985 resultados para 3RD-ROW ATOMS
Investiga-se a convergência de conjuntos de bases em direção ao limite numérico da energia Hartree-Fock (HF) total para as seqüências hierárquicas dos conjuntos de bases XZP e ccpVXZ. Para as duas hierarquias, melhoramentos significativos são obtidos com cada incremento em X. Para estimar o limite do conjunto de base completo, uma forma exponencial foi usada. Entre as várias aproximações consideradas aqui, uma extrapolação exponencial de três parâmetros aplicada aos resultados TZP, QZP e 5ZP deu os limites do conjunto de bases mais precisos. Em adição, energias HF dos orbitais moleculares ocupados mais altos de algumas moléculas diatômicas foram calculadas com o conjunto 5ZP e comparadas com as correspondentes obtidas com o conjunto cc-pV5Z e com um método numérico HF.
All-electron partitioning of wave functions into products ^core^vai of core and valence parts in orbital space results in the loss of core-valence antisymmetry, uncorrelation of motion of core and valence electrons, and core-valence overlap. These effects are studied with the variational Monte Carlo method using appropriately designed wave functions for the first-row atoms and positive ions. It is shown that the loss of antisymmetry with respect to interchange of core and valence electrons is a dominant effect which increases rapidly through the row, while the effect of core-valence uncorrelation is generally smaller. Orthogonality of the core and valence parts partially substitutes the exclusion principle and is absolutely necessary for meaningful calculations with partitioned wave functions. Core-valence overlap may lead to nonsensical values of the total energy. It has been found that even relatively crude core-valence partitioned wave functions generally can estimate ionization potentials with better accuracy than that of the traditional, non-partitioned ones, provided that they achieve maximum separation (independence) of core and valence shells accompanied by high internal flexibility of ^core and Wvai- Our best core-valence partitioned wave function of that kind estimates the IP's with an accuracy comparable to the most accurate theoretical determinations in the literature.
A study on the possible sites of oxidation and epoxidation of nortriptyline was performed using electrochemical and quantum chemical methods; these sites are involved in the biological responses (for example, hepatotoxicity) of nortriptyline and other similar antidepressants. Quantum chemical studies and electrochemical experiments demonstrated that the oxidation and epoxidation sites are located on the apolar region of nortriptyline, which will useful for understanding the molecule`s activity. Also, for the determination of the compound in biological fluids or in pharmaceutical formulations, we propose a useful analytical methodology using a graphite-polyurethane composite electrode, which exhibited the best performance when compared with boron-doped diamond or glassy carbon surfaces.
New basis sets of the atomic natural orbital (ANO) type have been developed for the lanthanide atoms La-Lu. The ANOs have been obtained from the average density matrix of the ground and lowest excited states of the atom, the positive ions, and the atom in an electric field. Scalar relativistic effects are included through the use of a Douglas-Kroll-Hess Hamiltonian. Multiconfigurational wave functions have been used with dynamic correlation included using second-order perturbation theory (CASSCF/CASPT2). The basis sets are applied in calculations of ionization energies and some excitation energies. Computed ionization energies have an accuracy better than 0.1 eV in most cases. Two molecular applications are inluded as illustration: the cerium diatom and the LuF3 molecule. In both cases it is shown that 4f orbitals are not involved in the chemical bond in contrast to an earlier claim for the latter molecule.
A new method for sampling the exact (within the nodal error) ground state distribution and nondiflPerential properties of multielectron systems is developed and applied to firstrow atoms. Calculated properties are the distribution moments and the electronic density at the nucleus (the 6 operator). For this purpose, new simple trial functions are developed and optimized. First, using Hydrogen as a test case, we demonstrate the accuracy of our algorithm and its sensitivity to error in the trial function. Applications to first row atoms are then described. We obtain results which are more satisfactory than the ones obtained previously using Monte Carlo methods, despite the relative crudeness of our trial functions. Also, a comparison is made with results of highly accurate post-Hartree Fock calculations, thereby illuminating the nodal error in our estimates. Taking into account the CPU time spent, our results, particularly for the 8 operator, have a relatively large variance. Several ways of improving the eflSciency together with some extensions of the algorithm are suggested.
The generator coordinate method was implemented in the unrestricted Hartree-Fock formalism. Weight functions were built from Gaussian generator functions for 1s, 2s, and 2p orbitals of carbon and oxygen atoms. These weight functions show a similar behavior to those found in the generator coordinate restricted Hartree-Fock method, i.e., they are smooth, continuous, and tend to zero in the limits of integration. Moreover, the weight functions obtained are different for spin-up and spin-down electrons what is a result from spin polarization. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem, 2012
Coupled-cluster theory provides one of the most successful concepts in electronic-structure theory. This work covers the parallelization of coupled-cluster energies, gradients, and second derivatives and its application to selected large-scale chemical problems, beside the more practical aspects such as the publication and support of the quantum-chemistry package ACES II MAB and the design and development of a computational environment optimized for coupled-cluster calculations. The main objective of this thesis was to extend the range of applicability of coupled-cluster models to larger molecular systems and their properties and therefore to bring large-scale coupled-cluster calculations into day-to-day routine of computational chemistry. A straightforward strategy for the parallelization of CCSD and CCSD(T) energies, gradients, and second derivatives has been outlined and implemented for closed-shell and open-shell references. Starting from the highly efficient serial implementation of the ACES II MAB computer code an adaptation for affordable workstation clusters has been obtained by parallelizing the most time-consuming steps of the algorithms. Benchmark calculations for systems with up to 1300 basis functions and the presented applications show that the resulting algorithm for energies, gradients and second derivatives at the CCSD and CCSD(T) level of theory exhibits good scaling with the number of processors and substantially extends the range of applicability. Within the framework of the ’High accuracy Extrapolated Ab initio Thermochemistry’ (HEAT) protocols effects of increased basis-set size and higher excitations in the coupled- cluster expansion were investigated. The HEAT scheme was generalized for molecules containing second-row atoms in the case of vinyl chloride. This allowed the different experimental reported values to be discriminated. In the case of the benzene molecule it was shown that even for molecules of this size chemical accuracy can be achieved. Near-quantitative agreement with experiment (about 2 ppm deviation) for the prediction of fluorine-19 nuclear magnetic shielding constants can be achieved by employing the CCSD(T) model together with large basis sets at accurate equilibrium geometries if vibrational averaging and temperature corrections via second-order vibrational perturbation theory are considered. Applying a very similar level of theory for the calculation of the carbon-13 NMR chemical shifts of benzene resulted in quantitative agreement with experimental gas-phase data. The NMR chemical shift study for the bridgehead 1-adamantyl cation at the CCSD(T) level resolved earlier discrepancies of lower-level theoretical treatment. The equilibrium structure of diacetylene has been determined based on the combination of experimental rotational constants of thirteen isotopic species and zero-point vibrational corrections calculated at various quantum-chemical levels. These empirical equilibrium structures agree to within 0.1 pm irrespective of the theoretical level employed. High-level quantum-chemical calculations on the hyperfine structure parameters of the cyanopolyynes were found to be in excellent agreement with experiment. Finally, the theoretically most accurate determination of the molecular equilibrium structure of ferrocene to date is presented.
Back Row: Thomas L. McKean, Clark J. Sutherland, Tom Chadbourne, David Trainer, Horace Prettyman, David McMoran
3rd Row: Sam Sherman, Lawrence Grosh, Capt. William C. Malley, mngr. George Codd, James E. Duffy
2nd Row: George Jewett
Front Row: George Dygert, George Holden, Roger Sherman
Back Row: Thomas L. McKean, Clark J. Sutherland, Tom Chadbourne, David Trainer, Horace Prettyman, David McMoran
3rd Row: Sam Sherman, Lawrence Grosh, Capt. William .C. Malley, mngr. George Codd, James E.. Duffy
2nd Row: George Jewett,
Front Row: George Dygert, George Jewett, George Holden, Roger Sherman
Back Row: Dick Lindenfeld, Frank Gusich, Robert Rosema, Mike Smith, William Ross, Dennis Connell, Scott Hulke, Tom Alexander, ?, Jim Schmitz
8th Row: Ed Woolley, Tom Huiskens, Paul Seymour, Reggie McKenzie, Donald Shaw, Jim Brandstatter, Mike Oldham, Fred Grambau, Tom Beckman
7th Row: Guy Murdock, Fritz Seyferth, Bruce Elliott, Allen Carpenter, Mike Keller, Dave Zuccarelli, Dana Coin, Preston Henry, George Mans
6th Row: Michael Taylor, Tom Darden, Tom Nieman, John Wolff, Gerald Dutcher, Ed Baldwin, Glen Doughty, William Taylor, Louie Lee*
5th Row: Bill Berutti, Thomas Takach, Lance Scheffler, Dick McCoy, Pete Newell, Dan Parks, Bill Harris, Greg Harrison, Jim Young*
4th Row: George Zuganelis, Paul Staroba, Jim Betts, Jack Harpring, Marty Huff, Ed Moore, Don Moorehead,Tim Killian, Frank Maloney*,
3rd Row: Henry Hill, Robert Ritley, Joe Lukz, Timothy Wadhams, Richard Brown, Eric Federico, Mark Werner, Dan Dierdorf, Robert White, Chuck Stobart*
2nd Row: Jerry Hanlon*, Dick Hunter*, Gary Moeller*, Larry Smith* Morris Abrahams, Jerry Imsland, Joe Jones, Barry Pierson, Richard Caldarazzo, Al Francis, Peter Sarantos, Werner Hall, Mike Hankwitz, coach Bo Schembechler
Front Row: Phil Seymour, Frank Titas, Bob Baumgartner, Tom Curtis, captain Jim Mandich, Brian Healey, John Gabler, Garvie Craw, Cecil Pryor
* = assistant coaches
Back Row: Trainer Mike Willie, Assistant coaches Frank Maloney, Jerry Hanlon, George Mans, Tirrel Burton, Gary Moeller, Dick Hunter, Chuck Stobart, Jim Young, Larry Smith, Manager Neil Hiller, Head Trainer Lindsy McLean
5th Row: Tom Ferchau, John Pighee, Greg Ellis, Bob Mogulich, Tony Smith, Tom Poplawski, Mark Duffy, Bill Moran, Bill Haslett, Don Eaton, Carroll Damron, Bob Swan, Coach Bo Schembechler
4th Row: Bill Ross, Gary Coakley, Bob Rosema, Mike Smith, John Cilluffo, Randy Logan, Tom Kee, Bill Hart, Tom Coyle, Jack McBride, Jerry Schumacher, Jim Coode, Bo Rather, John Daniels
3rd Row: Frank Gusich, Bruce Elliott, Butch Carpenter, Tom Beckman, Mike Oldham, Reggie McKenzie, Fritz Seyferth, Dana Coin, Tom Huiskens, Jim Brandstatter, Dave Zuccarelli, Preston Henry, Paul Seymour, Scott Hulke
2nd Row: Greg Harrison, Bill Berutti, Ed Baldwin, Tom Nieman, Lance Scheffler, Jerry Dutcher, Fred Grambau, Tom Darden, Glenn Doughty, Guy Murdock, Mike Keller, Bill Taylor, Mike Taylor, John Wolff
Front Row: Marty Huff, Pete Newell, Ed Moore, Dan Dierdorf, Tim Killian, Jack Harpring, Co-captain Henry Hill, Co-captain Don Moorhead, Paul Staroba, Werner Hall, Dick McCoy, Bill Harris, Phil Seymour, Jim Betts.
Back Row: Jim Young, Ron Sydlowski, Dave Brandon, John Thomas, Jon Cederberg, Jovan Vercel, Jon Cherry, Lonnie Taylor, Mike Holmes, Howard Staveran, Jim Lyall, Jim Johnston, Chuck Stobart
7th Row: Art Fediuk, Walt Sexton, Kevin Masterson, Bill Moran, Gary Hainrihar, Walt Williamson, Jim Armour, Barry Dotzauer, Don Warner, Larry Johnson
6th Row: Gary Moeller, Larry Gustafson, Harry Banks, Dave Elliott, Tom Drake, Don Coleman, Paul Seal, Greg Koss, Doug Trozak, Clint Haslerig, Craig Mutch, Larry Smith
5th Row: Curtis Tucker, Geoff Steger, Mike Hoban, Mark Duffy, Dave Gallagher, Ed Shuttlesworth, Bob Thornbladh, Al West, Tom Slade, Kevin Casey, George Mans
4th Row: Jerry Hanlon, John Pighee John Middlebrook, Jim Coode, Randy Logan, Gary Coakley, Larry Cipa, Jack McBride, Tom Poplawski, Tony Smith, Alan Walker, manager Chuck Quebbeman
3rd Row: Don Eaton, Bob Rosema, Scott Hulke, Tom Kee, Bill Hart, Jerry Schumacher, Tom Coyle, David (Bo) Rather, Greg Ellis, Clint Spearman
2nd Row: Dick Hunter, Fred Grambau, Reggie McKenzie, Tom Beckman, Fritz Seyferth, Mike Taylor, Alden Carpenter, Jim Brandstatter, Mike Keller, Paul Seymour, coach Bo Schembechler
Front Row: Guy Murdock, Glen Doughty, Tom Darden, Dana Coin, Bill Taylor, Bruce Elliott, Frank Gusich, Mike Oldham, Dave Zuccharelli
Back Row: Steve King, Ed Pollister, Ed Wojtys, Mike Lantry, Jeff Spahn, Carl Russ, Kurt Kampe, Mark Jacoby, Tom Jenson
8th Row: Rick VanTongeren, Rick Jekel, Glenn Franklin, Lin Hardin, Dennis Franks, Bill Hoban, Roy Burks, Dave Metz, Mark McClain
7th Row: Dave Brown, Dennis Franklin, Gil Chapman, Jeff Perlinger, C.J. Kupec, Greg DenBoer, Steve Strinko, Chuck Heater, Pat Tumpane
6th Row: Norm Long, John Carpenter, Larry Banks, Kevin Masterson, Jim Lyall, Doug McKenzie, Jim Johnston, James Armour, John Thomas
5th Row: Jon Cederberg, Dave Brandon, Mike Day, Art Fediuk,John Cherry, Greg Koss, Don Warner, Ron Szydlowski,
4th Row: Larry Johnson, Walt Sexton, Craig Mutch, Gary Hainrihar, Doug Trozak, Walt Williamson, Don Coleman, Jovan Vercel, Barry Dotzbauer
3rd Row: Dave Elliott, Tom Slade, Harry Banks, Kevin Casey, Mike Hoban, Paul Seal, Dave Gallalgher, Ed Shuttlesworth, Bob Thornbladh, Tom Drake, Larry Gustafson
2nd Row: John Pighee, Jerry Schumacher, Tom Kee, Tom Coyle, Fred Grambau, Paul Seymour, Clint Spearman, Bill Hart, Greg Ellis, Tony Smith, Clint Haslerig
Front Row: Tom Poplawski, Larry Cipa, John Daniels, Don Eaton, Dave Zucarelli, Gary Coakley, Randy Logan, David (Bo) Rather, Alan Walker, Jim Coode
Back Row: Phil Andrews, Jerry Vogele, Pete Traber, Jim Smith, Rick White, Steve Anderson, Jerry Szara, Mark Elzinga, Rich McAuliffe, Jerry Zuver, Steve Graves, Jim Hackett, Jack Heffernan, Eric Phelps Roger Szafranski
7th Row: Dave Devich, Al Wheeler, Mike Coyne, Jerry Collins, Jack Fairbanks, Pete Paras, Phil Brumbaugh, Jim White, Greg Boik, Gary Zolciak, Jim Hall, John Hennessy, Jim Bolden, Bob Lytle, Bob Furgerson
6th Row: Dan Jilek, Rich Kaminski, Kirk Lewis, Greg Morton, Mike Holmes, Chuck Randolph, Greg Strinko, Les Miles, Frank Moore, Jay Rau, Jim Czirr, Mike Strabley, Matt Caputo, Rick Koschalk, Darrell Truitt
5th Row: Dave Whiteford, Gordon Bell, Tim Davis, Keith Johnson, Calvin O'Neal, Tom Jensen, Bill Hoban, Steve King, Mike Lantry, George Przygodski, Craig McMullen, Don Dufek, Eduardo Gonzalez, Bob Wood, Bill Heneveld
4th Row: Senior manager Jim Bueter, Kurt Kampe, Glenn Franklin, Pat Tumpane, Jeff Perlinger, Dennis Franks, Dave Metz, Steve Strinko, Greg DenBoer, Chuck Heater, Dave Brown, Norm Long, Ed Pollister, Mark Jacoby, Jeff Spahn, Rob Dudzik, John Ceddia, assistant coach Jack Harbaugh
3rd Row: Assistant coach George Mans, assistant coach Gary Moeller, Doug MacKenzie, Larry Banks, Dave Brandon, Carl Russ, Art Fediuk, Jim Armour, John Cherry, Jim Lyall, Mike Day, John Thomas, Jovan Vercel, Gil Chapman, Roy Burks, Dennis Franklin, Bob Lang, assistant coach Elliot Uzelac
2nd Row: Assistant coach Tirrel Burton, assistant coach Frank Maloney, Bob Thornbladh, Doug Troszak, Don Eaton, Larry Cipa, Don Coleman, Ed Shuttlesworth, Dave Gallagher, Paul Seal, Jim Coode, Mike Hoban, Curtis Tucker, Walt Williamson, Gary Hainrihar, Larry Johnson, Head Coach Bo Schembechler, assistant coach Chuck Stobart
Front Row: Assistant coach Jerry Hanlon, Ron Szydlowski, Dave Elliott, Geoff Steger, Greg Koss, Tom Slade, Harry Banks, Clint Haslerig, Larry Gustafson, Barry Dotzauer, Don Warner, Tom Drake, Craig Mutch, Kevin Casey, Jon Cederberg, assistant coach Dennis Brown