998 resultados para territorial planning


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Recent, dramatic spatial development trends have contributed to the consolidation of a unique territorial governance landscape in the Baltic States. The paper examines the transformation of this evolving institutional landscape for planning practice and knowledge, which has been marked by the disintegration of Soviet institutions and networks, the transition to a market-based economy and the process of accession to the EU. It explores the evolution of territorial knowledge channels in the Baltic States, and the extent and nature of the engagement of actors' communities with the main knowledge arenas and resources of European spatial planning (ESP). The paper concludes that recent shifts in the evolution of these channels suggest the engagement of ESP has concentrated among epistemic communities at State and trans-national levels of territorial governance. The limited policy coordination across a broader spectrum of diverse actors is compounded by institutionally weak and fragmented professional communities of practice, fragmented government structures and marginalized advocacy coalitions.


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Este artículo muestra las oportunidades y beneficios de ligar la prospectiva territorial a los procesos de planificación urbana. Adicionalmente, este trabajo sugiere un enfoque para reforzar el método de diseño de escenarios con instrumentos analíticos que le doten de mayor profundidad y rigor.


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Data mining, and in particular decision trees have been used in different fields: engineering, medicine, banking and finance, etc., to analyze a target variable through decision variables. The following article examines the use of the decision trees algorithm as a tool in territorial logistic planning. The decision tree built has estimated population density indexes for territorial units with similar logistics characteristics in a concise and practical way.


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The increased emphasis within Europe on the role of second-tier cities has implications for the ways in which these urban centres are considered within national spatial planning strategies. In centralised, monocentric states like Ireland, there has been a general ambivalence towards urban policy for cities outside the capital city, and historically this has prevented the development of a strong, diversified urban hierarchy undermining prospects for balanced regional development. This paper examines the extent to which a new found emphasis on Ireland’s second-tier cities which emerged in the ‘Gateways’ policy of the National Spatial Strategy (NSS, 2002) was matched by subsequent political and administrative commitment to facilitate the development of these urban centres. Following a discussion of the position of second-tier cities in an international context and a brief overview of recent demographic and economic trends, the paper assesses the relative performance of Ireland’s second-tier cities in influencing development trends, highlighting a comprehensive failure to deliver compact urban growth. In this context, the paper then discusses the implications of current development plans for the second-tier cities and proposals for Irish local government reform for securing compact urban development.


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This special section brings together 4 of the 12 studies conducted within a research program analyzing the relationships among social mobilization, governance. and rural development in contemporary Latin America. The introduction Lives an overview of the contemporary significance of social movements For rural development dynamics in the region, and of the principal insights of the section papers and the broader research program of which they were a part. This significance varies Lis an effect of two distinct and uneven geographics: the geography of social movements themselves and the geography of the rural political economy. The effects that movements have oil the political economy of rural development also depend significantly oil internal characteristics of these movements. The paper identifies several such characteristics. The general pattern is that movements have had far more effect oil widening the political inclusiveness of rural development than they have oil improving its economic inclusiveness and dynamism. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The incentives and governance system of organizations are important in explaining how they behave in localized development processes. This article builds on the observation that the literature on territorial development does not generally address the action of social movements. At the same time, research on social movements rarely studies their effects on the territories ill which they act. This text is a contribution to fill this gap. It compares two social movement organizations: a trade union federation and a credit cooperative system operating throughout southern Brazil, Both organizations share common origins and social bases, yet their impacts oil territories have been quite different. The analysis focuses Oil the social ties that link trade unions and cooperatives to their territories to show that governance systems may explain the performance of each organization, especially with regard to their capacity for innovation. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O conceito de patrimônio territorial e cultural amplia o conceito tradicional de patrimônio, segundo o qual o monumento se restringe a sua materialidade e permanece isolado de seu território. A ambiência e a vivência desse patrimônio ganham importância visto que são essenciais ao seu reconhecimento e a impressão de pertencimento e de identificação por parte de seus usuários. Tais conceitos vão de encontro à mercantilização do patrimônio e ao seu uso puramente turístico, tão comuns na contemporaneidade. Este trabalho traz estudos e discussões referentes ao tema, que auxiliaram na análise da evolução histórica de Vitória, tendo sua origem na região central. Tais abordagens levaram ao entendimento da construção da cidade e dos resultados encontrados na atualidade decorrentes desse desenvolvimento. O conhecimento sobre a temática do patrimônio territorial e cultural e o entendimento histórico do Centro de Vitória tornaram possíveis algumas avaliações referentes aos procedimentos adotados no Planejamento Urbano Interativo do Centro, um programa elaborado pela prefeitura de Vitória em 2006.


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MARQUES, B.P. (2014) From Strategic Planning to Development Initiatives: a first reflection on the situation of Lisbon and Barcelona, in 20th APDR Congress Proceddings, APDR and UÉvora, Évora, pp. 850-857, ISBN 978-989-8780-01-0.


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Estudio realizado a partir de una estancia en el Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas de la Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil, durant entre septiembre y noviembre del 2005. El intercambio con los grupos de trabajo del Programa de Pós-Graduçao Interdisciplinar em Ciências Humanas (UFSCE-Brasil), se ha llevado a cabo con el objetivo de profundizar en las diferentes perspectivas teóricas y analíticas que orientan la reflexión sobre el papel crítico de los investigadores en el área de sociología del conocimiento ambiental científico. Esto ha permitido conocer experiencias-laboratorios de procesos participativos para planear intervenciones en áreas protegidas. Estas orientaciones conceptuales, epistemológicas y metodológicas ayudaran a la candidata a reforzar la aproximación de investigación participativa del proyecto “Avaluació social multicriteri per a la presa de decisions orientades a una gestió conservativa de sistemes agropecuaris i el desenvolupament sostenible de la zona seca i semi-seca del paisatge terrestre protegit de Miraflor-Moropotente (Nicaragua)” que es la línea del trabajo de PhD de la candidata. En especial, las reflexiones teóricas y metodológicas se han centrado en los siguientes temas: aproximación sistemática y basada en los actores para el análisis de sistemas complejos y incertezas, métodos participativos para las evaluaciones integradas de sustentabilidad que apoyan los procesos de toma de decisiones, o el nuevo papel de los investigadores sobre una perspectiva compleja de análisis y diálogo entre los conocimientos científicos y locales.


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És més que evident la relació de JacintVerdaguer amb el poble de Folgueroles. Tanmateix, aquest estudi mostra llur relaciódes d’una nova perspectiva, en la qual el desenvolupament territorial n’és la base. Folgueroles percep quelcom d’identitari enel poeta i el fa esdevenir recurs clau per tirar endavant un projecte de poble. Mitjançant la descripció del Sistema Local Territorial sorgit a Folgueroles al voltant de la figura del poeta, es defineix aquest projecte, els seus actors principals i les seves relacions, i, finalment, se’n farà una valoració


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Article que analitza l' estructura i els models bàsics d'organització territorial al Bisbat de Girona i que planteja una proposta de divisió territorial per a cada nivell d' organització espacial


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Estudi sobre la classificació i desclassificació de sòl en nuclis petits de l’Empordà en aplicació de la normativa territorial vigent