1000 resultados para 14C conc std dev


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Vast areas on the Tibetan Plateau are covered by alpine sedge mats consisting of different species of the genus Kobresia. These mats have topsoil horizons rich in rhizogenic organic matter which creates turfs. As the turfs have recently been affected by a complex destruction process, knowledge concerning their soil properties, age and pedogenesis are needed. In the core area of Kobresia pygmaea mats around Nagqu (central Tibetan Plateau, ca. 4500 m a.s.l.), four profiles were subjected to pedological, paleobotanical and geochronological analyses concentrating on soil properties, phytogenic composition and dating of the turf. The turf of both dry K. pygmaea sites and wet Kobresia schoenoides sites is characterised by an enrichment of living (dominant portion) and dead root biomass. In terms of humus forms, K. pygmaea turfs can be classified as Rhizomulls mainly developed from Cambisols. Wet-site K. schoenoides turfs, however, can be classified as Rhizo-Hydromors developed from Histic Gleysols. At the dry sites studied, the turnover of soil organic matter is controlled by a non-permafrost cold thermal regime. Below-ground remains from sedges are the most frequent macroremains in the turf. Only a few pollen types of vascular plants occur, predominantly originating from sedges and grasses. Large amounts of microscopic charcoal (indeterminate) are present. Macroremains and pollen extracted from the turfs predominantly have negative AMS 14C ages, giving evidence of a modern turf genesis. Bulk-soil datings from the lowermost part of the turfs have a Late Holocene age comprising the last ca. 2000 years. The development of K. pygmaea turfs was most probably caused by an anthropo(zoo)-genetically initiated growth of sedge mats replacing former grass-dominated vegetation ('steppe'). Thus the turfs result from the transformation of pre-existing topsoils comprising a secondary penetration and accumulation of roots. K. schoenoides turfs, however, are characterised by a combined process of peat formation and penetration/accumulation of roots probably representing a (quasi) natural wetland vegetation.


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The 60 km wide shelf off Mauritania is cut by several submarine canyons. Its water-circulation is controlled by the cool Canary current and upwelling. Its Recent sediments show faunal associations remarkably related to the grain size distribution which in water depths between 40 and 80 m is strongly influenced by reworking of older coarse sand or sandstone. In this depth range a mixed biofacies originating from Pleistocene and Recent material is encountered. The present lateral faunistic and sedimentological facies change, including horizons of mixed provenance, can be recognized in vertical sequences taken by vibro-coring. This correlation combined with 14C-datations on molluscs enable the reconstruction of the history of the last glacial regression and transgression. Due to the arid climate, the emerging calcareous shelf sediments are indurated and, therefore, protected from subaerial and submarine erosion. During low sea level eolian sand migrates over the shelf, but only about 1/10 of this material remains there and is later incorporated into the sandy shelf sediments. The calculated average rate of total sedimentation during Holocene is 15 cm, and the production rate of carbonate is 5 cm/1000 years.


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In the Arctic, under-ice primary production is limited to summer months and is not only restricted by ice thickness and snow cover but also by the stratification of the water column, which constrains nutrient supply for algal growth. RV Polarstern visited the ice-covered Eastern Central basins between 82 to 89°N and 30 to 130°E in summer 2012 when Arctic sea ice declined to a record minimum. During this cruise, we observed a widespread deposition of ice algal biomass of on average 9 g C per m**2 to the deep-sea floor of the Central Arctic basins. Data from this cruise will contribute to assessing the impact of current climate change on Arctic productivity, biodiversity, and ecological function.


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A joint mesocosm experiment took place in February/March 2013 in the bay of Villefranche in France as part of the european MedSeA project. Nine mesocosms (52 m**3) were deployed over a 2 weeks period and 6 different levels of pCO2 and 3 control mesocosms (about 450 µatm), were used, in order to cover the range of pCO2 anticipated for the end of the present century. During this experiment, the potential effects of these perturbations on chemistry, planktonic community composition and dynamics including: eucaryotic and prokaryotic species composition, primary production, nutrient and carbon utilization, calcification, diazotrophic nitrogen fixation, organic matter exudation and composition, micro-layer composition and biogas production were studied by a group of about 25 scientists from 8 institutes and 6 countries. This is one of the first mesocosm experiments conducted in oligotrophic waters. A blog dedicated to this experiment can be viewed at: http://medseavillefranche2013.obs-vlfr.fr.


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The coastal deposits of Bonaire, Leeward Antilles, are among the most studied archives for extreme-wave events (EWEs) in the Caribbean. Here we present more than 400 electron spin resonance (ESR) and radiocarbon data on coarse-clast deposits from Bonaire's eastern and western coasts. The chronological data are compared to the occurrence and age of fine-grained extreme-wave deposits detected in lagoons and floodplains. Both approaches are aimed at the identification of EWEs, the differentiation between extraordinary storms and tsunamis, improving reconstructions of the coastal evolution, and establishing a geochronological framework for the events. Although the combination of different methods and archives contributes to a better understanding of the interplay of coastal and archive-related processes, insufficient separation, superimposition or burying of coarse-clast deposits and restricted dating accuracy limit the use of both fine-grained and coarse-clast geoarchives to unravel decadal- to centennial-scale events. At several locations, distinct landforms are attributed to different coastal flooding events interpreted to be of tsunamigenic origin. Coastal landforms on the western coast have significantly been influenced by (sub)-recent hurricanes, indicating that formation of the coarse-clast deposits on the eastern coast is likely to be related to past events of higher energy.


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In general, a moderate drying trend is observed in mid-latitude arid Central Asia since the Mid-Holocene, attributed to the progressively weakening influence of the mid-latitude Westerlies on regional climate. However, as the spatio-temporal pattern of this development and the underlying climatic mechanisms are yet not fully understood, new high-resolution paleoclimate records from this region are needed. Within this study, a sediment core from Lake Son Kol (Central Kyrgyzstan) was investigated using sedimentological, (bio)geochemical, isotopic, and palynological analyses, aiming at reconstructing regional climate development during the last 6000 years. Biogeochemical data, mainly reflecting summer moisture conditions, indicate predominantly wet conditions until 4950 cal. yr BP, succeeded by a pronounced dry interval between 4950 and 3900 cal. yr BP. In the following, a return to wet conditions and a subsequent moderate drying trend until present times are observed. This is consistent with other regional paleoclimate records and likely reflects the gradual Late Holocene diminishment of the amount of summer moisture provided by the mid-latitude Westerlies. However, climate impact of the Westerlies was apparently not only restricted to the summer season but also significant during winter as indicated by recurrent episodes of enhanced allochthonous input through snowmelt, occurring before 6000 cal. yr BP and at 5100-4350, 3450-2850, and 1900-1500 cal. yr BP. The distinct ~1500-year periodicity of these episodes of increased winter precipitation in Central Kyrgyzstan resembles similar cyclicities observed in paleoclimate records around the North Atlantic, likely indicating a hemispheric-scale climatic teleconnection and an impact of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) variability in Central Asia.


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A multivariable approach utilising bulk sediment, planktonic Foraminifera and siliceous phytoplankton has been used to reconstruct rapid variations in palaeoproductivity in the Peru-Chile Current System off northern Chile for the past 19000 cal. yr. During the early deglaciation (19000-16000 cal. yr BP), our data point to strongest upwelling intensity and highest productivity of the past 19 000 cal. yr. The late deglaciation (16000-13000 cal. yr BP) is characterised by a major change in the oceanographic setting, warmer water masses and weaker upwelling at the study site. Lowest productivity and weakest upwelling intensity are observed from the early to the middle Holocene (13000-4000 cal. yr BP), and the beginning of the late Holocene (<4000 cal. yr BP) is marked by increasing productivity, mainly driven by silicate-producing organisms. Changes in the productivity and upwelling intensity in our record may have resulted from a large-scale compression and/or displacement of the South Pacific subtropical gyre during more productive periods, in line with a northward extension of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and increased advection of Antarctic water masses with the Peru-Chile Current. The corresponding increase in hemispheric thermal gradient and wind stress induced stronger upwelling. During the periods of lower productivity, this scenario probably reversed.


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A high-resolution sea surface temperature and paleoproductivity reconstruction on a sedimentary record collected at 36°S off central-south Chile (GeoB 7165-1, 36°33'S, 73°40'W, 797 m water depth, core length 750 cm) indicates that paleoceanographic conditions changed abruptly between 18 and 17 ka. Comparative analysis of several cores along the Chilean continental margin (30°-41°S) suggests that the onset and the pattern of deglacial warming was not uniform off central-south Chile due to the progressive southward migration of the Southern Westerlies and local variations in upwelling. Marine productivity augmented rather abruptly at 13-14 ka, well after the oceanographic changes.We suggest that the late deglacial increase in paleoproductivity off central-south Chile reflects the onset of an active upwelling system bringing nutrient-rich, oxygen-poor Equatorial SubsurfaceWater to the euphotic zone, and a relatively higher nutrient load of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. During the Last Glacial Maximum, when the Southern Westerlies were located further north, productivity off central-south Chile, in contrast to off northern Chile, was reduced due to direct onshore-blowing winds that prevented coastal upwelling and export production.


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A sedimentological and palynological study of three sediment cores from the northern Mekong River Delta shows the regional sedimentary and environmental development since the mid-Holocene sea level highstand. A sub- to intertidal flat deposit of mid-Holocene age is recorded in the northernmost core. Shoreline deposits in all three cores show descending ages from N to S documenting 1) the early stages of the late Holocene regression and 2) the subsequent delta progradation. The delta plain successions vary from floodplain deposits with swamp-like elements to natural levee sediments. The uppermost sediments in all cores show human disturbance to varying degrees. The most intense alteration is recorded in the northernmost core where the palynological signal together with a charcoal peak indicates the profound change of the environment during the modern land reclamation. The sediments from at least one of the three presented cores do not show a "true" delta facies succession, but rather estuary-like features, as also observed in records from southern Cambodia. This absence is probably due to lack of accommodation space during the initial phase of rapid delta progradation which impeded the development of "true" delta successions as shown in cores from the southern Mekong River Delta.


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On the strongly karstified and almost unvegetated surface of the Zugspitzplatt, at an altitude of about 2290 m in the Wettersteingebirge, there is a doline within which over a period of several thousand years a bed of fine loess-like sediment, almost 1m thick, has accumulated. Notwithstanding the situation of this locality far above the present tree-line, this infill contains quantities of pollen and spores sufficient for pollen analysis without use of any enrichment techniques. Despite poor pollen preservation, it was possible to date the basal layers of this profile on the basis of their pollen assemblages. AMS dating (7415 ± 30 BP) has confirmed that the oldest sediments were laid down during the early Atlantic period, the time of the thermal optimum of the Holocene. At least since that time this site has never been overridden by a glacier. The moraine associated with the Löbben Oscillation between 3400 and 3100 BP - here represented by the so-called Platt Stillstand (Plattstand) - did not quite reach the doline. A diagram shows known Holocene glacial limits. The composition of the pollen assemblages from the two oldest levels with high pollen concentrations strongly suggests that the distance between the doline and the forest was much less during the Atlantic than at present.


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The origin of friable sediments blanketing the Barents Sea shelf is considered. It is shown that their characteristic seismoacoustic record patterns reflect low degree of diagenetic transformations and indicates continuous sedimentation. According to traditional views, this single sedimentary complex also includes diamicton, and the section is interpreted as a three-unit structure: diamicton, which is considered a till; the overlying friable sediments accumulated under different conditions of deglaciation in glaciomarine settings; and the postglacial marine sediments. It is demonstrated that such views are inconsistent with geomorphologic features (datings by physical methods included) indicating a prolonged hiatus that separates epochs of the diamicton accumulation and formation of friable sediments. The analysis revealed that the composition, vertical succession, and lateral distribution of different lithological types of friable sediments are related to the regular spatiotemporal replacements of different facies settings in the transgressing Arctic sea rather than by the glacial process. This inference is confirmed by the composition of foraminiferal assemblages.


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An area of massive barite precipitations was studied at a tectonic horst in 1500 m water depth in the Derugin Basin, Sea of Okhotsk. Seafloor observations and dredge samples showed irregular, block- to column-shaped barite build-ups up to 10 m high which were scattered over the seafloor along an observation track 3.5 km long. High methane concentrations in the water column show that methane expulsion and probably carbonate precipitation is a recently active process. Small fields of chemoautotrophic clams (Calyptogena sp., Acharax sp.) at the seafloor provide additional evidence for active fluid venting. The white to yellow barites show a very porous and often layered internal fabric, and are typically covered by dark-brown Mn-rich sediment; electron microprobe spectroscopy measurements of barite sub-samples show a Ba substitution of up to 10.5 mol% of Sr. Rare idiomorphic pyrite crystals (~1%) in the barite fabric imply the presence of H2S. This was confirmed by clusters of living chemoautotrophic tube worms (1 mm in diameter) found in pores and channels within the barite. Microscopic examination showed that micritic aragonite and Mg-calcite aggregates or crusts are common authigenic precipitations within the barite fabric. Equivalent micritic carbonates and barite carbonate cemented worm tubes were recovered from sediment cores taken in the vicinity of the barite build-up area. Negative d13C values of these carbonates (>-43.5 per mill PDB) indicate methane as major carbon source; d18O values between 4.04 and 5.88 per mill PDB correspond to formation temperatures, which are certainly below 5°C. One core also contained shells of Calyptogena sp. at different core depths with 14C-ages ranging from 20 680 to >49 080 yr. Pore water analyses revealed that fluids also contain high amounts of Ba; they also show decreasing SO4**2- concentrations and a parallel increase of H2S with depth. Additionally, S and O isotope data of barite sulfate (d34S: 21.0-38.6 per mill CDT; d18O: 9.0-17.6 per mill SMOW) strongly point to biological sulfate reduction processes. The isotope ranges of both S and O can be exclusively explained as the result of a mixture of residual sulfate after a biological sulfate reduction and isotopic fractionation with 'normal' seawater sulfate. While massive barite deposits are commonly assumed to be of hydrothermal origin, the assemblage of cheomautotrophic clams, methane-derived carbonates, and non-thermally equilibrated barite sulfate strongly implies that these barites have formed at ambient bottom water temperatures and form the features of a Giant Cold Seep setting that has been active for at least 49 000 yr.


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Quantifying the spatial and temporal sea surface temperature (SST) and salinity changes of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool is essential to understand the role of this region in connection with abrupt climate changes particularly during the last deglaciation. In this study we reconstruct SST and seawater d18O of the tropical eastern Indian Ocean for the past 40,000 years from two sediment cores (GeoB 10029-4, 1°30'S, 100°08'E, and GeoB 10038-4, 5°56'S, 103°15'E) retrieved offshore Sumatra. Our results show that annual mean SSTs increased about 2-3 °C at 19,000 years ago and exhibited southern hemisphere-like timing and pattern during the last deglaciation. Our SST records together with other Mg/Ca-based SST reconstructions around Indonesia do not track the monsoon variation since the last glacial period, as recorded by terrestrial monsoon archives. However, the spatial SST heterogeneity might be a result of changing monsoon intensity that shifts either the annual mean SSTs or the seasonality of G. ruber towards the warmer or the cooler season at different locations. Seawater d18O reconstructions north of the equator suggest fresher surface conditions during the last glacial and track the northern high-latitude climate change during the last deglaciation. In contrast, seawater ?18O records south of the equator do not show a significant difference between the last glacial period and the Holocene, and lack Bølling-Allerød and Younger Dryas periods suggestive of additional controls on annual mean surface hydrology in this part of the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool.


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This paper presents a new fossil pollen record from Tso Moriri (32°54'N, 78°19'E, 4512 m a.s.l.) and seeks to reconstruct changes in mean annual precipitation (MAP) during the last 12,000 years. This high-alpine lake occupies an area of 140 km**2 in a glacial-tectonic valley in the northwestern Himalaya. The region has a cold climate, with a MAP <300 mm, and open vegetation. The hydrology is controlled by the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM), but winter westerly-associated precipitation also affects the regional water balance. Results indicate that precipitation levels varied significantly during the Holocene. After a rapid increase in MAP, a phase of maximum humidity was reached between ca. 11 to 9.6 cal ka BP, followed by a gradual decline in MAP. This trend parallels the reduction in the Northern Hemisphere summer insolation. Comparison of different palaeoclimate proxy records reveal evidence for a stronger Holocene decrease in precipitation in the northern versus the southern parts of the ISM domain. The long-term trend of ISM weakening is overlaid with several short periods of greater dryness, which are broadly synchronous with the North Atlantic cold spells, suggesting reduced amounts of westerly-associated winter precipitation. Compared to the mid and late Holocene, it appears that westerlies had a greater influence on the western parts of the ISM domain during the early Holocene. During this period, the westerly-associated summer precipitation belt was positioned at Mediterranean latitudes and amplified the ISM-derived precipitation. The Tso Moriri pollen record and moisture reconstructions also suggest that changes in climatic conditions affected the ancient Harappan Civilisation, which flourished in the greater Indus Valley from approximately 5.2 to 3 cal ka BP. The prolonged Holocene trend towards aridity, punctuated by an interval of increased dryness (between ca. 4.5 to 4.3 cal ka BP), may have pushed the Mature Harappan urban settlements (between ca. 4.5 to 3.9 cal ka BP) to develop more efficient agricultural practices to deal with the increasingly acute water shortages. The amplified aridity associated with North Atlantic cooling between ca. 4 to 3.6 and around 3.2 cal ka BP further hindered local agriculture, possibly causing the deurbanisation that occurred from ca. 3.9 cal ka BP and eventual collapse of the Harappan Civilisation between ca. 3.5 to 3 cal ka BP.