926 resultados para 1720-1830


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Tabla de contenidos: Instantánea de una pausa Estudiando a los agentes que producen fronteras en el largo siglo XVIII rioplatense / Darío G. Barriera. La justicia rural en tensión. Alcaldes provinciales, cabildos y autoridades centrales en el proceso de territorialización / Carlos M. Birocco. Espacios en tensión, territorios en construcción. Santa Fe y Buenos Aires durante la primera etapa borbónica [1700-1745] / Griselda Tarragó. Con los curas a otra parte. Curatos rurales y doctrinas en la frontera sur santafesina [1700-1740] / Miriam Moriconi. El gobierno de los campos entre el reformismo borbónico y la política de los vecinos : Partidos, distritos y jueces delegados [Santa Fe, 1789-1808] / Darío G. Barriera. Jueces santafesinos en la otra banda del Paraná. El problema de la proximidad en el proceso de reordenamiento territorial de la campaña. Pago de Bajada, último cuarto del siglo XVIII / Paula Polimene. Soldados de Pinazo. El poder miliciano en el norte de la frontera de Buenos Aires [1766-1779] / María Eugenia Alemano. Fuerzas militares y milicianas y configuración de un espacio fronterizo [1760-1820] / Raúl Osvaldo Fradkin. Repensando los malones del siglo XVIII en la frontera de Buenos Aires / Florencia Carlón. El norte también existe? Diplomacia y relaciones interétnicas en la frontera bonaerense / Silvia Ratto. Autoridades locales y elecciones en la frontera norte bonaerense [1815-1828] / Vicente Agustín Galimberti.


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Community record book 1846-1939; documents; business contracts; papers of individuals.


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Parte 1 - Atos do Poder Legislativo


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We analyzed published and archived records for the past 250 years to assess changes in distribution and abundance of Steller sea lions, Eumetopias jubatus, along the Asian coast from the Bering Strait to the Korean Peninsula. We found that the northern extent of Steller sea lion distribution has not changed but that the southern limit has moved north by some 500–900 km (~300–500 n.mi.) over the past 50 years. Additionally, the number of animals and their distribution has changed on the Commander Islands, Kuril Islands, and Kamchatka Peninsula. We found no changes in the number of rookeries in the northern Sea of Okhotsk, but a new rookery was established at Tuleny Island on the eastern coast of Sakhalin Island. We estimate that the total abundance of Steller sea lions along the Asian coast in the late 19th century was about 115,000 animals; during the 1960’s, the total estimate was about 27,000 (including pups), most of which were in the Kuril Islands. The fewest number of Steller sea lions occurred in the northwestern Pacific in the late 1980’s–early 1990’s when only about 13,000 individuals (including pups) were estimated in the entire region. During the 1990’s, and especially in early 2000, an increasing trend in abundance occurred in most areas. Present estimated abundance of Steller sea lions in Asia is about 16,000 individuals (including about 5,000 pups), about half of which occur in the Kuril Islands. Changes in abundance occurred during all time periods but varied by site and period. Specifically, over the past 150 years Steller sea lion abundance at most sites has changed. There were no rookeries on the Commander Islands between 1850 and 1960 and abundance was low, but by 1977, abundance increased to 4,800 individuals and a rookery was established in the mid 1980’s; abundance there has declined since the early 1980’s and in 2004 only 895 individuals (including 221 pups) were counted during the breeding season. Between 1940 and 2004, abundance along the eastern coast of Kamchatka declined from ~7,000 to ~600 individuals, an overall reduction of 90%. Steller sea lion abundance on the Kuril Islands declined by >90% from the 1800’s to 2005; the most severe decline there occurred during 1969–1981. Steller sea lion numbers in the northern part of the Sea of Okhotsk declined during 1930–2002 from 7,200 to 3,100 individuals. Numbers at Tuleny Island have increased since establishment of a rookery there during 1983–2005 and by immigration from other sites.


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Length and weight relationship of Decapterus russelli (Ruppell, 1830) is worked out to be W = 0.00312 L³ which indicates the isometric growth of the fish. Study on food and feeding habits revealed that the species is carnivorous, pelagic, feeding primarily on small crustaceans and small fish species, viz. Acetes indicus, ostracods, Apogon sp., Leiognathus sp., sciaenids, Netnipterus japonicas, Myctophid sp., Trichiurus sp., Therapon sp., D.russelli and occasionally on prawns. It is a selective feeder on Aeetes indicus.


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Investigations on food and feeding of Johnieops sina indicated that it feeds mainly on penaeid prawns, Acetes spp. and fishes. Penaeid prawns were found to be its preferred food item. The spawning activity was observed throughout the year with two peaks in February and August, supported by prominent peaks of gonadosomatic index in the same months. The minimum size at first maturity for females was 153 mm. The absolute fecundity ranged from 28,495 to 135,346 eggs for the ovaries weighing 1.30 to 9.49 g.


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Pykett, Lyn. 'The Newgate Novel and Sensation Fiction 1830-1868', In: The Cambridge Companion to Crime fiction (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003), pp.19-39 RAE2008


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Go príomha, is tráchtas é seo a dhéanann staidéar ar ghné de litríocht iar-chlasaiceach na Gaeilge. Baineann sé go háirithe leis an sraith chaointe nó marbhnaí i bhfoirm véarsaíochta a cumadh do Shéamas Óg Mac Coitir (1689-1720), duine uasal Caitliceach ó Charraig Tuathail, Co. Chorcaí, nuair a ciontaíodh é in éigniú Elizabeth Squibb, bean de Chumann na gCarad; nuair a cuireadh pionós an bháis air; agus nuair a crochadh é i gCathair Chorcaí an 7 Bealtaine, 1720. Ó thaobh na staire de, scrúdaítear Clann Choitir mar shampla de theaghlach nár cheil a ndílseacht do chúis pholaitiúil na Stíobhartach agus a sheas an fód go cróga faoi mar a bhí a ngreim polaitiúil á dhaingniú ag an gCinsealacht Phrotastúnach ó dheireadh an 17ú haois amach. Tagraítear do sheicteachas na sochaí comhaimseartha agus don teannas idir an pobal Caitliceach agus an pobal Protastúnach ag an am. Déantar scagadh ar an véarsaíocht mar fhoinse luachmhar do dhearcadh míshásta an mhóraimh Chaitlicigh ar struchtúr polaitiúil chontae Chorcaí (agus na hÉireann) i dtosach an 18ú haois. Is feiniméan liteartha an dlús véarsaíochta seo a bhaineann go háirithe le traidisiún liteartha Chorcaí. Tá na dánta curtha in eagar agus aistriúchán go Béarla curtha ar fáil: is é seo croí an tráchtais. Tá an t-eagrán bunaithe ar scrúdú cuimsitheach ar thraidisiún na lsí; pléitear modheolaíocht na heagarthóireachta. Déantar iarracht ar na dánta a shuíomh sa traidisiún casta liteartha sa tráchtaireacht tosaigh; sa chuid eile den bhfearas scoláiriúil, scrúdaítear ceisteanna a bhaineann le cúrsaí teanga, foclóra, meadarachta agus stíle. Tá innéacsanna agus liosta foinsí le fáil i ndeireadh an tráchtais.