779 resultados para 321102 Clinical Nursing - Primary (Preventative)


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The overall goal of this study was to support evidence based clinical nursing regarding patient seclusion and restraint practices. This was done by ensuring professional competence through innovative learning methods. The data were collected in three phases between March 2007 and May 2009 on acute psychiatric wards. Firstly, psychiatric inpatients’ experiences and suggestions for seclusion and restraint practices were explored (n=30). Secondly, nursing and medical personnel’s perceptions of seclusion and restraint practices were explored (n=27). Thirdly, the impacts of a continuing vocational eLearning course on nurses’ professional competence was evaluated (n=158). Patients’ perspectives received insufficient attention during the seclusion and restraint process. Improvements and alternatives to seclusion and restraint as suggested by the patients focused on essential parts of clinical nursing, but were not extensively adopted. Also nursing and medical personnel thought that patients’ subjective perspective received little attention. Personnel proposed a number of alternatives to seclusion and restraint, and they expressed a need for education and support to adopt these in clinical nursing. Evaluation of impacts of eLearning course on nurses’ professional competence showed no statistical differences between an eLearning group and an education-as-usual group. This dissertation provides evidence based knowledge about the realization of seclusion and restraint practices and the impacts of eLearning course on nurses’ professional competence in psychiatric hospitals. In order to improve clinical nursing the patient perspective must be accentuated. To ensure personnel’s professional competence, there is a need for written clinical guidelines, education and support. Continuing vocational education should bring together written clinical guidelines, ethical and legal issues and the support for personnel. To achieve the ambitious goal of such integration, achievable and affordable educational programmes are required. This, in turn, yields a call for innovative learning methods.


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This was a study designed to identify and explore the assumptions that Registered Nurses have about their current nursing role and practice. A qualitative case study approach was used to gather descriptive data. Thirteen study participants completed the indicators of critical thinking exercise and participated in a group session in which they identified positive and negative critical incidents in their clinical practice. The analysis of the anecdotes that were generated from the critical incident exercises revealed ten assumptions held by the Registered Nurses about their nursing practice. The ten assumptions were reflected back to the study participants to determine their level of agreement with each assumption. The ten assumptions were supported by the majority of the respondents. The Registered Nurses in this study appraised themselves affirmatively on eight out of nine indicators of critical thinking.


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This qualitative, exploratory, descriptive study was performed with the objective of understanding the perception of the nurses working in medical-surgical units of a university hospital, regarding the strategies developed to perform a pilot test of the PROCEnf-USP electronic system, with the purpose of computerizing clinical nursing documentation. Eleven nurses of a theoretical-practical training program were interviewed and the obtained data were analyzed using the Content Analysis Technique. The following categories were discussed based on the references of participative management and planned changes: favorable aspects for the implementation; unfavorable aspects for the implementation; and expectations regarding the implementation. According to the nurses' perceptions, the preliminary use of the electronic system allowed them to show their potential and to propose improvements, encouraging them to become partners of the group manager in the dissemination to other nurses of the institution.


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In many Anglo-Saxon and North European countries nursing research agendas have been developed to address priorities in nursing research in accordance with a nationally defined health policy. In Switzerland, due to lack of a nationwide governmental health policy, co-ordination of nursing research so far was scarce. The "Swiss Research Agenda for Nursing (SRAN)" project developed an agenda for clinical nursing research between 2005 and 2007. Based on literature reviews, expert panels and a national survey a project team formulated an agenda which passed a consensus conference. The agenda recommends aspects that should lead research and defines seven research priorities for nursing in Switzerland for the time between 2007 and 2017. Nursing research should prioritize to investigate 1) the effectiveness of nursing interventions; 2) the influences of service adaptations in a changing health care system; 3) the phenomena in patients requiring nursing care; 4) the influence of the work environment on the quality of nursing care; 5) the functioning of family and social systems; 6) varieties of life circumstances and their integration; and 7) the implementation of ethical principles in nursing. Written in German and French, the Swiss Research Agenda for Nursing for the first time formulates priorities for nursing research in Switzerland and can be used for strategic discussions. As a next step, the development of an action plan to enhance nursing research will take place in Switzerland.


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Kohonneen verenpaineen hoitosuosituksen käyttöönottosuomen perusterveydenhiollon hoitotyössä Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tuottaa suosituksia näyttöön perustuvien Käypä hoito -suositusten käytön edistämiseksi perusterveydenhuollon hoitotyössä. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa arvioitiin Kohonneen verenpaineen hoitosuosituksen käyttöönottoa terveyskeskuksissa. Toisessa vaiheessa selvitettiin hoitajien hoitosuositusasenteita ja kokemuksia hoitosuosituksen käyttöönotosta. Kolmannessa vaiheessa selvitettiin hoitohenkilöstön näkemyksiä hoitosuosituksen käyttöä edistävistä tekijöistä. Kohonneen verenpaineen hoitosuositus oli ylilääkäreiden ja ylihoitajien mukaan otettu käyttöön lähes kaikissa terveyskeskuksissa, mutta heidän näkemyksensä suositusten käyttöönottoa koskevista terveyskeskuksissa tehdyistä sopimuksista erosivat toisistaan monilta osin. Myös käyttöönoton toteutuksessa oli suurta vaihtelua terveyskeskusten välillä. Toteutustavan perusteella ääripäissä sijaitsevat terveyskeskukset luokiteltiin yksittäisin ja monin keinoin käyttöönottoa tukeneiksi. Hoitajien hoitosuositusasenteet olivat hyvin myönteisiä ja hoitosuosituksia pidettiin luotettavina tiedonlähteinä, ja niiden uskottiin parantavan hoidon laatua. Hoitosuositusten paikallinen soveltaminen sekä johdon ja lääkäreiden tuki olivat hoitajien mielestä keskeisiä käyttöönotossa, vaikkakin tulosten mukaan kaikki käytetyt keinot olivat yhteydessä positiivisempiin hoitosuositusasenteisiin sekä aktiivisempaan hoitajien itsensä ilmaisemaan hoitosuositusten käyttöön. Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että Käypä Hoito -suositukset on hyväksytty osaksi kliinistä hoitotyön käytäntöä. Niiden käytön tehostamiseksi tulisi kiinnittää huomiota suositusten paikalliseen soveltamiseen ja eri ammattiryhmien tehtäväkuvien määrittelyyn. Tähän tarvitaan terveyskeskusten johdon ja lääkäreiden selkeää tukea.


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Abstract OBJECTIVE To relate the managerial competencies required of nurses with the process of change experienced in the expansion of the Family Health Strategy (FHS). METHOD A qualitative research conducted in primary health care in a southern Brazilian city, through interviews with 32 managerial and clinical nurses. The interviews were processed by IRAMUTEQ software. The resulting classes were examined under five managerial competencies to promote change. RESULTS The four classes obtained from data were: the Family Health Strategy expansion process; confrontations and potentialities; mobilization for the change; innovations in medical and nursing consultations. The classes were related to one or more competencies. CONCLUSION The expansion of the Family Health Strategy requires managerial competencies of implementing and sustaining change, negotiating agreements and commitments, using power and influence ethically and effectively, sponsoring and selling new ideas, and encouraging and promoting innovation.


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The potential of formative assessment (FA) for informing learning in classroom-based nursing courses is clearly established in the literature; however, research on FA in clinical courses remains scarce. This inquiry explored the lived experience of nursing students using transcendental phenomenology and described the phenomenon of being assessed in clinical courses. The research question guiding the study was: How is the phenomenon of assessment experienced by nursing students when FA is formally embedded in clinical courses? Inherent in this question were the following issues: (a) the meaning of clinical experiences for nursing students, (b) the meaning of being assessed through FA, and (c) what it is like to be assessed when FA is formally embedded within clinical experiences. The noematic themes that illuminated the whatness of the participants’ experience were (a) enabled cognitive activity, (b) useful feedback, (c) freedom to be, (d) enhanced focus, (e) stress moderator, and (f) respectful mentorship. The noetic themes associated with how the phenomenon was experienced were related to bodyhood, temporality, spatiality, and relationship to others. The results suggest a fundamental paradigm shift from traditional nursing education to a more pervasive integration of FA in clinical courses so that students have time to learn before being graded on their practice. Furthermore, this inquiry and the literature consulted provide evidence that using cognitive science theory to inform and reform clinical nursing education is a timely option to address the repeated calls from nursing leaders to modernize nursing education. This inquiry contributes to reduce our reliance on assumptions derived from research on FA in nursing classrooms and provides evidence based on the reality of using formative assessment in clinical courses. Recommendations for future research are presented.


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Background: Population monitoring has been introduced in UK primary schools in an effort to track the growing obesity epidemic. It has been argued that parents should be informed of their child's results, but is there evidence that moving from monitoring to screening would be effective? We describe what is known about the effectiveness of monitoring and screening for overweight and obesity in primary school children and highlight areas where evidence is lacking and research should be prioritised. Design: Systematic review with discussion of evidence gaps and future research. Data sources: Published and unpublished studies ( any language) from electronic databases ( inception to July 2005), clinical experts, Primary Care Trusts and Strategic Health Authorities, and reference lists of retrieved studies. Review methods: We included any study that evaluated measures of overweight and obesity as part of a population-level assessment and excluded studies whose primary outcome measure was prevalence. Results: There were no trials assessing the effectiveness of monitoring or screening for overweight and obesity. Studies focussed on the diagnostic accuracy of measurements. Information on the attitudes of children, parents and health professionals to monitoring was extremely sparse. Conclusions: Our review found a lack of data on the potential impact of population monitoring or screening for obesity and more research is indicated. Identification of effective weight reduction strategies for children and clarification of the role of preventative measures are priorities. It is difficult to see how screening to identify individual children can be justified without effective interventions.


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Negotiation of complex collaboration and effective teamwork among health care providers is essential to patient safety and to quality of care. This study examined characteristics of nursing students and faculty influencing communication between them. Psychological type (Myers-Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) (Myers, McCaulley, Quenk, & Hammer, 1998) and explanatory style (Attributional Style Questionnaire) (ASQ) (Peterson et al., 1982) were compared for participating first year baccalaureate nursing students (N=286), and clinical nursing faculty (N=59) from both two- and four-year nursing programs. Modal student psychological type was ESFJ; modal faculty psychological type was ISTJ. The two groups demonstrated significant differences in processing information, and making decisions and judgments. Students were slightly more optimistic than faculty. Psychological type and level of optimism did not appear to correlate. Data from this pilot study provide an initial framework on which to base further research that could enhance the quality of teamwork among healthcare providers.


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To analyse the sensitivity and specificity of clinical indicators of ineffective airway clearance in children with congenital heart disease and to identify the indicators that have high predictive power. The precise establishment of nursing diagnoses has been found to be one of the factors contributing to higher quality of care and cost reduction in healthcare institutions. The use of indicators to diagnose ineffective airway clearance could improve care of children with congenital heart disease. Longitudinal study. Participants consisted of 45 children, <= 1 year of age, with congenital heart disease, who had not had definitive or palliative surgical correction. Six assessments were made at 2-day intervals. Each clinical indicator was defined based on previously established operational criteria. Sensitivity, specificity and positive and negative predictive values of each indicator were calculated based on a model for the longitudinal data. A nursing diagnosis of ineffective airway clearance was made in 31% of patients on the first assessment, rising to 71% on the last assessment, for a 40% increase. Sensitivity was highest for Changes in Respiratory Rates/Rhythms (0.99), followed by Adventitious Breath Sounds (0.97), Sputum Production (0.85) and Restlessness (0.53). Specificity was higher for Sputum Production (0.92), followed by Restlessness (0.73), Adventitious Breath Sounds (0.70) and Changes in Respiratory Rates/Rhythms (0.17). The best positive predictive values occurred for Sputum Production (0.93) and Adventitious Breath Sounds (0.80). Adventitious Breath Sounds followed by Sputum Production were the indicators that had the best overall sensitivity and specificity as well as the highest positive predictive values. The use of simple indicators in nursing diagnoses can improve identification of ineffective airway clearance in children with congenital heart disease, thus leading to early treatment of the problem and better care for these children.


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Objective: This investigation aimed to identify and analyze the general and specific competencies of nurses in the primary health care practice of Brazil. Design: The Delphi Technique was used as the method of study. Sample: 2 groups of participants were selected: One contained primary health care nurses (n=52) and the other specialists (n=57), including public health nurses and public or community health faculty. Measurements: 3 questionnaires were developed for the study. The first asked participants to indicate general and specific competencies, which were compiled into a list for each group. A Likert scale of 1-5 was added to these 2 lists in the second and third questionnaires. A consensus criterion of 75% for score 4 or 5 was adopted. Results: In the nurses` group, 17 general and 8 specific competencies reached the consensus criterion; 19 general and 9 specific competencies reached the criterion in the specialists` group. These competencies were classified into 10 domains: professional values, communication, teamwork, management, community-oriented, health promotion, problem solving, health care, and education and basic public health sciences. Conclusions: These competencies reflect Brazilian health policy and constitute a reference for health professional practice and education.


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Aims and objectives. To compare the clinical profile of patients included in a clinical trial of autologous bone marrow cells as an adjunctive therapy to coronary artery bypass grafting with that of patients undergoing routine coronary artery bypass grafting. Background. The therapeutic potential of autologous bone marrow cells has been explored in the treatment of severe coronary artery disease. There are few data regarding the clinical and socio-economic profile of patients included in clinical trials using bone marrow cell. Design. Case-control study. Method. Sixty-seven patients (61 SD 9) years, 82% men) with multivessel coronary artery disease were divided into two groups: patients in the bone marrow cell group (n = 34) underwent incomplete coronary artery bypass grafting + intramyocardial injection of autologous bone marrow cells (lymphomonocytic fraction -2.0 (SD 0.2 x 108) cells/patient) in the ischaemic, non-revascularised myocardium, whereas patients in the coronary artery bypass grafting group (n = 33) underwent routine bypass surgery. Demographics, socio-economic status, clinical and echocardiographic data were collected. Statistical analysis included the Fisher`s exact test (categorical variables) and the Student`s t-test (continuous variables). Results. There were no significant differences between groups regarding age, gender, BMI, heart rate, blood pressure and echo data. There was a greater prevalence of obesity (65 vs. 33%; OR = 3.7 [1.3-10.1]), of previous myocardial infarction (68 vs. 39%; OR = 3.2 [1.2-8.8]) and prior revascularisation procedures (59 vs. 24%; OR = 4.5 [1.6-12.7]) in the autologous bone marrow cells group and of smokers in the coronary artery bypass grafting group (51 vs. 23%; OR = 3.5 [1.2-10.4]). Conclusions. Patients included in this clinical trial of autologous bone marrow cells for severe coronary artery disease presented a greater prevalence of myocardial revascularisation procedures, indicating a more severe clinical presentation of the disease. Fewer smokers in this group could be attributable to life style changes after previous cardiovascular events and/or interventions. Relevance to clinical practice. The knowledge of the clinical profile of patients included in cell therapy trials may help researchers in the identification of patients that may be enroled in future clinical trials of this new therapeutic strategy.


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This study reports on a block clinical trial of two types of central venous catheters (CVCs): antiseptic-impregnated catheters (AIC) and non-impregnated catheters (non-AIC), on catheter tip colonization and bacteraemia. In total, 500 catheters were inserted in 390 patients over the 18 month study period, 260 (52.0%) AIC and 240 (48.0%) non-AIC. Of these, 460 (92.0%) tips (237 AIC and 223 non-AIC) were collected. While significantly fewer AIC, 14 (5.9%), than non-AIC, 30 (13.5%), catheters were colonized (P < 0.01), there was no difference in the rates of bacteraemias in the two groups (0.8% vs. 2.7%, respectively, P = 0.16). There were 6.87 (95% CI 3.38-14.26) and 16.92 (95% CI 10.61-27.12) colonized AIC and non-AIC catheters, respectively, per 1000 catheter days, a difference that was significant (P < 0.01). However, no difference emerged between bacteraemias in AIC and non-AIC catheters per 1000 catheter days measured at 0.98 (95% CI 0.24-5.54) and 3.38 (95% CI 1.29-9.34), respectively (P = 0.10). Of the 444 CVCs that were sited in the subclavian or jugular veins and had tips collected, significantly more catheters were colonized in the jugular group, 19 (20%), compared with the subclavian group, 24 (6.9%; P less than or equal to 0.01). Overall, the low rates of colonization and bacteraemia may be explained by the population studied, the policies used and the employment of a clinical nurse dedicated to CVC management. (C) 2003 The Hospital Infection Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.