965 resultados para 337.173


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Este manual constituye una pieza indispensable para las compañías que deseen realizar negocios con Estados Unidos, ya sea a través de la constitución de una sociedad en ese país o realizando actividades de exportación. El documento analiza la regulación doméstica norteamericana, y es ahí donde radica su principal fortaleza. El empresario que desea entrar al mercado del norte cuenta con abundante información sobre temas tales como la regulación de su propio país en temas de exportaciones, logística, aduanas, etc. Igualmente, existen programas que ayudan a las compañías a analizar su capacidad exportadora y los mercados potenciales a los que podrían acceder en Estados Unidos. Este libro responde a ese interrogante ofreciendo al lector una visión detallada y profunda sobre temas tales como las limitaciones constitucionales a la inversión extranjera; el funcionamiento interno de los acuerdos comerciales; el régimen de impuestos y la inversión extranjera; los aspectos tributarios de la compra total o parcial de empresas americanas; la ley penal y la inversión extranjera; el régimen para extranjeros en la compra y explotación de finca raíz; la ley antimonopolios y la ley de inmigración, entre otros.


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The decision of Chesterman J in Cross v Queensland Rugby Football Union Ltd [2001] QSC 173 (Supreme Court of Queensland, No 3426 of 1997), Chesterman J, 30.5.2001) opens the possibilities for delivering interrogatories, particularly in the context of interrogatories relating to an opponent's version of events.


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We measure hyperfine structure in the metastable P-3(2) state of Yb-173 and extract the nuclear magnetic octupole moment. We populate the state using dipole-allowed transitions through the P-3(1) and S-3(1) states. We measure frequencies of hyperfine transitions of the P-3(2) -> S-3(1) line at 770 nm using a Rb-stabilized ring cavity resonator with a precision of 200 kHz. Second-order corrections due to perturbations from the nearby P-3(1) and P-1(1) states are below 30 kHz. We obtain the hyperfine coefficients as A = -742.11(2) MHz and B = 1339.2(2) MHz, which represent a two orders-of-magnitude improvement in precision, and C = 0.54(2) MHz. From atomic structure calculations, we obtain the nuclear moments quadrupole Q = 2.46(12) b and octupole Omega = -34.4(21) b x mu(N). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.87.012512


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Contenido: Naturaleza del conocimiento humano : el significado de la abstracción en Santo Tomás (III) / Octavio Nicolás Derisi – La certeza de la evolución (Reflexiones crítico-filosóficas) / Federico Mihura Seeber – Etienne Gilson ante las falsas interpretaciones del pensamiento de Santo Tomás de Aquino / Pedro J. Moya Obradors – Diferencias en la compresión medioeval del De divinis nominibus de Dionisio Areopagita / Ignacio E. M. Andereggen – Deus, causa sui en Descartes / Javier Fernández Aguado – Notas y comentarios -- Bibliografía


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XII - Recursos Minerais, Hídricos e Energéticos.


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Os constituintes se preparam para a votação do projeto da Constituinte. A Mesa se reuniu para decidir os detalhes da votação do projeto, que serão votados pelo painel eletrônico. Haverá uma sessão que vai decidir as mudanças do regimento da Constituinte, com base em acordos e negociações com o grupo Centrão. O presidente Ulysses pede que sejam evitados os confrontos.


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Eudiaptomus vulgaris Schmeil is the most abundant copepod in Lake Maggiore and forms also, in respect to other entomostraca, the most important element, through its average biomass and because it is fairly numerous throughout the year. Plankton samples collected in a systematic and quantitative way, gave the opportunity to study some aspects of the dynamics of the population of this copepod, in safety in view of the uncertainty which in this kind of study can ensue when samples are taken only at a single station - in consequence of the changes in size of population between different water masses. The results of the biometrical observations are of the population of Eudiaptomus vulgaris is presented.


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This partial translation of a larger paper provides taxonomic descriptions of 5 fungal zoospores species: Olpidium vampyrellae, 0. pseudosporearum, 0. leptophrydis, Rhizophidium leptophrydis and Chytridium lateoperculatum.


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The most important aim of this study lay in filling in the great gap in our knowledge of the processes of germination in the Ceratium cyst and the early developmental stages in the standing stock of Ceratium hirundinella. contained rich cysts, we now succeeded extraordinarily well in pursuing the consistent development of Ceratium from the cyst to the completed cell. A series of experiments were carried out on the cysts and the juvenile stages of Ceratium, which showed very interesting results. The author presents in a general descriptive part the normal processes of germination in Ceratium cysts and the development of the juvenile stages in order to show in an experimental part the changes in form of C. hirundinella under the influence of temperature, light and varying salinities.


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This abbreviated translation summarises the chemical composition of Iraq water resources. Among the described water bodies are the River Euphrates, Shatt al Arab River and a number of standing waters.


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The surface reconstruction on Si(337) at room temperature has been studied by low energy electron diffraction (LEED). It has been found that: (I) the Si(337) gave a clear LEED pattern which indicates the existence of another high index stable surface besides Si(113); (II) in addition to a strong Si(337)-(1 X 1), we observed for the first time a (2 X 1) LEED pattern indicating a surface reconstruction along the [1(1) over bar0$] direction; (III) a surface model has been proposed for the observed Si(337)-(2 X 1) structure.


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