994 resultados para 12930-004


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This series of research vignettes is aimed at sharing current and interesting research findings from our team of international Entrepreneurship researchers. In this vignette, Professor Per Davidsson considers some of the dynamics associated with firm growth.


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In this report we take a look at what separates high potential emerging and young start-ups from others. We compare the characteristics, intentions and behaviours of start-ups that we judge to be 'high potential' with other start-ups. We utilise the first two years of data from the CAUSEE study. We also compare Australian start-ups with a similar study conduced in the US.


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[1] We have compared the spectral aerosol optical depth (AOD, tau lambda) and aerosol fine mode fraction (AFMF) of Collection 004 (C004) derived from Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on board National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Terra and Aqua platforms with that obtained from Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) at Kanpur (26.45 degrees N, 80.35 degrees E), India for the period 2001-2005. The spatially-averaged (0.5 degrees x 0.5 degrees centered at AERONET sunphotometer) MODIS Level-2 aerosol parameters (10 km at nadir) were compared with the temporally averaged AERONET-measured AOD (within +/- 30 minutes of MODIS overpass). We found that MODIS systematically overestimated AOD during the pre-monsoon season (March to June, known to be influenced by dust aerosols). The errors in AOD at 0.66 mu m were correlated with the apparent reflectance at 2.1 mu m (rho*(2.1)) which MODIS C004 uses to estimate the surface reflectance in the visible channels (rho(0.47) = rho*(2.1)/ 4, rho(0.66) = rho*(2.1)/ 2). The large errors in AOD (Delta tau(0.66) > 0.3) are found to be associated with the higher values of rho*(2.1) (0.18 to 0.25), where the uncertainty in the ratios of reflectance is large (Delta rho(0.66) +/- 0.04, Delta rho(0.47) +/- 0.02). This could have resulted in lower surface reflectance, higher aerosol path radiance and thus lead to overestimation in AOD. While MODIS-derived AFMF has binary distribution (1 or 0) with too low (AFMF < 0.2) during dust-loading period, and similar to 1 for the rest of the retrievals, AERONET showed range of values (0.4 to 0.9). The errors in tau(0.66) were also high in the scattering angle range 110 degrees - 140 degrees, where the optical effects of nonspherical dust particles are different from that of spherical particles.


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Início dos trabalhos na Comissões e Subcomissões da Assembleia Nacional Constituinte (ANC). O 1º Vice-Presidente da Comissão dos Municípios e Regiões, Mauro Miranda, esclarece sobre o cronograma da Subcomissão. A Subcomissão da União, Distrito Federal e Territórios teve a sua primeira reunião. O Relator da Subcomissão da União, Distrito Federal e Territórios, Sigmaringa Seixas relata sobre a norma de funcionamento da Subcomissão. O Presidente da Subcomissão dos Estados, Chagas Rodrigues relata que o assunto mais polêmico desta Subcomissão é a questão da divisão dos Estados. A Subcomissão do Poder Legislativo definiu que o tema sistema de governo deverá ser o primeiro assunto a ser debatido. Instalação e eleição dos membros da Comissão de Sistematização. Disputa para o cargo de relator da Comissão de Sistematização os deputados Bernardo Cabral (PMDB-AM) e Pimenta da Veiga (PMDB-MG) e do senador Fernando Henrique Cardoso (PMDB-SP). Após empate entre Bernardo Cabral e Pimenta da Veiga realizou-se outra eleição, com vitória do Deputado Bernardo Cabral.


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We improved the method previously used to determine the lattice constants and misorientation of GaAs/Si by recording the patterns of X-ray (004) and (220) reflections. The (220) reflection was measured from the (110) cross section of a GaAs/Si epilayer. The structural properties of the GaAs/Si epilayers grown by metal-organic chemical-vapor deposition (MOCVD) using an ultrathin a-Si buffer layer were investigated. The rotation angle of GaAs/Si epilayers grown by MOCVD using an a-Si buffer layer is very small and the lattice constants of these GaAs/Si epilayers agree quite well with elastic theory.


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O regulamento técnico relativo ao projecto, construção, exploração e manutenção de redes de gás combustível canalizado tem sofrido algumas alterações ao longo dos últimos treze anos. Este facto está directamente relacionado com o projecto de introdução do gás natural (GN) no território nacional, considerado como uma das prioridades na política energética dos últimos governos. A área geográfica de concessão de serviço público de importação de gás natural e do seu transporte e fornecimento através da rede de alta pressão encontra-se actualmente alargada a todos os municípios do continente, por força da Portaria n.º 2/2001, de 2 de Janeiro.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias, con especialidad en Ingeniería Ambiental) U. A. N. L.


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Toda empresa debe buscar su permanencia en el tiempo y el éxito o fracaso de ese propósito depende de la manera en que la organización anticipe el futuro basada en su experiencia, el conocimiento de su objeto, su entorno, sus limitantes y capacidades


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Purpose To compare the effects of travoprost 0.004% and latanoprost 0.005% on the intraocular pressure (IOP) of normal dogs.Methods Twenty mixed breed dogs were randomized to two groups: latanoprost was used in group A and travoprost in group B. The drugs were instilled in the right eye of the dogs, whereas the left eye received placebo. Both drugs were instilled once a day at 8 AM during 5 days. IOP measurements were made at 8 AM, 10 AM, 2 PM and 8 PM during the 5 days of treatment, the 3 days that preceded treatment, and 3 days following treatment. Presence of blepharospasm, miosis, anterior chamber flare, and conjunctival hyperemia were evaluated during the study.Results Mean IOP was significantly reduced in the eyes treated with both latanoprost and travoprost, when compared with the eyes treated with placebo (P < 0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the mean IOPs of eyes treated with latanoprost and travoprost at all time intervals during baseline, treatment, and recovery (P > 0.05). on the fifth day of treatment and on the first day of the recovery period, a severe ocular hypotension was noted with both drugs, resulting in imprecise readings with the tonometer. Miosis and conjunctival hyperemia were observed in the treated eyes of both groups, whereas flare was noticed in one latanoprost-treated eye.Conclusion Travoprost 0.004% significantly reduces the IOP in normal dogs. The hypotensive effect obtained with travoprost 0.004% is comparable to that obtained with latanoprost 0.005%.