897 resultados para sodium and lithium niobate
In this study we investigated the influence of a ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) lesion with ibotenic acid on water and sodium intake and presser responses induced by combined treatment of the median preoptic nucleus (MnPO) with angiotensin Il (ANG II) and adrenergic agonists (phenylephrine, norepinephrine, isoproterenol and clonidine). Male Holtzman rats with a stainless steel cannula implanted into the MnPO and bilateral sham (vehicle) or VMH lesions with ibotenic acid were used. The ingestion of water and sodium and mean arterial pressure (MAP) were determined in separate groups submitted to sodium depletion with the diuretic furosemide (20 mg/rat). ANG II (10 pmol) injection into the MnPO of sham-lesioned rats induced water and sodium intake and presser responses. VMH-lesion reduced ANG II-induced water intake and increased saline intake, In sham rats phenylephrine (80 nmol) into MnPO increased, whereas norepinephrine (80 nmol) and clonidine (40 nmol) reduced ANG II-induced water intake while sodium intake was reduced only by clonidine into MnPO. In VMH-lesioned rats, phenylephrine reduced, noradrenaline increased and clonidine produced no effect on ANG II-induced water intake. In lesioned rats ANG II-induced sodium intake was reduced by phenylephrine and noradrenaline, whereas clonidine produced no change. ANG II-induced presser response was reduced in VMH-lesioned rats, but the presser response combining ANG II and phenylephrine or noradrenaline in VMH-lesioned rats was bigger than sham rats. These results show that the VMH is important for the changes in water and sodium intake and cardiovascular responses induced by angiotensinergic and adrenergic activation of the MnPO. (C) 1997 Elsevier B.V. B.V.
The electric and dielectric properties of the grain boundary of Na0.85Li0.15NbO3 lead-free ferroelectric-semiconductor perovskite were investigated. The impedance spectroscopy was carried out as a function of a thermal cycle. The sodium lithium niobate was synthesized by a chemical route based on the evaporation method. Dense ceramic, relative density of 97%, was prepared at 1423 K for 2 h in air atmosphere. ac measurements were carried out in the frequency range of 5 Hz-13 MHz and from 673 to 1023 K. Theoretical adjust of the impedance data was performed to deriving the electric parameters of the grain boundary. The electric conductivity follows the Arrhenius law, with activation energy values equal to 1.55 and 1.54 eV for heating and cooling cycle, respectively. The nonferroelectric state of the grain boundary and its correlation with symmetry are discussed in the temperature domain. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.
Both systemically administered furosemide and isoproterenol produce water intake (i.e., thirst). Curiously, however, in light of the endocrine and hemodynamic effects produced by these treatments, they are remarkably ineffective in eliciting intake of hypertonic saline solutions (i.e., operationally defined as sodium appetite). Recent work indicates that bilateral injections of the serotonin receptor antagonist methysergide into the lateral parabrachial nuclei (LPBN) markedly enhance a preexisting sodium appetite. The present studies establish that a de novo sodium appetite can be induced with LPBN-methysergide treatment under experimental conditions in which only water is typically ingested. The effects of bilateral LPBN injections of methysergide were studied on the intake of water and 0.3 M NaCl following acute (beginning 1 h after treatment) diuretic (furosemide)-induced sodium and water depletion and following subcutaneous isoproterenol treatment. With vehicle injected into the LPBN, furosemide treatment and isoproterenol injection both caused water drinking but essentially no intake of hypertonic saline. In contrast, bilateral treatment of the LPBN with methysergide induced the intake of 0.3 M NaCl after subcutaneous furosemide and isoproterenol. Water intake induced by subcutaneous furosemide or isoproterenol was not changed by LPBN-methysergide injections. The results indicate that blockade of LPBN-serotonin receptors produces a marked intake of hypertonic NaCl (i.e., a de novo sodium appetite) after furosemide treatment as well as subcutaneous isoproterenol.
Synthesis and crystallographic data are reported for low and high temperature forms of LiLa(CrO4)2. The compounds are closely related to lamellar rare earth phosphates and arsenates of sodium and to RbLu(CrO4)2. Lattice parameters of the orthorhombic (low temperature) and monoclinic (high temperature) forms are given. The low temperature form is moisture sensitive and Li+ ions are easily displaced by protons. Thermal decomposition takes place at 250 °C and results in the formation of LiCrO2, LaCrO4, LaCrO3 and Cr2O3. © 1993.
We studied the nicotine stimulation of the amygdaloid complex (AMG) on sodium and water intake in satiated and water-deprived rats. Nicotine produced no change in sodium or water intake in satiated animals when injected directly into the AMG. In water-deprived animals, nicotine injected into the AMG (basolateral nuclei) only blocked sodium chloride intake. We have previously demontrated that carbachol inhibits water and sodium intake in both satiated and water-deprived animals injected into the AMG. Injection of hexamethonium into the AMG totally blocked water intake in satiated and water-deprived animals. Hexamethonium injected into the AMG prior to nicotine produced no change in sodium intake. Thus, the present data suggest that sodium and water intake are mediated by a specific population of cholinoceptive neurons in the amygdaloid complex.
Polymeric precursor solution was used to deposit LiNbO3 thin films by dip coating on sapphire substrates. The effects of processing variables, such as heat treatment conditions and number of deposited layers, on crystallinity and morphology of the final films were investigated. X-ray diffraction patterns show the oriented growth of the films. The rocking curves, obtained around the (006) LiNbO3 peak, revealed that the shape peak and the FWHM value were influenced by the processing variables. According to these parameters, some films presented very homogeneous dense and smooth surfaces, as shown by the SEM and AFM studies.
Polymeric precursor solution (Pechini method) was used to deposit LiNbO 3 thin films by spin-coating on (100) silicon substrates. X-ray diffraction data of thin films showed that the increase of oxygen flow promotes a preferred orientation of (001) LiNbO 3 planes parallel to the substrate surface. Surface roughness and grain size, observed by atomic force microscopy, change also with oxygen flow. © 2002 Taylor & Francis.
The discovery of neurogenesis in adult brains opened the possibility of cellular therapy strategies for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Neurogenesis in the adult brain occurs in two areas: subgranular zone of the hippocampus and subventricular zone (SVZ) of the lateral ventricles. Neurons that originate from the SVZ migrate to the olfactory bulb (OB) through the rostral migratory stream (RMS). In Alzheimer’s disease, there is a progressive neuronal dysfunction and degeneration, resulting in brain atrophy and cognitive impairments including olfactory dysfunction. Several studies have demonstrated that pharmacological treatment with lithium exerts positive effects on adult neurogenesis, and one pathway seems to be the modulation of factors that regulate the migration of neuroblasts. The objective of this study was to investigate whether treatment with lithium promotes the increase of migratory neuroblasts using as parameter the RMS. Adult male C57BL/6 mice were divided into control and lithium-treated groups. The animals were treated for 6 weeks and, at four different time points, i.e., 10 days, 7 days, 3 days and 1 day before the end of treatments, they received an injection of BrdU (cell proliferation marker). The animals were sacrificed by perfusion fixation and the brains were immunohistochemically labeled for BrdU for analysis of migrating neuroblasts in the RMS. The results showed that the number of BrdU+ cells in the RMS was not significantly different between the two groups, suggesting that lithium, alone, is not capable of increasing the number of neuroblasts migrating from the SVZ to the OB
[EN]This paper presents our research about nucleation and its dependency with external conditions, as well as the internal characteristics of the solution itself. Among the research lines of our group, we has been studying the influence of electric fields over two different but related compounds: Lithium-Potassium Sulfate and Lithium-Amonium Sulfate, which both of them show a variation on the nucleation ratio when an electric field is applied during the crystal growth. Moreover, in this paper will be explained a laboratory protocol to teach universitary Science students the nucleation process itself and how it depends on external applied conditions, e.g. electric fields.
Renal sodium retention in experimental liver cirrhosis originates from the distal nephron sensitive to aldosterone. The aims of this study were to (1) determine the exact site of sodium retention along the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron, and (2) to evaluate the role of aldosterone and mineralocorticoid receptor activation in this process. Liver cirrhosis was induced by bile duct ligation in either adrenal-intact or corticosteroid-clamped mice. Corticosteroid-clamp was achieved through adrenalectomy and corticosteroid supplementation with aldosterone and dexamethasone via osmotic minipumps. 24-hours renal sodium balance was evaluated in metabolic cages. Activity and expression of sodium- and potassium-dependent adenosine triphosphatase were determined in microdissected segments of nephron. Within 4-5 weeks, cirrhosis induced sodium retention in adrenal-intact mice and formation of ascites in 50% of mice. At that time, sodium- and potassium-dependent adenosine triphosphatase activity increased specifically in cortical collecting ducts. Hyperaldosteronemia was indicated by increases in urinary aldosterone excretion and in sgk1 (serum- and glucocorticoid-regulated kinase 1) mRNA expression in collecting ducts. Corticosteroid-clamp prevented induction of sgk1 but not cirrhosis-induced sodium retention, formation of ascites and stimulation of sodium- and potassium-dependent adenosine triphosphatase activity and expression (mRNA and protein) in collecting duct. These findings demonstrate that sodium retention in cirrhosis is independent of hyperaldosteronemia and of the activation of mineralocorticoid receptor. CONCLUSION: Bile duct ligation in mice induces cirrhosis which, within 4-5 weeks, leads to the induction of sodium- and potassium-dependent adenosine triphosphatase in cortical collecting ducts, to renal sodium retention and to the formation of ascites. Sodium retention, ascites formation and induction of sodium- and potassium-dependent adenosine triphosphatase are independent of the activation of mineralocorticoid receptors by either aldosterone or glucocorticoids.
The goal of this study was to investigate the effect of sodium intake on renal tissue oxygenation in humans. To this purpose, we measured renal hemodynamics, renal sodium handling, and renal oxygenation in normotensive (NT) and hypertensive (HT) subjects after 1 week of a high-sodium and 1 week of a low-sodium diet. Renal oxygenation was measured using blood oxygen level-dependent magnetic resonance. Tissue oxygenation was determined by the measurement of R2* maps on 4 coronal slices covering both kidneys. The mean R2* values in the medulla and cortex were calculated, with a low R2* indicating a high tissue oxygenation. Ten male NT (mean age: 26.5+/-7.4 years) and 8 matched HT subjects (mean age: 28.8+/-5.7 years) were studied. Cortical R2* was not different under the 2 conditions of salt intake. Medullary R2* was significantly lower under low sodium than high sodium in both NT and HT subjects (28.1+/-0.8 versus 31.3+/-0.6 s(-1); P<0.05 in NT; and 27.9+/-1.5 versus 30.3+/-0.8 s(-1); P<0.05, in HT), indicating higher medullary oxygenation under low-sodium conditions. In NT subjects, medullary oxygenation was positively correlated with proximal reabsorption of sodium and negatively with absolute distal sodium reabsorption, but not with renal plasma flow. In HT subjects, medullary oxygenation correlated with the 24-hour sodium excretion but not with proximal or with the distal handling of sodium. These data demonstrate that dietary sodium intake influences renal tissue oxygenation, low sodium intake leading to an increased renal medullary oxygenation both in normotensive and young hypertensive subjects.
Aldosterone promotes electrogenic sodium reabsorption through the amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). Here, we investigated the importance of ENaC and its positive regulator channel-activating protease 1 (CAP1/Prss8) in colon. Mice lacking the αENaC subunit in colonic superficial cells (Scnn1a(KO)) were viable, without fetal or perinatal lethality. Control mice fed a regular or low-salt diet had a significantly higher amiloride-sensitive rectal potential difference (∆PDamil) than control mice fed a high-salt diet. In Scnn1a(KO) mice, however, this salt restriction-induced increase in ∆PDamil did not occur, and the circadian rhythm of ∆PDamil was blunted. Plasma and urinary sodium and potassium did not change with regular or high-salt diets or potassium loading in control or Scnn1a(KO) mice. However, Scnn1a(KO) mice fed a low-salt diet lost significant amounts of sodium in their feces and exhibited high plasma aldosterone and increased urinary sodium retention. Mice lacking the CAP1/Prss8 in colonic superficial cells (Prss8(KO)) were viable, without fetal or perinatal lethality. Compared with controls, Prss8(KO) mice fed regular or low-salt diets exhibited significantly reduced ∆PDamil in the afternoon, but the circadian rhythm was maintained. Prss8(KO) mice fed a low-salt diet also exhibited sodium loss through feces and higher plasma aldosterone levels. Thus, we identified CAP1/Prss8 as an in vivo regulator of ENaC in colon. We conclude that, under salt restriction, activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in the kidney compensated for the absence of ENaC in colonic surface epithelium, leading to colon-specific pseudohypoaldosteronism type 1 with mineralocorticoid resistance without evidence of impaired potassium balance.
The dynamics of the two alkali metals sodium and cesium in crop plants are relevant in an ecological context. Redistribution processes for these elements in young wheat plants were investigated in the work reported here. Two days old wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Arina) were fed for 24 h with sodium‐22 (22Na) and cesium‐134 (134Cs) via the main root and incubated afterwards in a culture room. Cesium‐134 accumulated in newly formed parts of the main root and in the expanding leaves during the first 20 days after labeling, while 22Na accumulated transiently in these plant parts, reached a peak and declined after a few days. A high percentage of 22Na was released from the roots to the medium. Total Na in leaves also accumulated transiently, but its highest accumulation appeared later than the peak of 22Na. Therefore, the distribution and retranslocation processes differ considerably for sodium and cesium in wheat plants. Such differences must be considered for the evaluation of environmental effects (e.g., release of pollutants into the environment) on the quality of harvested cereal products.
Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 504B near the Costa Rica Rift is the deepest hole drilled in the ocean crust, penetrating a volcanic section, a transition zone and a sheeted dike complex. The distribution of Li and its isotopes through this 1.8-km section of oceanic crust reflects the varying conditions of seawater alteration with depth. The upper volcanic rocks, altered at low temperatures, are enriched in Li (5.6-27.3 ppm) and have heavier isotopic compositions (delta7Li=6.6-20.8?) relative to fresh mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) due to uptake of seawater Li into alteration clays. The Li content and isotopic compositions of the deeper volcanic rocks are similar to MORB, reflecting restricted seawater circulation in this section. The transition zone is a region of mixing of seawater with upwelling hydrothermal fluids and sulfide mineralization. Li enrichment in this zone is accompanied by relatively light isotopic compositions (-0.8-2.1?) which signify influence of basalt-derived Li during mineralization and alteration. Li decreases with depth to 0.6 ppm in the sheeted dike complex as a result of increasing hydrothermal extraction in the high-temperature reaction zone. Rocks in the dike complex have variable isotopic values that range from -1.7 to 7.9?, depending on the extent of hydrothermal recrystallization and off-axis low-temperature alteration. Hydrothermally altered rocks are isotopically light because 6Li is preferentially retained in greenschist and amphibolite facies minerals. The delta7Li values of the highly altered rocks of the dike complex are complementary to those of high-temperature mid-ocean ridge vent fluids and compatible to equilibrium control by the alteration mineral assemblage. The inventory of Li in basement rocks permits a reevaluation of the role of oceanic crust in the budget of Li in the ocean. On balance, the upper 1.8 km of oceanic crusts remains a sink for oceanic Li. The observations at 504B and an estimated flux from the underlying 0.5 km of gabbro suggest that the global hydrothermal flux is at most 8*10**9 mol/yr, compatible with geophysical thermal models. This work defines the distribution of Li and its isotopes in the upper ocean crust and provides a basis to interpret the contribution of subducted lithosphere to arc magmas and cycling of crustal material in the deep mantle.
This report summarizes chemical and isotopic data from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 195 Site 1201. Pore water is divided into three intervals based on the rate of chemical change with depth. The shallowest interval is the red clay unit between 1.26 and 56.40 meters below seafloor (mbsf). In this section, there are overall decreases in the concentrations of alkalinity, boron, lithium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, and sulfate, whereas concentrations of calcium and chloride increase. Values of d18O and dD plot near standard mean ocean water to the right of the global meteoric water line (GMWL). Five samples from 72.60 and 83.33 mbsf yielded pore water for analyses. These samples help define a trend in the second interval, which is between 56.4 and 238.98 mbsf. Here, concentrations of magnesium, potassium, sodium, and sulfate decease, whereas concentrations of boron, calcium, and chloride increase. Concentrations of alkalinity and lithium remain roughly constant. The deepest interval, between 238.04 and 504.8 mbsf, has comparatively slower decreases of sodium and sulfate, increases of calcium and chloride, slow increases of alkalinity and lithium, and roughly constant concentrations of magnesium, potassium, and boron. Values of d18O and dD in pore water between 146.98 and 504.80 mbsf plot in a linear trend to the right of the GMWL.