927 resultados para 18S rRNA V9


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The potential of the 18S rRNA V9 metabarcoding approach for diet assessment was explored using MiSeq paired-end (PE; 2 9 150 bp) technology. To critically evaluate the method's performance with degraded/digested DNA, the diets of two zooplanktivorous fish species from the Bay of Biscay, European sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and European sprat (Sprattus sprattus), were analysed. The taxonomic resolution and quantitative potential of the 18S V9 metabarcoding was first assessed both in silico and with mock and field plankton samples. Our method was capable of discriminating species within the reference database in a reliable way providing there was at least one variable position in the 18S V9 region. Furthermore, it successfully discriminated diet between both fish species, including habitat and diel differences among sardines, overcoming some of the limitations of traditional visual-based diet analysis methods. The high sensitivity and semi-quantitative nature of the 18S V9 metabarcoding approach was supported by both visual microscopy and qPCR-based results. This molecular approach provides an alternative cost and time effective tool for food-web analysis.


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对自然感染的水牛源的人肉孢子虫以及黄牛源人肉孢子虫DNA的18S rRNA基因的PCR扩增产物进行了测序。对所获的863 bp的18S rRNA基因分析比较表明,二者有较高的同源性,因此认为二者可能同是一种肉孢子虫——人肉孢子虫(Sarcocystis hominis Railliet and Lucet,1891)。由此推断,不仅黄牛可作为人肉孢子虫的中间宿主,水牛也可作为人肉孢子虫的中间宿主。


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DNA templates were extracted from isolates of Sarcocystis hominis-like cysts collected from cattle and water buffalo, as well as from Sarcocystis fusiformis cysts and Sarcocystis suihominis cysts. The 18S rRNA genes were amplified using DNA from a single


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Thirteen restriction endonucleases were used to investigate nucleotide sequence variation in the 18S rRNA DNA of 88 individuals from ten Sarcocystis taxa collected as cysts from their intermediate hosts, swine, cattle and water buffalo. A DNA sequence of


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The phylogenetic position of Diplura within Hexapoda has been controversial. There are three major lineages in Diplura: Campodeoidea, Projapygoidea, and Japygoidea. However, most of the previous studies were restricted to Campodeoidea and Japygoidea. Unti


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盾腹亚纲吸虫被认为是寄生扁形动物中古老的类群,包括盾腹科、多萼科、裂杯科和皱腹科,科间系统发育关系尚存争议。本研究收集GenBank数据库中所有的盾腹吸虫18S rRNA基因序列,测定了三种盾腹吸虫的相应序列,分别采用最大简约法和最大似然法构建分子系统发育树。结果显示,多萼科的分类地位不成立,多萼属应还原到盾腹科;盾腹科的盾腹亚科和杯盾亚科均非单系,吸槽列数可能是平行进化特征,不能反映盾腹科各亚科间的系统发育关系。建议将具有边缘器的吸槽型腹吸盘,以及不具边缘器的吸杯型和皱褶型腹吸盘分别鉴定为盾腹科、裂杯科


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Six alternative hypotheses for the phylogenetic origin of Bilateria are evaluated by using complete 18S rRNA gene sequences for 52 taxa. These data suggest that there is little support for three of these hypotheses. Bilateria is not likely to be the sister group of Radiata or Ctenophora, nor is it likely that Bilateria gave rise to Cnidaria or Ctenophora. Instead, these data reveal a close relationship between bilaterians, placozoans, and cnidarians. From this, several inferences can be drawn. Morphological features that previously have been identified as synapomorphies of Bilateria and Ctenophora, e.g., mesoderm, more likely evolved independently in each clade. The endomesodermal muscles of bilaterians may be homologous to the endodermal muscles of cnidarians, implying that the original bilaterian mesodermal muscles were myoepithelial. Placozoans should have a gastrulation stage during development. Of the three hypotheses that cannot be falsified with the 18S rRNA data, one is most strongly supported. This hypothesis states that Bilateria and Placozoa share a more recent common ancestor than either does to Cnidaria. If true, the simplicity of placozoan body architecture is secondarily derived from a more complex ancestor. This simplification may have occurred in association with a planula-type larva becoming reproductive before metamorphosis. If this simplification took place during the common history that placozoans share with bilaterians, then placozoan genes that contain a homeobox, such as Trox2, should be explored, for they may include the gene or genes most closely related to Hox genes of bilaterians.


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木根麦冬(Ophiopogon xylorrhizus Wang et Dai)属于铃兰科(Convallariaceae)或广义百合科(Liliaceae s.l.)沿阶草族(Ophiopogoneae)沿阶草属(Ophiopogon Ker-Gawl.),属于典型的濒危植物。前人已从细胞学、种群生态学、生殖生物学和遗传结构与多样性等方面对木根麦冬进行了研究,但在分子进化和分子细胞遗传学水平上的研究近为空白。本文运用染色体的荧光原位杂交(FISH)、PCR扩增和克隆、DNA测序、系统发育重建等方法,对18S rDNA作了染色体原位定位,研究了木根麦冬的Ss rRNA基因结构特点,并重建了该基因的系统发育树,探讨了5S rRNA多基因家族的分子进化模式和木根麦冬的濒危机制。主要结果如下: 1.对木根麦冬三个居群七个个体、及其最近姐妹种林生麦冬(Ophiopogon svlvicola Wang et Tang)一个个体的5S rRNA基因进行了PCR扩增和TA克隆,在两个种中共得到1085个具有插入片段的阳性克隆。 2.对木根麦冬三个居群六个个体的294个SS rRNA基因克隆,及林生麦冬一个个体的45个克隆,总计339个克隆进行了DNA序列测定,这是目前已完成的最大的单个物种的5S rRNA数据。结果表明:两个种的序列高度多样化,在339个拷贝中仅仅有13对(3.8%)是相同的,序列长度变化在307bp-548bp之间,长度变异主要发生在间隔区,单个碱基的插入和缺失(indel)频率很高,5bp以上片段的插入,缺失有11个,插入的序列通常是其两侧序列的重复和倒位。术根麦冬序列的分化指数(sequence differentiation index,SDI)是0.078,林生麦冬是0.032,两个物种间是0.149,木根麦冬的序列之间的分化明显大于林生麦冬。 3.以PAUP程序对339个5S rRNA基因拷贝的DNA序列(包括编码区和间隔区)作了系统发育分析,结果如下:在得到一个唯一的最俭约树中,所有木根麦冬的拷贝被聚成一支,而林生麦冬的则被聚到另一支,统计支持率(bootstrap)达到lOO%,表明这两个物种所有的的5S rRNA基因拷贝分别来自各自的一个祖先拷贝(建立者拷贝),而其共同祖先的其它拷贝则在物种形成中或之后丢失:在多基因家族中如此长期而单一的拷贝偏选( sorting)过程尚未有前人报道;由此基因系统发育树可以看出,在这两个物种形成之后,“建立者拷贝”经历了多次扩增过程而形成了一个直系的(orthologous)多基因家族。 4.在木根麦冬分支中,很少有亚分支是全部由一个居群或一个个体的拷贝组成的,不同居群、不同个体的拷贝混合在同一个亚分支中;对基因系统发育树、序列多样性和序列分化指数分析表明,5S rRNA基因家族内一致化(homogeruzation)过程很弱,不同拷贝是独立进化的,这在串联.重复的多拷贝基因家族中是不寻常的;由上述分析我们推测,在术根麦冬的进化历史上,居群间的基因交流远远比今天频繁,可能是某些外在因素在近期发生变化,导致自交和自交衰退,并进而导致濒危。 5.利用荧光原位杂交技术,成功地将18S rRNA基因定位在木根麦冬减数分裂期的染色体上,两对强信号和一对弱信号分别位于三对二价体染色体上。


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In eukaryotes, pre-rRNA processing depends on a large number of nonribosomal trans-acting factors that form intriguingly organized complexes. Two intermediate complexes, pre-40S and pre-60S, are formed at the early stages of 35S pre-rRNA processing and give rise to the mature ribosome subunits. Each of these complexes contains specific pre-rRNAs, some ribosomal proteins and processing factors. The novel yeast protein Utp25p has previously been identified in the nucleolus, an indication that this protein could be involved in ribosome biogenesis. Here we show that Utp25p interacts with the SSU processome proteins Sas10p and Mpp10p, and affects 18S rRNA maturation. Depletion of Utp25p leads to accumulation of the pre-rRNA 35S and the aberrant rRNA 23S, and to a severe reduction in 40S ribosomal subunit levels. Our results indicate that Utp25p is a novel SSU processome subunit involved in pre-40S maturation.