publishing industry that cast a shadow in the world of the novel and the real world of Caribbean writers. This interview was translated by Maria Lusia Ruiz.


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Internet data collection is becoming increasingly popular in all research fields dealing with human perceptions, behaviors and opinions. Advantages of internet data collection, when compared to the traditional paper-and-pencil format, include reduced costs, automatic database creation, and the absence of researcher-related bias effects, such as availability and complete anonymity. However, the validity and reliability of internet gathered data must be established, in comparison to the usual paper-and-pencil accepted formats, before an inferential analysis can be done. In this study, we compared questionnaire data gathered from the internet with that from the traditional paper-and-pencil in a sample of college students. The questionnaires used were the Maslach Burnout Inventory - Student Survey (MBI-SS), the Oldenburg Burnout Inventory (OBI-SS) and the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI-SS). Data was gathered through a within-subject cross randomized and counterbalanced design, on both internet and paper-and-pencil formats. The results showed no interference in the application order, and a good reliability for both formats. However, concordance between answers was generally higher in the paper-and-pencil format than on the internet. The factorial structure was invariant in the three burnout inventories. Data gathered in this study supports the Internet as a convenient, user-friendly, comfortable and secure data gathering method which does not affect the accepted factorial structures existent in the paper format of the three burnout inventories used. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Personality traits have been studied for some decades in fish species. Yet, most often, studies focused on juveniles or adults. Thus, very few studies tried to demonstrate that traits could also be found in fish larvae. In this study, we aimed at identifying personality traits in Northern pike (Exos lucius) larvae. Twenty first-feeding larvae aged 21 days post hatch (16.1 +/− 0.4 mm in total length, mean +/− SD) were used to establish personality traits with two tests: a maze and a novel object. These tests are generally used for evaluating the activity and exploration of specimens as well as their activity and boldness, respectively. The same Northern pike twenty larvae were challenged in the two tests. Their performances were measured by their activity, their exploratory behaviour and the time spent in the different arms of the maze or near the novel object. Then, we used principal component analysis (PCA) and a hierarchical ascendant classification (HAC) for analysis of each data set separately. Finally, we used PCA reduction for the maze test data to analyse the relationship between a synthetic behavioural index (PCA1) and morphometric variables. Within each test, larvae could be divided in two sub groups, which exhibited different behavioural traits, qualified as bold (n = 7 for the maze test and n = 13 for the novel object test) or shy (n = 9 for the maze test and n = 11 for the novel object test). Nevertheless, in both tests, there was a continuum of boldness/shyness. Besides, some larvae were classified differently between the two tests but 40 % of the larvae showed cross context consistency and could be qualified as bold and/or proactive individuals. This study showed that it is possible to identify personality traits of very young fish larvae of a freshwater fish species.


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En Yemen no hay que ser mayor de edad para contraer matrimonio, ni tan siquiera se exige una edad mínima. Nojoom es obligada a casarse a los 10 años de edad con un hombre que solo busca una mujer joven para complacerse sexualmente y una sierva para sustituir a su madre en las labores domésticas. Un arreglo legítimo según las leyes locales, aceptado por todos, excepto para la pequeña Nojoom. La cineasta Khadija Al-Salami denuncia la situación que viven miles de niñas en su país, sometidas a leyes atávicas que hoy siguen constituyendo una grave violación de los derechos humanos que afecta a los seres más indefensos, los niños.