898 resultados para socio-cultural encouragement
La comunicación propuesta trata sobre los diferentes aspectos de la narrativa de Juan Marsé relacionados con la figura y la imagen de lo que en la cultura catalana se ha denominado como "xarnego", es decir, el inmigrante (por lo general "andaluz") en Catalunya. Esta denominación conlleva un matiz discriminatorio y racista con respecto a los catalanes "puros" y además conforma todo un arquetipo social del español arrogante, resentido y de origen incierto. Tales son a grandes rasgos los aspectos que Marsé "representa" en su literatura, basada ya en las novelas de Candel de los años 50 y que atañe a la identidad cultural del "ser" de Catalunya y a un conflicto social en el marco del desarrollo económico y cultural de la posguerra y de las décadas siguientes. La comunicación tiene como hilo conductor las siguientes novelas de Juan Marsé: Últimas tardes con Teresa, La oscura historia de la prima Montse y El amante bilingüe. Cada una de estas novelas serán analizadas desde una perspectiva socio-cultural siguiendo el desarrollo de la imagen del "xarnego".
El objetivo de este artículo es realizar un aporte desde la Antropología socio-cultural al debate que se está dando entre Educación Física y Educación Corporal. Dado el énfasis de esta última perspectiva por incluir en sus prácticas la consideración de que el cuerpo no es asimilable al organismo biológico y que es indisoluble de los contextos socio-culturales, haré referencia a la noción contemporánea de cultura y a los debates que se han dado en la Antropología acerca de la distinción entre naturaleza y cultura. Junto con este problema, y haciéndome eco del interés actual en el campo de la Educación Corporal por analizar las diferencias entre las nociones de organismo y de cuerpo, y sus implicancias en las prácticas de las profesoras y los profesores del área, revisaré las conceptualizaciones socio-antropológicas sobre el cuerpo, distinguiendo diferentes líneas de abordaje sobre lo corporal. Para ejemplificar esta problemática, haré referencia a la concepción pionera de Marcel Mauss de "técnicas corporales"
El objetivo de este artículo es realizar un aporte desde la Antropología socio-cultural al debate que se está dando entre Educación Física y Educación Corporal. Dado el énfasis de esta última perspectiva por incluir en sus prácticas la consideración de que el cuerpo no es asimilable al organismo biológico y que es indisoluble de los contextos socio-culturales, haré referencia a la noción contemporánea de cultura y a los debates que se han dado en la Antropología acerca de la distinción entre naturaleza y cultura. Junto con este problema, y haciéndome eco del interés actual en el campo de la Educación Corporal por analizar las diferencias entre las nociones de organismo y de cuerpo, y sus implicancias en las prácticas de las profesoras y los profesores del área, revisaré las conceptualizaciones socio-antropológicas sobre el cuerpo, distinguiendo diferentes líneas de abordaje sobre lo corporal. Para ejemplificar esta problemática, haré referencia a la concepción pionera de Marcel Mauss de "técnicas corporales"
La comunicación propuesta trata sobre los diferentes aspectos de la narrativa de Juan Marsé relacionados con la figura y la imagen de lo que en la cultura catalana se ha denominado como "xarnego", es decir, el inmigrante (por lo general "andaluz") en Catalunya. Esta denominación conlleva un matiz discriminatorio y racista con respecto a los catalanes "puros" y además conforma todo un arquetipo social del español arrogante, resentido y de origen incierto. Tales son a grandes rasgos los aspectos que Marsé "representa" en su literatura, basada ya en las novelas de Candel de los años 50 y que atañe a la identidad cultural del "ser" de Catalunya y a un conflicto social en el marco del desarrollo económico y cultural de la posguerra y de las décadas siguientes. La comunicación tiene como hilo conductor las siguientes novelas de Juan Marsé: Últimas tardes con Teresa, La oscura historia de la prima Montse y El amante bilingüe. Cada una de estas novelas serán analizadas desde una perspectiva socio-cultural siguiendo el desarrollo de la imagen del "xarnego".
El objetivo de este artículo es realizar un aporte desde la Antropología socio-cultural al debate que se está dando entre Educación Física y Educación Corporal. Dado el énfasis de esta última perspectiva por incluir en sus prácticas la consideración de que el cuerpo no es asimilable al organismo biológico y que es indisoluble de los contextos socio-culturales, haré referencia a la noción contemporánea de cultura y a los debates que se han dado en la Antropología acerca de la distinción entre naturaleza y cultura. Junto con este problema, y haciéndome eco del interés actual en el campo de la Educación Corporal por analizar las diferencias entre las nociones de organismo y de cuerpo, y sus implicancias en las prácticas de las profesoras y los profesores del área, revisaré las conceptualizaciones socio-antropológicas sobre el cuerpo, distinguiendo diferentes líneas de abordaje sobre lo corporal. Para ejemplificar esta problemática, haré referencia a la concepción pionera de Marcel Mauss de "técnicas corporales"
La comunicación propuesta trata sobre los diferentes aspectos de la narrativa de Juan Marsé relacionados con la figura y la imagen de lo que en la cultura catalana se ha denominado como "xarnego", es decir, el inmigrante (por lo general "andaluz") en Catalunya. Esta denominación conlleva un matiz discriminatorio y racista con respecto a los catalanes "puros" y además conforma todo un arquetipo social del español arrogante, resentido y de origen incierto. Tales son a grandes rasgos los aspectos que Marsé "representa" en su literatura, basada ya en las novelas de Candel de los años 50 y que atañe a la identidad cultural del "ser" de Catalunya y a un conflicto social en el marco del desarrollo económico y cultural de la posguerra y de las décadas siguientes. La comunicación tiene como hilo conductor las siguientes novelas de Juan Marsé: Últimas tardes con Teresa, La oscura historia de la prima Montse y El amante bilingüe. Cada una de estas novelas serán analizadas desde una perspectiva socio-cultural siguiendo el desarrollo de la imagen del "xarnego".
The thesis is concerned with cross-cultural distance learning in two countries: Great Britain and France. Taking the example of in-house sales training, it argues that it is possible to develop courses for use in two or more countries of differing culture and language. Two courses were developed by the researcher. Both were essentially print-based distance-learning courses designed to help salespeople achieve a better understanding of their customers. One used a quantitative, the other qualitative approach. One considered the concept of the return on investment and the other, for which a video support was also developed, considered the analysis of a customer's needs. Part 1 of the thesis considers differences in the training context between France and Britain followed by a review of the learning process with reference to distance learning. Part 2 looks at the choice of training medium course design and evaluation and sets out the methodology adopted, including problems encountered in this type of fieldwork. Part 3 analyses the data and draws conclusions from the findings, before offering a series of guidelines for those concerned with the development of cross-cultural in-house training courses. The results of the field tests on the two courses were analysed in relation to the socio-cultural, educational and experiential background of the learners as well as their preferred learning styles. The thesis argues that it is possible to develop effective in-house sales training courses to be used in two cultures and identifies key considerations which need to be taken into account when carrying out this type of work.
This study tests Ogbu and Simons' Cultural-Ecological Theory of School Performance using data from the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study of 2001 (PIRLS), a large-scale international survey and reading assessment involving fourth grade students from 35 countries, including the United States. This theory argues that Black immigrant students outperform their non-immigrant counterparts, academically, and that achievement differences are attributed to stronger educational commitment in Black immigrant families. Four hypotheses are formulated to test this theory: Black immigrant students have (a) more receptive attitudes toward reading; (b) a more positive reading self-concept; and (c) a higher level of reading literacy. Furthermore, (d) the relationship of immigrant status to reading perceptions and literacy persists after including selected predictors. These hypotheses are tested separately for girls and boys, while also examining immigrant students' generational status (i.e., foreign-born or second-generation). ^ PIRLS data from a subset of Black students (N=525) in the larger U.S. sample of 3,763 are analyzed to test the hypotheses, using analysis of variance, correlation and multiple regression techniques. Findings reveal that hypotheses a and b are not confirmed (contradicting the Cultural-Ecological Theory) and c and d are partially supported (lending partial support to the theory). Specifically, immigrant and non-immigrant students did not differ in attitudes toward reading or reading self-concept; second-generation immigrant boys outperformed both non-immigrant and foreign-born immigrant boys in reading literacy, but no differences were found among girls; and, while being second-generation immigrant had a relatively stronger relationship to reading literacy for boys, among girls, selected socio-cultural predictors, number of books in the home and length of U.S. residence, had relatively stronger relationship to reading self-concept than did immigrant status. This study, therefore, indicates that future research employing the Cultural-Ecological Theory should: (a) take gender and generational status into account (b) identify additional socio-cultural predictors of Black children's academic perceptions and performance; and (c) continue to build on this body of evidence-based knowledge to better inform educational policy and school personnel in addressing needs of all children. ^
Fisheries are very important to Uganda's economy. The sector provides a vital source of food, recreation, trade and socioeconomic well being for the people and community globally. The fisheries of small lakes are important for producing fish for local populations who are not near the large lakes. These satellite lakes support important fisheries and other economic activities like fishing, water for domestic purposes and tourism, besides socio-cultural values. A number-of fish;- species, some of which were found only in Lake Victoria have been depleted through over-exploitation, introduction of exotics especiaily Nile perch and environmental degradation. Some of these fishes have been observed to survive in satellite lakes in the Victoria and Kyoga Lake basins. The Nabugabo satellite lakes (Manywa, Kayugi and Kayanja) contain endemic Cichlid fish species acting as reservoirs and therefore very important for conservation of fish biodiversity. Despite the socio-economic importance and uniqueness of these satellite lakes little research on socio-economic studies has been carried out. The sustainability of the lake is being threatened by increasing human activities. The fish stocks and species diversity are declining and this poses a threat to the livelihood of the people who depend on fish for food and income. Arising from this need a study was carried out to establish the socio-economic aspects of Nabugabo fisheries and implications for management, on which basis resource users would be made aware of the impacts of their activities. It was hoped that this would go further to ensure wise use and management of the resources by the users. The specific objectives were identifying activities around the lake, establishing socioeconomic values attached to the lake, identifying problems of the lake and resource users and examining existing local based management institutions. Results show that the activities taking place around the lakes include fishing, farming, watering of animals, deforestation and charcoal burning, brick making, resort beach development and food and refreshment. The major problem facing the lake was found to be encroachment of Hippo grass (Vossia) on the lake, which is decreasing the size of the lake, and limiting open waters for fishing (this only applied to Lake Nabugabo). Other important problems include use of illegal fishing methods, declining fish stocks and loss of cultural identity. The resource users are most pressed by the low incomes resulting from poor fish catches, theft of gears and lack of market. On examining the resource base for the lakes, it was only Lake Nabugabo that had a Landing Management Committee. The other three lakes did not have leadership institutions in place except the local councils for the respective villages. This was probably due to observed limited fisheries activities. Majority of the respondents agreed that Government and other service providers should work jointly to supplement local beach management committees in the management of the lakes resources. This is a good gesture because with increase in fishing effort and rampant use of illegal fishing methods, there is need to strengthen management institutions present on the lake. This would require Government, local community and other service providers to work together in a participatory way to control environment-degrading activities and stop the use of illegal fishing methods. Burning of vegetation on the lake should be stopped since it enhances growth of this grass. Finally, traditional taboos; which are present on some of the Nabugabo lakes, should be enhanced, as away of preserving them.
Portugal, nas últimas décadas, como efeito da globalização, adjetivou-se de multicultural, fazendo verdadeiramente valer a sua função de país de acolhimento. É natural, portanto, a existência de uma certa heterogeneidade sociocultural e diversidade linguística nas escolas portuguesas. Ora, a Escola Básica de 2.º e 3.º Ciclos, onde implementámos o nosso estudo, não constituiu em si a exceção. Porém, constatámos que a diversidade nela existente, embora respeitada, não era devidamente valorizada. Perante tal situação, traçámos como finalidade do estudo o desenvolvimento de uma investigação que nos concedesse um instrumento, a ser trabalhado numa aula de Português, que incide sobre a partilha de memórias de infância caminhando para a valorização e tomada de consciência do Outro linguística e culturalmente diferente. Consequentemente, esperamos contribuir para a melhor integração dos alunos provenientes de outras culturas e para a não existência de eventuais mecanismos de discriminação. Os nossos dados foram, essencialmente, recolhidos através da análise das memórias escritas dos alunos e de uma entrevista a uma aluna cabo-verdiana, constituindo esta a sua biografia linguística. No tratamento da informação recorremos a uma metodologia qualitativa com análise de conteúdo em que foram determinadas as categorias a conhecer: Brincadeiras de infância, Locais preferidos, Encontros interculturais e Momento da infância mais saudoso. A Declaração de Princípios sobre a Tolerância (1995) afirma que a diversidade deve ser reconhecida como uma riqueza a aceitar e a desenvolver. “A tolerância (…) é a harmonia na diferença.” (Artigo 1.º, 1.1). Como tal, através dos resultados do nosso projeto, acreditamos que com o trabalho em torno das memórias de infância é possível fomentar uma educação intercultural que potencie a referida tolerância e forme alunos capazes de dar resposta aos novos desafios desta nossa sociedade mutável que se conjetura cada vez mais multicultural e multilingue.
A partir de los estudios sobre turismo cultural sostenible realizados en San Agustín e Isnos, se propone una reflexión sobre las prioridades e intereses que marcan el desarrollo de las poblaciones involucradas. Así mismo, se proponen alternativas para generar procesos de participación que promuevan el bienestar de las comunidades locales y la sostenibilidad económica, ambiental y socio-cultural del destino turístico.
Kenya is composed of over 40 ethnic communities who practice varied methods of animal handling and slaughter. Socio-cultural and religious traditions have the potential to influence animal handling and slaughter practices. These influences have, however, not been documented in the literature as far as the author is aware. Also, the literature has documented the connection between the manner of animal treatment and meat quality, but this is rarely discussed in the literature in Kenya; this connection is important as it informs modern meat trade practices by Kenyans as they trade in the global arena. This survey aimed to mainly establish and document the animal slaughter practices among Kenyan communities, and, to also highlight any current provisions related to meeting modern animal welfare requirements, animal handling procedures in the meat trade and discuss their potential influence on meat quality available in commerce in Kenya. This preliminary study surveyed the slaughter practices among 10 different Kenyan communities through a semi-structured questionnaire, focus group discussions and individual interviews. The survey demonstrated that different Kenyan communities practice varied methods of animal slaughter depending on whether the animal being slaughtered is for public feasting, domestic consumption or commercial merchandizing. The Kenyan communities surveyed in this study depend mainly on males to slaughter livestock for females preparing it for domestic use using a number of instruments and methods. For small stock for domestic consumption, females may slaughter the animal except for Muslims whose males have to slaughter the animal with a special knife (a Khalef) according to Muslim rites to render it Halal. Large stock is invariably slaughtered by males irrespective of the community, and the manner of use of the carcass. Gender, age, religion, community and the size of the animal were the major determinants of the method of animal slaughter. The animal welfare issues highlighted in the survey and related to the handling and slaughter of livestock have important implications for meat quality during commercial merchandizing. There is an apparent need to provide education to herders, livestock handlers, employees and management in the livestock industry in Kenya on the relationship between animal welfare requirements, animal handling procedures and meat quality. Such awareness can potentially improve the quality and economic value of the meat available in commerce.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura com Especialização em Arquitectura de Interiores, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.