981 resultados para (A. Schmidt) G. Fryxell and T. P. Watkins


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A wealth of sedimentary records aimed at reconstructing late Quaternary changes in productivity and temperature have been devoted to understanding linkages between the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool (IPWP) and other distant oceanic areas. Most of these reconstructions are based, however, on biogeochemical and sedimentological proxies, with comparatively less attention devoted to microfossils. A high-resolution (<1 ka) study of diatom concentrations and the community at site GeoB10038-4, recovered off southern Sumatra (ca. 6°S, 103°E), closely tracks the variations of diatom concentrations in the westernmost IPWP during the last glacial-interglacial cycle. The diatom record provides evidence that diatom paleoproductivity was highest during interglacials, primarily due to the input of lithogenics and nutrients following the rise in sea level after full glacials. In addition, the co-variation of total diatom concentration and Northern Hemisphere forcing for Marine Isotope Stage 5 suggests a direct response of diatom productivity and upwelling intensity to boreal summer insolation. Temporal shifts of the diverse diatom community at site GeoB10038-4 correspond well with the present-day seasonal monsoon pattern and the strengthening and weakening phases of upwelling along the southern coast of Sumatra. Resting spores of Chaetoceros, typical of nutrient-rich waters, were dominant during periods of highest diatom paleoproductivity and responded to the strengthening of the SE monsoon, while diatoms of oligotrophic to mesotrophic waters characterized intermonsoon periods. The close correspondence between the dominance of upwelling diatoms and the boreal summer insolation resembles the present-day dynamics of diatom production. The observed interglacial highs and glacial lows of diatom productivity at site GeoB10038-4 is a unique pattern in the late Quaternary tropics.


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The low availability of zinc (Zn) in soils and crops affects dietary Zn intake worldwide. This study sought to determine if the natural genetic variation in shoot Zn concentrations (Zn(shoot)) is sufficient to pursue a crop improvement breeding strategy in a leafy vegetable crop. The gene-pool of Brassica oleracea L. was sampled using a large (n = 376) diversity foundation set (DFS), representing almost all species-wide common allelic variation, and 74 commercial varieties (mostly F(1)). The DFS genotypes were grown at low and high soil phosphorus (P) levels under glasshouse and field conditions, and also in a Zn-deficient soil, with or without Zn-fertilisation, in a glasshouse. Despite the large variation in Zn(shoot) among genotypes, environment had a profound effect on Zn(shoot) The heritability of Zn(shoot) was significant, but relatively low, among 90 doubled-haploid (DH) lines from a mapping population. While several quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with Zn(shoot) occurred on chromosomes C2, C3, C5, C7, and C9, these were generally weak and conditional upon growth conditions. Breeding for Zn(shoot) in B. oleracea is therefore likely to be challenging. Shoot P concentrations increased substantially in all genotypes under low soil Zn conditions. Conversely, only some genotypes had increased Zn(shoot) at low soil P levels. Sufficient natural genetic variation may therefore exist to study some of the interactions between Zn and P nutrition.


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Fil: Fernández, Claudia Nélida. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Fil: Fernández, Claudia Nélida. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Background Hyperhomocysteinemia as a consequence of the MTHFR 677 C > T variant is associated with cardiovascular disease and stroke. Another factor that can potentially contribute to these disorders is a depleted nitric oxide level, which can be due to the presence of eNOS +894 G> T and eNOS −786 T> C variants that make an individual more susceptible to endothelial dysfunction. A number of genotyping methods have been developed to investigate these variants. However, simultaneous detection methods using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) analysis are still lacking. In this study, a novel multiplex PCR-RFLP method for the simultaneous detection of MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G> T and eNOS −786 T> C variants was developed. A total of 114 healthy Malay subjects were recruited. The MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G> T and eNOS −786 T> C variants were genotyped using the novel multiplex PCR-RFLP and confirmed by DNA sequencing as well as snpBLAST. Allele frequencies of MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G> T and eNOS −786 T> C were calculated using the Hardy Weinberg equation. Methods The 114 healthy volunteers were recruited for this study, and their DNA was extracted. Primer pair was designed using Primer 3 Software version 0.4.0 and validated against the BLAST database. The primer specificity, functionality and annealing temperature were tested using uniplex PCR methods that were later combined into a single multiplex PCR. Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) was performed in three separate tubes followed by agarose gel electrophoresis. PCR product residual was purified and sent for DNA sequencing. Results The allele frequencies for MTHFR 677 C > T were 0.89 (C allele) and 0.11 (T allele); for eNOS +894 G> T, the allele frequencies were 0.58 (G allele) and 0.43 (T allele); and for eNOS −786 T> C, the allele frequencies were 0.87 (T allele) and 0.13 (C allele). Conclusions Our PCR-RFLP method is a simple, cost-effective and time-saving method. It can be used to successfully genotype subjects for the MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G> T and eNOS −786 T> C variants simultaneously with 100% concordance from DNA sequencing data. This method can be routinely used for rapid investigation of the MTHFR 677 C > T and eNOS +894 G> T and eNOS −786 T> C variants.


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The synthesis of cytochrome P-450 (phenobarbital inducible) and cytochrome P-448 (3-methylcholanthrene inducible) have been studied in rat liver in vivo and in the wheat germ cell-free system using anti- cytochrome P-450 and anti-cytochrome P-448 antibodies. The major mature forms synthesized in vivo correspond to a molecular weight of 47,000 for cytochrome P-450 and 53,000 for cytochrome P-448. Translation of poly(A)-containing RNA from phenobarbital-treated rats in the wheat germ cell-free system reveals that the cell-free product immunoprecipitated with anti-cytochrome P-450 antibody has a molecular weight close to 47,000. In the case of 3-methylcholanthrene, the cell- free product immunoprecipitated with anti-cytochrome P-448 antibody shows a molecular weight around 59,000. Significant conversion of the 59,000 species to the 53,000 species can be demonstrated when the translation is carried out in the presence of microsomal membranes isolated from rat liver. Phenobarbital and 3-methylcholanthrene enhance the translatable messenger.


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The electronic structure, electron g factor, and Stark effect of InAs1-xNx quantum dots are studied by using the ten-band k center dot p model. It is found that the g factor can be tuned to be zero by the shape and size of quantum dots, nitrogen (N) doping, and the electric field. The N doping has two effects on the g factor: the direct effect increases the g factor and the indirect effect decreases it. The Stark effect in quantum ellipsoids is high asymmetrical and the asymmetry factor may be 319. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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The oxovanadium phosphonates (VO(P-204)(2) and VO(P-507)(2)) activated by various alkylaluminums (AlR3, R = Et, i-Bu, n-Oct; HAIR(2), R = Et, i-Bu) were examined in butadiene (Bd) polymerization. Both VO(P-204)(2) and VO(P-507)(2) showed higher activity than those of classical vanadium-based catalysts (e.g. VOCl3, V(acac)(3)). Among the examined catalysts, the VO(P-204)(2)/Al(Oct)(3) system (I) revealed the highest catalytic activity, giving the poly(Bd) bearing M-n of 3.76 x 10(4) g/mol, and M-w/M-n ratio of 2.9, when the [Al]/[V] molar ratio was 4.0 at 40 degrees C. The polymerization rate for I is of the first order with respect to the concentration of monomer. High thermal stability of I was found, since a fairly good catalytic activity was achieved even at 70 degrees C (polymer yield > 33%); the M-n value and M-w/M-n, ratio were independent of polymerization temperature in the range of 40-70 degrees C. By IR and DSC, the poly(Bd)s obtained had high 1,2-unit content (> 65%) with atactic configuration. The 1,2-unit content of the polymers obtained by I was nearly unchanged, regardless of variation of reaction conditions, i.e. [Al]/[V], ageing time, and reaction temperature, indicating the high stability of stereospecificity of the active sites.


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Two novel bis(amine anhydride)s, NN-bis(3,4-dicarboxyphenyl)aniline dianhydride (I) and N,N-bis(3,4-dicarboxyphenyl)-p-tert-butylaniline (II), were synthesized from the palladium-catalyzed amination reaction of N-methyl-protected 4-chlorophthalic anhydride with arylamines, followed by alkaline hydrolysis of the intermediate bis(amine-phthalimide)s and subsequent dehydration of the resulting tetraacids. The X-ray structures of anhydride I and II were determined. The obtained dianhydride monomers were reacted with various aromatic diamines to produce a series of novel polyimides. Because of the incorporation of bulky, propeller-shaped triphenylamine units along the polymer backbone, all polyimides exhibited good solubility in many aprotic solvents while maintaining their high thermal properties. These polymers had glass transition temperatures in the range of 298-408 degrees C. Thermogravimetric analysis showed that all polymers were stable, with 10% weight loss recorded above 525 degrees C in nitrogen.The tough polymer films, obtained by casting from solution, had tensile strength, elongation at break, and tensile modulus values in the range of 95-164 MPa, 8.8-15.7%, and 1.3-2.2 GPa, respectively.


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The propagation of small amplitude stationary profile nonlinear electrostatic excitations in a pair plasma is investigated, mainly drawing inspiration from experiments on fullerene pair-ion plasmas. Two distinct pair ion species are considered of opposite polarity and same mass, in addition to a massive charged background species, which is assumed to be stationary, given the frequency scale of interest. In the pair-ion context, the third species is thought of as a background defect (e.g. charged dust) component. On the other hand, the model also applies formally to electron-positron-ion (e-p-i) plasmas, if one neglects electron-positron annihilation. A two-fluid plasma model is employed, incorporating both Lorentz and Coriolis forces, thus taking into account the interplay between the gyroscopic (Larmor) frequency ?c and the (intrinsic) plasma rotation frequency O0. By employing a multi-dimensional reductive perturbation technique, a Zakharov-Kuznetsov (ZK) type equation is derived for the evolution of the electric potential perturbation. Assuming an arbitrary direction of propagation, with respect to the magnetic field, we derive the exact form of nonlinear solutions, and study their characteristics. A parametric analysis is carried out, as regards the effect of the dusty plasma composition (background number density), species temperature(s) and the relative strength of rotation to Larmor frequencies. It is shown that the Larmor and mechanical rotation affect the pulse dynamics via a parallel-to-transverse mode coupling diffusion term, which in fact diverges at ?c ? ±2O0. Pulses collapse at this limit, as nonlinearity fails to balance dispersion. The analysis is complemented by investigating critical plasma compositions, in fact near-symmetric (T- ˜ T+) “pure” (n- ˜ n+) pair plasmas, i.e. when the concentration of the 3rd background species is negligible, case in which the (quadratic) nonlinearity vanishes, so one needs to resort to higher order nonlinear theory. A modified ZK equation is derived and analyzed. Our results are of relevance in pair-ion (fullerene) experiments and also potentially in astrophysical environments, e.g. in pulsars.