1000 resultados para 320.15
Este trabalho objetiva a modelagem das curvas de extração características do processo de extração supercrítica do óleo essencial de alecrim (Rosmarinus officinallis l.), obtidas nas isotermas de 310,15 e 320,15 K nas pressões de 100, 120, 140 e 160 bar, e interpretar os parâmetros e a função objetivo com conceitos estatísticos. Utilizou-se na resolução das equações do modelo o método das diferenças finitas, na obtenção dos parâmetros utilizou-se o método da máxima verossimilhança. Os resultados simulados indicam que o modelo utilizado constitui-se numa ferramenta capaz de representar as curvas de extração do processo de extração supercrítica.
The chemical composition of surface associated metabolites of two Fucus species (Fucus vesiculosus and Fucus serratus) was analysed by means of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to describe temporal patterns in chemical surface composition. Method: The two perennial brown macroalgae F. vesiculosus and F. serratus were sampled monthly at Bülk, outer Kiel Fjord, Germany (54°27'21 N / 10°11'57 E) over an entire year (August 2012 - July 2013). Per month and species six non-fertile Fucus individuals were collected from mixed stands at a depth of 0.5 m under mid water level. For surface extraction approx. 50 g of the upper 5-10 cm apical thalli tips were cut off per species. The surface extraction of Fucus was performed according to the protocol of de Nys and co-workers (1998) with minor modifications (see Rickert et al. 2015). GC/EI-MS measurements were performed with a Waters GCT premier (Waters, Manchester, UK) coupled to an Agilent 6890N GC equipped with a DB-5 ms 30 m column (0.25 mm internal diameter, 0.25 mM film thickness, Agilent, USA). The inlet temperature was maintained at 250°C and samples were injected in split 10 mode. He carrier gas flow was adjusted to 1 ml min-1. Alkanes were used for referencing of retention times. For further details (GC-MS sample preparation and analysis) see the related publication (Rickert et al. submitted to PLOS ONE).
La presente disertación tiene como objetivo principal explicar las posturas de los juristas Hans Kelsen, Carl Schmitt y Hermann Heller frente a la erradicación o liquidación del dogma de la soberanía para la teoría del Estado y del Derecho. En este sentido, de manera ya más específica, se analizarán las críticas de Heller y Schmitt frente la liquidación de la soberanía realizada por Kelsen, defendiendo que sus críticas pueden ser aglutinadas en dos grandes dimensiones. La primera asociada al pensamiento de Heller y Schmitt quienes criticarán el método “puro” kelseniano, dado que desconoce, según su postura, la función decisoria del Estado y el contenido político de sus decisiones. La segunda, se asocia a las críticas al entroncamiento de la postura kelseniana y el liberalismo político expresado en su cosmopolitismo y su defensa del parlamentarismo. Para demostrar esta hipótesis el presente trabajo se enmarca dentro de un método hermenéutico y filosófico dada su interdisciplinariedad, acudiendo como fuentes primarias a los textos de los autores y como secundarias a los comentaristas especializados en el pensamiento jurídico y político de la república de Weimar como Leticia Vita, y Jerónimo Molina.
Infants (12 to 17 months) were taught 2 novel words for 2 images of novel objects, by pairing isolated auditory labels with to-be-associated images. Comprehension was tested using a preferential looking task in which the infant was presented with both images together with an isolated auditory label. The auditory label usually, but not always, matched one of the images. Infants looked preferentially at images that matched the auditory stimulus. The experiment controlled within-subjects for both side bias and preference for previously named items. Infants showed learning after 12 presentations of the new words. Evidence is presented that, in certain circumstances, the duration of longest look at a target may be a more robust measure of target preference than overall looking time. The experiment provides support for previous demonstrations of rapid word learning by pre-vocabulary spurt children, and offers some methodological improvements to the preferential looking task.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Climate change mitigation policy is driven by scientific knowledge and involves actors from the international, national and local decision-making levels. This multi-level and cross-sectoral context requires collaborative management when designing mitigation solutions over time and space. But collaboration in general policymaking settings, and particularly in the complex domain of climate mitigation, is not an easy task. This paper addresses the question of what drives collaboration among collective actors involved in climate mitigation policy. We wish to investigate whether common beliefs or power structures influence collaboration among actors. We adopt a longitudinal approach to grasp differences between the early and more advanced stages of mitigation policy design. We use survey data to investigate actors’ collaboration, beliefs and power, and apply a Stochastic Actor-oriented Model for network dynamics to three subsequent networks in Swiss climate policy between 1995 and 2012. Results show that common beliefs among actors, as well as formal power structures, have a higher impact on collaboration relations than perceived power structures. Furthermore, those effects hold true for decision-making about initial mitigation strategies, but less so for the implementation of those measures.
"Vernunft und Selbsterhaltung" (GS 5, S. 320-350) Aufsatz, datiert: Winter 1941/42; veröffentlicht als vervielfältigtes Typoskript in: "Walter Benjamin zum Gedächnis", herausgegeben vom Institut für Sozialforschung, Los Angeles, 1942, Seite 17-59; sowie in :"Politik, Wissenschaft, Erziehung. Festschrift für Ernst Schütte", Frankfurt, 1969, Seite 41-61; sowie als eigenständige Veröffentlichung: Frankfurt, 1970.; "Racket -Theorie". Auszug aus "Vernunft und Selbsterhaltung", Seite 34-37; "Notes on Reason and Selfpreservation". Brief an Paul Tillich. Pacific Palisades, 12.08.1942, Typoskript 6 Blatt;