139 resultados para substation


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This report covers the investigations, expenditures, and publications of the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station for the fiscal year June 30, 1931. During the year 68 projects have been under investigation at the main station. These have covered a wide range of subjects. At the various substations the work is planned to meet the needs of the different regions. The funds for carrying on the work of the stations are derived from federal and state sources. The work is carried on in definite projects according to the supporting fund. Satisfactory progress was made on the research program. During the year eight projects were completed and seven new ones added. The selection of new projects is on the basis of most urgent need, together with the ability of the Experiment Station to carry the project. The financial depression in which agriculture still finds itself has increased rather than decreased the demand upon the Experiment Station and the College for new and definite information. This demand has been taken care of insofar as possible. During the year covered by this report eleven bulletins, nine research bulletins, and one circular have been published by the Experiment Station. In addition 22 technical papers have been prepared by members of the staff and printed in various technical and professional journals.


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The first approach in this work is the concept of the electric power transmission and distribution system, as well as the survey of the current condition of substations chosen to thus identify the importance of having a suitable design with respect to security due to the need to obtain the approval for the operation of the substation according to the standards valid in the country. Present the guidelines and present needs when designing improvements, thus ensuring the company for more safety and reliability. From the company's point of view is an opportunity to reduce the cost of maintenance, and the professional point of view is an opportunity that allows a comprehensive study of legal requirements for the operation of substations


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This paper presents the results of research aiming to develop partial discharge detection techniques in high voltage equipment, at substation environment. Measurements of high frequency components of leakage current, at equipments' grounding conductor, were performed. This procedure was performed with the equipment energized and without disconnecting it from the system. The partial discharge generated current pulse is picked up by a high frequency CT, and is detected by an oscilloscope. The partial discharge identification was made considering previously obtained laboratory results, where partial discharges were characterized by means of its time domain signatures. This paper focuses measurements in SF6 circuit breakers. Encouraging results were obtained, showing the feasibility of detecting partial discharges in energized equipment in the laboratory and in the field, in a substation environment, using this method.


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Electric power grids throughout the world suffer from serious inefficiencies associated with under-utilization due to demand patterns, engineering design and load following approaches in use today. These grids consume much of the world’s energy and represent a large carbon footprint. From material utilization perspectives significant hardware is manufactured and installed for this infrastructure often to be used at less than 20-40% of its operational capacity for most of its lifetime. These inefficiencies lead engineers to require additional grid support and conventional generation capacity additions when renewable technologies (such as solar and wind) and electric vehicles are to be added to the utility demand/supply mix. Using actual data from the PJM [PJM 2009] the work shows that consumer load management, real time price signals, sensors and intelligent demand/supply control offer a compelling path forward to increase the efficient utilization and carbon footprint reduction of the world’s grids. Underutilization factors from many distribution companies indicate that distribution feeders are often operated at only 70-80% of their peak capacity for a few hours per year, and on average are loaded to less than 30-40% of their capability. By creating strong societal connections between consumers and energy providers technology can radically change this situation. Intelligent deployment of smart sensors, smart electric vehicles, consumer-based load management technology very high saturations of intermittent renewable energy supplies can be effectively controlled and dispatched to increase the levels of utilization of existing utility distribution, substation, transmission, and generation equipment. The strengthening of these technology, society and consumer relationships requires rapid dissemination of knowledge (real time prices, costs & benefit sharing, demand response requirements) in order to incentivize behaviors that can increase the effective use of technological equipment that represents one of the largest capital assets modern society has created.


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In order to achieve total selectivity at electrical distribution networks it is of great importance to analyze the defect currents at ungrounded power systems. This information will help to grant selectivity at electrical distribution networks ensuring that only the defect line or feeder is removed from service. In the present work a new selective and directional protection method for ungrounded power systems is evaluated. The new method measures only defect currents to detect earth faults and works with a directional criterion to determine the line under faulty conditions. The main contribution of this new technique is that it can detect earth faults in outgoing lines at any type of substation avoiding the possible mismatch of traditional directional earth fault relays. This detection technique is based on the comparison of the direction of a reference current to the direction of all earth fault capacitive currents at all the feeders connected to the same bus bars. This new method has been validated through computer simulations. The results for the different cases studied are remarkable, proving total validity and usefulness of the new method.


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La capacidad de transporte es uno de los baremos fundamentales para evaluar la progresión que puede llegar a tener un área económica y social. Es un sector de elevada importancia para la sociedad actual. Englobado en los distintos tipos de transporte, uno de los medios de transporte que se encuentra más en alza en la actualidad, es el ferroviario. Tanto para movilidad de pasajeros como para mercancías, el tren se ha convertido en un medio de transporte muy útil. Se encuentra dentro de las ciudades, entre ciudades con un radio pequeño entre ellas e incluso cada vez más, gracias a la alta velocidad, entre ciudades con gran distancia entre ellas. Esta Tesis pretende ayudar en el diseño de una de las etapas más importantes de los Proyectos de instalación de un sistema ferroviario: el sistema eléctrico de tracción. La fase de diseño de un sistema eléctrico de tracción ferroviaria se enfrenta a muchas dudas que deben ser resueltas con precisión. Del éxito de esta fase dependerá la capacidad de afrontar las demandas de energía de la explotación ferroviaria. También se debe atender a los costes de instalación y de operación, tanto costes directos como indirectos. Con la Metodología que se presenta en esta Tesis se ofrecerá al diseñador la opción de manejar un sistema experto que como soluciones le plantee un conjunto de escenarios de sistemas eléctricos correctos, comprobados por resolución de modelos de ecuaciones. Correctos desde el punto de vista de validez de distintos parámetros eléctrico, como de costes presupuestarios e impacto de costes indirectos. Por tanto, el diseñador al haber hecho uso de esta Metodología, tendría en un espacio de tiempo relativamente corto, un conjunto de soluciones factibles con las que poder elegir cuál convendría más según sus intereses finales. Esta Tesis se ha desarrollado en una vía de investigación integrada dentro del Centro de Investigaciones Ferroviarias CITEF-UPM. Entre otros proyectos y vías de investigación, en CITEF se ha venido trabajando en estudios de validación y dimensionamiento de sistemas eléctricos ferroviarios con diversos y variados clientes y sistemas ferroviarios. A lo largo de los proyectos realizados, el interés siempre ha girado mayoritariamente sobre los siguientes parámetros del sistema eléctrico: - Calcular número y posición de subestaciones de tracción. Potencia de cada subestación. - Tipo de catenaria a lo largo del recorrido. Conductores que componen la catenaria. Características. - Calcular número y posición de autotransformadores para sistemas funcionando en alterna bitensión o 2x25kV. - Posición Zonas Neutras. - Validación según normativa de: o Caídas de tensión en la línea o Tensiones máximas en el retorno de la línea o Sobrecalentamiento de conductores o Sobrecalentamiento de los transformadores de las subestaciones de tracción La idea es que las soluciones aportadas por la Metodología sugieran escenarios donde de estos parámetros estén dentro de los límites que marca la normativa. Tener la posibilidad de tener un repositorio de posibles escenarios donde los parámetros y elementos eléctricos estén calculados como correctos, aporta un avance en tiempos y en pruebas, que mejoraría ostensiblemente el proceso habitual de diseño para los sistemas eléctricos ferroviarios. Los costes directos referidos a elementos como subestaciones de tracción, autotransformadores, zonas neutras, ocupan un gran volumen dentro del presupuesto de un sistema ferroviario. En esta Tesis se ha querido profundizar también en el efecto de los costes indirectos provocados en la instalación y operación de sistemas eléctricos. Aquellos derivados del impacto medioambiental, los costes que se generan al mantener los equipos eléctricos y la instalación de la catenaria, los costes que implican la conexión entre las subestaciones de tracción con la red general o de distribución y por último, los costes de instalación propios de cada elemento compondrían los costes indirectos que, según experiencia, se han pensado relevantes para ejercer un cierto control sobre ellos. La Metodología cubrirá la posibilidad de que los diseños eléctricos propuestos tengan en cuenta variaciones de coste inasumibles o directamente, proponer en igualdad de condiciones de parámetros eléctricos, los más baratos en función de los costes comentados. Analizando los costes directos e indirectos, se ha pensado dividir su impacto entre los que se computan en la instalación y los que suceden posteriormente, durante la operación de la línea ferroviaria. Estos costes normalmente suelen ser contrapuestos, cuánto mejor es uno peor suele ser el otro y viceversa, por lo que hace falta un sistema que trate ambos objetivos por separado. Para conseguir los objetivos comentados, se ha construido la Metodología sobre tres pilares básicos: - Simulador ferroviario Hamlet: Este simulador integra módulos para construir esquemas de vías ferroviarios completos; módulo de simulación mecánica y de la tracción de material rodante; módulo de señalización ferroviaria; módulo de sistema eléctrico. Software realizado en C++ y Matlab. - Análisis y estudio de cómo focalizar los distintos posibles escenarios eléctricos, para que puedan ser examinados rápidamente. Pico de demanda máxima de potencia por el tráfico ferroviario. - Algoritmos de optimización: A partir de un estudio de los posibles algoritmos adaptables a un sistema tan complejo como el que se plantea, se decidió que los algoritmos genéticos serían los elegidos. Se han escogido 3 algoritmos genéticos, permitiendo recabar información acerca del comportamiento y resultados de cada uno de ellos. Los elegidos por motivos de tiempos de respuesta, multiobjetividad, facilidad de adaptación y buena y amplia aplicación en proyectos de ingeniería fueron: NSGA-II, AMGA-II y ɛ-MOEA. - Diseño de funciones y modelo preparado para trabajar con los costes directos e indirectos y las restricciones básicas que los escenarios eléctricos no deberían violar. Estas restricciones vigilan el comportamiento eléctrico y la estabilidad presupuestaria. Las pruebas realizadas utilizando el sistema han tratado o bien de copiar situaciones que se puedan dar en la realidad o directamente sistemas y problemas reales. Esto ha proporcionado además de la posibilidad de validar la Metodología, también se ha posibilitado la comparación entre los algoritmos genéticos, comparar sistemas eléctricos escogidos con los reales y llegar a conclusiones muy satisfactorias. La Metodología sugiere una vía de trabajo muy interesante, tanto por los resultados ya obtenidos como por las oportunidades que puede llegar a crear con la evolución de la misma. Esta Tesis se ha desarrollado con esta idea, por lo que se espera pueda servir como otro factor para trabajar con la validación y diseño de sistemas eléctricos ferroviarios. ABSTRACT Transport capacity is one of the critical points to evaluate the progress than a specific social and economical area is able to reach. This is a sector of high significance for the actual society. Included inside the most common types of transport, one of the means of transport which is elevating its use nowadays is the railway. Such as for passenger transport of weight movements, the train is being consolidated like a very useful mean of transport. Railways are installed in many geography areas. Everyone know train in cities, or connecting cities inside a surrounding area or even more often, taking into account the high-speed, there are railways infrastructure between cities separated with a long distance. This Ph.D work aims to help in the process to design one of the most essential steps in Installation Projects belonging to a railway system: Power Supply System. Design step of the railway power supply, usually confronts to several doubts and uncertainties, which must be solved with high accuracy. Capacity to supply power to the railway traffic depends on the success of this step. On the other hand is very important to manage the direct and indirect costs derived from Installation and Operation. With the Methodology is presented in this Thesis, it will be offered to the designer the possibility to handle an expert system that finally will fill a set of possible solutions. These solutions must be ready to work properly in the railway system, and they were tested using complex equation models. This Thesis has been developed through a research way, integrated inside Citef (Railway Research Centre of Technical University of Madrid). Among other projects and research ways, in Citef has been working in several validation studies and dimensioning of railway power supplies. It is been working by a large range of clients and railways systems. Along the accomplished Projects, the main goal has been rounded mostly about the next list of parameters of the electrical system: - Calculating number and location of traction substations. Power of each substation. - Type of Overhead contact line or catenary through the railway line. The wires which set up the catenary. Main Characteristics. - Calculating number and position of autotransformers for systems working in alternating current bi-voltage of called 2x25 kV. - Location of Neutral Zones. - Validating upon regulation of: o Drop voltages along the line o Maximum return voltages in the line o Overheating/overcurrent of the wires of the catenary o Avoiding overheating in the transformers of the traction substations. Main objective is that the solutions given by the Methodology, could be suggest scenarios where all of these parameters from above, would be between the limits established in the regulation. Having the choice to achieve a repository of possible good scenarios, where the parameters and electrical elements will be assigned like ready to work, that gives a great advance in terms of times and avoiding several tests. All of this would improve evidently the regular railway electrical systems process design. Direct costs referred to elements like traction substations, autotransformers, neutral zones, usually take up a great volume inside the general budget in railway systems. In this Thesis has been thought to bear in mind another kind of costs related to railway systems, also called indirect costs. These could be enveloped by those enmarked during installation and operation of electrical systems. Those derived from environmental impact; costs generated during the maintenance of the electrical elements and catenary; costs involved in the connection between traction substations and general electric grid; finally costs linked with the own installation of the whole electrical elements needed for the correct performance of the railway system. These are integrated inside the set has been collected taking into account own experience and research works. They are relevant to be controlled for our Methodology, just in case for the designers of this type of systems. The Methodology will cover the possibility that the final proposed power supply systems will be hold non-acceptable variations of costs, comparing with initial expected budgets, or directly assuming a threshold of budget for electrical elements in actual scenario, and achieving the cheapest in terms of commented costs from above. Analyzing direct and indirect costs, has been thought to divide their impact between two main categories. First one will be inside the Installation and the other category will comply with the costs often happens during Railway Operation time. These costs normally are opposed, that means when one is better the other turn into worse, in costs meaning. For this reason is necessary treating both objectives separately, in order to evaluate correctly the impact of each one into the final system. The objectives detailed before build the Methodology under three basic pillars: - Railway simulator Hamlet: This software has modules to configure many railway type of lines; mechanical and traction module to simulate the movement of rolling stock; signaling module; power supply module. This software has been developed using C++ and Matlab R13a - Previously has been mandatory to study how would be possible to work properly with a great number of feasible electrical systems. The target comprised the quick examination of these set of scenarios in terms of time. This point is talking about Maximum power demand peaks by railway operation plans. - Optimization algorithms. A railway infrastructure is a very complex system. At the beginning it was necessary to search about techniques and optimization algorithms, which could be adaptable to this complex system. Finally three genetic multiobjective algorithms were the chosen. Final decision was taken attending to reasons such as time complexity, able to multiobjective, easy to integrate in our problem and with a large application in engineering tasks. They are: NSGA-II, AMGA-II and ɛ-MOEA. - Designing objectives functions and equation model ready to work with the direct and indirect costs. The basic restrictions are not able to avoid, like budgetary or electrical, connected hardly with the recommended performance of elements, catenary and safety in a electrical railway systems. The battery of tests launched to the Methodology has been designed to be as real as possible. In fact, due to our work in Citef and with real Projects, has been integrated and configured three real railway lines, in order to evaluate correctly the final results collected by the Methodology. Another topic of our tests has been the comparison between the performances of the three algorithms chosen. Final step has been the comparison again with different possible good solutions, it means power supply system designs, provided by the Methodology, testing the validity of them. Once this work has been finished, the conclusions have been very satisfactory. Therefore this Thesis suggest a very interesting way of research and work, in terms of the results obtained and for the future opportunities can be created with the evolution of this. This Thesis has been developed with this idea in mind, so is expected this work could adhere another factor to work in the difficult task of validation and design of railway power supply systems.


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La evolución de las redes eléctricas se dirige hacia lo que se conoce como “Smart Grids” o “Redes Eléctricas Inteligentes”. Estas “Smart Grids” se componen de subestaciones eléctricas, que a su vez se componen de unos dispositivos llamados IEDs (Dispositivos Electrónicos Inteligentes – Intelligent Electronic Devices). El diseño de IEDs se encuentra definido en la norma IEC 61850, que especifica además un Lenguaje de Configuración de Subestaciones (Substation Configuration Language SCL) para la definición de la configuración de subestaciones y sus IEDs. Hoy en día, este estándar internacional no sólo se utiliza para diseñar correctamente IEDs y asegurar su interoperabilidad, sino que también se utiliza para el diseño de otros dispositivos de la red eléctrica, como por ejemplo, medidores inteligentes. Sin embargo, aunque existe una tendencia cada vez mayor del uso de este estándar, la comprensión y el manejo del mismo resulta difícil debido al gran volumen de información que lo compone y del nivel de detalle que utiliza, por lo que su uso para el diseño de IEDs se hace tedioso sin la ayuda de un soporte software. Es por ello que, para facilitar la aplicación del estándar IEC 61850 en el diseño de IEDs se han desarrollado herramientas como “Visual SCL”, “SCL Explorer” o “61850 SCLVisual Design Tool”. En concreto, “61850 SCLVisual Design Tool” es una herramienta gráfica para el modelado de subestaciones electricas, generada mediante el uso de los frameworks Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) y Epsilon Generative Modeling Technologies (GMT) y desarrollada por el grupo de investigación SYST de la UPM. El objetivo de este proyecto es añadir una nueva funcionalidad a la herramienta “61850 Visual SCL DesignTool”. Esta nueva funcionalidad consiste en la generación automática de un fichero de configuración de subestaciones eléctricas según el estándar IEC 61850 a partir de de una herramienta de diseño gráfico. Este fichero, se denomina SCD (Substation Configuration Description), y se trata de un fichero XML conforme a un esquema XSD (XML Schema Definition) mediante el que se define el lenguaje de configuración de subestaciones SCL del IEC 61850. Para el desarrollo de este proyecto, es necesario el estudio del lenguaje para la configuración de subestaciones SCL, así como del lenguaje gráfico específico de dominio definido por la herramienta “61850 SCLVisual Design Tool”, la estructura de los ficheros SCD, y finalmente, del lenguaje EGL (Epsilon Generation Language) para la transformación y generación automática de código a partir de modelos EMF. ABSTRACT Electrical networks are evolving to “Smart Grids”. Smart Grids are composed of electrical substations that in turn are composed of devices called IEDs (Intelligent Electronic Devices). The design of IEDs is defined by the IEC 61850 standard, which also specifies a Substation Configuration Languaje (SCL) used to define the configuration of substations and their IEDs. Nowadays, this international standard is not only used to design properly IEDs and guarantee their interoperability, but it is also used to design different electrical network devices, such as, smart meters. However, although the use of this standard is growing, its compression as well as its management, is still difficult due to its large volume of information and its level of detail. As a result, designing IEDs becomes a tedious task without a software support. As a consequence of this, in order to make easier the application of the IEC 61850 standard while designing IEDs, some software tools have been developed, such as: “Visual SCL”, “SCL Explorer” or “61850 SCLVisual Design Tool”. In particular, “61850 SCLVisual Design Tool” is a graphical tool used to make electrical substations models, and developed with the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and Epsilon Generative Modeling Technologies (GMT) by the research group SYST of the UPM. The aim of this project is to add a new functionality to “61850 Visual SCL DesignTool”. This new functionality consists of the automatic code generation of a substation configuration file according to the IEC 61850 standard. This file is called SCD (Substation Configuration Description), and it is a XML file that follows a XSD (XML Schema Definition) that defines the Substation Configuration Language (SCL) of the IEC 61850. In order to develop this project, it is necessary to study the Substation Configuration Language (SCL), the domain-specific graphical languaje defined by the tool “61850 SCLVisual Design Tool”, the structure of a SCD file, and the Epsilon Generation Language (EGL) used for the automatic code generation from EMF models


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This paper presents a new selective and non-directional protection method to detect ground faults in neutral isolated power systems. The new proposed method is based on the comparison of the rms value of the residual current of all the lines connected to a bus, and it is able to determine the line with ground defect. Additionally, this method can be used for the protection of secondary substation. This protection method avoids the unwanted trips produced by wrong settings or wiring errors, which sometimes occur in the existing directional ground fault protections. This new method has been validated through computer simulations and experimental laboratory tests.


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Com o objetivo de orientar e agilizar a busca do local de curto circuitos em redes primárias aéreas de distribuição de energia, esta pesquisa propõe uma metodologia para localização de áreas com maior probabilidade de ser sede do defeito, utilizando variáveis Heurísticas. A metodologia Heurística se aplica em problemas que envolvem variáveis com incertezas, que podem ser avaliadas por meio de recursos empíricos e na experiência de especialistas. Dentre as variáveis influentes no cálculo de curto circuito, foram consideradas como mais relevantes: a resistência de defeito, a tensão pré falta, a impedância do sistema equivalente a montante da subestação e a impedância da rede. A metodologia proposta se fundamenta no conhecimento das correntes e tensões oscilografadas no barramento da subestação por ocasião da ocorrência de um curto circuito e, por outro lado no pré-calculo de correntes de curto circuito heurísticas ao longo da rede. No âmbito da pesquisa foram realizados testes de campo para levantamento da variável heurística resistência de defeito, resumidos neste texto e documentados no CD - ROM em anexo. Foi desenvolvido um software que permitiu a efetiva aplicação da proposta desta pesquisa em vários alimentadores de uma Distribuidora, cujos resultados comprovaram a eficiência da metodologia.


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Esta tese propõe um modelo de regeneração de energia metroviária, baseado no controle de paradas e partidas do trem ao longo de sua viagem, com o aproveitamento da energia proveniente da frenagem regenerativa no sistema de tração. O objetivo é otimizar o consumo de energia, promover maior eficiência, na perspectiva de uma gestão sustentável. Aplicando o Algoritmo Genético (GA) para obter a melhor configuração de tráfego dos trens, a pesquisa desenvolve e testa o Algoritmo de Controle de Tração para Regeneração de Energia Metroviária (ACTREM), usando a Linguagem de programação C++. Para analisar o desempenho do algoritmo de controle ACTREM no aumento da eficiência energética, foram realizadas quinze simulações da aplicação do ACTREM na linha 4 - Amarela do metrô da cidade de São Paulo. Essas simulações demonstraram a eficiência do ACTREM para gerar, automaticamente, os diagramas horários otimizados para uma economia de energia nos sistemas metroviários, levando em consideração as restrições operacionais do sistema, como capacidade máxima de cada trem, tempo total de espera, tempo total de viagem e intervalo entre trens. Os resultados mostram que o algoritmo proposto pode economizar 9,5% da energia e não provocar impactos relevantes na capacidade de transporte de passageiros do sistema. Ainda sugerem possíveis continuidades de estudos.


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Desde seu lançamento, em 2002, a Norma IEC 61850 vem evoluindo para se tornar o padrão adotado nos Sistemas de Automação de Subestações. Dentre seus vários aspectos, destacam- se os serviços de tempo real, que permitem a implementação de funções de automação e de proteção dentro da subestação através da troca de mensagens específicas entre Dispositivos Eletrônicos Inteligentes através de um barramento digital de rede de dados. O objetivo central deste trabalho é explorar algumas das questões que envolvem a implementação de uma classe de serviços de tempo real: a transmissão de valores amostrados através de Serviços SMV, definidos pela Norma IEC 61850-9. Primeiramente, apresenta-se um breve resumo das principais características da Norma IEC 61850 que possibilitam o atendimento dos três requisitos por ela estabelecidos como base: a interoperabilidade entre dispositivos de diferentes fabricantes, a versatilidade na configuração e reconfiguração do Sistema de Automação da Subestação, e a possibilidade de implementação de novas tecnologias. Em seguida, explora-se com maior profundidade todos os aspectos relevantes à implementação dos Serviços SMV. Devido à complexidade deste assunto, o autor propõe abordá-lo sob a ótica de cinco tópicos interdependentes: variações da Norma IEC 61850-9, confiabilidade do barramento de processo, sincronismo de tempo, análise da qualidade da medição e segurança cibernética. Com base nos resultados apresentados neste estudo, propõem-se duas plataformas, um protótipo de Transformador de Potencial Óptico e um protótipo de Relé de Proteção Diferencial para transformadores de potência, com o objetivo de explorar alguns dos aspectos pertinentes à implementação de um barramento de processo de acordo com a Norma IEC 61850-9. Também foram realizados testes de geração e transmissão de mensagens contendo valores de amostras de tensão/corrente do sistema elétrico (denominadas de SV Messages) com a finalidade de implementá-las de fato e avaliar as ferramentas de mercado disponíveis. Por fim foi proposto um modelo para a simulação do sistema de potência em conjunto com a rede de comunicação utilizando o programa Matlab/Simulink. O autor espera que este trabalho contribua para esclarecer os vários conceitos envolvidos na implementação do barramento de processo definido pela Norma IEC 61850-9, auxiliando na pesquisa e no desenvolvimento de novas ferramentas e dispositivos, e no aprimoramento da Norma IEC 61850.


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É importante que as redes elétricas tenham altos índices de confiabilidade, de forma a se manter a agilidade e a manutenção ideais para um melhor funcionamento. Por outro lado, o crescimento inesperado da carga, falhas em equipamentos e uma parametrização inadequada das funções de proteção tornam a análise de eventos de proteção mais complexas e demoradas. Além disso, a quantidade de informações que pode ser obtida de relés digitais modernos tem crescido constantemente. Para que seja possível uma rápida tomada de decisão e manutenção, esse projeto de pesquisa teve como objetivo a implementação de um sistema completo de diagnóstico que é ativado automaticamente quando um evento de proteção ocorrer. As informações a serem analisadas são obtidas de uma base de dados e de relés de proteção, via protocolo de comunicação IEC 61850 e arquivos de oscilografia. O trabalho aborda o sistema Smart Grid completo incluindo: a aquisição de dados nos relés, detalhando o sistema de comunicação desenvolvido através de um software com um cliente IEC61850 e um servidor OPC e um software com um cliente OPC, que é ativado por eventos configurados para dispará-lo (por exemplo, atuação da proteção); o sistema de pré-tratamento de dados, onde os dados provenientes dos relés e equipamentos de proteção são filtrados, pré-processados e formatados; e o sistema de diagnóstico. Um banco de dados central mantém atualizados os dados de todas essas etapas. O sistema de diagnóstico utiliza algoritmos convencionais e técnicas de inteligência artificial, em particular, um sistema especialista. O sistema especialista foi desenvolvido para lidar com diferentes conjuntos de dados de entrada e com uma possível falta de dados, sempre garantindo a entrega de diagnósticos. Foram realizados testes e simulações para curtos-circuitos (trifásico, dupla-fase, dupla-fase-terra e fase-terra) em alimentadores, transformadores e barras de uma subestação. Esses testes incluíram diferentes estados do sistema de proteção (funcionamento correto e impróprio). O sistema se mostrou totalmente eficaz tanto no caso de disponibilidade completa quanto parcial de informações, sempre fornecendo um diagnóstico do curto-circuito e analisando o funcionamento das funções de proteção da subestação. Dessa forma, possibilita-se uma manutenção muito mais eficiente pelas concessionárias de energia, principalmente no que diz respeito à prevenção de defeitos em equipamentos, rápida resposta a problemas, e necessidade de reparametrização das funções de proteção. O sistema foi instalado com sucesso em uma subestação de distribuição da Companhia Paulista de Força e Luz.


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The Huangtupo landslide is one of the largest in the Three Gorges region, China. The county-seat town of Badong, located on the south shore between the Xiling and Wu gorges of the Yangtze River, was moved to this unstable slope prior to the construction of the Three Gorges Project, since the new Three Gorges reservoir completely submerged the location of the old city. The instability of the slope is affecting the new town by causing residential safety problems. The Huangtupo landslide provides scientists an opportunity to understand landslide response to fluctuating river water level and heavy rainfall episodes, which is essential to decide upon appropriate remediation measures. Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) techniques provide a very useful tool for the study of superficial and spatially variable displacement phenomena. In this paper, three sets of radar data have been processed to investigate the Huangtupo landslide. Results show that maximum displacements are affecting the northwest zone of the slope corresponding to Riverside slumping mass I#. The other main landslide bodies (i.e. Riverside slumping mass II#, Substation landslide and Garden Spot landslide) exhibit a stable behaviour in agreement with in situ data, although some active areas have been recognized in the foot of the Substation landslide and Garden Spot landslide. InSAR has allowed us to study the kinematic behaviour of the landslide and to identify its active boundaries. Furthermore, the analysis of the InSAR displacement time-series has helped recognize the different displacement patterns on the slope and their relationships with various triggering factors. For those persistent scatterers, which exhibit long-term displacements, they can be decomposed into a creep model (controlled by geological conditions) and a superimposed recoverable term (dependent on external factors), which appears closely correlated with reservoir water level changes close to the river's edge. These results, combined with in situ data, provide a comprehensive analysis of the Huangtupo landslide, which is essential for its management.


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"July 1989."