183 resultados para stereotactic
There are now many reports of imaging experiments with small cohorts of typical participants that precede large-scale, often multicentre studies of psychiatric and neurological disorders. Data from these calibration experiments are sufficient to make estimates of statistical power and predictions of sample size and minimum observable effect sizes. In this technical note, we suggest how previously reported voxel-based power calculations can support decision making in the design, execution and analysis of cross-sectional multicentre imaging studies. The choice of MRI acquisition sequence, distribution of recruitment across acquisition centres, and changes to the registration method applied during data analysis are considered as examples. The consequences of modification are explored in quantitative terms by assessing the impact on sample size for a fixed effect size and detectable effect size for a fixed sample size. The calibration experiment dataset used for illustration was a precursor to the now complete Medical Research Council Autism Imaging Multicentre Study (MRC-AIMS). Validation of the voxel-based power calculations is made by comparing the predicted values from the calibration experiment with those observed in MRC-AIMS. The effect of non-linear mappings during image registration to a standard stereotactic space on the prediction is explored with reference to the amount of local deformation. In summary, power calculations offer a validated, quantitative means of making informed choices on important factors that influence the outcome of studies that consume significant resources.
Stimulation protocols for medical devices should be rationally designed. For episodic migraine with aura we outline model-based design strategies toward preventive and acute therapies using stereotactic cortical neuromodulation. To this end, we regard a localized spreading depression (SD) wave segment as a central element in migraine pathophysiology. To describe nucleation and propagation features of the SD wave segment, we define the new concepts of cortical hot spots and labyrinths, respectively. In particular, we firstly focus exclusively on curvature-induced dynamical properties by studying a generic reaction-diffusion model of SD on the folded cortical surface. This surface is described with increasing level of details, including finally personalized simulations using patient's magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner readings. At this stage, the only relevant factor that can modulate nucleation and propagation paths is the Gaussian curvature, which has the advantage of being rather readily accessible by MRI. We conclude with discussing further anatomical factors, such as areal, laminar, and cellular heterogeneity, that in addition to and in relation to Gaussian curvature determine the generalized concept of cortical hot spots and labyrinths as target structures for neuromodulation. Our numerical simulations suggest that these target structures are like fingerprints, they are individual features of each migraine sufferer. The goal in the future will be to provide individualized neural tissue simulations. These simulations should predict the clinical data and therefore can also serve as a test bed for exploring stereotactic cortical neuromodulation.
In medical processes where ionizing radiation is used, dose planning and dose delivery are the key elements to patient safety and treatment success, particularly, when the delivered dose in a single session of treatment can be an order of magnitude higher than the regular doses of radiotherapy. Therefore, the radiation dose should be well defined and precisely delivered to the target while minimizing radiation exposure to surrounding normal tissues [1]. Several methods have been proposed to obtain three-dimensional (3-D) dose distribution [2, 3]. In this paper, we propose an alternative method, which can be easily implemented in any stereotactic radiosurgery center with a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) facility. A phantom with or without scattering centers filled with Fricke gel solution is irradiated with Gamma Knife(A (R)) system at a chosen spot. The phantom can be a replica of a human organ such as head, breast or any other organ. It can even be constructed from a real 3-D MR image of an organ of a patient using a computer-aided construction and irradiated at a specific region corresponding to the tumor position determined by MRI. The spin-lattice relaxation time T (1) of different parts of the irradiated phantom is determined by localized spectroscopy. The T (1)-weighted phantom images are used to correlate the image pixels intensity to the absorbed dose and consequently a 3-D dose distribution with a high resolution is obtained.
In this paper, we propose a new method of measuring the very slow paramagnetic ion diffusion coefficient using a commercial high-resolution spectrometer. If there are distinct paramagnetic ions influencing the hydrogen nuclear magnetic relaxation time differently, their diffusion coefficients can be measured separately. A cylindrical phantom filled with Fricke xylenol gel solution and irradiated with gamma rays was used to validate the method. The Fricke xylenol gel solution was prepared with 270 Bloom porcine gelatin, the phantom was irradiated with gamma rays originated from a (60)Co source and a high-resolution 200 MHz nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer was used to obtain the phantom (1)H profile in the presence of a linear magnetic field gradient. By observing the temporal evolution of the phantom NMR profile, an apparent ferric ion diffusion coefficient of 0.50 mu m(2)/ms due to ferric ions diffusion was obtained. In any medical process where the ionizing radiation is used, the dose planning and the dose delivery are the key elements for the patient safety and success of treatment. These points become even more important in modern conformal radio therapy techniques, such as stereotactic radiosurgery, where the delivered dose in a single session of treatment can be an order of magnitude higher than the regular doses of radiotherapy. Several methods have been proposed to obtain the three-dimensional (3-D) dose distribution. Recently, we proposed an alternative method for the 3-D radiation dose mapping, where the ionizing radiation modifies the local relative concentration of Fe(2+)/Fe(3+) in a phantom containing Fricke gel and this variation is associated to the MR image intensity. The smearing of the intensity gradient is proportional to the diffusion coefficient of the Fe(3+) and Fe(2+) in the phantom. There are several methods for measurement of the ionic diffusion using NMR, however, they are applicable when the diffusion is not very slow.
O objetivo desta investigação foi avaliar o padrão degenerativo de diversos tratos de substância branca após lesão isquêmica estriatal, correlacionando o processo degenerativo com os padrões de ativação microglial e expressão de Nogo-A. Para isso, foi induzida isquemia focal com injeção estereotáxica de endotelina no estriado de ratos adultos, e nos animais controle apenas injetou-se solução salina estéril. Os animais foram perfundidos 3, 7, 14 e 30 dias após isquemia. O cérebro removido, pós-fixado, crioprotegido, cortado em criostato e os cortes obtidos submetidos à investigação imunoistoquímica com os seguintes anticorpos: Anti-GFAP (1:2000,Dako), Anti-Tau-1 (1:500,Chemicon), Anti-MBP (1:100,Chemicon International), Anti-Nogo A (1:100,Invitrogen), Anti-Iba1 (1:1000, WAKO), Anti-ED1 (1:500, Serotec) e Anti-MHC-II (1:100 Abcam), além da visualização do padrão lesivo com violeta de cresila. As lâminas marcadas pelos diferentes métodos foram avaliadas qualitativamente e algumas também quantitativamente (Anti-Nogo A, Anti-ED1, Anti-MHC-II e Anti-Tau-1), com contagens realizadas no estriado e no corpo caloso. Os dados foram tabulados, submetidos à análise estatística pelo teste de Tukey (p<0,05) e capturadas micrografias dos achados mais representativos. As lâminas coradas com violeta de cresila revelaram um aumento da densidade celular pela infiltração de células inflamatórias à área isquêmica, com aumento expressivo ao 7º dia. Nas lâminas imunomarcadas para GFAP foi encontrado aumento progressivo da população de astrócitos, assim como um aumento do volume celular em 7 e 14 dias. Oligondendrócitos patológicos marcados com Tau-1 tiveram pico de marcação ao 3º dia no estriado e ao 7º dia no corpo caloso, e a perda de compactação de mielina identificada pelo MBP foi melhor observada ao 14º dia, nos diferentes tratos. A ativação microglial identificada pelas diferentes imunomarcações apresentou seu pico ao 7º dia, tanto em estriado como em corpo caloso, porém no corpo caloso com um número muito menor quando comparado com o estriado. A morfologia microglial sofreu variações, sendo encontrado o fenótipo ramificado nos animais controles, assim como nos tempos precoces e tardios pós isquemia e o padrão amebóide/fagocítico ao 7º dia, coincidente com o maior número de células ativadas. A contagem de células Nogo-A + teve seu pico observado ao 3º dia no estriado, não sendo observadas no corpo caloso diferenças de expressão de Nogo-A entre 3 a 14 dias, apenas uma diminuição quando comparado a 30 dias. Sendo assim, microinjeções de ET-1 no estriado induziram conspícua perda tecidual, concomitante com ativação microglial progressiva, astrocitose, perda da imunoreatividade para proteína básica de mielina e lesão de oligodendrócitos em diversos tempos de sobrevida após isquemia focal. Estes eventos acometem alguns tratos de SB, como o corpo caloso. O estabelecimento da evolução temporal destes eventos neuropatológico é a base para estudos futuros, nos quais se deverá manipular a resposta inflamatória com intuito de minimizar estas alterações teciduais.
Estudos prévios indicam que o extrato de folhas de mogno Swietenia macrophylla possui composição química rica em substâncias antioxidantes com efeito neuroprotetor em cultura. Um dos principais mecanismos envolvidos na neurodegeração da Doença de Parkinson (DP) é o estresse oxidativo. Portanto, substâncias antioxidantes são candidatas potenciais para terapias que retardem o processo neurodegenerativo da doença. Este estudo tem por objetivo caracterizar os efeitos do extrato de folhas de mogno frente à degeneração nigroestriatal e alterações comportamentais de camundongos expostos a uma única injeção intraestriatal de 6-OHDA unilateralmente. Foram utilizados camundongos machos, os quais foram submetidos à cirurgia estereotáxica para a injeção de 20 μg de 6-OHDA no estriado esquerdo. Os animais foram subdivididos em 4 grupos, de acordo com a dose de extrato de mogno administrada. O extrato foi aplicado por via intraperitoneal nos 7 primeiros dias após a injeção de 6-OHDA nas doses de 0,0 (controle), 0,5 (G1), 1,0 (G2) e 5,0 mg/kg (G3). O grupo controle (GC) recebeu injeções de salina a 0,9% (veículo). Foi feita análise da ambulação no campo aberto antes, no 7º e no 21º dias e do número de rotações induzidas por apomorfina no 7º e no 21º dias após a cirurgia. Avaliação da neurodegeneração foi realizada através da contagem de neurônios dopaminérgicos TH+ na substância negra por estereologia. Como resultado, encontrou-se diferença estatisticamente significativa no 21º dia, onde os grupos G2 e G3 apresentaram redução no comportamento ambulatório em relação aos grupos G1 e GC; este dois últimos tiveram comportamento ambulatório equivalente entre si. Em relação às rotações induzidas por apomorfina, no 21º dia, o G1 apresentou média de rotações significativamente menor do que os grupos GC, G2 e G3. Na contagem de células, G1 apresentou diminuição na perda dos neurônios dopaminérgicos estatisticamente significativa em relação ao controle. Assim, concluímos que o extrato de mogno na concentração de 0,5 mg/kg promoveu neuroproteção na neurodegeneração do sistema nigroestriatal induzida por 6-OHDA.
Já está bem estabelecido que um estilo de vida sedentário é fator de risco para uma série de doenças crônicas, dentre elas a doença de Alzheimer. A neuropatologia da doença de Alzheimer é caracterizada por depósitos amilóides, perda neuronal, gliose reativa e vacuolização da neurópila. A doença príon tem sido amplamente utilizada como modelo experimental para estudar aspectos celulares e moleculares da neurodegeneração crônica em muito semelhante àquela descrita na doença de Alzheimer. O ambiente empobrecido das gaiolas padrão de laboratório tem sido usado para mimetizar um estilo de vida sedentário enquanto que o ambiente enriquecido tem sido empregado para mimetizar um estilo de vida ativo. Para testar a hipótese de que o ambiente enriquecido pode contribuir para desacelerar o curso temporal da neurodegeneração crônica associada à doença príon em modelo murino induzimos a doença príon em vinte camundongos fêmeas da variedade suíça albina que tinham sido alojadas aos seis meses de idade em ambiente enriquecido (EE) ou em ambiente padrão (SE) durante cinco meses. Após esse peródo foram realizadas cirurgias para injeção estereotáxica intracerebral bilateral de homogendao de cérebro de camundongo normal (NBH, n=10) ou de camundongo com sinais clínicos de doença príon terminal (ME7, n=10). Os animais foram devolvidos as suas gaiolas e condições de alojamento originais formando os seguintes grupos experimentais: NBH SE=5, NBH EE=5, ME7 SE=5, ME7 EE=5. Após três semanas foi iniciado teste semanal empregando o burrowing, uma tarefa sensível ao dano hipocampal e 18 semanas após as inoculações realizou-se os testes de memória de reconhecimento de objetos. Encerrados os testes sacrificou-se os animais realizando-se o processamento histológico do tecido nervoso visando a imunomarcação astrocítica das áreas de interesse. A redução progressiva da atividade de burrowing teve início na décima terceira semana pós injeção no grupo ME7 SE e somente na décima quinta semana no grupo ME7 EE. A habilidade de reconhecer o objeto deslocado no teste de memória espacial foi comprometida no grupo ME7 SE, mas se manteve normal nos demais grupos experimentais. O teste de discriminação entre o objeto novo e o familiar não revelou alterações. As análises quantitativas sem viés dos astrócitos imunomarcados para proteína fibrilar ácida (GFAP) foram realizadas no stratum radiatum de CA3 e na camada polimórfica do giro denteado dorsal. As estimativas estereológicas do número total de astrócitos e do volume do corpo celular revelaram que em CA3 somente ocorre hipertrofia dos corpos celulares em animais dos grupos ME7 SE e ME7 EE em relação aos respectivos controles, sendo o volume médio dos corpos celulares do grupo ME7 EE menor que aquele do grupo ME7 SE. Na camada polimórfica houve significativo aumento do número de astrócitos no grupo ME7 SE em relação ao NBH SE e do grupo NBH EE em relação ao NBH SE. O volume do corpo celular também foi significativamente maior nos grupos ME7 em relação aos respectivos controles dos grupos NBH. As análises morfométricas tridimensionais revelaram importante aumento de volume e área de superfície dos segmentos das árvores astrocíticas nos grupos doentes em comparação aos controles. O enriquecimento ambiental reduziu o aumento de volume dos ramos observado no grupo ME7 e aumentou o número de intersecções dos ramos distais no grupo NBH EE em relação ao NBH SE e nos ramos proximais no grupo ME7 EE em relação ao ME7 SE. O emprego da análise de cluster e discriminante permitiu a identificação dos parâmetros morfométricos que mais contribuíram para a distinção entre os grupos. Para testar a hipótese de existirem subfamílias de astrócitos morfologicamente distintos dentro de cada grupo experimental, foi realizada análise de conglomerados que resultou na formação de duas famílias distintas no grupo NBH SE, três famílias nos grupos NBH EE e ME7 EE e quatro famílias no grupo ME7 SE. As bases celulares e moleculares que conduzem a formação de novas famílias de astrócitos e a neuroproteção associada ao ambiente enriquecido que diminui a velocidade de progressão da doença permanecem por serem investigadas.
Pós-graduação em Psicologia do Desenvolvimento e Aprendizagem - FC
CONTEXTO:Abscessos isolados do tronco encefálico são raros e geralmente associados a outras infecções. Trata-se de condição grave, com grande morbidade e mortalidade. Opções cirúrgicas são aspiração com estereotaxia e drenagem microcirúrgica. Antibioticoterapia sistêmica tem sido usada por mais de seis semanas.RELATO DE CASO:Apresentamos o caso de um jovem com abscesso pontino sem outras infecções sistêmicas. O paciente foi tratado com drenagem microcirúrgica e antibioticoterapia por três semanas. Houve boa evolução pós-operatória.CONCLUSÕES:Acesso microcirúrgico pode ser considerado uma opção importante no tratamento de grandes abscessos do tronco encefálico, que são multiloculados, próximos da superfície ou que contenham líquido espesso. Drenagem completa do material purulento pode diminuir o período de antibioticoterapia.
The authors report a case of 36-year-old woman presented with epileptic seizures and headaches. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed an enhancing lesion with surrounding edema and mild mass effect in the left frontal lobe. Stereotactic brain biopsy demonstrated intraparenchymal granulomas surrounding S. mansoni eggs. Praziquantel was started (60mg/kg of body weight, in a single dose), followed by Prednisone (80mg/day) for seven days to treat the cerebral edema. The patient's symptoms resolved following medical treatment and the follow-up MRI yielded normal findings.
Introduction. Craniopharyngioma (CF) is a malformation of the hypothalamicpituitary region and it is the most common nonglial cerebral tumor in children with an high overall survival rate. In some case severe endocrinologic and metabolic sequelae may occur during follow up. 50% of patients (pts), in particular those with radical removal of suprasellar lesions, develop intractable hyperphagia and morbid obesity, with dyslypidemia and high cardiovascular risk. We studied the auxological and metabolic features of a series of 29 patients (18 males) treated at a mean age of 7,6 years, followed up in our Centre from 1973 to 2008 with a mean follow up of 8,3 years. Patients features at the onset. 62% of pts showed as first symptoms of disease visual impairment and neurological disturbancies (headache); 34% growth arrest; 24% signs of raised intracranial pressure and 7% diabetes insipidus. Diagnosis. Diagnosis of CF was reached finally by TC or MRI scans which showed endo-suprasellar lesion in 23 cases and endosellar tumour in 6 cases. Treatment and outcome. 25/29 pts underwent surgical removal of CF (19 by transcranial approach and 6 by endoscopic surgery); 4 pts underwent stereotactic surgery as first line therapy. 3 pts underwent local irradiation with yttrium-90, 5 pts post surgery radiotherapy. 45% of pts needed more than one treatment procedure. Results. After CF treatment all patients suffered from 3 or more pituitary hormone deficiencies and diabetes insipidus. They underwent promptly substitutive therapy with corticosteroids, l-thyroxine and desmopressin. In 28/29 pts we found growth hormone (GH) deficiency. 20/28 pts started GH substitutive therapy and 15 pts reached final height(FH) near target height(TH). 8 pts were not GH treated for good growth velocity, even without GH, or for tumour residual. They reached in 2 cases FH over TH showing the already known phenomenon of growth without GH. 38% of patients showed BMI SDS >2 SDS at last assessment, in particular pts not GH treated (BMI 2,5 SDS) are more obese than GH treated (BMI 1,2 SDS). Lipid panel of 16 examined pts showed significative differencies among GH treated (9 pts) and not treated (7 pts) with better profile in GH treated ones for Total Cholesterol/C-HDL and C-LDL/C-HDL. We examined intima media thickness of common carotid arteries in 11 pts. 3/4 not GH treated pts showed ultrasonographic abnormalities: calcifications in 2 and plaque in 1 case. Of them 1 pt was only 12,6 years old and already showed hypothalamic obesity with hyperphagia, high HOMA index and dyslipidemia. In the GH treated group (7) we found calcifications in 1 case and a plaque in another one. GH therapy was started in the young pt with carotid calcifications, with good improvement within 6 months of treatment. 5/29 pts showed hypothalamic obesity, related to hypothalamic damage (type of surgical treatment, endo-suprasellar primitive lesion, recurrences). 48% of patients recurred during follow up ( mean time from treatment: 3 years) and underwent, in some cases up to 4 transcranial surgical treatments. GH seems not to increase recurrence rate since 40% of GH treated recurred vs 66,6% of not GH treated pts. Discussion. Our data show the extereme difficulties that occur during follow up of craniopharyngioma treated patients. GH therapy should be offered to all patients even with good growth velocity after CF treatment, to avoid dislypidemia and reduce cardiovascular risk. The optimal therapy is not completely understood and whether gross tumor removal or partial surgery is the best option remains to be decided only on one patient tumour features and hypothalamic involvement. In conclusion the gold standard treatment of CF remains complete tumour removal, when feasible, or partial resection to preserve hypothalamic function in endosuprasellar large neoplasms.
Purpose: evaluation and comparison of volumetric modulated RapidarcTM radiotherapy (RA-IMRT) vs linac based Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) in the salvage treatment of isolated lymph node recurrences in patients affected by gynaecological cancer. Materials and Methods From January 2010 to September 2011, 15 patients affected by isolated lymph nodes recurrence of gynaecological cancer underwent salvage radiotherapy after conventional imaging staging with CT and 18-FDG-PET/CT. Two different radiotherapy techniques were used in this study: RA-IMRT (RapidarcTM implemented radiotherapy Varian Medical System, Palo Alto, CA, USA) or SBRT (BrainLAB, Feldkirchen, Germany). Five patients underwent CT scan and all patients underwent 18FDG-PET/CT for pre-treatment evaluation and staging. The mean total dose delivered was 54.3 Gy (range 50-60 Gy with conventional fractionation and 27.4 Gy (range 12-40 Gy hypofractionation) for RA-IMRT and SBRT respectively. The mean number of fractions was 27.6 fractions (range 25-31) and 3-4 fractions , the mean overall treatment duration was 40.5 days (range 36-45) and 6.5 days (range 5-8 days) for RA-IMRT and SBRT respectively. Results: At the time of the analysis, October 2011, the overall survival was 92.3 % (80% for RA-IMRT and 100% for SBRT). Six patients are alive with no evidence of disease and also six patients are alive with clinically evident disease in other sites (40% and 50% patients RA-IMRT vs SBRT respectively, one patient died for systemic progression of disease and two patient were not evaluable at this time. Conclusions: Our preliminary results showed that, the use of RA-IMRT and SBRT are an excellent local therapy for isolated lymph nodes recurrences of gynaecological cancer with a good toxicity profile and local control rate, even if any long term survivors would be expected. New treatment modalities like Cyberknife are also being implemented.
In the CNS, myelinating oligodendrocytes and axons form a functional unit based on intimate cell-cell interactions. In addition to axonal insulation serving to increase the conduction velocity of electrical impulses, oligodendrocytes provide trophic support to neurons essential for the long-term functional integrity of axons. The glial signals maintaining axonal functions are just at the beginning to become uncovered. Yet, their determination is highly relevant for all types of demyelinating diseases, where lack of glial support significantly contributes to pathology. rnThe present PhD thesis uncovers exosomes as a novel signaling entity in the CNS by which cargo can be transferred from oligodendrocytes to neurons. Exosomes are small membranous vesicles of endocytic origin, which are released by almost every cell type and have been implicated in intercellular communication. Oligodendrocytes secrete exosomes containing a distinct set of proteins as well as mRNA and microRNA. Intriguingly, oligodendroglial exosome release is stimulated by the neurotransmitter glutamate indicating that neuronal electrical activity controls glial exosome release. In this study, the role of exosomes in neuron-glia communication and their implications on glial support was examined. Cortical neurons internalized and accumulated oligodendroglial exosomes in the neuronal cell soma in a time-dependent manner. Moreover, uptake occurred likewise at the somatodendritic and axonal compartment of the neurons via dynamin and clathrin dependent endocytosis. Intriguingly, neuronal internalization of exosomes resulted in functional retrieval of exosomal cargo in vitro and in vivo upon stereotactic injection of Cre recombinase bearing exosomes. Functional recovery of Cre recombinase from transferred exosomes was indicated by acquired reporter recombination in the target cell. Electrophysiological analysis showed an increased firing rate in neurons exposed to oligodendroglial exosomes. Moreover, microarray analysis revealed differentially expressed genes after exosome treatment, indicating functional implications on neuronal gene expression and activity. rnTaken together, the results of this PhD thesis represent a proof of principle for exosome transmission from oligodendrocytes to neurons suggesting a new route of horizontal transfer in the CNS.rn
Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) for the treatment of renal stones and other related renal diseases has proved its efficacy and has stood the test of time compared with open surgical methods and extracorporal shock wave lithotripsy. However, access to the collecting system of the kidney is not easy because the available intra-operative image modalities only provide a two dimensional view of the surgical scenario. With this lack of visual information, several punctures are often necessary which, increases the risk of renal bleeding, splanchnic, vascular or pulmonary injury, or damage to the collecting system which sometimes makes the continuation of the procedure impossible. In order to address this problem, this paper proposes a workflow for introduction of a stereotactic needle guidance system for PCNL procedures. An analysis of the imposed clinical requirements, and a instrument guidance approach to provide the physician with a more intuitive planning and visual guidance to access the collecting system of the kidney are presented.
The aim of the study was the comparison of C-11 methionine (MET) and C-11 choline (CHO) in the positron emission tomography (PET) imaging of brain metastases in correlation to the histopathology findings in stereotactic biopsy.