15 resultados para 40601
In many wireless applications, it is highly desirable to have a fast mechanism to resolve or select the packet from the user with the highest priority. Furthermore, individual priorities are often known only locally at the users. In this paper we introduce an extremely fast, local-information-based multiple access algorithm that selects the best node in 1.8 to 2.1 slots,which is much lower than the 2.43 slot average achieved by the best algorithm known to date. The algorithm, which we call Variable Power Multiple Access Selection (VP-MAS), uses the local channel state information from the accessing nodes to the receiver, and maps the priorities into the receive power.It is inherently distributed and scales well with the number of users. We show that mapping onto a discrete set of receive power levels is optimal, and provide a complete characterization for it. The power levels are chosen to exploit packet capture that inherently occurs in a wireless physical layer. The VP-MAS algorithm adjusts the expected number of users that contend in each step and their respective transmission powers, depending on whether previous transmission attempts resulted in capture,idle channel, or collision.
La finalidad de este taller de Educación Plástica, basado en el trabajo de la arcilla, es atender a la diversidad del alumnado que ha llegado al centro en el periodo extraordinario de escolarización. Los objetivos son motivar e integrar a todos los alumnos en la actividad escolar y fomentar actitudes de respeto, colaboración y comunicación entre todos los miembros de la comunidad educativa. En el proyecto participan todos los alumnos del centro, de Infantil y Primaria, en talleres rotativos y generalizados. Se alternan trabajos individuales con trabajos en parejas o en grupos. Entre las actividades destacan modelados de figuras humanas decoradas con engobes; modelado y vaciado de esculturas; planchas con bajorrelieves; o modelado de objetos ornamentales con engobes e impresiones. Las exposiciones colectivas en el centro, además de la observación directa o el manejo de las herramientas, son los criterios de evaluación y constatan los objetivos conseguidos. Incluye anexos con el proceso de evaluación, valoración de resultados y propuestas de mejora.
Research evaluating perceptual responses to music has identified many structural features as correlates that might be incorporated in computer music systems for affectively charged algorithmic composition and/or expressive music performance. In order to investigate the possible integration of isolated musical features to such a system, a discrete feature known to correlate some with emotional responses – rhythmic density – was selected from a literature review and incorporated into a prototype system. This system produces variation in rhythm density via a transformative process. A stimulus set created using this system was then subjected to a perceptual evaluation. Pairwise comparisons were used to scale differences between 48 stimuli. Listener responses were analysed with Multidimensional scaling (MDS). The 2-Dimensional solution was then rotated to place the stimuli with the largest range of variation across the horizontal plane. Stimuli with variation in rhythmic density were placed further from the source material than stimuli that were generated by random permutation. This, combined with the striking similarity between the MDS scaling and that of the 2-dimensional emotional model used by some affective algorithmic composition systems, suggests that isolated musical feature manipulation can now be used to parametrically control affectively charged automated composition in a larger system.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Último texto de fôlego de Kraus, Dritte Walpurgisnacht (Terceira noite de Valpúrgis) foi a reação do satirista à tomada do poder por Hitler. Do ponto de vista tradutório, oferece grande variedade de problemas, visto que o autor faz um uso exuberante de citações, trocadilhos, aliterações, neologismos e variações de ditos, provérbios, máximas e lugares-comuns. Este artigo apresenta alguns desses problemas e discute possibilidades para sua solução, não sem antes definir uma abordagem teórica.
Der GridSorter ist ein dezentral gesteuertes, modulares Fördersystem, das zur effizienten und platzsparenden Warensortierung genutzt werden und flexibel an wechselnde Anforderungen angepasst werden kann. In diesem Artikel wird ein neues Steuerungsverfahren für Routenreservierung und Durchführung des Ladungsträgertransports vorgestellt, das auf dem Prinzip der logischen Zeit basiert. Dadurch wird ein effizientes und Deadlock-freies Systemverhalten gewährleistet.
Persons with Down syndrome (DS) uniquely have an increased frequency of leukemias but a decreased total frequency of solid tumors. The distribution and frequency of specific types of brain tumors have never been studied in DS. We evaluated the frequency of primary neural cell embryonal tumors and gliomas in a large international data set. The observed number of children with DS having a medulloblastoma, central nervous system primitive neuroectodermal tumor (CNS-PNET) or glial tumor was compared to the expected number. Data were collected from cancer registries or brain tumor registries in 13 countries of Europe, America, Asia and Oceania. The number of DS children with each category of tumor was treated as a Poisson variable with mean equal to 0.000884 times the total number of registrations in that category. Among 8,043 neural cell embryonal tumors (6,882 medulloblastomas and 1,161 CNS-PNETs), only one patient with medulloblastoma had DS, while 7.11 children in total and 6.08 with medulloblastoma were expected to have DS. (p 0.016 and 0.0066 respectively). Among 13,797 children with glioma, 10 had DS, whereas 12.2 were expected. Children with DS appear to be specifically protected against primary neural cell embryonal tumors of the CNS, whereas gliomas occur at the same frequency as in the general population. A similar protection against neuroblastoma, the principal extracranial neural cell embryonal tumor, has been observed in children with DS. Additional genetic material on the supernumerary chromosome 21 may protect against embryonal neural cell tumor development.
El presente trabajo recoge los resultados de una investigación sobre la «vivienda productiva», es decir, de la casa como lugar de trabajo. Dicha investigación se ha ocupado de explorar cómo influyen las cotidianeidades doméstico-laborales actuales —junto con sus arquitecturas y los urbanismos que estas generan— en la sociedad, en especial en temas sociales centrales como la construcción de las subjetividades, y de una vida en comunidad. Asimismo, explora cómo podrían influir en un futuro. La hipótesis sobre la que se trabaja, y que finalmente se intenta demostrar, consiste en que, en la territorialidad múltiple de lo laboral, la vivienda, como plataforma doméstica multiusos, productiva y reproductiva de la que muchas personas disponen, desempeña un papel nodal, y es posible que en el futuro su papel sea aún más importante y más visible. La vivienda productiva funciona como una infraestructura urbana desde la cual se construyen diferentes tipos de bienes materiales e inmateriales, pero sobre todo formas de relación, sociales y productivas con otros, además de imaginarios y afectos. La vivienda como infraestructura productiva y reproductiva es tanto «fábrica fundamental de lo social», como nos enseña Silvia Federici, como «fábrica de lo urbano». El trabajo en casa, como parte de diferentes dinámicas «dispersas» del trabajo que se dan en la actualidad, presenta tanto problemáticas y desafíos importantes, como capitales y posibilidades sociales. Por un lado, puede facilitar una absorción de tipo «24/7» vinculada a las lógicas de producción dispersa y consumo dominantes además de la que se da por las dinámicas patriarcales tradicionales, y en múltiples casos situaciones de evidente asimetría y de explotación laboral. También puede propiciar situaciones socialmente extendidas o impuestas de soledad y aislamiento. Sin embargo, está asimismo vinculado al surgimiento de espacios de experimentación tanto en soledad como en compañía, de cooperación y de intercambio, además de a la evidente posibilidad de construir rutinas propias y, por tanto, una subjetividad laboral propia. Por otro lado, frente a la idea general y homogénea del trabajador casero como un sujeto mayoritariamente aislado de su entorno, las jornadas de trabajo de los trabajadores caseros estudiados presentan una gran diversidad. Estas pueden conllevar aislamiento y exclusión, así como acompañar diferentes formas de construcción de una ciudadanía activa, tanto en solitario, como mediante formas de participación activa en la construcción de una vida en comunidad. En esta investigación se analizan, pues, desafíos y oportunidades de estas espacialidades del trabajo y, a través de este análisis, se indaga en el papel de los marcos físicos, organizativos y simbólicos actuales para la vivienda y para la ciudad pensada desde los trabajadores caseros. Al mismo tiempo se exploran nuevos tipos de vivienda y urbanismos que puedan quizás acompañar procesos sociales de inclusión, así como de emancipación, cooperación e intercambio y, en general, nuevas formas de vecindad y bienestar compartido en los ámbitos doméstico-productivos. Metodológicamente, las singularidades presentes en las realidades estudiadas invitan además a explorar protocolos de análisis, métodos de diseño, de gestión y gobierno que, desde lo micro, puedan dialogar con lo cotidiano y sus singularidades. Diego Barajas, autor de la tesis, es arquitecto dedicado a la práctica, a la investigación y la docencia. Su trabajo se focaliza en explorar el carácter mediador de la arquitectura frente a lo cotidiano y sus microrrealidades. Es profesor de proyectos de urbanismo en la IE School of Architecture y es miembro de Husos, una plataforma de investigación y diseño orientada a la innovación en arquitectura y urbanismo, con sede en Madrid. Es el autor del libro Dispersion, A Study of Global Mobility and the Dynamics of a Fictional Urbanism (Episode Publishers, Róterdam, 2003). Sus trabajos teóricos y de investigación han aparecido en libros y revistas internacionales tales como The Domestic and The Foreign in Architecture (010 Publishers, 2008), Public Spheres, a Europan Discussion (Europan9, 2007), Photoespaña 05 (La Fábrica, Madrid, 2005), Domus, Volume, Abitare, Architese, Plot, y Summa+. Su trabajo se ha expuesto en la Bienal de Venecia (selección principal), la Bienal de Róterdam, la Fundación Tapies, Photoespaña, entre otros y es parte de la colección permanente del FRAC Centre en Orleans y del Historisch Museum de Róterdam entre otros. Antes de estudiar en Róterdam, se gradúa con Honores en la Universidad de los Andes en 1999 y su tesis de grado de arquitectura recibe la máxima distinción como proyecto de Grado Meritorio. ABSTRACT The present study records an investigation into the «productive house», or the home as a workplace. This investigation looks at how working from home, its architectures, and the urban dynamics generated around it influence daily life and the construction of society. It also explores what influences home-based work might have in the future, particularly in central themes such as the biopolitical construction of subjectivities and community life. The central hypothesis revolves around the idea that the home, as a multi-use infrastructure that most of us have access to, plays a fundamental role in the contemporary work sphere, due to —or even in spite of— the omnipresence of work in practically every moment and area of our daily lives, and might play a main role in the future. The home functions as a kind of hub from which we create different kinds of material and immaterial goods, but above all relationships with others, both social and productive, as well as imaginaries and affections. The home, as a machine for production and reproduction, is as much a main «factory of the social» as Silvia Federici describes it, as a «factory of the urban». Working from home, as one of several «dispersed» work dynamics that are part of the contemporary world of work, presents as many important problematics and challenges as it does possibilities and social capital. On the one hand, it can contribute to kind of «24/7» absorption linked both to the logistics of the current dispersed production and consumption, and to that of traditional patriarchal dynamics, and in some cases even clearly asymmetrical situations that exploit the workforce. It can also lead to the socially widespread phenomena of isolation and loneliness, at times imposed upon home-based workers. However, by the same token, it is also linked to the growth of experimental spaces of cooperation and exchange, both solitary and in company, as well as the clear possibility of constructing individualised routines and, therefore, a personal laboural subjectivity. On the other hand, contrary to the generalised, homogenous idea of a home-based worker who is mostly isolated from his or her environment, the working days of those we studied went hand in hand with different ways of building subjectivities. This could be as much in exclusion and isolation as through building an active citizenship, at times in solitary and at times actively participating in the construction of communal life. In this investigation, therefore, the challenges and opportunities of the home as workplace have been analysed, and through this analysis we have inquired into the role of current physical, organisational and symbolic frameworks for the home and for the city from the perspective of home workers. At the same time we have explored new types of homes and of town planning that could perhaps accompany social processes of diversity and inclusion as well as emancipation, cooperation and exchange and, in general, new forms of shared welfare in productive domestic environments. Methodologically, the singularities present in the cases studied also invite us to explore protocols of analysis, methods of design, management and government that, from the micro level, could dialogue with the peculiarities of day-to-day life. The author of this thesis, Diego Barajas, is an architect dedicated to practice, investigation and teaching. His work is focussed on exploring the mediating nature of architecture and the built environment in terms of daily life and its microrealities. He is professor of urban projects at the IE School of Architecture and member of Husos, a platform for investigation and town planning based in Madrid. He is the author of the book Dispersion, A Study of Global Mobility and the Dynamics of a Fictional Urbanism (Episode Publishers, Rotterdam, 2003) and his theoretical works and investigations have appeared in books such as The Domestic and The Foreign in Architecture (010 Publishers, 2008), Public Spheres, a Europan Discussion (Europan9, 2007), Photoespaña 05 (La Fábrica, Madrid, 2005), and in international magazines such as Domus, Volume, Abitare, Architese, Plot and Summa+. His work has been exhibited in places such as the Venice Biennial (main selection), the Rotterdam Biennial, the Tapies Foundation and Photoespaña, among others, and forms part of the permanent collection of the FRAC Centre in Orleans and the Historisch Museum of Rotterdam. Before studying in Rotterdam, he graduated with Honours from the University of the Andes in 1999, and his architecture degree thesis received the maximum distinction of Meritorious Graduation Project.
Este artículo-reseña valora positivamente el Quijote publicado por Francisco Rico con motivo del IV Centenario de la Segunda Parte del clásico (1615). Lo que se echa en falta no es de la exclusiva incumbencia del editor o su equipo: estudiar los libros de caballerías, la tratadística militar o la literatura hagiográfica, que se revelan fundamentales para entender el Quijote, son tareas que competen a todos los cervantistas. Detalles al margen, las herramientas a disposición del lector configuran un status quaestionis fresco y preciso; del mismo modo, las fichas lexicográficas cumplen bien su función, aunque las relativas a la botánica esperan una revisión en profundidad.