997 resultados para 2003 CONSENSUS
Altered levels of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) may reflect relevant pathogenetic mechanisms of disease conditions. The objective of this study was to compare the plasma levels of MMPs and tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMPs) in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) patients with those found in healthy ovulatory controls and to examine whether the levels of these biomarkers are associated with clinical and biochemical features of this syndrome. Sixty-five healthy ovulatory subjects (controls) and 80 patients with PCOS were include in this study. MMP-2, MMP-8, MMP-9, TIMP-1, TIMP-2 concentrations were measured in plasma samples by gelatin zymography or enzyme-linked immunoassays. MMP-2, MMP-8, MMP-9, and TIMP-1 levels were similar in PCOS patients and in healthy controls (P > 0.05). PCOS patients had lower plasma TIMP-2 levels than healthy controls (P < 0.05). We found higher MMP-2/TIMP-2 and MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratios in PCOS patients than in healthy controls (all P < 0.05). Testosterone levels correlated positively with the MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio and negatively with TIMP-2 levels (r = 0.26, P < 0.01 and r = -0.21, P = 0.02, respectively). In addition, only testosterone was an independent predictor of TIMP-2 levels (estimate = -0.35, P = 0.04) and the MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratio (estimate = 0.01, P = 0.04). We found evidence indicating that the balance between MMPs and TIMPs in women with PCOS is altered, probably due to androgen excess found in these women.
There is evidence that intrauterine growth restriction, resulting in newborn girls that are small for gestational age (SGA), may be related to the onset of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Thus, we studied whether women born SGA have a higher prevalence of PCOS than women born appropriate for gestational age (AGA). This was a prospective birth cohort study of 384 women born at term between June 1, 1978, and May 31, 1979, in Ribeirao Preto, Brazil. After exclusion, 165 women effectively participated in this study, of whom 43 were SGA and 122 were AGA. The prevalence of PCOS was analysed. At a mean age of 29 years, the women agreed to follow the study protocol, which included: anamnesis, physical examination, serum tests [follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, total and free testosterone, dehydroepiandrostenedione sulphate, 17-OH-progesterone, fasting insulin, sex steroid-binding globulin (SHBG) and fasting glucose] and pelvic ultrasound. Data regarding gestational age, birthweight, age at menarche and maternal data were obtained from the files of the cohort. The adjusted relative risk (RR) values of the SGA, insulin resistance, body mass index, maternal smoking and parity variables were analysed using Poisson regression with robust adjustment of variance for the prediction of PCOS. The prevalence of PCOS was higher in the SGA group than in the AGA group [adjusted RR = 2.44, 95% CI (1.39-4.28)]. Hyperandrogenism was more prevalent in the SGA women than in the AGA women (P = 0.011). Circulating SHBG was lower in the SGA women than in the AGA women (P = 0.041), but fasting insulinemia was similar in both groups. The prevalence of PCOS in SGA women was twice as high as in AGA women in our study population.
Objective To evaluate whether the presence of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) alters multiple ultrasonographic and laboratory markers of metabolic and cardiovascular disease risk in obese women without any other health condition that could interfere with combined oral contraceptive (COC) eligibility criteria. Methods This was a case- control study evaluating 90 obese women ( body mass index ( BMI) = 30.0 kg/m2 and < 40 kg/m2) aged between 18 and 40 years without any other health condition that could interfere with COC eligibility criteria, of whom 45 had PCOS and 45 were age- matched controls. BMI, waist and hip circumference, arterial blood pressure, fasting insulin and glucose, quantitative insulin sensitivity check index ( QUICKI), highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol, low- density lipoprotein cholesterol, total cholesterol, triglycerides, testosterone, sex hormone- binding globulin, free androgen index ( FAI), carotid stiffness index, intima media thickness, flowmediated dilatation ( FMD) of the brachial artery and non- alcoholic fatty liver disease ( NAFLD) were assessed. Results In women with PCOS, we observed a higher frequency of NAFLD ( 73.3 vs. 46.7%, P < 0.01) and higher FAI ( 10.4 vs. 6.8%, P < 0.01). We also observed a trend towards increased insulin levels ( 10.06 +/- 6.66 vs. 7.45 +/- 5.88 mu IU/mL, P = 0.05), decreased QUICKI ( 0.36 +/- 0.06 vs. 0.39 +/- 0.07, P = 0.05) and decreased FMD ( 7.00 +/- 3.87 vs. 8.41 +/- 3.79%, P = 0.08). No other significant difference was observed. Conclusions NAFLD is frequent in obese women without any other health condition that could interfere with COC eligibility criteria, especially in those with PCOS. This should be considered when choosing the best contraceptive option. Copyright (C) 2012 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The objective of this paper is twofold. Firstly, we show how, and to what extent, Latin American and Caribbean countries applied the precepts of the second Washington consensus, i.e. a consensus which stresses the capital account liberalization. Secondly, we highlight the effects of this set of reforms on their economies. Thus, we show that countries having most scrupulously followed these recommendations did not experience better economic results. On the contrary, their situation as regards inequality and debt is getting worse than others.
We sought to verify the prevalence of lymphocytic thyroiditis (LT) and Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) in autopsy materials. Cases examined between 2003 and 2007 at the Department of Pathology of Faculty of Medicine of São Paulo University were studied. Immunohistochemical analyses were conducted in selected cases to characterize the type of infiltrating mononuclear cells; in addition, we evaluated the frequency of apoptosis by TUNEL assay technique and caspase-3 immunostaining. Significant increase in overall thyroiditis frequency was observed in the present series when compared with the previous report (2.2978% vs. 0.0392%). Thyroiditis was more prevalent among older people. Selected cases of LT and HT (5 cases each) had their infiltrating lymphocytes characterized by immunohistochemical analyses. Both LT and HT showed similar immunostaining patterns for CD4, CD8, CD68, thus supporting a common pathophysiology mechanism and indicating that LT and HT should be considered different presentations of a same condition, that is, autoimmune thyroiditis. Moreover, apoptosis markers strongly evidenced that apoptosis was present in all studied cases. Our results demonstrated an impressive increase in the prevalence of thyroiditis during recent years and our data support that the terminology of autoimmune thyroiditis should be used to designate both LT and HT. This classification would facilitate comparison of prevalence data from different series and studies.
Dissertação de mestrado em Ciência Política
Les onades de calor eren un fenomen desconegut per la població fins fa pocs anys, i tot i que avui dia ja son més populars, les seves conseqüències passen molt més desapercebudes que la d’altres catàstrofes naturals. En aquest estudi, a partir de l’episodi que va patir la península durant l’agost de 2003, es pretén aprofundir en els factors que van fer propiciar que la mortalitat entre les persones majors de 65 anys augmentés de manera notable en comparació amb anys anteriors. Els resultats de l’estudi mostren que un dels grups més vulnerables son les persones grans que viuen soles i per tant caldria tenir en compte aquest factor a l’hora de fer plans d’acció, així com també que els pics de màxima mortalitat es corresponen amb dies posteriors als de la pujada de temperatura, ja que aquesta agreuja patologies prèvies de les persones i moren temps després. També seria interessant un consens internacional a l’hora d’establir uns criteris estàndards per tal de tenir així uns registres més fiables que permetin extreure noves mesures per lluitar contra les onades de calor.
BACKGROUND: Invasive fungal diseases are important causes of morbidity and mortality. Clarity and uniformity in defining these infections are important factors in improving the quality of clinical studies. A standard set of definitions strengthens the consistency and reproducibility of such studies. METHODS: After the introduction of the original European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Invasive Fungal Infections Cooperative Group and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Mycoses Study Group (EORTC/MSG) Consensus Group definitions, advances in diagnostic technology and the recognition of areas in need of improvement led to a revision of this document. The revision process started with a meeting of participants in 2003, to decide on the process and to draft the proposal. This was followed by several rounds of consultation until a final draft was approved in 2005. This was made available for 6 months to allow public comment, and then the manuscript was prepared and approved. RESULTS: The revised definitions retain the original classifications of "proven," "probable," and "possible" invasive fungal disease, but the definition of "probable" has been expanded, whereas the scope of the category "possible" has been diminished. The category of proven invasive fungal disease can apply to any patient, regardless of whether the patient is immunocompromised, whereas the probable and possible categories are proposed for immunocompromised patients only. CONCLUSIONS: These revised definitions of invasive fungal disease are intended to advance clinical and epidemiological research and may serve as a useful model for defining other infections in high-risk patients.
Few episodes of suspected infection observed in paediatric intensive care are classifiable without ambiguity by a priori defined criteria. Most require additional expert judgement. Recently, we observed a high variability in antibiotic prescription rates, not explained by the patients' clinical data or underlying diseases. We hypothesised that the disagreement of experts in adjudication of episodes of suspected infection could be one of the potential causes for this variability. During a 5-month period, we included all patients of a 19-bed multidisciplinary, tertiary, neonatal and paediatric intensive care unit, in whom infection was clinically suspected and antibiotics were prescribed ( n=183). Three experts (two senior ICU physicians and a specialist in infectious diseases) were provided with all patient data, laboratory and microbiological findings. All experts classified episodes according to a priori defined criteria into: proven sepsis, probable sepsis (negative cultures), localised infection and no infection. Episodes of proven viral infection and incomplete data sets were excluded. Of the remaining 167 episodes, 48 were classifiable by a priori criteria ( n=28 proven sepsis, n= 20 no infection). The three experts only achieved limited agreement beyond chance in the remaining 119 episodes (kappa = 0.32, and kappa = 0.19 amongst the ICU physicians). The kappa is a measure of the degree of agreement beyond what would be expected by chance alone, with 0 indicating the chance result and 1 indicating perfect agreement. CONCLUSION: agreement of specialists in hindsight adjudication of episodes of suspected infection is of questionable reliability.
This paper sets out to identify the initial positions of the different decisionmakers who intervene in a group decision making process with a reducednumber of actors, and to establish possible consensus paths between theseactors. As a methodological support, it employs one of the most widely-knownmulticriteria decision techniques, namely, the Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP). Assuming that the judgements elicited by the decision makers follow theso-called multiplicative model (Crawford and Williams, 1985; Altuzarra et al.,1997; Laininen and Hämäläinen, 2003) with log-normal errors and unknownvariance, a Bayesian approach is used in the estimation of the relative prioritiesof the alternatives being compared. These priorities, estimated by way of themedian of the posterior distribution and normalised in a distributive manner(priorities add up to one), are a clear example of compositional data that will beused in the search for consensus between the actors involved in the resolution ofthe problem through the use of Multidimensional Scaling tools
This paper sets out to identify the initial positions of the different decision makers who intervene in a group decision making process with a reduced number of actors, and to establish possible consensus paths between these actors. As a methodological support, it employs one of the most widely-known multicriteria decision techniques, namely, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Assuming that the judgements elicited by the decision makers follow the so-called multiplicative model (Crawford and Williams, 1985; Altuzarra et al., 1997; Laininen and Hämäläinen, 2003) with log-normal errors and unknown variance, a Bayesian approach is used in the estimation of the relative priorities of the alternatives being compared. These priorities, estimated by way of the median of the posterior distribution and normalised in a distributive manner (priorities add up to one), are a clear example of compositional data that will be used in the search for consensus between the actors involved in the resolution of the problem through the use of Multidimensional Scaling tools
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