970 resultados para 1992-2008


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[EUS] Landa-garapeneko politikek, eremu horietako ohiko jardueren sustapena eta berregituratze sozioekonomikoa bultzatzeaz gain, lurralde-antolaketa zein ingurumen-esparru gero eta garrantzitsuagoak barneratu dituzte beren proposamenetan. Artikulu honek horixe aztertzen du, zein izan den landa-garapen politikaren ingurumentze prozesua Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan, alegia. Basogintza eta nekazaritza-ingurumen neurriez gain, prozesu honetan arreta berezia merezi du Natura Eremu Babestuen politikak, zeina neurri handian landa-garapenekoarekin uztartu egiten den funtzionalki zein kronologikoki.


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Tesis (Maestría en Economía Industrial) UANL, 2011.


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Cette thèse porte sur l’évolution des relations des « nationalités historiques » espagnoles avec l’Union européenne dans les années 1992-2008. L’analyse se concentre sur la genèse d’une paradiplomatie nationaliste européenne dont l’objectif est la reconnaissance de l’identité nationale de ces communautés au sein de l’Union européenne. Après avoir obtenu une certaine reconnaissance nationale et un statut privilégié en Espagne, les élites de ces « nations sans État » ont remarqué que le processus de construction de l’Union européenne a des conséquences négatives sur leur autonomie et, dans ce contexte, ces élites nationalistes sont obligées à concevoir une vraie politique européenne pour protéger leurs intérêts nationaux en Espagne et dans l’Union européenne. À partir de l’étude des rapports établis entre les « nationalités historiques » espagnoles avec l’Union européenne, nous démontrons que l’involution autonomique (en Espagne) et le manque d’empathie de l’Union européenne envers ces communautés nationales sont les principales causes de la genèse de leur politique européenne. Loin d’être simplement associée à une forme de régionalisme ou de néo-régionalisme, cette politique étrangère (« action extérieure ») de ces entités envers l’Union européenne fait partie d’un processus de construction nationale et pourrait être définie comme une paradiplomatie nationaliste. La présente thèse, basée sur une analyse de la politique européenne des « nationalités historiques » entre 1992 et 2008, soutient que les limites du dessein institutionnel de l’Union européenne représentent la principale raison d’être de l’évolution de la paradiplomatie nationaliste vers une protodiplomatie apparemment incohérente. Dans une telle situation, l’inaptitude institutionnelle de l’Union européenne à accommoder les demandes nationalistes serait une cause majeure de l’échec des initiatives nationalistes autonomistes et, en même temps, une cause de l’émergence d’un nouveau courant nationaliste au sein des élites des « nations sans État » occidentales, dont le but est la construction d’un propre État national à l’intérieur de l’Union européenne.


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Arquitectura en España 1992-2008. La presente conferencia (en formato de imágenes) efectúa un recorrido sintético por la producción arquitectónica en España en el periodo que se abre con los acontecimientos de 1992 (Olimpiadas de Barcelona y la Expo Universal de Sevilla) y se cierra en 2008 (Exposición del MoMA, Crisis mundial y Expo Universal de Zaragoza). Por un lado se muestra el contexto socioeconómico mundial y español y se efectúa una selección de distintas arquitecturas agrupadas en seis diversas corrientes: museos, periferias, topografías, E+E+E (sostenibilidad), R+R+R (recuperación) y maestros. Se plantea una hipótesis del éxito de la producción arquitectónica española a partir de la gran libertad creativa (actitud desprejuiciada y abierta, gracias a muchos programas libres), las grandes oportunidades reales de experimentación (el flujo económico) y el sistema de elección de soluciones por concursos (libre competencia e interacción). Partiendo del fin del posmodernismo figurativo y frívolo se pasa a explorar nuevos territorios con múltiples contaminaciones desde diversos campos de conocimiento. De la certeza a la incerteza.


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Architecture in Spain 1992-2008. This Conference (in image format) performs a synthetic tour of the architectural production in Spain during the period that opens with the events of 1992 (Olympics Games and World Expo in Seville) and closed in 2008 (exhibition of MoMA, Global Crisis and Universal Expo of Zaragoza). On the one hand shows the world and Spanish socio-economic context and is a selection of different architectures, grouped into six streams.


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O presente estudo trata de uma pesquisa quantitativa e descritiva que teve por objetivo caracterizar as produções científicas na área de enfermagem com os descritores “HIV and enfermagem”, “AIDS and Enfermagem”, “DST and enfermagem”, publicadas na Scientific Eletronic Library Online – SciELO, no período de 1992 à 2008. A amostra constitui-se de 40 publicações, sendo que 38 eram sobre HIV/AIDS e 2 sobre DST em geral. Foi verificado que o número de estudos tem aumentado nos últimos anos o que demonstra interesse por parte dos enfermeiros para pesquisar a temática. O Estado de São Paulo concentra a maior parte dos artigos publicados 85%. Na caracterização das publicações de acordo com a metodologia, 47,5%, eram estudos qualitativos o que pode traduzir a necessidade de identificar através da pesquisa os aspectos subjacentes a essas temáticas. Os sujeitos de estudo em 37,5% dos trabalhos eram mulheres e 57,5% haviam sido desenvolvidos com clientes soropositivos ao HIV/AIDS. Quanto ao objeto de estudo abordado pelos autores, 30% dos trabalhos pesquisaram o conhecimento dos clientes sobre DST/AIDS e 30% sobre a assistência de enfermagem.


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While the role of executives’ cognition in organisations’ responses to change is a central topic in strategic cognition research, changes in firms’ environment are typically not measured directly but described either as an event (for example, new industry legislation) or represented by a time period (e.g. when a new technology impacted an industry). The Australian mining sector has witnessed a historically significant change in demand for its products and we begin by developing measures of changes in supply and demand for key commodities during the period 1992-2008. We identify sub-groups of firms based on their activities and commodity sector and examine the relation of these variables to executives’ cognition and to firms’ CapEx. We find industry, firm and cognitive variables are related to both strategic cognition and firms’ CapEx.


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Objective To identify the spatial and temporal clusters of Barmah Forest virus (BFV) disease in Queensland in Australia, using geographical information systems (GIS) and spatial scan statistic (SaTScan). Methods We obtained BFV disease cases, population and statistical local areas boundary data from Queensland Health and Australian Bureau of Statistics respectively during 1992-2008 for Queensland. A retrospective Poisson-based analysis using SaTScan software and method was conducted in order to identify both purely spatial and space-time BFV disease high-rate clusters. A spatial cluster size of a proportion of the population and a 200km circle radius and varying time windows from 1 month to 12 months were chosen (for the space-time analysis). Results The spatial scan statistic detected a most likely significant purely spatial cluster (including 23 SLAs) and a most likely significant space-time cluster (including 24 SLAs) in approximately the same location. Significant secondary clusters were also identified from both the analyses in several locations. Conclusions This study provides evidence of the existence of statistically significant BFV disease clusters in Queensland, Australia. The study also demonstrated the relevance and applicability of SaTScan in analysing on-going surveillance data to identify clusters to facilitate the development of effective BFV disease prevention and control strategies in Queensland, Australia.


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Barmah Forest virus (BFV) disease is one of the most widespread mosquito-borne diseases in Australia. The number of outbreaks and the incidence rate of BFV in Australia have attracted growing concerns about the spatio-temporal complexity and underlying risk factors of BFV disease. A large number of notifications has been recorded continuously in Queensland since 1992. Yet, little is known about the spatial and temporal characteristics of the disease. I aim to use notification data to better understand the effects of climatic, demographic, socio-economic and ecological risk factors on the spatial epidemiology of BFV disease transmission, develop predictive risk models and forecast future disease risks under climate change scenarios. Computerised data files of daily notifications of BFV disease and climatic variables in Queensland during 1992-2008 were obtained from Queensland Health and Australian Bureau of Meteorology, respectively. Projections on climate data for years 2025, 2050 and 2100 were obtained from Council of Scientific Industrial Research Organisation. Data on socio-economic, demographic and ecological factors were also obtained from relevant government departments as follows: 1) socio-economic and demographic data from Australian Bureau of Statistics; 2) wetlands data from Department of Environment and Resource Management and 3) tidal readings from Queensland Department of Transport and Main roads. Disease notifications were geocoded and spatial and temporal patterns of disease were investigated using geostatistics. Visualisation of BFV disease incidence rates through mapping reveals the presence of substantial spatio-temporal variation at statistical local areas (SLA) over time. Results reveal high incidence rates of BFV disease along coastal areas compared to the whole area of Queensland. A Mantel-Haenszel Chi-square analysis for trend reveals a statistically significant relationship between BFV disease incidence rates and age groups (ƒÓ2 = 7587, p<0.01). Semi-variogram analysis and smoothed maps created from interpolation techniques indicate that the pattern of spatial autocorrelation was not homogeneous across the state. A cluster analysis was used to detect the hot spots/clusters of BFV disease at a SLA level. Most likely spatial and space-time clusters are detected at the same locations across coastal Queensland (p<0.05). The study demonstrates heterogeneity of disease risk at a SLA level and reveals the spatial and temporal clustering of BFV disease in Queensland. Discriminant analysis was employed to establish a link between wetland classes, climate zones and BFV disease. This is because the importance of wetlands in the transmission of BFV disease remains unclear. The multivariable discriminant modelling analyses demonstrate that wetland types of saline 1, riverine and saline tidal influence were the most significant risk factors for BFV disease in all climate and buffer zones, while lacustrine, palustrine, estuarine and saline 2 and saline 3 wetlands were less important. The model accuracies were 76%, 98% and 100% for BFV risk in subtropical, tropical and temperate climate zones, respectively. This study demonstrates that BFV disease risk varied with wetland class and climate zone. The study suggests that wetlands may act as potential breeding habitats for BFV vectors. Multivariable spatial regression models were applied to assess the impact of spatial climatic, socio-economic and tidal factors on the BFV disease in Queensland. Spatial regression models were developed to account for spatial effects. Spatial regression models generated superior estimates over a traditional regression model. In the spatial regression models, BFV disease incidence shows an inverse relationship with minimum temperature, low tide and distance to coast, and positive relationship with rainfall in coastal areas whereas in whole Queensland the disease shows an inverse relationship with minimum temperature and high tide and positive relationship with rainfall. This study determines the most significant spatial risk factors for BFV disease across Queensland. Empirical models were developed to forecast the future risk of BFV disease outbreaks in coastal Queensland using existing climatic, socio-economic and tidal conditions under climate change scenarios. Logistic regression models were developed using BFV disease outbreak data for the existing period (2000-2008). The most parsimonious model had high sensitivity, specificity and accuracy and this model was used to estimate and forecast BFV disease outbreaks for years 2025, 2050 and 2100 under climate change scenarios for Australia. Important contributions arising from this research are that: (i) it is innovative to identify high-risk coastal areas by creating buffers based on grid-centroid and the use of fine-grained spatial units, i.e., mesh blocks; (ii) a spatial regression method was used to account for spatial dependence and heterogeneity of data in the study area; (iii) it determined a range of potential spatial risk factors for BFV disease; and (iv) it predicted the future risk of BFV disease outbreaks under climate change scenarios in Queensland, Australia. In conclusion, the thesis demonstrates that the distribution of BFV disease exhibits a distinct spatial and temporal variation. Such variation is influenced by a range of spatial risk factors including climatic, demographic, socio-economic, ecological and tidal variables. The thesis demonstrates that spatial regression method can be applied to better understand the transmission dynamics of BFV disease and its risk factors. The research findings show that disease notification data can be integrated with multi-factorial risk factor data to develop build-up models and forecast future potential disease risks under climate change scenarios. This thesis may have implications in BFV disease control and prevention programs in Queensland.


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Numerical modeling of several turbulent nonreacting and reacting spray jets is carried out using a fully stochastic separated flow (FSSF) approach. As is widely used, the carrier-phase is considered in an Eulerian framework, while the dispersed phase is tracked in a Lagrangian framework following the stochastic separated flow (SSF) model. Various interactions between the two phases are taken into account by means of two-way coupling. Spray evaporation is described using a thermal model with an infinite conductivity in the liquid phase. The gas-phase turbulence terms are closed using the k-epsilon model. A novel mixture fraction based approach is used to stochastically model the fluctuating temperature and composition in the gas phase and these are then used to refine the estimates of the heat and mass transfer rates between the droplets and the surrounding gas-phase. In classical SSF (CSSF) methods, stochastic fluctuations of only the gas-phase velocity are modeled. Successful implementation of the FSSF approach to turbulent nonreacting and reacting spray jets is demonstrated. Results are compared against experimental measurements as well as with predictions using the CSSF approach for both nonreacting and reacting spray jets. The FSSF approach shows little difference from the CSSF predictions for nonreacting spray jets but differences are significant for reacting spray jets. In general, the FSSF approach gives good predictions of the flame length and structure but further improvements in modeling may be needed to improve the accuracy of some details of the Predictions. (C) 2011 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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O objetivo deste documento é apresentar o potencial da integração de um sistema de informações geográficas (SIG) com um modelo estocástico, a distribuição de probabilidade Gama, para espacializar variáveis contínuas. Aplica-se um estudo de caso para a precipitação no Estado de São Paulo, usando uma série temporal de quinze anos com dados de precipitação diária, de janeiro de 1978 a dezembro de 1992.


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Resumen basado en la publicaci??n


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Carmen García Merina es únicamente la responsable de las unidades didácticas en francés


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Esta unidad didáctica está destinada a los profesores y profesoras que quieran despejar dudas o mejorar sus conocimientos científicos sobre la temática de la nutrición de las plantas verdes. Se ha desarrollado con el objetivo de facilitar la reflexión sobre los problemas de enseñanza y aprendizaje que genera el trabajo en relación con esta temática, así como para facilitar y fundamentar la toma de decisiones en el diseño de unidades didácticas cercanas a los intereses de los alumnos y alumnas, y que guarden alguna relación (próxima o lejana) con el campo de conocimiento de la nutrición de las plantas verdes.