999 resultados para :replantofC.lanceolata
Two controlled microcosm experiments aimed at a critical re-assessment of the contributions of divergent arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi to plant mineral nutrition were established that specifically targeted Plantago lanceolata–Glomus intraradices (B.B/E) and –Gigaspora margarita (BEG 34) symbioses developed in a native, nutrient limited, coastal dune soil. Plant tissue nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) status as well as plant growth parameters and levels of mycorrhizal colonization were assessed at harvest. In addition to the general well-established mycorrhizal facilitation of P uptake, the study was able to demonstrate a G. intraradices-specific contribution to improved plant nitrogen and potassium nutrition. In the two respective experiments, G. intraradices-inoculated plants had 27.8% and 40.8% more total N and 55.8% and 23.3% more total K when compared to Gi. margarita inoculated counterparts. Dissimilar overall contribution of the two isolates to plant nutrition was identified in AM-genus specific differences in plant tissue N:P:K ratios. G. intraradices inoculated and non-mycorrhizal plants generally exhibited N:P:K ratios indicative of P limitation whereas for Gi.margarita mycorrhizal plants, corresponding ratios strongly implied either N or K limitation. The study provides further evidence highlighting AM functional biodiversity in respect to plant nutrient limitation experienced by mycorrhizal P. lanceolata in an ecologically relevant soil system.
Impacts of divergent arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, Glomus intraradices and Gigaspora margarita, on denitrifying and diazotrophic bacterial communities of Plantago lanceolata in nutrient-limited dune soil were assessed. We hypothesized AM species-related modifications that were confirmed in respective bacterial nirK and nifH sequence polymorphism -based community clustering and community variance allocation. The denitrifying community appeared more responsive to AM fungi than the nitrogen-fixing community. Nevertheless, the main explanatory variable, in both cases, was plant age. We conclude that AM fungi can modify N-cycling microbial rhizosphere communities and future work should aim to verify the functional significance and mechanistic basis.
Background and Aims Despite recent recognition that (1) plant–herbivore interactions during the establishment phase, (2) ontogenetic shifts in resource allocation and (3) herbivore response to plant volatile release are each pivotal to a comprehensive understanding of plant defence, no study has examined how herbivore olfactory response varies during seedling ontogeny. Methods Using a Y-tube olfactometer we examined snail (Helix aspersa) olfactory response to pellets derived from macerated Plantago lanceolata plants harvested at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 weeks of age to test the hypothesis that olfactory selection of plants by a generalist herbivore varies with plant age. Plant volatiles were collected for 10 min using solid-phase microextraction technique on 1- and 8-week-old P. lanceolata pellets and analysed by gas chromatography coupled with a mass spectrometer. Key Results Selection of P. lanceolata was strongly negatively correlated with increasing age; pellets derived from 1-week-old seedlings were three times more likely to be selected as those from 8-week-old plants. Comparison of plant selection experiments with plant volatile profiles from GC/MS suggests that patterns of olfactory selection may be linked to ontogenetic shifts in concentrations of green leaf volatiles and ethanol (and its hydrolysis derivatives). Conclusions Although confirmatory of predictions made by contemporary plant defence theory, this is the first study to elucidate a link between seedling age and olfactory selection by herbivores. As a consequence, this study provides a new perspective on the ontogenetic expression of seedling defence, and the role of seedling herbivores, particularly terrestrial molluscs, as selective agents in temperate plant communities.
Frutos, sementes e plântulas de Crotalaria lanceolata, conhecida popularmente como guizo-de-cascavel, chocalho-de-cobra, xique-xique ou feijão-de-guizo, planta tóxica infestante que ocorre no Estado de São Paulo, foram estudadas morfologicamente e citogeneticamente. Os frutos são secos, deiscentes, polispérmicos e do tipo legume. As sementes são reniformes e o embrião é constituído de eixo embrionário e dois cotilédones. A testa pode apresentar variadas tonalidades de castanhos. A germinação é epígea e fanerocotiledonar. A espécie apresenta número cromossômico diplóide 2n = 16 com formulação cariotípica 12M + 4SM e comprimento cromossômico médio geral de 3,340 ± 0,689.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Phenotypes of plants, and thus their ecology and evolution, can be affected by the environmental conditions experienced by their parents, a phenomenon called parental effects or transgenerational plasticity. However, whether such effects are just passive responses or represent a special type of adaptive plasticity remains controversial because of a lack of solid tests of their adaptive significance. Here, we investigated transgenerational effects of different nutrient environments on the productivity, carbon storage and flowering phenology of the perennial plant Plantago lanceolata, and whether these effects are influenced by seasonal variation in the maternal environment. We found that maternal environments significantly affected the offspring phenotype, and that plants consistently produced more biomass and had greater root carbohydrate storage if grown under the same environmental conditions as experienced by their mothers. The observed transgenerational effects were independent of the season in which seeds had matured. We therefore conclude that transgenerational effects on biomass and carbon storage in P. lanceolata are adaptive regardless of the season of seed maturation.
Tasmannia lanceolata, commonly known as Tasmanian pepper leaf or mountain pepper, is an Australian native plant that produces an essential oil with a characteristic pungent flavor attributed to the sesquiterpene polygodial. The dried and fresh leaves are used in culinary applications. The essential oil is produced by a solvent extraction process, and the resultant concrete is a rich source of the principal pungent molecule polygodial and other volatiles. The Tasmanian pepper leaf extract has broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity and is very effective against fungi, especially yeasts. This demonstrates its potential to be used in the food industry as a natural preservative. Indigenous Australians have used Tasmanian pepper leaves for therapeutic purposes; in recent times, it is been used as a flavoring agent and enhancer of pungency in food products. This chapter covers the use of Tasmanian pepper leaf essential oil in food applications, its botanical aspects, and its chemical composition.
牡丹复合体属芍药属(Paconia)牡丹组(Sect. Moutan).原有6个种名,包括花壬 牡丹、名贵野生花卉紫斑牡丹,著名中药牡丹皮原植物,野生种类为我国特有,仅分 布在以秦岭为中心的较小区域.本研究从山西、陕西、河南、湖北、甘肃共采集14 个居群(包括复合体不同类型).通过野外居群调查、样方研究,移栽实验,以及细 胞学观察、孢粉学观察分析、种子蛋白和DNA水平多样性的探索性的工作,并结合 聚类分析方法,对牡丹复合体进行了分类学和保护生物学两方面的研究,主要结论 为: 1.本复合体为多年生木本植物,生长缓慢,在天然状况下,从种子播种到开花结实长达7年.枝条通常具隔年开花习性.严格单花顶生,花期短(5-10天).雄蕊先熟,以异花传粉为主(主要传粉者有甲虫和野蜂).自交亲和,甲虫在传粉过程中常常破坏心皮和胚珠.胚珠败育比例很高,紫斑牡丹50%.其它类群达90%. 2.种子生物学特性研究,发现本复合体种子属正统种子,但种子衰变快.种子萌发时间长,一般的化学及物理处理对种子萌发无明显促进作用,种子具上胚轴休眠特性.打破休眠需要两个条件:一是胚根长足3 cm.二是10℃左右的低温或GA3处理,野生紫斑牡丹种子较大,复合体其它野生类群种子较小.野生牡丹的种子活力相当低,萌发时间更长. 3.样方的调查统计表明,稷山和永济两地区的矮牡丹株数一龄级分布规律是2—5年生个体最多,随年龄级的增加,个体数目减少.居群呈增长趋势.紫斑牡丹株数一龄级分布规律是青壮年时期个体数目多,幼年时间和老年时期个体数目少,居群呈衰退的趋势,这与其本身繁殖方式和人为破坏程度相关. 4.对13个居群花粉扫描电镜观察表明,本复合体紫斑牡丹(P. rockii)为粗网纹,网眼大,其它类群为细网纹、网眼小. 5.通过18个居群的核型分析并结合前人工作,发现本复合体染色体数目稳定2n =10.核型差别不大,野生类群和栽培品种间有一定分化,但总体上核型多样性比较贫乏.通过8个居群C带研究,发现带纹很少,但多样性很丰富.8个居群表现出7种带型. 6.种子蛋白和DNA水平多样性的初步研究,发现复合体具有较丰富的多样性.但多样性的分布对类群的划分帮助不大,有待进一步研究. 7.通过形态性状分析发现产自各地区矮牡丹、河南粉花类型、神农架红花类型具根出条现象,并以此为主要繁殖方式,紫斑牡丹无此现象.神农架红花类型植株矮小,复合体其它类群较高.产自各地区的矮牡丹和神农架红花类型为二回三出复叶.小叶数目多为9.矮牡丹顶生小叶具浅裂、中裂或深裂,裂片具齿,神农架红花类型顶生小叶仅具浅裂或齿(全缘).河南粉花类型为二回羽状复叶.小叶数目12-15.紫斑类型叶为二回或三回羽状复叶、小叶数目15-40.小叶分裂方式分两种类型,秦岭西部居群以浅裂、全缘为主,东部居群以中裂或深裂为主,裂片具齿.神农架红花类型花为平展型、较小,其它地区花杯状、较大.花盘有二种类型.紫斑类群花盘黄色或白色.1/2-4/5包被心皮,心皮被稀疏长柔毛,其它类群花盘紫红色,全包心皮,心皮密被短硬毛.根据形态性状分析.并结合细胞学、孢粉学和地理分布研究,对复合体做如下处理:(l)把神农架红花类型做为新种处理P.quii Y.L.Pei et Hong.(2)保留P.rockii(S.G.Haw et L.A. Lanener)T.Hong ct J.J.Li和P.ostii T.Hong et J.X. Zhang.前者进一步分成二亚种:subsp. rockii和subsp. lanceolata Y.L.Pei et Hong(新亚种).后者包括河南粉花类型,中药丹皮原植物.(3)保留P.suffruticosa Andr.种内分二亚种:subsp. suffruticosa和subsp. spontanea (Rehd.)S.G. Haw et L.A, Lauener. (4)废弃P.papaveracea Andr.和P.jishanensis T.Hong et W.Z.Zhao (5)P.yanancnsis T.Hong et M.R.Li作为存疑种处理. 8.通过上述研究对野生牡丹濒危原因加以分析,认为致濒原因主要是人为干扰和种子萌发和传粉特点等生物学特性造成,但以前者为主,建议应广泛开展各个层次多样性研究,为生物多样性保护利用奠定基础。
本文重点分析了黄华属植物的形态变异,并结合微形态、植物地理及分子生物学的证据,对全世界黄华属植物首次进行了全面的分类学修订,承认全世界黄华属植物共5组、21种、6变种。对Czefranova (1954,1958,1970,1976)的分类系统/2亚属、4组、38种,及其他学者描述的种进行了修正。对7个种进行了归并处理:确认了3个种的分类学地位;新组合了两个变种;建立了1个新组。 考证了属的正确模式及一些种的合法学名。长期被误用的本属模式 Thermopsis lanceolata R.Br. (1811)实际上是根据Sophora lupinoides L.(1973)同 模式(轮生花)建立的一个多余名,这个命名法上的异名应当被废弃而代之以T. lupinoides (L.) Link (1821)。而长期被误用的东北亚互生花黄华的正确名称应当是T. fabacea (Pall.) DC. (1825). 本文首次较全面的研究了黄华属植物的地理学。黄华属基本上为东亚-北美间断分布属。东亚地区是黄华属植物的现代分布及分化中心。伊朗-土兰地区及落基山地区是次生分布和次生演化中心,该属的多倍性现象也出现在这二地区,而且自此二地区曾经描述了许多新分类群,同时也被归并了很多,然而,最近的分子生物学证据又揭示,在这些地区曾被归并的一些分类群应是不同的实体,这似乎也在提醒分类学家,对这些物种分化较活跃的区域进行分类处理时,无论是描述新分类群,抑还归并或新组合旧分类群都应持谨慎态度。 据黄华属植物的现代地理分布、形态演化趋势、现有的化石及地质历史资料推测,黄华属植物在中新世之前早已存在,并且很可能在早第三纪或晚白垩纪,起源于劳亚古陆上一个含羽扇豆生物碱的古槐成员。两大陆分离后,在不同的促进种化因子的影响下,形成了各自的演化格局。根据黄华属植物的系统演化趋势、原始类群的分布式样及特有现象分析,东亚地区的中国,日本亚区和北美的阿把拉契亚省可能是可能是本属现存植物的原始类型保存中心。
买麻藤纲的系统演化位置数百年来一直是国际植物学界争论的焦点问题。有人认为,买麻藤纲是被子植物的姐妹群,但另有人认为该纲与裸子植物的关系更为密切。尽管存在争议,但是麻黄属(麻黄科)一直被公认为买麻藤纲的基部类群。由于其在植物界中的特殊位置,解剖学、形态和分类学、分子系统学与古植物学等多种学科已经对该属开展了多角度的研究工作。在对买麻藤纲系统发育和演化位置进行研究时,我们意识到麻黄属的历史记录问题不仅是对麻黄属进行其他研究中必须首先解决的关键问题,而且已成为当务之急。而要令人满意的地解决麻黄属的历史记录,必须弄清以下核心问题:①麻黄属的起源时间是什么? ②麻黄属的化石记录怎样? ③早期麻黄植物的多样性怎样? 我们在全世界搜集了麻黄属的全部化石文献,这给我们对该属历史记录进行研究提供了扎实的基础;我们在辽西热河生物群尖山沟组早白垩世地层采集到了保存完好的麻黄化石,这为我们对其历史记录的研究提供了新的材料。 在对该属进行深入的研究后,结合对在中国辽宁省西部尖山沟组早白垩世地层采集到的保存完好的麻黄化石的研究,得出结论如下: (1)麻黄科下原有的似麻黄属和异麻黄属的属征以及模式种的形态特征与麻黄属非常接近。似麻黄属与麻黄属的区别在于二者的时代不同,异麻黄属和麻黄属的差异在于异麻黄属的分枝式样兼具对生和互生。在综合对比后,将似麻黄属和异麻黄属归并入麻黄属中。 (2)根据繁殖器官的特征,对麻黄属下的化石记录进行了整理,结果发现,目前可以确认的麻黄属化石种共有7个,分别是Ephedra chenii (Cao et Wu) Liu, Li et Wang comb. nov., E. antiqua (Heer) Liu, Li et Wang comb. nov., E. xingxuei (Tao et Yang) Liu, Li et Wang comb. nov., E. lanceolata Liu, Ferguson, Li et Wang sp. nov., E. divisa Liu, Ferguson, Li et Wang sp. nov., E. ovata Liu, Ferguson, Li et Wang sp. nov., 以及E. tenera Liu, Li et Wang sp. nov.。其余的种由于性状不明确或缺乏繁殖部分的特征而被暂时搁置一边。 (3)在1.25亿年前,麻黄属在种子单位中苞片的形态、叶片的形态和大小以及叶脉式样等四个方面已经表现出了丰富的多样性。1.25亿年前,麻黄属叶片的最长可达35毫米,最宽可达45毫米,比现代植物的大(最长可达35毫米,最宽可达2毫米);叶片的叶脉式样中在同时具有现在植物的平行脉和汇聚脉之外,还有分叉脉出现。种子单位中苞片的形态主要为鳞片状和披针形,这比现代植物窄;叶片的形态主要有四种类型(卵形、裂叶、披针形以及鳞片状),比现代植物中的两种类型(披针形和鳞片状)复杂。将1.25亿年前多样的麻黄属与现代麻黄植物对比,表明在过去的1.25亿年期间,麻黄属的演化过程为:性状的消失和物种的灭绝。 (4)对于麻黄属的起源时间,对现代麻黄植物叶绿体rbcL基因序列的分析得出的时间为8-32 百万年,而近期基于rbcL、rps4 以及ITS序列和麻黄属化石种子以及麻黄粉的分析,得出麻黄属的起源时间为1.1亿年。我们发现的保存完好的化石标本给出的可靠的直接证据表明,麻黄属植物早在1.25亿年前已经出现,而且当时已经表现出了丰富的多样性,说明麻黄属的起源时间可能会更早。
本文以杉科(Taxodiaceae)五属六种植物--杉木属(Cunninghamia)的杉木(C. lanceolata)、水松属(Glyptostrobus)的水松(G. pensilis)、落羽杉属(Taxodium)的池杉(T. ascendens)、水杉属(Metasequoia)的水杉(M. glyptostroboides)、柳杉属(Cryptomeria)的柳杉(C. fortunei)及日本柳杉(C. japonica)为材料,进行了以下研究: 1、用气相色谱-质谱-计算机联用法,在统一条件下测定了上述植物叶的精油成分及各成分百分含量。共检测到七十余种成分,包括α-蒎稀(α-pinene)、龙脑(borneol)、乙酸松油酯(terpinyl acetate)、杜松烯(cadinene)等十六种共有成分和其它分布各异的成分。 2、用柱层析和薄层层析法从杉木中提取、分离、纯化了5个双黄酮成分,鉴定为一类3'-8"联接的化合物,分别为穗花杉双黄酮(amentoflavone)、长叶世界爷双黄酮(sequoiaflavone)、银杏双黄酮(gingetin)、榧黄素(kayaflavone)和金松双黄酮(sciadopitysin)。 3、用薄层层析法检测上述5个双黄酮成分在6种植物中的分布,发现每一植物均含有这五个已知化合物。 4、根据以上结果并结合文献资料,讨论了以下问题: 1)、杉科植物精油成分及其组成特点; 2)、杉科植物双黄酮成分及其分布规律; 3)有关柳杉与日本柳杉关系的化学证据; 4)有关水杉归属的化学证据。