998 resultados para 201-1231


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High-resolution analyses of the oxygen isotope ratio (18O/16O) of dissolved sulfate in pore waters have been made to depths of >400 meters below seafloor (mbsf) at open-ocean and upwelling sites in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. d18O values of dissolved sulfate (d18O-SO4) at the organic-poor open-ocean Site 1231 gave compositions close to modern seawater (+9.5 per mil vs. Vienna-standard mean ocean water, providing no chemical or isotopic evidence for microbial sulfate reduction (MSR). In contrast, the maximum d18O values at Sites 1225 and 1226, which contain higher organic matter contents, are +20 per mil and +28 per mil, respectively. Depth-correlative trends of increasing d18O-SO4, alkalinity, and ammonium and the presence of sulfide indicate significant oxidation of sedimentary organic matter by sulfate-reducing microbial populations at these sites. Although sulfate concentration profiles at Sites 1225 and 1231 both show similarly flat trends without significant net MSR, d18O-SO4 values at Site 1225 reveal the presence of significant microbial sulfur-cycling activity, which contrasts to Site 1231. This activity may include contributions from several processes, including enzyme-catalyzed equilibration between oxygen in sulfate and water superimposed upon bacterial sulfate reduction, which would tend to shift d18O-SO4 toward higher values than MSR alone, and sulfide oxidation, possibly coupled to reduction of Fe and Mn oxides and/or bacterial disproportionation of sulfur intermediates. Large isotope enrichment factors observed at Sites 1225 and 1226 (epsilon values between 42 per mil and 79 per mil) likely reflect concurrent processes of kinetic isotope fractionation, equilibrium fractionation between sulfate and water, and sulfide oxidation at low rates of sulfate reduction. The oxygen isotope ratio of dissolved pore water sulfate is a powerful tool for tracing microbial activity and sulfur cycling by the deep biosphere of deep-sea sediments.


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This publication constitutes the fruits of National Science Centre research projects (grant no 2011/01/M/HS3/02142 – 6 articles) and the National Programme for the Development of the Humanities (grant no 0108/NPH3/H12/82/2014 – 3 articles). We would like to acknowledge and at the same time express our sincere gratitude for the generosity shown by the following at the Adam Mickiewicz University in making this publication possible: the Dean of the Department of History, Institute of Pre-history and the Eastern Institute.


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Fifty-seven interstitial water samples from six sites (Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1225-1229 and 1231) in the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean and the Peru margin were analyzed for the stable sulfur isotopic composition (34S/32S) of dissolved sulfate along with major and minor ions. With the exception of Site 1231, sulfate from the interstitial fluids (d34S values as much as 89 per mil vs. the SF6-based Vienna-Canyon Diablo troilite standard) is found at depth to be enriched in 34S with respect to modern seawater sulfate (d34S = ~21 per mil), indicating that microbial sulfate reduction (MSR) took place to different extents at all investigated sites. Deeper sediments at Sites 1228 and 1229 are additionally influenced by diffusion of a sulfate-rich brine that has already undergone sulfate reduction. The intensity of MSR depends on the availability of substrate (organic matter), sedimentation conditions, and the active bacterial community structure. Formation of isotopically heavy diagenetic barite at the sulfate-methane transition zone is expected at Sites 1227 (one front), 1229 (two fronts), and probably Site 1228. At Site 1231, the constant sulfur isotopic composition of sulfate and concentrations of minor pore water ions indicate that suboxic (essentially iron and manganese oxide based) diagenesis dominates and no net MSR occurs.


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Contenido: El aristotelismo y el tomismo frente al egoísmo psicológico / María L. Lukac de Stier – El deseo natural de ver a Dios en la Summa contra Gentiles / Guillermo Jorge Cambiasso – La creación como encuentro del ser y de la nada en la teología del maestro Eckhart de Hochheim O.P. (1260-1327) / Brian J. Farrelly – Malebranche y el libertinage érudit / Francisco Leocata – The problem of person and Jean Mouroux / John M. McDermott ; Glenn J. Comandini – Los fundamentos de la Bioética de H. Tristram Engelhardt / Jorge Martínez Barrera – Cuando las contradictorias son verdaderas / Marisa Villalba de Tablón – Examen del escepticismo moral y del relativismo moral / Camilo Tale – Saint Thomas et le mystère de la création : une réponse aux interrogations de l’homme d’aujourd’hui / Marie-Dominique Philippe – La finalidad de la naturaleza humana : alcance y actualidad de la cuestión / Beatriz Eugenia Reyes Oribe – La providencia y el gobierno del mundo / Alberto Caturelli – Saint Thomas et le problème de la possibilité d’un univers créé éternel / Alain-Marie de Lassus – La causalidad material de los elementos en la generación de los cuerpos mixtos / Mario Enrique Sacchi -- Bibliografía


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área I - Direito Constitucional, Eleitoral, Municipal, Direito Administrativo, Processo Legislativo e Poder Judiciário.


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No Plenário da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC), discussão de emendas populares que tratam dos direitos e da aposentadoria dos trabalhadores e da reforma urbana. O representante da Arquidiocese do Rio de Janeiro, Carlos Roberto Castro, defende uma emenda em favor do usucapião nas favelas cariocas, após cinco anos, e em terrenos urbanos abandonados, após dois anos. Adib Jorge, representante sindical, defende emenda popular que prevê aposentadoria mais justa aos trabalhadores. O Deputado Farabulini Júnior (PTB-SP) defende a paridade dos salários entre os trabalhadores da ativa e os aposentados e pensionistas. Em nome da CUT (Central Única dos Trabalhadores), o Deputado Paulo Paim (PT-RS) fala em defesa da emenda popular dos direitos dos trabalhadores e declara que o eixo dessa emenda é a estabilidade no emprego, as quarenta horas semanais e o direito de greve. Na próxima Sessão Extraordinária serão discutidas emendas populares que tratam da estabilidade no emprego, participação nos lucros e democratização da administração das empresas, reforma urbana, transporte coletivo e moradia popular. O projeto de Constituição do Relator Bernardo Cabral permite o pluralismo sindical. O Deputado Juarez Antunes (PDT-RJ) considera que o pluralismo sindical só favorece a classe empresarial. Marival Campos, Presidente do Sindicato dos Petroleiros-BA, informa que é uma tentativa do patronato de dividir os trabalhadores cada vez mais. Luiz Machado, Presidente do Sindicato dos Urbanitários-RJ, afirma que será desenvolvido um trabalho junto aos parlamentares para que esse dispositivo não seja aprovado. O Deputado Mario Lima (PMDB-BA) informa que só deve haver um sindicato de cada categoria em cada base territorial. O Deputado Afif Domingos (PL-SP) considera que nada impede a coexistência de mais de um sindicato dentro da mesma base, contanto que apenas um seja o representante nos dissídios da categoria perante a lei. O Deputado Paes Landim (PFL-PI) afirma que tanto faz a unicidade ou pluralismo, desde que os sindicatos tenham liberdade e possam atuar livres da interferência do Estado. O Deputado Augusto Carvalho (PCB-DF) declara que só se os trabalhadores se unirem em um único sindicato terão força suficiente para poder enfrentar o patronato.