949 resultados para 333.332


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El precio de la tierra en Colombia ha sido cuestionado durante mucho tiempo principalmente por las compras que el estado ha venido realizando durante los últimos años. Como es sabido, el estado ha sido de los pocos compradores sino el único de terrenos en Colombia durante este tiempo, para dar paso a sus programas y proyectos enmarcados principalmente dentro de la Reforma Agraria, dentro de los cuales se han hecho cuestionamientos del valor de adquisición de los terrenos


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"27 November 1945."


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Incluye cuatro tipos de índices que facilitan la búsqueda de los artículos incluidos en los números 330 a 332. Estos índices agrupan los artículos por las notaciones de la Clasificación Decimal Universal (CDU) y por orden alfabético de autores, títulos y descriptores.


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Black et al. (2004) identified a systematic difference between LA–ICP–MS and TIMS measurements of 206Pb/238U in zircons, which they correlated with the incompatible trace element content of the zircon. We show that the offset between the LA–ICP–MS and TIMS measured 206Pb/238U correlates more strongly with the total radiogenic Pb than with any incompatible trace element. This suggests that the cause of the 206Pb/238U offset is related to differences in the radiation damage (alpha dose) between the reference and unknowns. We test this hypothesis in two ways. First, we show that there is a strong correlation between the difference in the LA–ICP–MS and TIMS measured 206Pb/238U and the difference in the alpha dose received by unknown and reference zircons. The LA–ICP–MS ages for the zircons we have dated can be as much as 5.1% younger than their TIMS age to 2.1% older, depending on whether the unknown or reference received the higher alpha dose. Second, we show that by annealing both reference and unknown zircons at 850 °C for 48 h in air we can eliminate the alpha-dose-induced differences in measured 206Pb/238U. This was achieved by analyzing six reference zircons a minimum of 16 times in two round robin experiments: the first consisting of unannealed zircons and the second of annealed grains. The maximum offset between the LA–ICP–MS and TIMS measured 206Pb/238U for the unannealed zircons was 2.3%, which reduced to 0.5% for the annealed grains, as predicted by within-session precision based on counting statistics. Annealing unknown zircons and references to the same state prior to analysis holds the promise of reducing the 3% external error for the measurement of 206Pb/238U of zircon by LA–ICP–MS, indicated by Klötzli et al. (2009), to better than 1%, but more analyses of annealed zircons by other laboratories are required to evaluate the true potential of the annealing method.


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Therapeutic options aimed at confronting the HIV pandemic face many obstacles. Current opinion on HIV-induced pathogenic immune activation and strategies aimed at eliminating HIV, including a potential role for non-neutralising antibodies as part of a therapeutic vaccine option, was elegantly reviewed by Martin Cadogan and Angus Dalgleish. 1 It is important to note that, for eliciting such antibody responses in patients, functionally fit antigen presenting cells and effector T and B cells are cruc.


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It is shown that at most, n + 3 tests are required to detect any single stuck-at fault in an AND gate or a single faulty EXCLUSIVE OR (EOR) gate in a Reed-Muller canonical form realization of a switching function.


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We present observations of the C270alpha carbon recombination line, 21 cm neutral hydrogen line and (CO)-C-12 (J = 1 --> 0) molecular line toward Cas A. A comparison of the distribution of recombination line optical depths over the face of Cas A with that of H I optical depths and molecular line emission favors the association of C270alpha regions with H I rather than molecular clouds. The association makes it possible to self-consistently determine several physical parameters of the clouds by combining the recombination line and 21 cm H I measurements.


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Mulheres de todo o país avaliam o projeto de Constituição, e consideram que ainda há muito que conquistar. Contudo, a Coordenadora da Comissão, Maria A. Schumaher destaca os avanços obtidos pelas mulheres como a licença-maternidade de 120 (cento e vinte) dias, creche para crianças de 0 a 6 anos, a livre decisão do casal do número de filhos, o direito de amamentar adquirido pelas presidiárias e a discriminação por sexo, considerada crime inafiançável. A Presidente do Conselho da Mulher, Jaqueline Pitanguy, espera que o Plenário acate a proposta de que a família no Brasil é constituída também pela união estável, e assegure a plena igualdade de direitos e deveres entre os cônjuges. A representante do Movimento Mulher/BA, Maria Lina Silva, solicita a todo cidadão que cobrem dos parlamentares a efetivação das conquistas alcançadas. Adiada a votação do substitutivo que muda o regimento da Constituinte. Os líderes tentam chegar a um acordo para evitar o confronto dos grupos no plenário. O Deputado José Maria Eymael (PDC-SP) afirma que o momento é de entendimento, que atenda aos anseios de toda sociedade representada na Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC). O Senador Fernando Henrique Cardoso (PMDB-SP) declara que após o Centrão atender ao seu pedido de adiamento da sessão, será realizado um trabalho de aprovação de medidas do regimento que viabilize uma votação mais célere e expresse realmente a vontade de todos. Segundo Roberto Cardoso Alves (PMDB-SP), o presidente Ulysses Guimarães, declarou ao conhecer alguns dos pontos críticos do Centrão, que muitos desses pontos também são considerados críticos pela esquerda, e isso facilitará um entendimento. O Deputado José Costa (PMDB-AL) considera fundamental a constatação que nenhum grupo tem 280(duzentos e oitenta) votos para decidir qualquer matéria Constitucional, então, será através da negociação que será elaborada a Constituição, equacionando temas como reforma agrária, reforma tributária e sistema de governo. A executiva do PFL se reuniu para traçar diretrizes. O vice-presidente do partido Eraldo Tinoco (PFL-BA) ficou encarregado de discutir com todos os parlamentares do PFL, para que o partido fixe posição sobre os pontos polêmicos do projeto de Constituição, como o sistema de governo. Discutiu-se também o substitutivo do Centrão que altera o regimento da Constituinte. O presidente do partido, o Senador Marco Maciel (PFL-PE) relata que assinou o documento do Centrão, mas não tinha conhecimento de outros objetivos do substitutivo além de mudar o regimento.


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Xanthoria parietina, common foliose lichen, growing in its natural habitat, was analysed for the concentration of five heavy metals (Fe, Cr, Zn, Pb and Cu) from different forest sites of North East of Morocco (Kenitra, Sidi Boughaba, Mkhinza, Ceinture Verte near Temara city, Skhirate, Bouznika and Mohammedia). The quantification was carried out by inductively coupled plasma - atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Results were highly significant p<0,001. The concentration of metals is correlated with the vehicular activity and urbanization. The total metal concentration is highest at the Kenitra area, followed by Ceinture Verte site near Temara city, which experience heavy traffic throughout the year. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of particulate matter on lichen of Xanthoria parietina was assessed as a complementary technique to wet chemical analysis for source apportionment of airborne contaminant. Analysis revealed high level of Cu, Cr, Zn and Pb in samples near roads.