970 resultados para weld improvement method


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Introduction: Many experimental models using lung lavage have been developed for the study of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The original technique has been modified by many authors, resulting in difficulties with reproducibility. There is insufficient detail on the lung injury models used, including hemodynamic stability during animal preparation and drawbacks encountered such as mortality. The authors studied the effects of the pulmonary recruitment and the use of fixed tidal volume (Vt) or fixed inspiratory pressure in the experimental ARDS model installation. Methods: Adult rabbits were submitted to repeated lung lavages with 30 ml/kg warm saline until the ARDS definition (PaO2/FiO(2) <= 100) was reached. The animals were divided into three groups, according to the technique used for mechanical ventilation: 1) fixed Vt of 10 ml/kg; 2) fixed inspiratory pressure (IP) with a tidal volume of 10 ml/kg prior to the first lung lavage; and 3) fixed Vt of 10 ml/kg with pulmonary recruitment before the first lavage. Results: The use of alveolar recruitment maneuvers, and the use of a fixed Vt or IP between the lung lavages did not change the number of lung lavages necessary to obtain the experimental model of ARDS or the hemodynamic stability of the animals during the procedure. A trend was observed toward an increased mortality rate with the recruitment maneuver and with the use of a fixed IP. Discussion: There were no differences between the three study groups, with no disadvantage in method of lung recruitment, either fixed tidal volume or fixed inspiratory pressure, regarding the number of lung lavages necessary to obtain the ARDS animal model. Furthermore, the three different procedures resulted in good hemodynamic stability of the animals, and low mortality rate. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background The use of lignocellulosic constituents in biotechnological processes requires a selective separation of the main fractions (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin). During diluted acid hydrolysis for hemicellulose extraction, several toxic compounds are formed by the degradation of sugars and lignin, which have ability to inhibit microbial metabolism. Thus, the use of a detoxification step represents an important aspect to be considered for the improvement of fermentation processes from hydrolysates. In this paper, we evaluated the application of Advanced Oxidative Processes (AOPs) for the detoxification of rice straw hemicellulosic hydrolysate with the goal of improving ethanol bioproduction by Pichia stipitis yeast. Aiming to reduce the toxicity of the hemicellulosic hydrolysate, different treatment conditions were analyzed. The treatments were carried out according to a Taguchi L16 orthogonal array to evaluate the influence of Fe+2, H2O2, UV, O3 and pH on the concentration of aromatic compounds and the fermentative process. Results The results showed that the AOPs were able to remove aromatic compounds (furan and phenolic compounds derived from lignin) without affecting the sugar concentration in the hydrolysate. Ozonation in alkaline medium (pH 8) in the presence of H2O2 (treatment A3) or UV radiation (treatment A5) were the most effective for hydrolysate detoxification and had a positive effect on increasing the yeast fermentability of rice straw hemicellulose hydrolysate. Under these conditions, the higher removal of total phenols (above 40%), low molecular weight phenolic compounds (above 95%) and furans (above 52%) were observed. In addition, the ethanol volumetric productivity by P. stipitis was increased in approximately twice in relation the untreated hydrolysate. Conclusion These results demonstrate that AOPs are a promising methods to reduce toxicity and improve the fermentability of lignocellulosic hydrolysates.


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This work presents an investigation of the ductile tearing properties for a girth weld made of an API 5L X80 pipeline steel using experimentally measured crack growth resistance curves. Use of these materials is motivated by the increasing demand in the number of applications for manufacturing high strength pipes for the oil and gas industry including marine applications and steel catenary risers. Testing of the pipeline girth welds employed side-grooved, clamped SE(T) specimens and shallow crack bend SE(B) specimens with a weld centerline notch to determine the crack growth resistance curves based upon the unloading compliance (UC) method using the single specimen technique. Recently developed compliance functions and η-factors applicable for SE(T) and SE(B) fracture specimens with homogeneous material and overmatched welds are introduced to determine crack growth resistance data from laboratory measurements of load-displacement records.


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We analyse the influence of colour information in optical flow methods. Typically, most of these techniques compute their solutions using grayscale intensities due to its simplicity and faster processing, ignoring the colour features. However, the current processing systems have minimized their computational cost and, on the other hand, it is reasonable to assume that a colour image offers more details from the scene which should facilitate finding better flow fields. The aim of this work is to determine if a multi-channel approach supposes a quite enough improvement to justify its use. In order to address this evaluation, we use a multi-channel implementation of a well-known TV-L1 method. Furthermore, we review the state-of-the-art in colour optical flow methods. In the experiments, we study various solutions using grayscale and RGB images from recent evaluation datasets to verify the colour benefits in motion estimation.


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[EN]Energy transmission through a box-shaped floating breakwater (FB) is examined, under simplified conditions, by using the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method, a mesh-free particle numerical approach. The efficiency of the structure is assessed in terms of the coefficient of transm ission as a function of the wave period and the location of the floating breakwater relative to the zone to be protected. Preliminary results conceming wave energy transmission reveals a clear improvement of the efficiency as wave period decreases andan important role ofthe bathymetry.


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Today’s pet food industry is growing rapidly, with pet owners demanding high-quality diets for their pets. The primary role of diet is to provide enough nutrients to meet metabolic requirements, while giving the consumer a feeling of well-being. Diet nutrient composition and digestibility are of crucial importance for health and well being of animals. A recent strategy to improve the quality of food is the use of “nutraceuticals” or “Functional foods”. At the moment, probiotics and prebiotics are among the most studied and frequently used functional food compounds in pet foods. The present thesis reported results from three different studies. The first study aimed to develop a simple laboratory method to predict pet foods digestibility. The developed method was based on the two-step multi-enzymatic incubation assay described by Vervaeke et al. (1989), with some modification in order to better represent the digestive physiology of dogs. A trial was then conducted to compare in vivo digestibility of pet-foods and in vitro digestibility using the newly developed method. Correlation coefficients showed a close correlation between digestibility data of total dry matter and crude protein obtained with in vivo and in vitro methods (0.9976 and 0.9957, respectively). Ether extract presented a lower correlation coefficient, although close to 1 (0.9098). Based on the present results, the new method could be considered as an alternative system of evaluation of dog foods digestibility, reducing the need for using experimental animals in digestibility trials. The second parte of the study aimed to isolate from dog faeces a Lactobacillus strain capable of exert a probiotic effect on dog intestinal microflora. A L. animalis strain was isolated from the faeces of 17 adult healthy dogs..The isolated strain was first studied in vitro when it was added to a canine faecal inoculum (at a final concentration of 6 Log CFU/mL) that was incubated in anaerobic serum bottles and syringes which simulated the large intestine of dogs. Samples of fermentation fluid were collected at 0, 4, 8, and 24 hours for analysis (ammonia, SCFA, pH, lactobacilli, enterococci, coliforms, clostridia). Consequently, the L. animalis strain was fed to nine dogs having lactobacilli counts lower than 4.5 Log CFU per g of faeces. The study indicated that the L animalis strain was able to survive gastrointestinal passage and transitorily colonize the dog intestine. Both in vitro and in vivo results showed that the L. animalis strain positively influenced composition and metabolism of the intestinal microflora of dogs. The third trail investigated in vitro the effects of several non-digestible oligosaccharides (NDO) on dog intestinal microflora composition and metabolism. Substrates were fermented using a canine faecal inoculum that was incubated in anaerobic serum bottles and syringes. Substrates were added at the final concentration of 1g/L (inulin, FOS, pectin, lactitol, gluconic acid) or 4g/L (chicory). Samples of fermentation fluid were collected at 0, 6, and 24 hours for analysis (ammonia, SCFA, pH, lactobacilli, enterococci, coliforms). Gas production was measured throughout the 24 h of the study. Among the tested NDO lactitol showed the best prebiotic properties. In fact, it reduced coliforms and increased lactobacilli counts, enhanced microbial fermentation and promoted the production of SCFA while decreasing BCFA. All the substrates that were investigated showed one or more positive effects on dog faecal microflora metabolism or composition. Further studies (in particular in vivo studies with dogs) will be needed to confirm the prebiotic properties of lactitol and evaluate its optimal level of inclusion in the diet.


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3D video-fluoroscopy is an accurate but cumbersome technique to estimate natural or prosthetic human joint kinematics. This dissertation proposes innovative methodologies to improve the 3D fluoroscopic analysis reliability and usability. Being based on direct radiographic imaging of the joint, and avoiding soft tissue artefact that limits the accuracy of skin marker based techniques, the fluoroscopic analysis has a potential accuracy of the order of mm/deg or better. It can provide fundamental informations for clinical and methodological applications, but, notwithstanding the number of methodological protocols proposed in the literature, time consuming user interaction is exploited to obtain consistent results. The user-dependency prevented a reliable quantification of the actual accuracy and precision of the methods, and, consequently, slowed down the translation to the clinical practice. The objective of the present work was to speed up this process introducing methodological improvements in the analysis. In the thesis, the fluoroscopic analysis was characterized in depth, in order to evaluate its pros and cons, and to provide reliable solutions to overcome its limitations. To this aim, an analytical approach was followed. The major sources of error were isolated with in-silico preliminary studies as: (a) geometric distortion and calibration errors, (b) 2D images and 3D models resolutions, (c) incorrect contour extraction, (d) bone model symmetries, (e) optimization algorithm limitations, (f) user errors. The effect of each criticality was quantified, and verified with an in-vivo preliminary study on the elbow joint. The dominant source of error was identified in the limited extent of the convergence domain for the local optimization algorithms, which forced the user to manually specify the starting pose for the estimating process. To solve this problem, two different approaches were followed: to increase the optimal pose convergence basin, the local approach used sequential alignments of the 6 degrees of freedom in order of sensitivity, or a geometrical feature-based estimation of the initial conditions for the optimization; the global approach used an unsupervised memetic algorithm to optimally explore the search domain. The performances of the technique were evaluated with a series of in-silico studies and validated in-vitro with a phantom based comparison with a radiostereometric gold-standard. The accuracy of the method is joint-dependent, and for the intact knee joint, the new unsupervised algorithm guaranteed a maximum error lower than 0.5 mm for in-plane translations, 10 mm for out-of-plane translation, and of 3 deg for rotations in a mono-planar setup; and lower than 0.5 mm for translations and 1 deg for rotations in a bi-planar setups. The bi-planar setup is best suited when accurate results are needed, such as for methodological research studies. The mono-planar analysis may be enough for clinical application when the analysis time and cost may be an issue. A further reduction of the user interaction was obtained for prosthetic joints kinematics. A mixed region-growing and level-set segmentation method was proposed and halved the analysis time, delegating the computational burden to the machine. In-silico and in-vivo studies demonstrated that the reliability of the new semiautomatic method was comparable to a user defined manual gold-standard. The improved fluoroscopic analysis was finally applied to a first in-vivo methodological study on the foot kinematics. Preliminary evaluations showed that the presented methodology represents a feasible gold-standard for the validation of skin marker based foot kinematics protocols.


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rnNitric oxide (NO) is important for several chemical processes in the atmosphere. Together with nitrogen dioxide (NO2 ) it is better known as nitrogen oxide (NOx ). NOx is crucial for the production and destruction of ozone. In several reactions it catalyzes the oxidation of methane and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and in this context it is involved in the cycling of the hydroxyl radical (OH). OH is a reactive radical, capable of oxidizing most organic species. Therefore, OH is also called the “detergent” of the atmosphere. Nitric oxide originates from several sources: fossil fuel combustion, biomass burning, lightning and soils. Fossil fuel combustion is the largest source. The others are, depending on the reviewed literature, generally comparable to each other. The individual sources show a different temporal and spatial pattern in their magnitude of emission. Fossil fuel combustion is important in densely populated places, where NO from other sources is less important. In contrast NO emissions from soils (hereafter SNOx) or biomass burning are the dominant source of NOx in remote regions.rnBy applying an atmospheric chemistry global climate model (AC-GCM) I demonstrate that SNOx is responsible for a significant part of NOx in the atmosphere. Furthermore, it increases the O3 and OH mixing ratio substantially, leading to a ∼10% increase in the oxidizing efficiency of the atmosphere. Interestingly, through reduced O3 and OH mixing ratios in simulations without SNOx, the lifetime of NOx increases in regions with other dominating sources of NOx


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Shellac is the purified product of the natural polymer Lac. Shellac types, from different origins and with different ages, all purified by the solvent extraction process were compared in this study. Their physicochemical properties acid value, glass transition temperatures, color numbers and molecular sizes were determined. Metoprolol tartrate pellets were coated by air suspension coating with these different grades of shellac. Two coating levels 20% w/w and 25% w/w were applied and then subjected to in vitro dissolution testing. Enteric resistance was achieved for all tested brands for the two coating levels. At pH 6.8, 7.2 and 7.4, significant variations were obvious between the brands. rnMoreover the molecular size of shellac has a pronounced effect in that shellac types with larger molecular size show a higher and faster release than others, while the one with the smaller molecular size show the opposite effect on the release of metoprolol.rnIn this study commercially available ready for use aqueous shellac solutions (SSB AQUAGOLD), which are based on shellac SSB 57 (Dewaxed Orange Shellac, Bysakhi-Ber type refined in a solvent extraction process), with different manufacturing dates were used. rnTo improve the enteric coating properties of films from aqueous shellac solutions, different aqueous polymeric solutions of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC), carboyxmethyl cellulose (CMC), gum arabic and polysaccharides (Pullulan®) were used. These water soluble polymers will act as pore formers to enhance drug release from pellets coated with the combination of shellac and these polymers. The influence of these polymers on the gloss of the shellac films, mechanical properties of the films and drug release from metoprolol tartrate pellets were studied.rnThe potential of ethanol to alter the rate of drug release from shellac coated pellets was assessed by using a modified in vitro dose dumping in alcohol (DDA) method and the test concluded that shellac coated dosage forms can be co-administered with alcohol beverages containing ≤ 5% with no effect of alcohol on the shellac coat.rnPellets coated with shellac sodium salts, showed higher release rates than pellets coated with shellac as ammonium salt forms. rn


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This thesis deals with the development of a novel simulation technique for macromolecules in electrolyte solutions, with the aim of a performance improvement over current molecular-dynamics based simulation methods. In solutions containing charged macromolecules and salt ions, it is the complex interplay of electrostatic interactions and hydrodynamics that determines the equilibrium and non-equilibrium behavior. However, the treatment of the solvent and dissolved ions makes up the major part of the computational effort. Thus an efficient modeling of both components is essential for the performance of a method. With the novel method we approach the solvent in a coarse-grained fashion and replace the explicit-ion description by a dynamic mean-field treatment. Hence we combine particle- and field-based descriptions in a hybrid method and thereby effectively solve the electrokinetic equations. The developed algorithm is tested extensively in terms of accuracy and performance, and suitable parameter sets are determined. As a first application we study charged polymer solutions (polyelectrolytes) in shear flow with focus on their viscoelastic properties. Here we also include semidilute solutions, which are computationally demanding. Secondly we study the electro-osmotic flow on superhydrophobic surfaces, where we perform a detailed comparison to theoretical predictions.


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OBJECTIVES: Subjective, self-rated improvement in patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders can carry significance as a first-person account of treatment outcome, and can be of importance for the individual patient's acceptance of further treatment, including psychological treatments. This study assessed the concordance between post-treatment subjective improvement and the observed symptom change after a psychotic episode. DESIGN: Longitudinal study based on daily symptom ratings. METHOD: The study sample consisted of 43 younger, primarily first- or second-episode patients. Observed symptom change was calculated as both pre-post differences and symptom trajectories. Subjective improvement was assessed at the end of treatment by using the 'Emotional and Behavioural Changes in Psychotherapy Questionnaire' (VEV), a retrospective measure of subjective change. RESULTS: The findings indicated no significant concordance between pre-post differences in symptoms and self-rated improvement, nor were final levels of symptoms related to subjective improvement. Higher initial and mean symptom levels for positive symptoms were related to a lower degree of subjective improvement. A shorter duration of an initial trend-like improvement in psychosis was shown to be associated with greater subjective improvement. CONCLUSIONS: Subjective assessment of improvement may differ markedly from symptom change. In psychotic episodes, more severe initial positive symptoms as well as a delayed improvement of positive symptoms may be related to a reduced subjective experience of improvement for the duration of the entire episode. The treatment of psychosis should take a possible discordance between subjective and objective change into account.


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Traditionally, asphalt mixtures were produced at high temperatures (between 150°C to 180°C) and therefore often referred to as Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA). Recently, a new technology named Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA) was developed in Europe that allows HMA to be produced at a lower temperature. Over years of research efforts, a few WMA technologies were introduced including the foaming method using Aspha-min® and Advera® WMA; organic additives such as Sasobit® and Asphaltan B®; and chemical packages such as Evotherm® and Cecabase RT®. Benefits were found when lower temperatures were used to produce asphalt mixtures, especially when it comes to environmental and energy savings. Even though WMA has shown promising results in energy savings and emission reduction, however, only limited studies and laboratory tests have been conducted to date. The objectives of this project are to 1) develop a mix design framework for WMA by evaluating its mechanical properties; 2) evaluate performance of WMA containing high percentages of recycled asphalt material; and 3) evaluate the moisture sensitivity in WMA. The test results show that most of the WMA has higher fatigue life and TSR which indicated WMA has better fatigue cracking and moisture damage resistant; however, the rutting potential of most of the WMA tested were higher than the control HMA. A recommended WMA mix design framework was developed as well. The WMA design framework was presented in this study to provide contractors, and government agencies successfully design WMA. Mixtures containing high RAP and RAS were studied as well and the overall results show that WMA technology allows the mixture containing high RAP content and RAS to be produced at lower temperature (up to 35°C lower) without significantly affect the performance of asphalt mixture in terms of rutting, fatigue and moisture susceptibility. Lastly, the study also found that by introducing the hydrated lime in the WMA, all mixtures modified by the hydrated lime passed the minimum requirement of 0.80. This indicated that, the moisture susceptibility of the WMA can be improved by adding the hydrated lime.


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Due to the ongoing trend towards increased product variety, fast-moving consumer goods such as food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals are typically manufactured through so-called make-and-pack processes. These processes consist of a make stage, a pack stage, and intermediate storage facilities that decouple these two stages. In operations scheduling, complex technological constraints must be considered, e.g., non-identical parallel processing units, sequence-dependent changeovers, batch splitting, no-wait restrictions, material transfer times, minimum storage times, and finite storage capacity. The short-term scheduling problem is to compute a production schedule such that a given demand for products is fulfilled, all technological constraints are met, and the production makespan is minimised. A production schedule typically comprises 500–1500 operations. Due to the problem size and complexity of the technological constraints, the performance of known mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) formulations and heuristic approaches is often insufficient. We present a hybrid method consisting of three phases. First, the set of operations is divided into several subsets. Second, these subsets are iteratively scheduled using a generic and flexible MILP formulation. Third, a novel critical path-based improvement procedure is applied to the resulting schedule. We develop several strategies for the integration of the MILP model into this heuristic framework. Using these strategies, high-quality feasible solutions to large-scale instances can be obtained within reasonable CPU times using standard optimisation software. We have applied the proposed hybrid method to a set of industrial problem instances and found that the method outperforms state-of-the-art methods.


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People in developing countries mostly depend for their diet on special staple crops, so called orphan crops. These crops play a key role in food security since they are grown by many resource-poor farmers and consumed locally. Despite their huge importance in the economy and livelihood of the developing world, orphan crops have received little attention in terms of scientific improvement. Although conventional breeding is widely implemented to improve crop plants, alternative methods such as marker-assisted breeding and reverse genetics approaches have proved to be efficient in developing crop cultivars. In this review, we present detailed description of a non-transgenic and reverse genetics technique called TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesion IN Genomes). The method was originally optimized in the model plant Arabidposis thaliana and subsequently applied to crops such as maize, wheat, and rice. We also present detailed procedures for several TILLING strategies and discuss their benefits and drawbacks. The application of the technique for orphan crop improvement is also discussed based on several TILLING platforms currently carried-out on these understudied crops of the world.


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OBJECTIVE How long clinicians should wait before considering an antipsychotic ineffective and changing treatment in schizophrenia is an unresolved clinical question. Guidelines differ substantially in this regard. The authors conducted a diagnostic test meta-analysis using mostly individual patient data to assess whether lack of improvement at week 2 predicts later nonresponse. METHOD The search included EMBASE, MEDLINE, BIOSIS, PsycINFO, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, and reference lists of relevant articles, supplemented by requests to authors of all relevant studies. The main outcome was prediction of nonresponse, defined as <50% reduction in total score on either the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS) or Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) (corresponding to at least much improved) from baseline to endpoint (4-12 weeks), by <20% PANSS or BPRS improvement (corresponding to less than minimally improved) at week 2. Secondary outcomes were absent cross-sectional symptomatic remission and <20% PANSS or BPRS reduction at endpoint. Potential moderator variables were examined by meta-regression. RESULTS In 34 studies (N=9,460) a <20% PANSS or BPRS reduction at week 2 predicted nonresponse at endpoint with a specificity of 86% and a positive predictive value (PPV) of 90%. Using data for observed cases (specificity=86%, PPV=85%) or lack of remission (specificity=77%, PPV=88%) yielded similar results. Conversely, using the definition of <20% reduction at endpoint yielded worse results (specificity=70%, PPV=55%). The test specificity was significantly moderated by a trial duration of <6 weeks, higher baseline illness severity, and shorter illness duration. CONCLUSIONS Patients not even minimally improved by week 2 of antipsychotic treatment are unlikely to respond later and may benefit from a treatment change.