976 resultados para tubular module


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Les opioïdes sont les analgésiques les plus puissants mais leur utilisation prolongée peut entraîner le développement d’une tolérance analgésique. La tolérance serait en partie associée à l’inhibition prolongée de l’adénosine monophosphate cyclique (AMPc) entraînant des changements compensatoires dans la voie de l’adénylate cyclase. Pour cette étude, nous avons eu recours à un biosenseur basée sur la technologie de Bioluminescence Resonnance Energy Transfer (BRET) et qui fournit des mesures de l’AMPc en fonction du temps réel. Durant les 15 premières minutes de stimulation, la réponse de l’AMPc est bi-phasique. Cette progression de la réponse à l’AMPc n’est pas la même pour tous les ligands. Par exemple, la deltorphine II qui induit l’internalisation du récepteur opioïde delta (DOR) affiche une baisse de l’inhibition de l’AMPc. À l’inverse la morphine qui n’induit pas l’internalisation du DOR affiche une réponse stable à l’inhibition de l’AMPc. Ainsi le profil d’internalisation permet de prédire la progression de l’inhibition de l’AMPc à court terme (15 minutes). Nous avons aussi mesuré la réponse à l’AMPc durant 30, 60 et 120 min, étant donné qu’un traitement chronique aux opioïdes induit une tolérance analgésique. Selon les résultats obtenus, le profil d’internalisation du DOR induits par les ligands ne permet pas d’expliquer l’inhibition persistante de l’AMPc.


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Introduction : La néphrotoxicité est une complication majeure de la gentamicine, qui est largement utilisée dans le traitement des infections bactériennes, en particulier celles provoquées par des bactéries à Gram-négatif. La gentamicine induit l'apoptose tubulaire, mais les mécanismes moléculaires impliqués demeurent mal compris. Dans l’étude présente, nous avons examiné le rôle des espèces réactives de l'oxygène (ROS) , des proteins Bax, Bmf et Caspase-12 (Csp-12) dans le mécanisme d’action de la gentamicine sur l'apoptose des tubules proximaux rénaux (RPT) et les dommages rénaux induits par ce médicament chez la souris. Méthode: Des souris adultes (âgées 18-19 semaines) mâles non-Tg et des souris transgéniques (CAT-Tg) qui surexpriment la catalase spécifiquement dans leurs cellules des RPT ont été traitées par injections intra-péritonéales de gentamicine (20 mg/kg/jour) pour 5 jours consécutifs, puis euthanasiés. Les reins ont été examinés et analysés par histologie, immunohistochimie pour presansance de la stress oxidative, expression des proteins Bax, Bmf et Csp-12 et essai TUNEL pour étudier de l’apoptose . Nous avons aussi examiné l'effet de la gentamicine sur génération des ROS et l’apoptose dans les cellules RPTC immortalisées de rat (IRPTC) in vitro. Résultats: In vivo, chez les souris non-Tg, la gentamicine induit une tubulopathie et l'apoptose des RPT , stimule la production de ROS et induit une augmentation de Bax et Bmf détectée par immunohistochimie et augmont activité du caspase-12. Ces changements sont atténués chez les souris Cat-Tg. In vitro, la gentamicine induit l’apoptos des cellulles. Le co-traitement avec la catalase normalise ces effets dans les IRPTC. Conclusion : Ces données démontrent que l'apoptose des RPTC induite par la gentamicine s’effectue, au moins en partie, par l'intermédiaire de la génération des ROS.


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Présentation-éclair, Congrès des milieux documentaires du Québec 2015


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This paper presents a new approach to implement Reed-Muller Universal Logic Module (RM-ULM) networks with reduced delay and hardware for synthesizing logic functions given in Reed-Muller (RM) form. Replication of single control line RM-ULM is used as the only design unit for defining any logic function. An algorithm is proposed that does exhaustive branching to reduce the number of levels and modules required to implement any logic function in RM form. This approach attains a reduction in delay, and power over other implementations of functions having large number of variables.


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Porous tin oxide nanotubes were obtained by vacuum infiltration of tin oxide nanoparticles into porous aluminum oxide membranes, followed by calcination. The porous tin oxide nanotube arrays so prepared were characterized by FE-SEM, TEM, HRTEM, and XRD. The nanotubes are open-ended, highly ordered with uniform cross-sections, diameters and wall thickness. The tin oxide nanotubes were evaluated as a substitute anode material for the lithium ion batteries. The tin oxide nanotube anode could be charged and discharged repeatedly, retaining a specific capacity of 525 mAh/g after 80 cycles. This capacity is significantly higher than the theoretical capacity of commercial graphite anode (372 mAh/g) and the cyclability is outstanding for a tin based electrode. The cyclability and capacities of the tin oxide nanotubes were also higher than their building blocks of solid tin oxide nanoparticles. A few factors accounting for the good cycling performance and high capacity of tin oxide nanotubes are suggested.


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What kind of science is appropriate for understanding the Facebook? How does Google find what you're looking for... ...and exactly how do they make money doing so? What structural properties might we expect any social network to have? How does your position in an economic network (dis)advantage you? How are individual and collective behavior related in complex networks? What might we mean by the economics of spam? What do game theory and the Paris subway have to do with Internet routing? What's going on in the pictures to the left and right? Networked Life looks at how our world is connected -- socially, economically, strategically and technologically -- and why it matters. The answers to the questions above are related. They have been the subject of a fascinating intersection of disciplines including computer science, physics, psychology, mathematics, economics and finance. Researchers from these areas all strive to quantify and explain the growing complexity and connectivity of the world around us, and they have begun to develop a rich new science along the way. Networked Life will explore recent scientific efforts to explain social, economic and technological structures -- and the way these structures interact -- on many different scales, from the behavior of individuals or small groups to that of complex networks such as the Internet and the global economy. This course covers computer science topics and other material that is mathematical, but all material will be presented in a way that is accessible to an educated audience with or without a strong technical background. The course is open to all majors and all levels, and is taught accordingly. There will be ample opportunities for those of a quantitative bent to dig deeper into the topics we examine. The majority of the course is grounded in scientific and mathematical findings of the past two decades or less.


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This is the full Module Evaluation Form adopted by the University of Southampton. The latest editable file can be downloaded from the Learning and Teaching Enhancement Unit (LATEU) of the University. Included in this resource is the online version of the form for use in Blackboard, WebCT and other virtual learning environments. If you are using Blackboard, you are advised to use Internet Explorer version 6 or higher. Save the Blackboard zip archive to a local drive. Do not rename the file name. Go to the destination course area in Blackboard, open the "Control Panel" and then start the "Survey Manager" (in the "Assessment" group). Use the "Import" command to upload the zip archive. Once this is completed, rename the evaluation form which can then be added to any content area within the course using the dropdown "Add Survey" command.


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This is a reference list pertaining to green ICT, it contains a range of references varying from white papers to youtube videos, we hope it is useful.


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This file contains a generic module specification for the e-Research Methods module which has been approved by AQSC for use at Masters level.


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This file contains a generic module specification for the e-Research Methods module which has been approved by AQSC for use at Masters level.


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Custom coded module for TikiWiki v4.2, allowing keyword search by Category. Auto-populates categories as new ones are created.


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Code required to perform an import of module information from eFolio and output it into a single page. Within the context of eHandbook: this page is called via an iFrame to display module information as part of the handbook (and to avoid any duplication of content).


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Timetable for the child and families module from November 2011 until April 2012. Further information for post-April will be added when confirmed.


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This PowerPoint file can be used to run an end-of-module evaluation survey with the students providing their feedback using Turning Point zappers. It includes all the questions from the standard university survey (2011) except the three that require free-text-entry. You will need to edit the template so that it includes your module name and tutor name(s) - you may want to edit or delete some of the questions as well.