999 resultados para 2016


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In this rejoinder to Iivari (2016), I discuss authors’ responsibilities in the process of ensuring quality reviews. I argue that one overlooked element in quality peer reviewing is authors’ unconstrained right to submit manuscripts in whatever form or quality they desire. As such, I suggest adding some constraints and offering more freedom to reviewers to maintain viability of the scholarly publication system. I offer three responses to Iivari’s suggestions and add two further suggestions for change.


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The Queensland (QLD) fishery for spanner crabs primarily lands live crab for export overseas, with gross landings valued around A$5 million per year. Quota setting rules are used to assess and adjust total allowable harvest (quota) around an agreed target harvest of 1631 t and capped at a maximum of 2000 t. The quota varies based on catch rate indicators from the commercial fishery and a fishery independent survey. Quota management applies only to ‘Managed Area A’ which includes waters between Rockhampton and the New South Wales (NSW) border. This report has been prepared to inform Fisheries Queensland (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries) and stakeholders of catch trends and the estimated quota of spanner crabs in Managed Area A for the forthcoming annual quota periods (1 June 2016–31 May 2018). The quota calculations followed the methodology developed by the crab fishery Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) between November 2007 and March 2008. The QLD total reported spanner crab harvest was 1170 t for the 2015 calendar year. In 2015, a total of 55 vessels were active in the QLD fishery, down from 262 vessels at the fishery’s peak activity in 1994. Recent spanner crab harvests from NSW waters average about 125 t per year, but fell to 80 t in 2014–2015. The spanner crab Managed Area A commercial standardised catch rate averaged 0.818 kg per net-lift in 2015, 22.5% below the target level of 1.043. Compared to 2014, mean catch rates in 2015 were marginally improved south of Fraser Island. The NSW–QLD survey catch rate in 2015 was 20.541 crabs per ground-line, 33% above the target level of 13.972. This represented an increase in survey catch rates of about four crabs per groundline, compared to the 2014 survey. The QLD spanner crab total allowable harvest (quota) was set at 1923 t in the 2012-13 and 2013-14 fishing years, 1777 t in 2014-15 and 1631 t in 2015-16. The results from the current analysis rules indicate that the quota for the next two fishing years be retained at the base quota of 1631 t.


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The Australian fishery for spanner crabs is the largest in the world, with the larger Queensland (QLD) sector’s landings primarily exported live overseas and GVP valued ~A$5 million per year. Spanner crabs are unique in that they may live up to 15 years, significantly more than blue swimmer crabs (Portunus armatus) and mud crabs (Scylla serrata), the two other important crab species caught in Queensland. Spanner crabs are caught using a flat net called a dilly, on which the crabs becoming entangled via the swimming legs. Quota setting rules are used to assess and adjust total allowable harvest (quota) around an agreed target harvest of 1631 t and capped at a maximum of 2000 t. The quota varies based on catch rate indicators from the commercial fishery and a fishery-independent survey from the previous two years, compared to target reference points. Quota management applies only to ‘Managed Area A’ which includes waters between Rockhampton and the New South Wales (NSW) border. This report has been prepared to inform Fisheries Queensland (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries) and stakeholders of catch trends and the estimated quota of spanner crabs in Managed Area A for the forthcoming quota period (1 June 2015–31 May 2016). The quota calculations followed the methodology developed by the crab fishery Scientific Advisory Group (SAG) between November 2007 and March 2008. The total reported spanner crab harvest was 917 t for the 2014 calendar year, almost all of which was taken from Managed Area A. In 2014, a total of 59 vessels were active in the QLD fishery, the lowest number since the peak in 1994 of 262 vessels. Recent spanner crab harvests from NSW waters have been about 125 t per year. The spanner crab Managed Area A commercial standardised catch rate averaged 0.739 kg per net-lift in 2014, 24% below the target level of 1.043. Mean catch rates declined in the commercial fishery in 2014, although the magnitude of the decreases was highest in the area north of Fraser Island. The NSW–QLD survey catch rate in 2014 was 16.849 crabs per ground-line, 22% above the target level of 13.972. This represented a decrease in survey catch rates of 0.366 crabs per ground-line, compared to the 2013 survey. The Queensland spanner crab total allowable harvest (quota) was set at 1923 t in 2012 and 2013. In 2014, the quota was calculated at the base level of 1631 t. However, given that the 2012 fisheryindependent survey was not undertaken for financial reasons, stakeholders proposed that the total allowable commercial catch (TACC) be decreased to 1777 t; a level that was halfway between the 2012/13 quota of 1923 t and the recommended base quota of 1631 t. The results from the current analysis indicate that the quota for the 2015-2016 financial year be decreased from 1777 t to the base quota of 1631 t.


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La presente investigación se llevó a cabo con el objetivo de analizar el ootencial de mercado del queso de cabra, en el distrito V Managua en el periodo 2012-2016. La investigación es de tipo descriptiva, en el cual se utilizó como instrumento un cuestionario y la técnica aplicada fue la encuesta dirigida a consumidores y entrevista a distribuidores de queso de cabra, se logró conocer la oferta y demanda actual y potencial de este producto, los datos obtenidos se procesaron en el programa estadístico SPSS V.22, la población que se tomó en cuenta fue de 136, 219 habitantes de distrito Nº 5 y la muestra fue seleccionada tomando un 95 % confianza y un 5% de error la muestra fue de 202 elementos se les aplico la encuesta y se lograron los siguientes resultados, 31 personas actualmente consumen este producto y las cantidades de queso de cabra más demandadas son en presentaciones de 70 gramos y 100 gramos, este producto es demandado principalmente por personas procedentes de otros países pero nacionalizados en Nicaragua o que han salido del país por un largo tiempo y se han adaptado a la cultura de acompañar sus comidas con queso de cabra los cuales compran este producto con una frecuencia que se comprende en forma quincenal y ocasional, para esta última le asign amos un periodo de tres meses. Esta información permite concluir que existe demanda del queso de cabra, pero poca oferta del queso de cabra en el distrito V Managua. Los canales de comercialización más usados son el canal nivel 0, y el canal nivel 1 esto se debe a se reducen costos al comercializar el producto. Se estimaron los márgenes de comercialización para las presentaciones de 70 gramos el productor obtiene el 29.6% de ganancias y para las presentaciones de 100 gramos se logra un 26.43% de ganancias del precio final pagado por el consumidor. El queso de cabra está dirigido a personas de alto poder adquisitivo debido a que este producto tiene alto precio y comúnmente se encuentra ofertado en supermercados y tiendas delicatesen, además estos consumidores asumieron la cultura de consumir, y pagan altos precios por el producto ya que la demanda es mucha, pero la oferta debido a muchos problemas en la comercialización y producción reduce la oferta.


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Report from the stakeholder forum which took place on 26 January 2016


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Este trabalho tem como finalidade analisar as receitas, despesas e patrimônio do FAT, tomando-se como parâmetro as informações contidas na Avaliação da Situação Financeira do Fundo de Amparo ao Trabalhador - FAT, encaminhada no último mês de abril pelo Poder Executivo ao Congresso Nacional. A avaliação compõe o projeto de lei de diretrizes orçamentárias para 2014. Apesar de parte dos valores apresentados na Avaliação estarem corrigidos pelo INPC até dezembro de 2012, para melhor entendimento e uniformização dos dados, todos os valores aqui registrados são nominais.


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In today’s changing research environment, RDM is important in all stages of research. The skills and know-how in RDM that researchers and research support staff need, should be nurtured all though their career. At the end of 2015, KE initiated a project to compare approaches in RDM training within the partnership’s five member countries. The project was structured around two strands of activity: In the last months of 2015 a survey was conducted to collect information on current practice around RDM training, in order to provide an overview of the RDM training landscape. In February 2016 a workshop was held to share successful approaches to RDM training and capacity building provided within institutions and by infrastructure. The report describes the outputs of both the analysis of the survey and the outcomes of the workshop. The document provides an evidence base and informed suggestions to help improve RDM training practices in KE partner countries and beyond.