23 resultados para 16999
The oscillatory thermocapillary convection and hydrothermal wave in a shallow liquid layer, where a temperature difference is applied between two parallel sidewalls, have been numerically investigated in a two-dimensional model. The oscillatory thermocapillary convection and hydrothermal wave appear if the Marangoni number is larger than a critical value. The critical phase speed and critical wave number of the hydrothermal wave agree with the ones given analytically by Smith and Davis in the microgravity environment, and it travels in the direction opposed to the surface flow. Another wave traveled downstream in addition to the hydrothermal wave traveled upstream was observed in the case of earth gravity condition.
Analisa o financiamento das campanhas, mostrando que os gastos eleitorais, de origem privada, têm crescido num ritmo exponencial. Em 2002, os gastos declarados à Justiça Eleitoral por partidos e candidatos nas campanhas para deputado federal alcançaram R$ 189,6 milhões; em 2010, esse valor chegou ao montante de R$ 908,2 milhões, um crescimento de 479% em oito anos. Na mesma direção, as campanhas presidenciais, que custaram R$ 94 milhões, em 2002, alcançaram a cifra de R$ 590 milhões em 2010, um crescimento de 627% em oito anos.
The speciation and distribution of Zn(II) and the effect of Gd(III) on Zn(II) speciation in human blood plasma were studied by computer simulation. The results show that, in normal blood plasma, the most predominant species of Zn(II) are [Zn(HSA)] (58.2%), [Zn(IgG)](20.1%), [Zn(Tf)] (10.4%), ternary complexes of [Zn(Cit)(Cys)] (6.6%) and of [Zn(Cys)(His)H] (1.6%), and the binary complex of [Zn(CYS)(2)H] (1.2%). When zinc is deficient, the distribution of Zn(II) species is similar to that in normal blood plasma. Then, the distribution changes with increasing zinc(II) total concentration. Overloading Zn(II) is initially mainly bound to human serum albumin (HSA). As the available amount of HSA is exceeded, phosphate metal and carbonate metal species are established. Gd(III) entering human blood plasma predominantly competes for phosphate and carbonate to form precipitate species. However, Zn(II) complexes with phosphate and carbonate are negligible in normal blood plasma, so Gd(III) only have a little effect on zinc(II) species in human blood plasma at a concentration above 1.0x10(-4) M.
The study now presented a research study aimed at the exercise of security activity of the prison guard corps (CGP) in the specific context of the prison system (SP). The study also focused on the phenomenon of globalization and its influence on the current panorama of world crime and their relationship with the prison security object of study was the security activity of the CGP on the current inmate population, as well as the typology of crimes inherent to it and that requires the interpretation of the amendment to the correctional paradigm. In the preparation of the study we have tried to identify the legal framework of the profession based on the main laws and decree-laws governing the institution DGRSP and CGP's career. The difficulties and constraints were analyzed the performance of the security function of the CGP, resulting from the infrastructure, the interaction with the inmates and the need of assigning the status of Criminal Police (OPC). Really connected the relevant importance of OPC so the Corporation can establish a cooperation interaction and sharing of information with different security forces. We noted the importance of the CGP being OPC status before the framework for its action in work situations, specifically, on gatehouses, prison wings, area, and high-complexity operations such as escorts and riot control interventions.The explanation of this study enabled us to assess the importance of the actions of a police officer of the elements of the CGP for maintaining internal security. The analyses and studies were complemented by twenty years of career and exercise of the activity of the master's degree, during which time he served as guard and head of the CGP, the intervention Group and Prison Security, the Lisbon Prison, Prison, Prison of Caxias, Sintra and Monsanto.
1928/10/14 (Numéro 16999).
Analizar el trabajo específico del equipo de psicopedagogía y el trabajo de coordinación psicológica. Las pruebas se han aplicado a todos los primeros cursos del Institut Pedraforca (230 alumnos), a un primer curso de FP (53 alumnos) y a 2 primeros cursos de BUP de Hospitalet de Llobregat (59 alumnos). Comenta las pruebas de admisión a la FP. Explica las tareas específicas realizadas por el equipo de psicopedagogía. Aplica unas pruebas objetivas a los alumnos para obtener datos con rigor científico y así poder estudiar el fracaso escolar. Analiza los resultados y da conclusiones. Se ha utilizado la prueba de matrices progresivas de Raven (con baremo de la población adolescente de Barcelona) para obtener datos de inteligencia general y poder tener un punto de referencia, asicomo estadística descriptiva. No se detecta diferencia significativa entre las medias obtenidas en los centros de FP. Sí, en cambio, entre BUP y FP (el cuartil 1o. de BUP se corresponde con la media de FP, aunque la diferencia es solo de 3 ítems por lo que cualitativamente no se considera una diferencia excesiva). Hay un 8,25 de sujetos que están por debajo del nivel cognitivo detectado en las escuelas de FP.
The "paulistas", or be, the pioneers of the town of São Paulo of Piratininga, were hired by the Portuguese Crown as instrument of repression and social control between the centuries XVII and XVIII, were involved in conflicts of the Captainships of the North of the State of Brazil after expulsion of the West of Indian Company. That moment corresponds to the beginning of the conquest of the sertão , and of the consequent resistances offered by the Indians of the interior of the continent that barred the Portuguese colonial project. The colonial sertão was understood as all area outside of the Portuguese jurisdiction, in contrary condition to the Sugary zone. In such events, the labor of the "paulistas" was employed by the rights to his abilities in traversing the weeds. With that, we are going to detach the participation of the "paulistas" during and after the called "Guerra dos Bárbaros" in the captainship of Rio Grande, as well as the output of that space from the establishment of the groups that were mobilized for the conflict
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)