990 resultados para welfare sector
This article examines the productivity performance of Australia's manufacturing sector by decomposing its output growth into input growth, technological progress and gains in technical efficiency. This three-way decomposition is done with an improved version of the stochastic frontier model using eight, two-digit industry level data from 1968/9 to 1994/5. Empirical evidence shows that input growth fueled output growth from 1968/9 to 1973/4, but since then, total factor productivity (TFP) growth has been the main contributor of output growth. While the trend of TFP growth was found to be promising for most industries with positive and increasing technological progress, the negative gains from technical efficiency over time is however cause for concern.
Ethnographic data collected over a 5-year period is analyzed to determine how the Personal Responsibility & Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) has affected the lives of young male drug dealers from AIDS-afflicted families residing in Detroit. The data analysis indicated that the participants perceived drug dealing as the only viable employment opportunity for meeting the quotidian & health care needs of their families. The findings also revealed that the participants were highly aware of local political processes & the necessities of caring for relatives living with AIDS. Additional attention is dedicated to exploring the state of MI's rationale for ending the General Assistance Program, the sociocultural foundations of the PRWORA, various stipulations of the PRWORA, & how the PRWORA has augmented the legal vulnerability of welfare recipients. It is concluded that the PRWORA will force many welfare recipients to engage in illicit activities & will generally decrease recipients' health. 59 References. J. W. Parker
The impact of the implementation of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 is making itself felt across the US. Welfare roles are down dramatically, and public officials hail a new day of personal responsibility, but the popular press and ethnographic accounts increasingly challenge that interpretation, pointing to staggering human costs among those who are standing in the ideological crossfire.
The past decade has witnessed an increasing concerns over the effectiveness of project-based development assistance and the promotion of sector-wide approaches (SWAps) to health as a means to increase donor collaboration, consolidate local management of resources and undertake the policy and systems reform necessary to achieve a greater impact on health issues. The concept has gained the support of both the World Bank and the World Health Organisation, as well as key bilateral donors, and dominates current initiatives in development assistance for health. This paper examines the proposal of SWAps as rhetoric, and seeks to understand how that rhetoric functions, despite the variable application of its constituent elements and the range of contexts in which it operates. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Like those in other sectors, managers in community-based organisations face an uncertain and challenging future. Research and writing about the community sector (non-government, notjor-profit, or third seclOr) has canvassed a wide range of issues. A selective review of the recent literature reveals the breadth of research interest in the challenges facing community sector managers. While some reflection on the implications for managers of current economic and social policy contexts is crucial for this sector, research effort needs to be focused on understanding how third sector managers construe their current strategic challenges and the strategies they use to address them A small sample ofmanagers working in a regional area in South East Queensland was asked to identify current strategic concerns related to the future viability of their organisations. The key issues raised by managers are compared with the issues raised in the research literature. Results -to date indicate that managers' concerns are reflected in the research literature, but that managers are also concemed about the current trends in social policy towards collaboration, amalgamation, and pannership. Implications of these findings for managers operating in this sector are discussed.
Analysis of the equity premium puzzle has focused on private-sector capital markets. However, the existence of an anomalous equity premium raises important issues in the evaluation of public-sector investment projects. These issues are explored below. We begin by formalizing the argument that an equity premium may arise from uninsurable systematic risk in labour income, and show that, other things being equal, increases in public ownership of equity will improve welfare, up to the point where the equity premium is eliminated. Finally, we consider policy implications and the optimal extent of public ownership.
Te??ricos apontam um estreitamento nas rela????es das entidades do terceiro setor com o Estado. Esta aproxima????o, numa perspectiva internacional, est?? inserida no que se convencionou chamar crise do Estado provedor e, portanto, na busca por modelos alternativos de implementa????o de pol??ticas sociais. No ??mbito nacional, a expans??o do terceiro setor ??, em parte, fruto da redemocratiza????o do pa??s, com a prolifera????o e o amadurecimento de iniciativas da sociedade civil. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para a reflex??o sobre o contexto onde surgem e se desenvolvem essas rela????es. Parece-nos que lan??ar luz sobre a id??ia de parceria pode colaborar na compreens??o das potencialidades e limites desse modelo de coopera????o intersetorial.
As novas Tecnologias da Informa????o e Comunica????o (TIC), entre as quais se destacam a internet, as redes de computadores, a transmiss??o via sat??lite e a telefonia m??vel, criaram condi????es para o surgimento de Sociedades do Conhecimento. Nesse contexto, o Estado, por interm??dio do governo eletr??nico, ?? o principal instrumento de que os cidad??os disp??em atualmente para enfrentar os desafios impostos pela globaliza????o, por meio de intera????es in??ditas da sociedade, empresas e governos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer rela????es entre a governan??a do setor p??blico e o governo eletr??nico, partindo-se de um marco referencial te??rico das duas ??reas de estudo. Para tanto, foram delineados seus escopos e limites de atua????o, instituindo-se v??nculos, de acordo com a????es do Governo Eletr??nico brasileiro: certifica????o digital; Portal da Transpar??ncia; vota????o eletr??nica; preg??es eletr??nicos e Portal da Previd??ncia Social. Conclui-se que, apesar dos avan??os recentes observados pela an??lise de v??rias dimens??es da governan??a, baseados em iniciativas de governo eletr??nico aqui inventariadas, ainda h?? muito que fazer em dire????o ?? inclus??o social no Brasil, assim como em outros pa??ses. As TIC podem vir a ser um poderoso agente de inclus??o digital, apoiando a governan??a com a cria????o de espa??os virtuais para participa????o democr??tica e di??logo c??vico e expans??o da participa????o em tomada de decis??o coletiva, promovendo a igualdade e a cidadania.
Although Brazil has traditionally been characterized by a culture of inward-looking policy making, the presence of foreign firms in the Brazilian productive sector has always been significant. The share of foreign-owned firms is one of the highest that can be found among developing countries. This article discusses the main features of the external sector of the Brazilian economy, regarding trade flows, foreign investment, the internationalization of Brazilian entrepreneurial groups and the short-term financial requirements in foreign currencies
The construction sector has one of the worst occupational safety and health records in Europe. The costs of this scenario are very high, namely costs for workers and their families, costs to organizations, resulting from the absence of workers due to illness, insurance premiums, costs resulting from reduced productivity, cost of replacement and training of workers, etc., and costs to society, which in turn increases the costs of health systems. This paper presents and discusses the development of a methodology for economic evaluation in the context of risk management, which will allow senior management to support decision making. The possible application of this methodology to the construction sector is discussed.